Higher Education Committee
March 27, 2023 - 10:00 AM
On :
Evans, Michelle (Self; Texans for Vaccine Choice)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Barnett-Torabi, Taylor (Self)
Beard, Joshua (Self)
Bihun, Meaghan (Self)
Biundo, Jennifer (Healthy Futures of Texas)
Blackwell, LaNaya (Self)
Dowling, Matt (Texas Medical Association)
Finn, Elliot (Self)
Flanders, Caitlin (Texas Medical Association)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Hall, Leslie (Self)
Hill, Rachel (Self; Equality Texas)
Hunt, Jonathan (Self)
Hunt, Kyla (Self)
Jones, Garry (Self; DFER)
Leahy, Francesca (Self)
Lenau, Kristen (Texas Women's Healthcare Coalition)
M., Samuel (Self)
Maze, Elizabeth (Self)
Maze, Noah (Self)
Milligan, Maureen (Teaching hospitals of texas)
Norris, Robert (Self)
Oubre, Stephanie (Self)
Person, Maria (Self)
Probe, Shannon (Self)
Raley, Ruthine (Self)
S, Rox (Self)
Schoonhoven, Katherine (Self)
Schoonhoven, Sarah (Self)
Simon, Arthur (Self)
Sutton, Jill (Texas Osteopathic Medical Assn)
Van Maanen, Cynthia (Self; Travis County Democratic Party)
VanKoughnett, Paul (Self)
Welles, Loren (Self)
Yanas, Christine (Methodist Healthcare Ministries)
Zech, Roxanne (Self)
Against :
Medeiros, Joshua (Self; Young Conservative Federation)
On :
Garcia, Imelda (Department of State Health Services)
Kubin, Grace (Department of State Health Services)