HB 2493


 State Affairs Committee

 April 5, 2023 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted

 For :

 Bordelon, Rod (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

 Lavine, Dick (Every Texan)

 Neel, Clyde (Self; Texas First)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Baggett, Donnis (Texas Press Association)

 Hall, Terri (Self; Texas TURF, Texans for Toll-free Highways)

 Lopez, Roberto (Self; Texas Civil Rights Project)

 McPeters, Pamela (Texas Classroom Teachers Association)

 Prather, Laura (Texas Press Association; Texas Association of Broadcasters; Texas

 Sunshine Coalition)

 Rodriguez, Oscar (Texas Association of Broadcasters)

 Shannon, Kelley (Freedom of Information Foundation of Texas)
