WHEREAS, The Senate of the State of Texas is pleased to |
recognize Kit Tennison Moncrief, who recently was elected chair |
of the Texas Christian University board of trustees; and |
WHEREAS, Noted for her outstanding leadership and her |
devoted service to numerous philanthropic and cultural |
organizations in the Fort Worth area, Kit Moncrief has served the |
Texas Christian University's board of trustees for many years, |
and her election as chair in 2023 distinguishes her as the first |
woman to serve the university in this position as the school |
celebrates its 150th anniversary; and |
WHEREAS, The Texas Christian University board of trustees |
comprises up to 50 board members who meet biannually to review |
university policies, frame new bylaws, and develop long-term |
institutional strategies to promote the university's longevity, |
financial stability, and educational mission; and |
WHEREAS, Kit is a committed and diligent philanthropist |
who also has earned a reputation as a talented leader who has |
served as vice chair of the board since 2017; Kit is a past |
president of the Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers |
Foundation and the Moncrief Cancer Foundation; she is a board |
member of The University of Texas Southwestern Moncrief Cancer |
Institute, the Brown Lupton Foundation, the Laura W. Bush |
Institute for Women's Health, the Fort Worth Stock Show and |
Rodeo, the Modern Art Museum of Fort Worth, and the Fort Worth |
Museum of Science and History; and |
WHEREAS, A passionate animal lover, in addition to |
cochairing the Fort Worth Zoological Association, Kit cofounded |
the Saving Hope Foundation, an organization that works to end |
animal abuse and neglect through advocacy, education, and |
sterilization programs; and |
WHEREAS, As Kit assumes her new role as chair of the board |
of trustees, her legacy of prudent and loyal leadership holds |
great promise of a stellar future for Texas Christian University, |
and her extensive knowledge and invaluable experience in |
organization and administration will undoubtedly serve the |
university in its continued pursuit of excellence; now, |
therefore, be it |
RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th |
Legislature, hereby commend Kit Moncrief on her election as chair |
of the Texas Christian University board of trustees and extend to |
her best wishes for success throughout her tenure and in all of |
her endeavors; and, be it further |
RESOLVED, That a copy of this Resolution be prepared for |
her as an expression of esteem from the Texas Senate. |