HB 65


 State Affairs Committee

 April 12, 2023 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted

 For :

 Belsick, Michael (Self)

 Boyd, Roy (Self; Goliad county sheriff)

 Smith, Brent (Self; Kinney county attorney)

 Tillman, Calvin (Self)

 Against :

 Carson, Bethany (Self; Grassroots Leadership)

 Hernandez, Sadie (Self; Transgender Education Network of Texas)

 Kolodny, Zachary (Self)

 On :

 Barnes, Nelson (452nd District Attorneys Office)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Bohnert, Henry (Self)

 Castilla, Cindi (Self; TX Eagle Forum)

 Evans, Michelle (Self)

 Glass, Tom (Self; Texas Constitutional Enforcement)

 Horton, Rachel (Self; Republican Party of Texas, State Republican Executive

 Committeewoman Sd30)

 Ibe, Natalie (Self; True Texas Project)

 Maley, Charles (Self; South Texans’ Property Rights Association)

 Marquardt, Rhonda (Self)

 Netscher, Frank (Self)

 Rodriguez, Sheena (Self; Alliance for a Safe Texas)

 Trainor, Lucy (Self)

 Weirich, Teresa (Self)

 Against :

 Alvarez, Carlos (Self; Lupe)

 Andrade, Alondra (Self; Tahirih Justice Center)

 Avendano, Nataly (Self; Mano Amiga)

 Balderas, Geovanna (Self; MISMA)

 Barraza, Liz (Self)

 Bay, Alexis (Self; Texas Civil Rights Project)

 Beard, Billie (Self)

 Black, Andrea (Self)

 Brannon, Samuel (Self; Southwestern Texas Synod ELCA)

 Briones, Nadia (LUPE (La Union del Pueblo Entero))

 Bronsnick, Hannah (Self)

 Bueno, Evon (Self; Lupe)

 Camacho, Carolina (Self)

 Canales-Pelaez, Jennefer (Self; Immigrant Legal Resource Center)

 Carranco, Alexa (Texas Rising)

 Carranza, Susana (Self)

 Coco, Andy (Self)

 Crosby, Justine (Self)

 Dechert, Anna Katharina (Self; Tahirih Justice Center)

 DeLoretto-Chudy, Sophia (Self)

 Diaz, Ivonne (Self; Texas Rising)

 Erickson, Ellie (Self)

 Ertel, Richard (Self)

 Ertel, Stephanie (Self)



 HB 65


 State Affairs Committee

 Fierro-Perez, Rocio (Self; Texas Freedom Network)

 Flores, Rebecca (Self)

 Foster, Linzy (Self)

 Franco, Sulma (Self; Mujeres Luchadoras)

 Freeman, Francesca (Self)

 Garcia, Dulce (Self; MISMA)

 Garcia, Fernando (Self; The Border Network for Human Rights)

 Garcia, Joaquin (La Union del Pueblo Entero)

 Goforth, Patricia (Self)

 Gold, Valarie (Self)

 Goldman, Libby (Self; Never Again Action)

 Gonzalez, Maria (Self; Border Workers United)

 Gonzalez, Nora (Self)

 Grant, Milo (Self; University Baptist Church, Austin TX)

 Griffith, Idona (Self)

 Guy, Linda (Self)

 Guzman, Manuel (Texas Rising)

 Hall, Ash (Self; ACLU of Texas)

 Hall, Leslie (Self)

 Hansen, Natalie (Self)

 Hardebeck, Mae (Self)

 Herrera, Isabel (Self; Texas Rising)

 Holguin, Marlo (Self)

 Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)

 Hurewitz, Michael (Self)

 Hwa, Si (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Hyang Sook Rhee, ? ?? (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Jacob, Carl (Self)

 Jacquez, Kyle (Texas Rising)

 Johnson, David (Self; Grassroots Leadership)

 Johnson, LyAnna (Self; Texas Impact)

 Joshua M. Na, ? ?? (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Kim, John (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Kyou H. Kim (Paul Kim), ? ?? (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Leahy, Francesca (Self)

