88R26738 BPG-D
  By: Miles, Alvarado, Whitmire S.R. No. 661
         WHEREAS, Dr. Cesar Maldonado has made significant
  contributions to higher education and workforce development as
  chancellor of Houston Community College; and
         WHEREAS, Named chancellor of the six-college system in 2014,
  Dr. Maldonado has fostered an inclusive, supportive culture for
  students and staff while boosting academic achievement through
  innovative programs; his restructuring of HCC has increased the
  number of graduates by over 12 percent per year, and the scholastic
  performance of first-year students has improved markedly; and
         WHEREAS, Dr. Maldonado has established academic partnerships
  that allow students to transition seamlessly to specified four-year
  programs at such institutions as Texas A&M University, The
  University of Texas at Tyler, and Stephen F. Austin State
  University; in addition, he has developed partnerships with local
  industries to open pathways for students eager to enter the
  workforce after obtaining an associate's degree or certificate; and
         WHEREAS, Ably steering the institution through such
  challenges as Hurricane Harvey and the COVID-19 pandemic,
  Dr. Maldonado has focused on fiscal stability, including debt
  reduction and strengthening of reserves, as a key element of
  strategic planning; at the same time, he has overseen the expansion
  of HCC to 19 campuses and facilities; among HCC's 14 new Centers of
  Excellence are the Challenger Learning Center for Space Science and
  the Resiliency Operations Center; moreover, HCC has been reaffirmed
  twice as an Achieving the Dream Leader College, signaling a solid
  commitment to educational access and quality; and
         WHEREAS, The recipient of numerous honors, Dr. Maldonado was
  presented with the Houston Hispanic Chamber of Commerce Chairman's
  Award; he was also named Most Admired Non-profit CEO by Houston
  Business Journal, and he has been elected to the Philosophical
  Society of Texas, the Texas Tech University Engineering Academy,
  and the Phi Theta Kappa Texas Hall of Fame for Student Engagement;
         WHEREAS, Dr. Maldonado brought to HCC an unusual breadth of
  experience; after more than 25 years as a business executive, he
  served as president of Texas State Technical College and as vice
  chancellor for institutional effectiveness and commercialization
  for the TSTC System; he holds bachelor's and master's degrees in
  chemical engineering from Texas A&M University and a doctorate in
  systems and engineering management from Texas Tech University; and
         WHEREAS, Through his adept leadership and commitment to
  excellence, Cesar Maldonado has greatly advanced the important
  mission of Houston Community College; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the 88th Texas Legislature
  hereby honor Dr. Cesar Maldonado for his service as chancellor of
  Houston Community College and extend to him sincere best wishes for
  the future; and, be it further
         RESOLVED, That an official copy of this resolution be
  prepared for Dr. Maldonado as an expression of high regard by the
  Texas Senate.