Pensions, Investments & Financial Services Committee
March 29, 2023 - 8:00 AM
For :
Rodriguez, Justin (San antonio fire and police pension fund)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Alderere III, Joe (SAPFFA Local 624)
Alvarado, Aidan (Self; Laredo Firefighters Association)
Burney, Frank (San antonio fire and police pension fund)
Islam, Nadia (City of San Antonio)
Jones, Chris (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas (CLEAT))
Jones, Steven (San Antonio Professional Firefighters IAFF Local 624)
Lancton, Patrick (Self; HPFFA)
Landry, Mitch (Texas Municipal Police Association)
Munoz, Gabriel (Self; San Antonio Professional Firefighters Association Local 624)
Ortiz, Carlos (San Antonio Police Officers Association)
Patlan, Javier (Self; SAPFFA Local 624)
Reed, Dallas (Texas Municipal Poloce Association)
Smith, James (Self)
Weber, Tylan (SAPFFA Local624)
Wittenburg, Michelle (San Antonio Professional Firefighters Association)
On :
Cardona, Amy (Pension Review Board)
Rendon, Ashley (Pension Review Board)