The House Committee on Calendars

88th Legislature

March 23, 2023

9:45 a.m.

Agricultural Museum, 1W.14


Pursuant to a notice posted on March 22, 2023, the House Committee on Calendars met in a formal meeting and was called to order by the chair, Representative Burrows, at 9:48 a.m.


The initial quorum call was answered as follows: Representatives Burrows; Rose; Cook; Geren; Hefner; Hernandez; Johnson, Ann; Patterson; Slawson; Talarico; and Thompson, Ed.


A quorum was present.



Representative Rose moved to authorize the chair of the House Committee on Calendars to act on behalf of the whole committee, for the duration of the session, to set the order of bills within each calendar category on any Daily House Calendar and to set the order of the Supplemental Calendar.


The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:   Representatives Burrows; Rose; Cook; Geren; Hefner; Hernandez; Johnson, Ann; Patterson; Slawson; Talarico; Thompson, Ed (11).


Nays:   None (0).


Present, Not Voting:   None (0).


Absent:            None (0).



Representative Hernandez moved to place the following measures: 


on the General State Calendar for Tuesday, March 28, 2023:  HB 300, HB 446, HB 590, HB 608.


The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:                           Representatives Burrows; Rose; Cook; Geren; Hefner; Hernandez; Johnson, Ann; Patterson; Slawson; Talarico; Thompson, Ed (11).


Nays:                           None (0).


Present, Not Voting:   None (0).


Absent:                        None (0).


Representative Rose moved to place the following measures: 


on the General State Calendar for Wednesday, March 29, 2023:  HB 28, HB 584, HB 624, HB 727.


The motion prevailed by the following record vote:


Ayes:                           Representatives Burrows; Rose; Cook; Geren; Hefner; Hernandez; Johnson, Ann; Patterson; Slawson; Talarico; Thompson, Ed (11).







Nays:                           None (0).


Present, Not Voting:   None (0).


Absent:                        None (0).


At 9:51 a.m., on the motion of the chair and without objection, the meeting was adjourned subject to the call of the chair.




Rep. Burrows, Chair




Paige Higerd, Clerk