HB 3858


 Homeland Security & Public Safety Committee

 April 25, 2023 - 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted

 For :

 Ramirez, Reuben (Dallas Police Department)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Anderson, Jessica (Houston Police Department)

 Grisham, CJ (Self)

 Hansch, Greg (National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) TX)

 Hawthorne, Brian (Self; Sheriffs Association of Texas)

 Hunt, Ray (Self; Houston Police Officers’ Union)

 Jones, Chris (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas (CLEAT))

 Landry, Mitch (Texas Municipal Police Association)

 Mills, Buddy (Self; Sheriffs Association of Texas)

 Normand, Joshua (Harris County Deputies’ Organization Faternal Order of Police Lodge


 Parnell, James (Dallas Police Association (DPA))

 Price, Steven (Self; The VOICES of Our Veterans)

 On :

 Webb, Reilly (Health & Human Services Commission (HHSC))
