HJR 170


 Youth Health & Safety, Select Committee

 March 27, 2023 - 2:30 PM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted

 For :

 Moore, Adrian (Self; Council on At-Risk Youth)

 Rome, Christy (Texas School Coalition)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Andrews, Jenny (Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)

 Beneski, Amy (Texas Association of School Administrators)

 Campbell, Grover (TASB)

 Carney, Dee (Texas School Alliance)

 Chevalier, Andrea (Texas Council of Administrators of Special Education (TCASE))

 Cuellar, Lupe (City of El Paso)

 Garcia, Brandon (Texas public charter schools association)

 Grizzard, Julia (Self; Bexar County Education Coalition)

 Hawthorne, Brian (Self; Sheriffs’ Association of Texas)

 Hinds, David (Sparkcognition)

 Holleman, Will (Raise Your Hand Texas)

 Luke, Charles (Self; Coalition for Education Funding)

 Nichols, Colby (Texas Association of Community Schools)

 Nichols, Colby (Leander ISD)

 Ramirez, Charles (EMS ISD)

 Wichers, Louis (Self)

 Against :

 Berel-Harrop, Sarah (Self)

 Blaine, Carly (Self)

 Duggins-Clay, Paige (Self; IDRA (Intercultural Development Research Association))

 Griffith, Carrie (Texas State Teachers Association)

 Kizer, Kathryn (Self)

 Pena, Alejandro (Texas American Federation of Teachers)

 Sikes, Lindsey (Self)

 Wildman, Tal (Self)

 On :

 Marin, Eric (TEA)

 McGeady, John (Texas Permanent School Fund Corporation)

 Scott, John (Texas Education Agency)

 Terry, James (Texas Education Agency)
