SB 1515


 Public Education Committee

 May 2, 2023 - 8:00 AM

 For :

 Barton, Timothy (WallBuilders)

 Castle, Mary Elizabeth (Texas Values)

 Krause, Matt (First Liberty Institute)

 Against :

 Albert, David (Self; Texas AFT and ACC/AFT)

 Bates, Jennifer (Self)

 Carnes, Molly (Self)

 Colbert, Paul (Self)

 Crews, Charles (Self)

 Houston, Joshua (Texas Impact)

 Lopez, Carisa (Self; Texas Freedom Network)

 Perdue, Stephanie (Self)

 Ra, Aron (Self)

 Rice, Conor (Self)

 Shawver, Alex (Self)

 Tucker, Byron (Self)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Alcocer-perez, Sandy (Self)

 Avelar, Margarita (Self; North Texas Conservatives)

 Black, Tom (Self)

 Briley, Debra (Self; North Texas Conservatives)

 Broughton, Rebecca (Self)

 Burden, Brandon (Self; North Texas Conservatives)

 Byrd, Kyle (Self)

 Cansler, Abbigail (Self)

 Collins, Brandon (Self)

 Cruz-Vazquez, Jorvanel (Self)

 Day, Jaden (Self)

 Decker, Brandy (Self; North Texas Conservatives)

 Gallegos, Melanie (Self)

 Herrera, Julian (Self)

 Landry, Rodney (Self; North Texas Conservatives)

 Morgan, Jatonna (Self)

 Morris, Krista (Self)

 Parish, Michelle (Self)

 Ransdell, James (Self)

 Roberts, Beverly (Self)

 Rosa, Fernay (Self)

 Ruble, Gene (Self)

 Ruble, Kathleen (Self)

 Scott, Anita (Self)

 Silva, Leighna (Self)

 Slocum, Don (Self)

 Vega, Richard (CT Church/At His Feet Ministries)

 Williams, Kailyn (Self)

 Yount, Joshua (Self)

 Against :

 Adams, Doris (Self)

 Adams Hernandez, Theo (Self)



 SB 1515


 Public Education Committee

 Adkins, Claire (Self)

 Albert Donovan, Carolyn (Self)

 Alesch, Emily (Self)

 Allen, Rebecca (Self)

 Allison, Heather (Self)

 Alvarado, Amanda (Self)

 Anderson, Kristy (Self)

 Anderson, Laurie (Self)

 Aoki, Agnes (Self)

 Armendariz, Maggie (Self)

 Avery, Juniper (Self)

 B, Sarah (Self)

 Ball, Ashley (Self)

 Banach, Darby (Self)

 Banach, Tara (Self)

 Beausoleil, Kai (Self)

 Beaver, Kelsi (Self)

 Benietez, Sarai (Self)

 Bennett, Amanda (Self)

 Bercu, Stephani (Self)

 Berel-Harrop, Sarah (Self; Texas Unitarian Universalist Ministry)

 Bier, Marti (Self; Texas Freedom Network)

 Bihun, Meaghan (Self)

 Bissex, Ramsey (Self)

 Bohannon, Shelby (Self)

 Bork, Sarah (Self)

 Breeding, William (Self)

 Briggs, Diana (Self)

 Bullion, Holly (Self)

 Burke, Katherine (Self)

 Butcher, Callie (Self)

 Byers, Austin (Self)

 Caballero, Alejandra (Self)

 Calkins, Carter (Self)

 Campos, Jasper (Self)

 Caraway, Ethan (Self)

 Carey, Sorley (Self)

 Carpenter, Whitney (Self)

 Carroll, Andrea (Self)

 Carroll, Harlan (Self)

 Carter, Arthur (Self)

 Casero, Max (Self; Prism Imtegrated Health)

 Cassidy, Eileen (Self)

 Cave, Tricia (Association of Texas Professional Educators (ATPE))

 CharriĆ©, Miguel (Self)

 Chase, Caley (Self)

 Chase, Garrett (Self; ASHwell)

 Chavez, Yulissa (Self)

 Chen, David (Self)

 Cheng, Peishi (Self)

 Cherny, Grace (Self)

 Cherny, Tee (Self)

 Chick, Laurel (Self)

 Chow, Elliot (Self)

 Clausen, Liz (Self)

 Cline, Eli (Self)



 SB 1515


 Public Education Committee

 Cole, Adelle (Self)

 Collas, Leo (Self)

 Corcoran, Mark (Self)

 Corpuel, Raymie (Self)

 Craker, Derek (Self)

 Cross, Grant (Self)

 Cuevas, Avital (Self)

