In Memory
  Lee Wilson
         WHEREAS, All who shared in the life of Lee Brooks Wilson of
  Austin were deeply saddened by his passing on April 16, 2023, at
  the age of 66; and
         WHEREAS, The son of Gloria and James "Tom" Thompson, Lee
  Wilson was born on October 21, 1956, and he grew up with the
  companionship of two brothers, Paul and Leroy; as a child, he
  helped out at his grandfather's café in Austin, and he spent his
  teen years in Japan before attending college in Bossier City,
  Louisiana, and East Lansing, Michigan; he graduated from
  Michigan State University and went on to complete his education
  at The University of Texas at Austin School of Law; and
         WHEREAS, In all his endeavors, Mr. Wilson enjoyed the love
  and support of his wife, Jan Friese, and he took great pride in
  his son, Jamie; and
         WHEREAS, Although his loss is difficult to bear, Lee
  Wilson has left his family and friends with many cherished
  memories, and they will forever hold him close in their hearts;
  now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby pay tribute to the life of Lee Brooks Wilson
  and extend sincere condolences to the members of his family: to his
  wife, Jan Friese; to his son, Jamie Friese-Wilson; to his mother,
  Gloria Thompson; to his brother, Paul Brown, and his wife, Sheila;
  to his niece and nephew, Skylar and Clayton Brown; to his cousin,
  Pam Westbrook; to his uncle, Clayton "Wes" Westbrook; and to his
  other relatives and many friends; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be
  prepared for his family and that when the Texas Senate adjourns
  this day, it do so in memory of Lee Wilson.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 11, 2023, by a
    rising vote.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate