SB 63


 Defense & Veterans' Affairs Committee

 April 20, 2023 - 8:00 AM

 For :

 Fuller, Mitch (Self; VFW Department of Texas)

 Price, Steven (Self; The Voices of our Veterans)

 On :

 Harris, Ph.D., Blake (Texas Veterans Commission)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Brennan, Jim (Texas Coalition of Veterans Organizations)

 Casas, Isabel (Texas Council of Community Centers)

 Gill, Hannah (NAMI Texas)

 Guy, Linda (Self)

 Harris, Ashley (United Ways of Texas)

 Kay, Cicely (Travis County Commissioners Court)

 McLean, Gentry (Self)

 Morris, Tory (Self)

 Person, Maria (Self)

 Saval, Maureen (Self)

 Stockhausen, Lorelei (Self)

 Tamayo, Elisa M. (Self; El Paso County)

 Trevino, Taylor (Self)

 On :

 McEntyre, George (Health & Human Services Commission (HHSC))
