WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to |
recognize the Immunoglobulin A Nephropathy Foundation, also |
known as the IgAN Foundation, and its ambassadors on their many |
contributions to the fight against IgA nephropathy; and |
WHEREAS, Immunoglobulin A nephropathy is an autoimmune |
disorder caused by the buildup of immunoglobulin A, a protein |
that helps to fight infections but also can affect the normal |
blood-filtering process in the kidneys; while treatment can slow |
the progress of the disease and prevent complications, IgAN has |
no known cure; an estimated 20 to 40 percent of affected |
individuals will eventually develop end-stage kidney disease and |
require dialysis or a kidney transplant; and |
WHEREAS, More than 30 clinical trials are underway for |
rare kidney diseases, including trials for IgAN, yet there is an |
ongoing need for research and development of new therapies; and |
WHEREAS, IgAN often goes undetected, and the need for |
increased awareness of the disease and its risk factors is |
critical; National IgA Nephropathy Awareness Day on May 14 brings |
attention to the disease, and many public health agencies and |
medical experts are working to disseminate knowledge about |
nephropathy to the general public; and |
WHEREAS, The IgAN Foundation focused on finding a cure for |
IgAN; the foundation seeks to create a supportive patient |
community by facilitating patient advocacy and empowering those |
living with IgAN to share their stories with others; and |
WHEREAS, The dedicated advocates and organizations that |
are raising awareness of IgAN, building support and community for |
patients and their families, and embracing hope that new research |
will lead to improved diagnoses, treatments, and a cure are |
indeed deserving of special recognition on their extraordinary |
efforts to encourage and help people living with IgAN; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th |
Legislature, hereby commend the IgAN Foundation and its |
ambassadors on continuing the fight against IgA Nephropathy; |
and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for |
the organization as an expression of esteem from the Texas |
Senate. |