HB 100


 Public Education Committee

 April 4, 2023 - 8:00 AM

 For :

 Balter, Matthew (Self)

 Chevalier, Andrea (Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education (TCASE))

 Jackson, Latoya (Self)

 Mayer, Jean (Pfisd)

 McKinney, Sharon (Port Aransas ISD and the Texas Association of School


 Popinski, Bob (Raise Your Hand Texas)

 Rome, Christy (Texas School Coalition)

 Rush, Ana (Self; Del Valle ISD)

 Smith, Chris (Texas School Alliance and Katy ISD)

 Smith, Greg (Fast Growth School Coalition)

 Williams, Ellen (Texas Association of School Boards)

 Against :

 Exter, Monty (Association of Texas Professional Educators (ATPE))

 On :

 Bosher, Mark (Career & Technical Association of Texas)

 Boswell, Lynn (Austin ISD Board of Trustees)

 Bustiilos, Adrian (Aldine ISD)

 Colbert, Paul (Self)

 Feinstein, Jonathan (The Education Trust)

 Kling, Kelsey (Texas American Federation of Teachers)

 Lopez, Leo (MoakCasey)

 Pieniazek, Ray (Self; Agriculture Teachers Associatiom of Texas)

 Sanderson, Josh (Equity Center)

 Smith, Kayne (Texas Association for Pupil Transportation)

 Smith, Kimberly (Frisco ISD)

 Symington, Krystina (Self)

 Villanueva, Chandra (Every Texan)

 Williams, Paige (Texas Classroom Teachers Association)

 Yeager, Laura (Self; Just Fund It TX)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Adams, Bryce (Self; Texas Public Charter Schools Association)

 Bruno, Amy (Upbring)

 Calvert, Raif (Texas Association of School Boards)

 Carney, Dee (Texas School Alliance)

 Casparian, Hannah (Self)

 Corte, Frank (Self; International Leadership of Texas)

 Cuevas, Avital (Self)

 Curry, David (Self)

 Frazier, Kyle (Fredericksburg Education Alliance)

 Grizzard, Julia (Self; Bexar County Education Coalition)

 Grizzard, Julia (Self; Texas Music Educators Association, Texas Arts Education Campaign)

 Haenisch, Barry (Texas Association of Community Schools)

 Henson, Darryl (Self; Marlin ISD)

 Hoffacker, Daphne (Self)

 Kennon, Suzi (Texas PTA)

 List, Amanda (Schulman, Lopez, Hoffer & Adelstein, LLP)

 Litzler, John (Texas Baptists Christian Life Commission)

 MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)



 HB 100


 Public Education Committee

 Margulies, Jennifer (Self)

 Matthews, Stephanie (Texas Association of Business)

 Oliver, Harold (Shulman Lopez Hoffer Adelstein)

 Ovitt, Jenee (Self)

 Patterson, Tiffany (United Ways of Texas)

 Pruneda, Mary Lynn (Texas 2036)

 Rodriguez, Marc (North Texas Commission)

 Spellman, Becka (Self)

 Terry, Mark (Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association)

 Ullrich, Claudia (Self)

 Walter, Erin (Self; Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry)

 Yanas, Christine (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)

 Against :

 Bishop, Delaina (Self)

 Clark, Jaime (Lewisville ISD)

 Foster, Lin (Self)

 Guy, Linda (Self)

 Kizer, Kathryn (Self)

 Stewart, Susan (Self)

 On :

 Aleman, Steven (Disability Rights Texas)

 Byer, Von (Texas Education Agency)

 Duron, Jodi (Self; Texas association of midsize schools)

 Griffith, Carrie (Texas State Teachers Association)

 Hoffman, Kate (The Commit Partnership)

 Holzgrafe, Matthew (TEA)

 Joseph, Zenobia (Self)

 Lee, Michael (Self; Texas Association Rural Schools)

 Long, Diana (Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA))

 Marin, Eric (TEA)

 Mckenzie, Alastair (TEA)

 McLoughlin, Jessica (TEA)

 Meyer, Mike (Texas Education Agency)

 Oeser, Kelvey (Texas Education Agency)

 Stockton, Danny (Frisco ISD)

 Terry, James (Texas Education Agency)
