Community Safety, Select Committee
April 4, 2023 - 2:00 PM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted
For :
Biggins, Krystal (Dallas County Criminal District Attorney John Creuzot)
McDonald, Gary (Self; Dallas Criminal District Attorneys Office)
Palk, Devon (Dallas Police Department)
Zimmerman, Gary (Self)
Against :
Belsick, Michael (Self)
Kress, Ian (Self)
Walker, Edwin (Self)
On :
Briscoe, Rick (Self; Open Carry Texas)
Hester, Jason (Texas Department of Public Safety)
Registering, but not testifying:
For :
Anderson, Jessica (Houston Police Department)
Hunt, Ray (Self; HPOU)
Louderback, AJ (Texas Sheriffs Regional Alliance)
Parnell, James (Self; Dallas Police Association)
Patterson, TJ (City of Fort Worth)
Reed, Dallas (Texas Municipal Police Association (TMPA))
Szimanski, Jennifer (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas (CLEAT))
Young, Larry (Game Warden Peace Officers Association)
Against :
Bohnert, Henry (Self)
Bohnert, Richard (Self)
Bolgiano, John (Self)
Goldstein, Mia (Self)
Hayes, Richard (Self)
Smith, Angela (Self; Fredericksburg Tea Party)
Thornburg, Clinton (Self)
Van Compernolle, John (Self)
Virdell, Wesley (Gun Owners of America)
On :
McNutt, Chris (Self; Texas Gun Rights)