HB 3833


 Youth Health & Safety, Select Committee

 April 10, 2023 - 2:30 PM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted

 For :

 Adams, Jill (Self; Texas School Counselor Association)

 Crow, Monya (Self; Texas Counseling Association)

 On :

 Moore, Carrie (Self; Texas Education 911 Citizens Defending Freedom)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Castillo, Alycia (Self; Texas Center for Justice and Equity)

 Cave, Tricia (Association of Texas Professional Educators (ATPE))

 Fowler, Elaina (Texas State Teachers Association)

 Luna, Maggie (Self; Statewide Leadership Council)

 McPeters, Pamela (Texas Classroom Teachers Association)

 Nichols, Colby (Texas Association of School Administrators; Texas Association of

 Community Schools)

 O’Quin, Ana (Girls Empowerment Network)

 Ojomo, Omodele (Autism society of texas)

 Pena, Alejandro (Texas American Federation of Teachers)

 Rose, Lauren (Texas Network of Youth Services (TNOYS))

 Sanders, Jolene (Coalition of Texans with Disabilities)

 Against :

 Spiller, Lee (Citizens Commission on Human Rights)

 On :

 Marin, Eric (TEA)

 Martinez, Monica (Texas Education Agency)
