Corrections Committee
March 28, 2023 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted
For :
Buchanan, Clifton J (AFSCME Texas Correctional Employees Council 907)
Cedillo, Andrea (Self; Texas Prisons Community Advocates)
Dickerson, Jessica (Self; Texas Prisons Community Advocates)
Dominick, Amite (Self; Texas prisons Community Advocates)
Hymel, Ray (Self; Texas Public Employees Association(TPEA))
Litzler, John (Texas Baptists Christian Life Commission)
Malouff, Charlie (Self; Texas C.U.R.E., Inc)
Roberts, Charles (Self)
Webber, Michael (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Andrews, Jenny (Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)
Bishop, Ann (TPEA)
Bryant, Beth (Self)
Campbell, Elaine (Self)
Cavazos, Allison (Self)
De la Garza, Lacy (Self)
De Poo, Luisa (Self; Roman Catholic Diocese of Austin)
Deajon, Christina (Self)
Ford, Ashley (The Arc of Texas)
Gallen, Patti (Self)
Gonzalez, Ana (Texas AFL-CIO)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Haddad, Hannah (Self; Diocese kf Austin)
Hixon, Jenny (Texas Civil Rights Project)
Hvizdos, Samuel (Self)
Johnson, Lauren (Self; ACLU of Texas)
Luna, Maggie (Self; Statewide Leadership Council)
Margolis, Eve (Self)
Martinez, Justin (Texas Center for Justice and Equity)
McLean, Gentry (Self)
Meyer, Cole (Self; Texas Appleseed)
Millette, Richard (Self)
Molnar, Mary Sue (Self; Texas Voices)
Monroe, Renee (Self; TxCURE Inc)
Posson, Amanda (Every Texan)
Preddy, Jordan (Self)
Sawicki, Nicholas (Self)
Schillaci, Michael (Self)
Schnadelbach, Corinne (Self; Catholic Charities)
Shannahan, Phyllis (Self)
Simons, Cynthia (Self; Texas center for justice and equity)
Soberon, Luis (Texas 2036)
Toon, Jennifer (Self; Lioness Justice Impacted Women’s Alliance)
Van Maanen, Cynthia (Self; Travis County Democratic Party)
Wanjura, Christine (Self)
Wilson, Cody (Texas conference of Catholic Bishops)
Wilson, Stephanie (Texas Catholic Bishops)
On :
Clark, Jason (TDCJ)