 Lopez, Carisa (Self; Texas Freedom Network)

 Lopez, Roberto (Self; Texas Civil Rights Project)

 Ma, Nicole (Self; Woori Juntos)

 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)

 Manning-Scott, Michelle (Self)

 Maples, Veronica (Self)

 Martinez, Calletana (Self; Arise Adelante)

 Martinez, Irma (Self; Border Workers United)

 Mata, Veronica (Self; Border Workers United)

 Mateik, Jess (Self)

 McDaniel, Samantha (Self)

 Meitzen, Nicole (Self)

 Mejía, Roberto (Self)

 Mills, Amber (Self; MOVE Texas Action Fund)

 Miranda, Luis (Self)

 Mitterhoff, Tessa (Self)

 Monroy Ortiz, Helen (Self; Mujeres Luchadoras)

 Morris, Ren (Self)

 Morris, Tory (Self)

 Mueller, Robert (Self)

 Munoz, Blanca (LUPE)



 HB 65


 State Affairs Committee

 Munoz, Karen (Self)

 Murphey, Dona (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Myoung Soon. Ryoo, ? ?? (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Myung J. Kim, ? ?? (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Naranjo, Katie (Travis County Democratic Party)

 Netscher, Frank (Self)

 Nguyen, Quynh-Huong (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Norman, Hyunja (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Nuñez, Dina (Self; Border Workers United)

 Olivarez, Priscilla (Self; The Immigrant Legal Resource Center)

 Olvera Benitez, Fabiola (Self)

 Pankl, Grace (Self)

 Perez, Aylin (Self)

 Place, Allen (Texas criminal defense lawyers association)

 Ponce, Debra (Self)

 Puente, Jaime (Self; Every Texan)

 Resendiz, Janice (Self; Texas rising action)

 Reyes, Maria (Self; Arise Adelante)

 Rogers, Corisha (Self)

 Santana, Osmara (Self)

 Serna Uribe, Samantha (MALDEF (Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational


 Shannon, Rachael (Self)

 Shell, Zachary (Self)

 Singleton, Samantha (Self; The Border Network for Human Rights)

 Smith, Kendall (Self)

 Smith, Lindsay (Self)

 Spinner, Meredith (Self)

 Sprague, Lynne (Self)

 Squires, Luke (Self)

 Story, Dale (Self)

 Stout, David (Self; El Paso County)

 Surya, Raymond (Self)

 Sybille, Sybil (Self; Grassroots Leadership)

 Syed, Sarah (Self; Woori Juntos / NAKASEC)

 Tamayo, Elisa M. (Self; El Paso County)

 Taylor, Stephanie (Self)

 Tellez, Jasmine (Self; Texas Rising)

 Tellez, Lucia (Self)

 Thompson, Stephanie (Self)

 Thomson, Susan (Self)

 Thomson, Thomas (Self)

 Tiguila, Ruth (Self; Arise Adelante)

 Torres, Alicia (Self; Grassroots Leadership)

 Trevino, Sergio (LUPE (La Union del Pueblo Entero))

 Trevino, Taylor (Self)

 Trevino, Victor (La Union del Pueblo Entero)

 Urena, Cecil (Self)

 Van Maanen, Cynthia (Self; Travis County Democratic Party)

 Vasquez, Ashley (Self)

 Vazquez, Erika (Self; Border Workers United)

 Vedros, Meira (Self)

 Venegas-Matula, Michelle (Self)

 Walter, Erin (Self; Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry)

 Walter-Mahoney, Melanie (Self)

 Webb, Natalie (Self; University Baptist Church, Austin, TX)



 HB 65


 State Affairs Committee

 Witt, Emily (Self; Texas Freedom Network)

 Wu, Steven (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Yun, Terry (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Yun Hwa Lee, ? ?? (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Zahavi, Noaam (Self)

 On :

 Hall Lecuona, Shawn (The Voice of Justice and of Consanguinity)

 McCraw, Steve (Texas Dept of Public Safety)

 Reno, Josh (Office of the Texas Attorney General)
