WHEREAS, The United States Navy christened its newest
  Independence-variant Littoral Combat Ship, the future USS
  Kingsville (LCS 36), in Mobile, Alabama, on April 22, 2023; and
         WHEREAS, The ship was named in honor of both the city of
  Kingsville and Naval Air Station Kingsville, highlighting the
  cooperative efforts of the two communities in behalf of the
  nation; its sponsor, Katherine Kline, performed the traditional
  breaking of a bottle of sparkling wine on the deck of the
  Kingsville at the Austal USA shipyard; she represents the sixth
  generation of the King Ranch family, descended from steamboat
  Captain Richard King, who founded the ranch in Kingsville in
  1853; nearly nine decades later, the Naval Air Station Kingsville
  was established, and it has enjoyed a special relationship with
  the ranch ever since; Ms. Kline's father, Dr. Richard Sugden,
  was a Navy flight surgeon who held the rank of lieutenant
  commander in the U.S. Navy; and
         WHEREAS, Armed with guns, missiles, and helicopters, the
  ship is 418 feet long and can reach speeds of over 40 knots; the
  18th Independence-variant Littoral Combat Ship belongs to a class
  of fast, optimally manned, mission-tailored surface combatants;
  they operate in near-shore and open-ocean environments to address
  21st-century coastal threats, and they integrate with joint,
  combined, manned, and unmanned teams to support forward presence,
  maritime security, sea control, and deterrence missions all over
  the world; like the other littoral ships of the trimaran variant,
  it will be stationed at Naval Base San Diego after its scheduled
  commissioning in the summer of 2024; and
         WHEREAS, The naming of this combat ship in honor of the
  city of Kingsville and Naval Air Station Kingsville is a
  reflection of the role these communities have played in our
  nation's security, and it is a source of great pride to area
  residents as well as to citizens throughout the great State of
  Texas; now, therefore, be it
         RESOLVED, That the Senate of the State of Texas, 88th
  Legislature, hereby commemorate the christening of the future
  USS Kingsville (LCS 36).
        President of the Senate
        I hereby certify that the
    above Resolution was adopted by
    the Senate on May 26, 2023.
        Secretary of the Senate
         Member, Texas Senate