TO: |
Honorable Todd Hunter, Chair, House Committee on State Affairs |
Jerry McGinty, Director, Legislative Budget Board
IN RE: |
HJR155 by Geren (proposing a constitutional amendment to foster economic development and job growth, provide tax relief and funding for education and public safety programs, support the horse racing industry, and reform horse racing and greyhound racing by authorizing casino gaming at destination resorts, authorizing sports wagering, authorizing Tribal-State compacts with federally recognized Indian tribes, and creating the Texas Gaming Commission to regulate casino gaming and sports wagering; requiring a license to conduct casino gaming; and requiring the imposition of a casino gaming tax, sports wagering tax, and license application fees.), Committee Report 1st House, Substituted |
No statistically significant impact on the overall distribution of a state tax or fee burden among individuals and businesses is anticipated from the provisions of this bill.
Source Agencies: b > td > |
LBB Staff: b > td > | JMc, KK |