HB 1677


 Urban Affairs Committee

 April 4, 2023 - 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted

 For :

 Ramirez, JJ (Texas Harm Reduction Alliance)

 On :

 Daughtry, Lisa (Texas Department of Public Safety)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Adams Hernandez, Theo (Self)

 Alexander, Abbey (Self)

 Aragonez, Alexa (City of Houston, Mayor's Office)

 Arias, Jordan (Self)

 Arndt, Clint (Self)

 Bates, Georgia (Vivent Health)

 Beaver, Kelsi (Self)

 Beck, Sarah (Self)

 Box, Kennedy (Self)

 Brainard, Leo (Self)

 Brown, Aubree (Self)

 Canciglia, J (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities)

 Chase, Garrett (Self)

 Clausen, Elizabeth (Self)

 Cosme, Helena (Self)

 Cruz, Jonathan (Self)

 Curry, David (Self)

 De La Cruz-Luera, Jax (Self)

 Figueroa, Tez (Self)

 Fitzgerald, Cassie (Self)

 Fly, Amber (Self)

 Foster, Lin (Self)

 Fuentes, Gabriella (Texas Council on Family Violence)

 Galicz, Justin (Self)

 Gavin, Meg (Self)

 Goldstein, Mia (Self)

 Goodman, Chloe (Self; Equality Texas)

 Hatch, Marian (Self)

 Hatcher, Daniel (Self)

 Hebert, Bryan (Downtown Austin Alliance)

 Heroux, Emily (Self)

 Hobson, Todla (Self)

 Holley-Hurt, Carrie (Self)

 Hong, Christen (Self)

 Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)

 Islam, Nadia (City of San Antonio)

 Jeter, Mars (Self)

 Kapostasy, Sarah (Self)

 Kundanmal, Naveen (Self)

 Leblanc, Melody (Self)

 Martinez, Ricardo (Self)

 Melhuish, Simone (Self)

 Miller, Heather (Self)

 Morales, Erica (Self)

 Murphy, Samuel (Self)

 Ortega, Tess (Self)



 HB 1677


 Urban Affairs Committee

 Patterson, Tiffany (United Ways of Texas)

 Pritchett, William (Self)

 Ramirez, Chance (Self)

 Reynolds, Gordon (Self)

 Richie, Carl (Coalition For The Homeless Houston; Harris & Montgomery Counties)

 Rose, Lauren (Texas Network of Youth Services (TNOYS))

 S, Rox (Self)

 Seals, Paiton (Self)

 Somes, Carolyn (Self)

 Tan, Matthew (Self)

 Urieta, Leticia (Self)

 Urieta, Ramiro (Self)

 Verette, Madeleine (Self)

 Wallens, Luke (Self)

 Walsh, Brendan (Self)

 Walter, Erin (Self; Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry)

 Waters, Hally (Self)

 Wilbers, Kelsi (Self)

 Winsor, Samson (Self)

 Woods-Smith, Adriel (Self)

 Wright, Chelsea (Self)
