WHEREAS, Allan Rubino of Temple has served the Texas Health
  and Human Services Commission for a half century; and
         WHEREAS, Hired as an auditor in 1972, when the agency was
  known as the Texas Department of Public Welfare, Mr. Rubino can
  recall the days when his office received 100-pound boxes of
  financial statements and general ledgers to be audited; he
  received computer training in 1983, when technology eliminated
  the need for calculators filled with paper tape and pens and
  pencils fell out of fashion; and
         WHEREAS, Mr. Rubino worked as a field auditor for some
  time, allowing him to learn new things as he talked to many
  interesting people among the state contractors; over the years,
  he has been delighted to see the workforce grow more diverse, and
  he now enjoys becoming friends with coworkers from all over the
  world, including Africa, India, and Sri Lanka; and
         WHEREAS, In 2002, Mr. Rubino retired, but within a month,
  he was back on the job; he is now an Auditor IV in the Provider
  Finance division; in his free time, he likes attending high
  school and college football games and taking day trips around the
  state with his wife; they are the proud parents of a son, and the
  family has traveled to all 50 states; and
         WHEREAS, Allan Rubino has greatly benefited his fellow
  citizens through his enduring commitment to public service, and
  he has made many significant contributions to the HHSC during his
  remarkable career; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby honor Allan Rubino for 50 years of service to
  the Texas Health and Human Services Commission and extend to him
  sincere best wishes for continued success; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be
  prepared for Mr. Rubino as an expression of high regard from the
  Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 2, 2023.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate