HB 888


 Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee

 March 29, 2023 - 8:00 AM

 For :

 Aldaco, Soren (Self)

 Covey, Jonathan (Texas Values)

 Against :

 DeLoretto-Chudy, Sophia (Self)

 Hall, Ash (Self; The ACLU of Texas)

 Perdue, Stephanie (Self; Central Texas Pride Community Center, LGBT-Rex)

 Segovia, Andrea (Self)

 On :

 Jackson, Brian (Texas Alliance for Patient Access)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Castle, Mary Elizabeth (Texas Values Action)

 Evans, Michelle (Self; Independent Women's Network)

 Glover, Jill (Self; Republican Party of Texas)

 Ibe, Natalie (Self)

 Koen, Terri (Self)

 Rhodes, Fran (Self)

 Saenz, Jonathan (Self; Texas Values)

 Tillman, Calvin (Self)

 Zito, Al (Self)

 Against :

 Acevedo, Natasha (Self; Deeds Not Words)

 Adib, Majd (Self)

 Albert, David (Self)

 Andersen, Alexander (Self)

 Anderson, Kristy (Self)

 Arias, Jordan (Self)

 Arndt, Clint (Self)

 Asher, Kayden (Self)

 Baker, Madison (Self)

 Balcom, Jaukeem (Self)

 Ball, Ashley (Self)

 Banach, D.B. (Self)

 Barbatini, Grace (Self)

 Barnett-Torabi, Taylor (Self)

 Barshop, Alex (Self)

 Beaver, Kelsi (Self)

 Beck, Sarah (Self)

 Berry, Paige (Self)

 Biesterveld, Sarah (Self)

 Billios, Ethan (Self)

 Blaine, Carly (Self)

 Blaize, Monique (Self)

 Blumenfeld, Amelia (Self)

 Booth, Taylin (Self)

 Bork, Sarah (Self)

 Boudet, Eric (Self)

 Bowman, LCSW-S, PSS, Amanda (Self)

 Boyda, Mira (Self)

 Brady-Joyner, Justin (Self)



 HB 888


 Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee

 Brady-Joyner, Phillip (Self)

 Bramlett, Arthur (Self)

 Brauning, Jesse (Self)

 Brauning, Kate (Self)

 Bremer, Joseph (Self)

 Bridgewater, Valeria (Self)

 Briggs, Diana (Self)

 Brown, Brandon (Self)

 Burgess, Diana (Self)

 Burks, Jeremy (Self)

 Butcher, Callie (Self)

 Butcher, Jim (Self)

 Butcher, Michelle (Self)

 Caballero, Darcy (Planned Parenthood Texas Votes)

 Cabello, Victoria (Self)

 Cantu, Julissa (Self)

 Cardenas, Kerri (Self)

 Carol, Lizzy (Self)

 Casparian, Hannah (Self)

 Casper, Caleb (Self)

 Cass, Melody (Self)

 Cass, William (Self)

 Castillo, Jonathan (Self)

 Castillo, Juliana (Self)

 Castillo, Olivia (Self)

 Chambers, Brook (Self)

 Chambers, Haley (Self)

 Chambers, James (Self)

 Charrie, Miguel (Self)

 Christian, George (Texas Civil Justice League)

 Ciaccio, Nicholas (Self; Deeds Not Words)

 Clark, Gwyn (Self)

 Clay, Jessica (Self)

 Clay, Sherry (Self)

 Cleandeling, Madison (Self)

 Cofield, Melanie (Self)

 Colburn, Ashley (Self)

 Coleman, Katherine (Self)

 Cook, Molly (Self)

 Cornett, Savvy (Self)

 Crosby, Justine (Self)

 Cross Mitchell, Amber (Self)

 Daniel, Bonnie (Self)

 Darci, Lauryn (Self)

 Davis, Melissa (Self)

 Dikkenmee, Anita (Self)

 Doetsch Ladik, Danikae (Self)

 Drackert, Katie (Self)

 Drennan, Achilles (Self)

 Drost, Carter (Self)

 Dunn, James (Self)

 Duru, Chinwendu (Self)

 Dye, Janet (Self)

 Dye, Robert (Self)

 Egarr, Michael (Self)



 HB 888


 Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee

 Egger, Dominique (Self)

 Erickson, Elissa (Self)

 Esperanza, Catherine (Self)

 Espinosa, Sarita (Self)

 Evans, Shelby (Self)

 FALGOUT, Jenna (Self)

 Farrar, Camille (Self)

 Farrell, Elizabeth (Self)

 Figueroa, Tez (Self)

 Fleischmann, Patrick (Self)

 Flores, Andrea (Self)

 Foe, Carolyn (Self)

 Ford, Asher (Self)

 Foster, Lin (Self)

 Freeman, Noel (Self)

 Fruge, Luke (Self)

 Gale, Zenyth (Self)

 Garcia, Sheila (Self)

 Gatto, Gina (Self)

 Gierbolini, Edgardo (Self)

 Goethals, Keegan (Self)

 Goetz, Kelly (Self)

 Goforth, Patricia (Self)

 Golightly, Pete (Self)

 Gravettr, Susan (Self)

 Gray, Jane (Self)

 Griffith, Brock (Self)

 Griffith, Idona (Self)

 Grimm, Jessica (Self)

 Grimm, Joshua (Self)

 Gruidl, Matthew (Self)

 Guidangen, Jason (Self; Equality Texas)

 Guidry, Natalie (Self)

 Gurak, Erin (Self)

 Guy, Linda (Self)

 Gwendolyn, Sweet (Self)

 Hackett, Trevor (Self)

 Hairston, Jennifer (Self)

 Haley, Aaron (Self)

 Hall, Leslie (Self)

 Harper, Cole (Self)

 Hatcher, Daniel (Self)

 Hawkwood, Chael Rose (Self)

 Hayward, Ever (Self)

 Herzer, Sarah (Self)

 Hightower, Harley (Self)

 Hill, Rachel (Self)

 Hime, Lilli (Self)

 Hinchman, Aubrey (Self)

 Hines, Schyler (Self)

 Hirayama, Nicole (Self)

 Hobson, Todla (Self)

 Hogan, Carter (Self)

 Holden, Daniel (Self)

 Holden, Sali Morgen (Self)

 Holloman, Matthew (Self)



 HB 888


 Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee

 Hopkins, Julia (Self)

 Horsfall, Rachel (Self)

 Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)

 Huber, Lindsay (Self)

 Huddleston, Melissa (Self)

 Hummel, Leah (Self)

 Hunt, Kyla (Self)

 Iyamu, Niye (Self)

 Jaco, Jenna (Self)

 Jade, Mallika (Self)

 Johnson, Bethany (Self)

 Johnson, Erin (Self)

 Jones, Amanda (Self)

 Kachelmeyer, James (Self)

 Kapostasy, Sarah (Self)

 Kemp, Hannah (Self)

 Kemp, Rose (Self)

 Kettyle, Lisa (Self)

 Kincaid, Rain (Self)

 Kincaid, Wrye (Self)

 Kinciad, Jeannette (Self)

 Kirkpatrick, Charlie (Self)

 Kiser, Mary Beth (Texas Psychological Association)

 Kisielius, Julia (Self)

 Kisielius, Luca (Self)

 Kluck, Megan (Self)

 Konstantine, Sara (Self)

 Kronsnoble, Sally (Self)

 Kundanmal, Naveen (Self)

 LaCivita, Julie (Self)

 Lahav, Renee (Self)

 Lamar, Texas (Self)

 Lawrence, Hope (Self)

 Lawrence, Marisa (Self)

 Leahy, Francesca (Self)

 Leisey, Ty (Self)

 Leman, Katherine (Self)

 Levy, Rick (Texas AFLCIO)

 Lingus, Connie (Self)

 Llamas, Rebeca (Self)

 Lopez, Carisa (Self; Texas Freedom Network)

 Ludington, Evely (Self)

 Ludington, Gaven (Self)

 Lujan, Catherine (Self)

 Luna, Ernest (Self)

 M., Samuel (Self)

 Machamer, Lindsey (Self)

 Main, Rachel (Self)

 Martinez, Ricardo (Self; EQTX Equality Texas)

 Mateik, Jessica (Self)

 Mauger, Alex (Self)

 McBride, Megan (Self)

 McCormick, Justin (Self)

 McGarity, Kristin (Self)

 McIntyre, Jo (Self)



 HB 888


 Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee

 McJunkins, Phillip (Self)

 McKracken, Aislyn (Self)

 McKracken, Akiya (Self)

 McKracken, Amanda (Self)

 McLean, Gentry (Self)

 Mcmasters, Jasmine (Self)

 Mcmillan, Autumn (Self)

 McMurtry, Curtis (Self)

 McNash, Marisol (Self)

 Meis, Nova (Self)

 Meitzen, Nicole (Self)

 Melendrez, Eli (Self; Texas American Federation of Teachers)

 Messina, Stephanie (Self)

 Midikk, Holden (Self)

 Miller, Babs (Self)

 Milner, Jean (Self)

 Mitchell, James (Self)

 Mitchell, Paul (Self)

 Moe, Simon (Self)

 Molina, Josselyn (Self; Deeds not words)

 Molnar, Eve (Self)

 Moore, Anne (Self)

 Moparthi, Indira (Self)

 Morales, Erica (Self)

 Morales, Ezra (Self)

 Moreland, Amy (Self)

 Morgan, Cayden (Self)

 Morgan, Jane Elizabeth (Self)

 Morgan schindler, Rachel (Self)

 Morris, Ren (Self)

 Morris, Tory (Self)

 Muncy, Lindsay (Self)

 Murray, Katherine (Self)

 Natesan, Kavya (Self)

 Nguyen, Anna (Self; PFLAG Austin)

 Nguyen, June (Self)

 Nix, Erica (Self)

