2023S0387-1 04/24/23
  By: West S.R. No. 477
         WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to
  recognize Mary Magdalene Davis-Parry on the occasion of her 100th
  birthday, which will be celebrated at a gathering of friends and
  family on May 6, 2023; and
         WHEREAS, Mary Magdalene Davis was born on May 6, 1923, in
  Centerville to Haywood Davis and Mary Hannah of Leon County; as a
  young woman, Mary moved to the Roosevelt Heights community of
  South Dallas, and she devoted herself to helping and providing
  for her family, friends, and the members of her community; and
         WHEREAS, Mary is a beloved matriarch and an exemplary
  citizen who delights in serving others; she has been an active
  worker in the church throughout her life and has dedicated her
  time and energy to spreading messages of faith and love to those
  she has encountered through her endeavors; and
         WHEREAS, A woman of virtue and grace, Mary is a blessing to
  her family and to her Dallas community; she has played an
  instrumental role in the educational and spiritual development
  of her nieces and nephews, and she has been a source of support,
  encouragement, and guidance in the lives of countless others; and
         WHEREAS, A treasured Texan and a cherished member of her
  family and community, Mary has lived through times and events
  that most people only read about in history books, and there is
  much to be learned from the wisdom she has gained over the years;
  it is indeed fitting that her friends and loved ones gather to
  express their appreciation and affection for her and join in
  celebrating this extraordinary milestone in her life; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby recognize Mary Magdalene Davis-Parry on the
  grand occasion of her 100th birthday and extend to her best
  wishes for a most enjoyable and memorable birthday celebration;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for
  her as a momento of this special day.