HB 90


              Defense & Veterans' Affairs Committee

              March 16, 2023 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted

                       For :

                                 Dale, Tony (Self)

                                 Fuller, Mitch (Self; Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Department of Texas)

                                 Harris, Marvin (Self; National Guard Association of Texas)

                                 Miller, Robert (Self; State Guard Association of Texas)

                                 Price, Steven (Self; The VOICES of our Veterans)

                                 Rodriguez, Heriberto (Self)

                                 Schuler, Hunter (Self; TSEU)

                       On :

                                 De La Cruz, Erica (Texas Deptartment of Insurance, Division of Workers’ Compensation)

                                 Taylor, Shelia (Texas Military Department)

                       Registering, but not testifying:

                       For :

                                 Cunningham, James (Self; Military officers Association of America and Texas Coalition of

                                 Veterans Organizations)

                                 Dunn, Jessica (Self; MOAA)

                                 Enzel, Lenore (Self; Mikitary Officers Assn of America)

                                 Gordon, Denise (Self; Texas Democratic Veterans Caucus)

                                 Malouff, Charlie (Self)

                                 Morris, Joe (Game Warden Peace Officers Association)

                                 Olson, Kym (Self)

                                 Rodriguez, Sheena (Self; Alliance for a Safe Texas)

                                 Sheldon, Tyler (Texas State Employees Union)

                                 West, William (The American Legion)

                                 Wilkerson, John (Texas Municipal Police Association)

                       Against :

                                 Stewart, Susan (Self)

                       On :

                                 Gardner, Robin (Texas Military Department)

                                 Hardaway, Robin (Employees Retirement System)

                                 Harden, Melissa (Texas Military Department)

                                 Vollbrecht, Stephen (State Office of Risk Management)
