88R26687 TBO-D
  By: Flores S.R. No. 504
         WHEREAS, A life made rich though meaningful service drew to a
  close with the passing of former Atascosa County sheriff Tommy
  Williams on April 8, 2023, at the age of 86; and
         WHEREAS, Tommy Williams was born on February 25, 1937;
  answering his nation's call to duty, he joined the U.S. Army in
  1957, and he proudly served for six years; and
         WHEREAS, On January 1, 1973, Mr. Williams became sheriff of
  Atascosa County, and in the course of his tenure, he earned
  statewide recognition and the deep respect and admiration of his
  colleagues for his generosity, professionalism, and steadfast
  commitment to duty; he ultimately concluded his time in office on
  December 31, 2012, after four decades of dedicated service; a
  leader in his field, he was a Lifetime Member and past president of
  the Sheriffs' Association of Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Blessed with a devoted family, Mr. Williams shared a
  rewarding marriage with his wife, Sandra, who preceded him in
  death; he took great pride in their daughter, Amber, and with the
  passing years, he had the pleasure of welcoming into his family a
  granddaughter, Paige, and a grandson, John; and
         WHEREAS, A man of honesty and integrity who made an indelible
  impact in his community, Tommy Williams leaves behind a legacy that
  will long be treasured by all those who held him dear; now,
  therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature
  hereby pay tribute to the memory of Tommy Williams and extend
  sincere condolences to the members of his family: to his daughter,
  Amber Carter, and her wife, Calli; to his granddaughter, Paige
  Merryman; to his grandson, John Merryman; to his cousin, Darrell
  Hickey, and his wife, Sandy; to his bonus daughters, Dicki Lee
  Poppell-Sparks and Minda Hyde; and to his other relatives and many
  friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas Senate adjourns this
  day, it do so in memory of Tommy Williams.