88R15582 BK-D
  By: Johnson, Parker, West S.R. No. 466
         WHEREAS, The Dallas Bar Association, the first bar
  association to incorporate in the State of Texas, is celebrating
  the 150th anniversary of its founding in 2023; and
         WHEREAS, In 1873, the Dallas Bar Association was formed by a
  group of 40 attorneys during an era of substantial growth for the
  city of Dallas; the organization remained without a formal
  headquarters until 1937, when a small space in the Old Red
  Courthouse was reserved for this purpose; a decade later, the DBA
  made history with its incorporation, and an effort to secure a
  building for the association's new headquarters culminated in 1955,
  when it opened offices, meeting facilities, and a dining room on the
  lobby floor of the Adolphus Hotel; and
         WHEREAS, Today, the Dallas Bar Association is an
  11,000-member-strong organization that is dedicated to serving and
  supporting the legal profession in Dallas and promoting good
  relations among lawyers, judges, and the public; the DBA offers its
  members myriad opportunities to develop their careers, network with
  other professionals, and give back to their community, and it has
  made a positive impact by offering pro bono services to residents in
  need; and
         WHEREAS, Since the 1950s, the DBA has benefited low-income
  clients through its Lawyer Referral Service and the Dallas Legal
  Aid Society, and the legacy of these two organizations continues
  through the organization's modern-day charitable efforts; in
  partnership with Legal Aid of NorthWest Texas, the DBA hosts an
  annual fundraising drive called the Equal Access to Justice
  Campaign, which supports its efforts to provide civil legal aid to
  the community; and
         WHEREAS, The Dallas Bar Association has contributed greatly
  to the integrity and advancement of the legal profession and to the
  cause of equal justice for all citizens, and the organization
  enjoys a well-deserved reputation for excellence through its record
  of service over the course of a century and a half; now, therefore,
  be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature
  hereby commemorate the 150th anniversary of the Dallas Bar
  Association and extend to its leadership and members sincere best
  wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for the association as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas Senate.