HB 25

              Senate Committee Report

              Health & Human Services

              May 10, 2023 - 8:00 AM


                                          Brizzolara-Dove, Emily    (Texas 2036), Austin, TX

                                          Cascio (cas-see-oh), Charles   Associate State Director  (AARP Texas), Austin, TX

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Dudensing, Jamie    (Texas Association of Health Plans), Austin, TX

                                          Dunkelberg, Anne   Senior Fellow  (Every Texan), Austin, TX

                                          Ghani, Shariq   Executive Director  (Minaret Foundation), Richmond, TX

                                          Goforth, Patricia    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Griffith, Idona    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Laroche, Sebastien   Director of Policy & Advocacy  (Methodist Healthcare Ministries),

                                          San Antonio, TX

                                          Litzinger, Linda    (Self; Texas Parent to Parent), Austin, TX

                                          Martinez, Jorge   Director of Coalitions  (Self; The LIBRE Initiative), McAllen, TX

                                          Mendoza, Alec   Senior Policy Associate for Health  (Texans Care for Children), Austin,


                                          Messina, Stephanie    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Morris, Tory    (Self) , Austin, TX

                                          Saval, Maureen    (Self) , Leander, TX

                                          Schmader, Katherine   Organizing Director  (Travis County Democratic Party), Austin, TX

                                          Sheetz, Samuel   Legislative Director  (Self; Americans for Prosperity), Austin, TX

                                          Stewart, Susan    (Self) , Pflugerville, TX

                                          Van Maanen, Cynthia    (Self; Travis County Democratic Party), Austin, TX


                                          Lobsinger Bush, Danielle    (Texas Healthcare and Bioscience Institute), Austin, TX


                                          Hall Lecuona, Shawn    (Self; The Hall Lecuona Family), Austin, TX

                                          Rowe, Keisha   Associate Commissioner  (Health and Human Services Commission

                                          (HHSC)), Austin, TX
