Ways & Means Committee
April 10, 2023 - 10:00 AM
For :
Allen, Mark (Self; City of Cibolo)
Ayala, Juan (City of San Antonio)
Blackburn, David (Bell County)
Boyle, Stosh (Self; City of cibolo)
Cagle, Kent (City of Killeen)
Carpenter, Wayne (Self; City of Belton)
Carroll, Bobby (Lampasas County)
Fuller, Mitch (Self; Veterans of Foreign Affairs (VFW) Department of Texas)
Haverlah, Ryan (City of Copperas Cove)
Hoyer, Randall (Lampasas County)
Miller, Roger (Self; Coryell County)
Mitchell, David (City of Harker Heights)
Sledd, Keith (Executive Director for the Heart of Texas Defense Alliance and Chair for the
Governor’s Committee to Support the Military.)
Smith, Spencer (City of Harker Heights)
Williams, Andy (Self; City of Nolanville)
Woliver, Tim (Self)
On :
Arey, Howard (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Brownson, Amanda (Texas Association of School Business Officials)
Calvert, Raif (Texas Association of School Boards)
Cuellar, Guadalupe (City of El Paso)
Haynes, Adam (Conference ofUrban Counties)
Head, Ray (Taptp)
Islam, Nadia (City of San Antonio)
Kieschnick, Kevin (Self; Office of Nueces County Tax Assessor Collector)
Montanez, Manuel (Self; Copperas Cove City Counsel)
Patterson, TJ (City of Fort Worth)
Pittenger, Randy (Self; Belton Area Chamber of Commerce)
Shannon, Fred (City of Temple)
Shine, Hilary (Self)
Sparks, Clifford (City of Dallas)
Tamayo, Elisa M. (El Paso County)
Terry, Mark (Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association)
Thompson, Rick (County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas)
Wynn, Monty (Texas Municipal League)
Young, Christopher (Linebarger)
On :
Graf, Keith (Office of the Governor, Texas Military Preparedness Commission)
Malone, Tom (Comptroller of Public Accounts)
Mansfield, Allison (Comptroller of Public Accounts)