Public Education Committee
April 20, 2023 - 8:00 AM
For :
Adams, Bryce (Self; Texas Public Charter Schools Association)
Jackson, Latoya (Self)
Mayes, Christopher (Beatrice Mayes Institute)
Zimmermann, Kathleen (Self; NYOS Charter School)
On :
Schutte, Marian (TEA)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Besinger, Jackie (Self)
Brown, Celeste (Compass Rose Public Schools)
Colyandro, John (American federation for children)
Corte, Frank (Self; International Leadership of Texas Public Schools)
Gomez, Addie (Self; KIPP Texas Public Schools)
List, Amanda (Tom Sage, Partner Hunton Andrews Kurth)
Matthews, Stephanie (Texas Association of Business)
Mayer, Jean (Pflugerville ISD)
Oliver, Harold (Self; Shulman Lopez Hoffer & Adelstein)
Pruneda, Mary Lynn (Texas 2036)
Yancy, Justin (Texas Business Leadership Council)
Against :
Amps, Emily (Texas AFL-CIO)
Beneski, Amy (Texas Association of School Administrators)
Calvert, Raif (Texas Association of School Boards)
Carney, Dee (Texas School Alliance)
Cave, Tricia (Association of Texas Professional Educators (ATPE))
Clark, Laura (Self)
DeLoretto-Chudy, Sophia (Self)
Eaton, Holly (Texas classroom Teachers Association)
Goforth, Patricia (Self)
Griffith, Carrie (Texas state teachers association)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Guy, Linda (Self)
Haenisch, Barry (Texas Association of Community Schools)
Hoffacker, Daphne (Self)
Holleman, Will (Raise Your Hand Texas)
Kling, Kelsey (Self; Texas AFT)
Latham Sikes, Chloe (IDRA (Intercultural Development Research Association))
Martinez, Louann (Texas Urban Council of Superintendents)
McLean, Gentry (Self)
Miller, Babs (Self)
Norris, Robert (Self)
Rice, Conor (Self)
Sheffield, Heather (Self)
Stewart, Susan (Self)
Terry, Mark (Self; Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association)
Torres Yanez, Claudia (Self)
On :
Marin, Eric (TEA)