SB 1424

              Senate Committee Report

              Water, Agriculture & Rural Affairs

              April 3, 2023 - 8:00 AM

                       Registering, but not testifying:


                                          Bender, John    (Texas Corn Producers Association), Austin, TX

                                          Clifford, Mike   Technical Director  (Greater Edwards Aquifer Alliance), Austin, TX

                                          Essler, JC   Executive Vice President  (Texas Poultry Federation), Round Rock, TX

                                          Howe, Billy   Associate Director Government Affairs  (Texas Farm Bureau), Austin, TX

                                          Kelly, Bill   Director of Government Relations  (Mayor’s Office, City of Houston),

                                          Houston, TX

                                          Kercheval, Todd    (Self; Texas Conservation Association for Water and Soil (TCAWS)),

                                          Austin, TX

                                          Ortiz, Alex    (Sierra Club), Austin, TX

                                          Reed, Cyrus   Conservation Director  (Lone Star Chapter Sierra Club), Austin, TX

                                          Sledge, Brian   Attorney  (San Antonio River Authority), Austin, TX


                                          Hall Lecuona, Shawn    (Self; BFQ), Austin, TX


                                          Ames, Lauren    (Sunset Commission), Austin, TX

                                          Foster, John   Programs Officer  (State Soil and Water Conservation Board), Temple, TX

                                          Isom, Rex   Executive Director  (State Soil and Water Conservation Board), Temple, TX

                                          Zajicek, Kenny   CFO  (Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board), Temple, TX
