SB 129


 Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

 May 9, 2023 - 8:00 AM

 For :

 Ibe, Natalie (Self; True Texas Project)

 Price, Judy (Self; 97th District Attorney’s Office)

 Williams, M Paige (Self)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Allmon, Jennifer (The Texas Catholic Conference of Bishops)

 Batton, David (Harris County Deputies Organization FOP 39)

 Carcerano, Eric (Self; Chambers County District Attorney’s Office)

 Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)

 Chancellor, John (Texas Police Chiefs Association)

 Hall, Casey (97th District Attorney)

 Hunt, Ray (Self; Houston Police Officers’ Union)

 Lamb, Susan (Self)

 Mitchell, Bryan (Dallas County Criminal District Attorney John Creuzot)

 Moore, Carrie (Self; CDF, Nueces Co/ Texas Ed 911)

 Ortiz, Carlos (San Antonio Police Officers Association)

 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

 Parnell, James (Dallas Police Association)

 Rosenberger, Harley (Self)

 Szimanski, Jennifer (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas (CLEAT))

 Tharp, Jennifer (Self; Comal County Criminal District Attorney's Office)

 Wilkerson, John (Texas Municipal Police Association (TMPA))
