WHEREAS, Two decades have passed since the tragic death of
  Ortralla Mosley, and her mother, Carolyn White-Mosley, has since
  done extraordinary work to prevent other families from suffering
  the loss of a loved one to teen dating violence; and
         WHEREAS, Ortralla Mosley was only 15 years old when she
  lost her life on May 28, 2003, at the hands of her ex-boyfriend;
  her death left a deep void in the lives of her family and friends,
  and in the midst of tremendous grief, Ms. White-Mosley dedicated
  herself to honoring her daughter's memory and becoming a catalyst
  for change; she began working with a community safety task force
  to recommend safety measures to the Austin Independent School
  District, which led to the development of the first policies to
  prevent teen dating violence in the state of Texas; and
         WHEREAS, Ortralla Mosley's story inspired the creation of
  the Texas Advocacy Project's Teen Justice Initiative, which
  provides free legal services to students experiencing dating
  violence, and the passage of House Bill 121 by the 80th Texas
  Legislature, which requires all school districts in the state to
  adopt dating violence policies like those developed by Austin
  ISD; this groundbreaking piece of legislation has since served as
  a model for laws in other states; and
         WHEREAS, In 2010, Carolyn White-Mosley joined together
  with a group of young activists, including her daughter's friend
  RaeAnne Spence, to advocate for the establishment of February as
  National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month;
  Ms. White-Mosley continued to push for legislative action on the
  issue, and in 2013, she met with then-Vice President Joe Biden to
  support the inclusion of language addressing teen violence in the
  Violence Against Women Act; recently, she has remained active in
  her community by overseeing afterschool programs for youth; and
         WHEREAS, Carolyn White-Mosley has demonstrated an
  unwavering commitment to building a future where all young people
  are safe, secure, and free from fear and abuse, and she has
  touched the lives of countless people through her tireless
  dedication to this important cause; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby honor Carolyn White-Mosley for her efforts
  to end teen dating violence and pay tribute to the legacy of her
  daughter, Ortralla Mosley, on the 20th anniversary of her death;
  and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this Resolution be
  prepared for Ms. White-Mosley as an expression of high regard
  from the Texas Senate.
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 16, 2023.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate