Senate Committee Report
Local Government
May 16, 2023 - 8:45 AM
Registering, but not testifying:
Aragonez, Alexa Deputy Director of Government Relations (City of Houston, Mayor's
Office), Houston, TX
Carr, Snapper Attorney (City of Temple), Austin, TX
Franco, Brie Intergovernmental Relations Officer (City of Austin), Austin, TX
Kieschnick, Kevin Nueces Co Tac (Self; SB 3860 only Tax Assessor Collectors
Association of Texas.), Corpus Christi, TX
Patterson, TJ Manager of Legislative Affairs (City of Fort Worth), Fort Worth, TX
Ramirez, Rick (City of Sugar Land), Sugar Land, TX
Sanchez, Chris (American Planning Association- Texas Chapter), Austin, TX
Sparks, Clifford Legislative Director (City of Dallas), Dallas, TX
Wynn, Monty (Texas Municipal League), Austin, TX
Providing written testimony:
Myers, Brynn City Manager (City of Temple), Temple, TX