HB 5007


 Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

 April 18, 2023 - 10:30 AM  or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted

 (SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING - Criminal Procedure)

 For :

 Jennings, Sarah Mae (Self; Texas Fair Defense Project)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Balekai, Akanksha (Texas Appleseed)

 Luna, Maggie (Self; Statewide Leadership Council)

 Martinez, Justin (Self; Texas Center for Justice and Equity)

 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

 Place, Shea (Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association)

 Soberon, Luis (Texas 2036)

 Tucker, Terra (Alliance for Saftey and Justice)

 Vargas, Kathryn (Self)

 Against :

 Furlow, Philip Mack (Self; 106th Judicial District Attorney)

 Wilson, Thomas (Smith County Criminal District Attorney’s Office)
