Austin, Texas
April 4, 2023

Honorable Brian Birdwell, Chair, Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Economic Development
Jerry McGinty, Director, Legislative Budget Board
SB2057 by Hinojosa (Relating to the operation and management of the Iwo Jima monument and museum by the Texas Historical Commission.), As Introduced

No significant fiscal implication to the State is anticipated.

The bill would amend Government Code relating to the Texas Historical Commission (THC) and the Iwo Jima Monument and Museum. The bill would allow THC to enter into a contract with the nonprofit entity that owns the monument and museum to transfer certain provisions of the operation and management of the monument and museum to the THC. The bill would direct the THC to employ a director and other staff considered necessary by the agency to fulfill the duties of the contract with the nonprofit entity that owns the monument and museum. 

The bill would also create a fund outside the Treasury which would consist of admissions revenue from the operation of the monument and museum; sales revenue from the operation of the monument and museum gift shop; donations made to THC for the monument and museum; and interest and income from the fund. The bill would direct the THC to administer the fund, but THC may contract with the nonprofit entity that owns the monument and museum for administration of the fund. Money in the fund could be spent without appropriation for certain activities to maintain the monument and museum. According to the Comptroller of Public Accounts, any revenue to the newly created fund would be outside the treasury; as such, there would be no revenue impact to the state.

THC indicated associated costs to implement provisions of the bill, including costs to hire a director over the museum. It is assumed that these costs could be absorbed within existing resources.

Note: This legislation would do one or more of the following: create or recreate a dedicated account in the General Revenue Fund, create or recreate a special or trust fund either in, with, or outside the Treasury, or create a dedicated revenue source. The fund, account, or revenue dedication included in this bill would be subject to funds consolidation review by the current Legislature.

Local Government Impact

No significant fiscal implication to units of local government is anticipated.

Source Agencies:
304 Comptroller of Public Accounts, 808 Historical Commission
LBB Staff:
JMc, MOc, LCO, KCu, NV