 Norris, Robert (Self)

 Nutt, Alice (Self)

 O’Neal, Caroline (Self)

 Ocegueda, Sofia (Self)

 Ogden, Kaitlin (Self)

 Oglewood, Lani (Self)

 Oglewood, Regina (Self)

 Olson, Destiny (Self)

 Olson, Grayson (Self)

 Olson, Michael (Self)

 Osier, Nico (Self)

 Ovitt, Jenee (Self)

 Pankl, Grace (Self)

 Paulin, Bri (Self)

 Pauling, Sydney (Self)

 Perkins, Loren (Self)

 Perry, RN, Andrea (Self)

 Person, Maria (Self)

 Peters, Crowe (Self)



 HB 888


 Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee

 Petrakis, Rory (Self)

 Piararo, Kaitlin (Self)

 Pike, Hannah (Self)

 Poling, Morgan (Self)

 Poling, Phillip (Self)

 Pollack, Jana (Self)

 Pollack, Jordan (Self)

 Popham, Sam (Self)

 Portela, Javier (Self)

 Prado, Gilberto (Self)

 Preddy, Jordan (Self)

 Prikyl-Martin, Stella (Self)

 Pritchett, William (Self)

 Pruner, Todd (Self)

 Puerto, Kristina (Self)

 Raisch, William (Self)

 Ramos, Karen (Self; Utep)

 Rapp, Mary Emily (Self)


 Reese, Kayla (Self)

 Reichman, Dana (Self)

 Renner, Eliza (Self)

 Reyes, Raymond (Self)

 Rhodes, Anna (Self)

 Richie, Landon (Self)

 Rivera, Marialena (Self)

 Roden, Linder (Self)

 Rojas, Lindsay (Self)

 Ruffin, Sara (Self)

 Rush, Marianne (Self)

 Rutkowski, Steven (Self)

 S, Rox (Self)

 Salcedo, Alma (Self)

 Salerno, Leo-Charles (Self)

 Samuels, Cameron (Self)

 Sanchez, Joslynn (Self; Deeds Not Words)

 Sanchez, Martin (Self)

 Satterwhite, Katherine (Self)

 Schauer, Anna (Self)

 Schelling, Emmett (Self)

 Schelling, Lydia (Self)

 Schoonhoven, Katherine (Self)

 Schoonhoven, Sarah (Self)

 Schorn, Susan (Self)

 Seaborn, Lyra (Self)

 Seals, Paiton (Self)

 Serrins, Dave (Self)

 Shannon, Rachel (Self)

 Sharma, Alison (Self)

 Sheehy, Meg (Self)

 Shook, Lauren (Self)

 Sieff, Kerry (Self)

 Silva, Oscar (Self)

 Skidmore, Danielle (Self)

 Smith, Lindsay (Self)



 HB 888


 Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee

 Smith, Madison (Self)

 Soto, Charles (Self)

 Soto, Hailey (Deeds not Words)

 Soumbeniotis, Nicole (Self)

 Starks, Ada (Self)

 Steele, Montana (Self)

 Steele, Sandra (Self)

 Steiner, Mackenzie (Self)

 Stevens, Andi (Self)

 Stewart, Susan (Self)

 Stout, David (Self; El Paso County)

 Stracquadanio, Juliana (Self)

 Stump, Tim (Self)

 Sullivan, Ray (American Property and Casualty Insurance Association)

 Tally-Foos, Fred (Self)

 Talon, James (Self)

 TEDDER, Sawyer (Self)

 Tendler, Stuart (Self)

 Teston, Brooke (Self)

 Thomas, Timothy (Self)

 Thompson, Kelly (Self)

 Thompson, Stephanie (Self)

 Tillery, Kerry (Self)

 Tillery, Philip (Self)

 Toren, Cuauhtenoc (Self)

 Torian, Chappell (Self)

 Torres, Stefanie (Self)

 Trautmann, Katelin (Self)

 Trevino, Erika (Self)

 Trevino, Izar (Self)

 Trevino, Kurt (Self)

 Tycer, Hubert (Self)

 Ussery, Dee (Self)

 V., Paul (Self)

 Valle, Edith (Self; Deeds Not Words)

 Van Maanen, Cynthia (Self; Travis County Democratic Party)

 Vasquez, Liliana (Self)

 Vidal, Jose (Self)

 Walker, David (Self)

 Wallens, Luke (Self)

 Warner, Olivia (Self)

 Warren, Anjelica (Self)

 Waters, Hally (Self)

 Weintraub, Aliza (Self)

 Wever, Wilbert (Self)

 Wiley, Helen (Self)

 Wilson, Jack (Self)

 Woods-Smith, Adriel (Self)

 Young, Gary (Self)

 Young, Korey (Self)

 Zoghlin, Natasha (Self)

 Zuhosky, Jay (Self)

 On :

 Prevost, Ashley (Self)

 Stewart, Clayton (Texas Medical Association)



 HB 888


 Judiciary & Civil Jurisprudence Committee