 Cuevas, Avital (Self)

 D colton, Jaseynth (Self)

 Darlington, Mary (Self)

 Darlington, Maxwell (Self)

 Davis, Jessica (Self)

 Davis, Lindsey (Self)

 Davis, Melissa (Self)

 Davis, Michael (Self)

 DeGaalon, Elisabeth (Self)

 Denvir, Audrey (Self)

 Deschenes, Beth (Self)

 Deschenes, Chris (Self)

 Diaz, Aiden (Self)

 Diaz, Edward (Self)

 DiMasi, Rachel (Self)

 DiPasquale, Leila (Self)

 DiSanza, Maggie (Self)

 Domin, Madison (Self)

 Doyle, Ely (Self)

 Doyle, Madeline (Self)

 Drackert, Kathryn (Self)

 Dunn, Grace (Self)

 Eastman, Anna (Self)

 Eby, Claire (Self)

 Edwards, Cody (Self)

 Edwards, Rebecca (Self)

 Eggimann, Mac (Self)

 Eickstaedt, Wendy (Self)

 English, Jamila (Self; Emgage)

 Erhart, Marissa (Self)

 Erisman, Wendy (Self)

 Espinosa, Sarita (Self)

 Etheredge, Holly (Self)

 Etheredge, Jon (Self)

 Etheredge, Qwin (Self)

 Etheredge, William (Self)

 Fairbanks, Meghan (Self)

 Farrell, Elizabeth (Self)

 Faz, Manuel (Self)

 Fiduk, Kenneth (Self)

 Figueroa, Tez (Self)

 Fitzgerald, Alexander (Self)

 Floren, Morgan (Self)

 Flucke, Alex (Self; Texas Freedom Network)

 Foradory, Chealsey (Self)

 Ford Larson, Anna (Self)

 Foster, Linzy (Self)

 Fowler, Elaina (Texas State Teachers Association)



 SB 1515


 Public Education Committee

 Fulbright, Amelia (Self)

 Gaglio, Sydney (Self)

 Gallo, Nathaniel (Self)

 Galvan, Erica (Self)

 Ganz, Ethan (Self)

 Garcia, Denise (Self)

 Gavin, Meg (Self)

 Gavrilla, Sandra (Self)

 Giles, Mandy (Self)

 Giles, Mars (Self)

 Giotis, Asher (Self)

 Glasco, Imani (Self)

 Glickman, Anne (Self)

 Goetter, Sara (Self)

 Gonzales, Frank (Self)

 Gonzales, Rachel (Self)

 Gonzalez-Johnson, Veni (Self)

 Gooch, Johnathan (Self)

 Gordon, John (Self)

 Greenberg, Jordan (Self)

 Griffith, Idona (Self)

 Grimm, Jessica (Self)

 Grimm, Josh (Self)

 Gustafson, Nora (Self)

 Gutierrez, April (Self)

 Guy, Linda (Self)

 H., Amy (Self)

 Hagin, Kit (Self)

 Hall, Leslie (Self)

 Harper, Cole (Self)

 Harrington, Kate (Self)

 Harris, Courtney (Self)

 Harris, Kristen (Self)

 Hatcher, Daniel (Self)

 Hayward, Ever (Self)

 Hearth, Alexis (Self)

 Heckmann, Hadley (Self)

 Henderson, Carey (Self)

 Hernandez, Nicholas (Self)

 Heroux, Emily (Self)

 Hicks, Britt (Self)

 Hill, Rachel (Self)

 Hinojosa, Sara (Self)

 Hobson, Todla (Self)

 Holley-hurt, Carrie (Self)

 Holley-Hurt, Russell (Self)

 Holloman, Matthew (Self)

 Huisache, Sam (Self)

 Hunter, Melinda (Self)

 Hurt, Lizzy (Self)

 Ivester, Jo (Self)

 Ivester, Jonathan (Self)

 Jackman, Beatrix (Self)

 Jackson, James (Self; OUTreach Denton, PRIDENTON)

 Jacob, Carl (Self)

 Johnson, LyAnna (Self; Texas Impact)



 SB 1515


 Public Education Committee

 Juraska, AJ (Self)

 Kaulfus, Jack (Self)

 Kennedy, Christina (Self)

 Kennon, Suzi (Texas PTA)

 Kerns, Susanne (Self)

 Kim, Luis (Self)

 Klosterboer, Brian (Self; ACLU of Texas)

 Klugh, Eileen (Self)

 Kosobud, Terry (Self)

 Kourtchikov, Mikita (Self)

 Kubes, Kalie (Self)

 L, Rowan (Self)

 Lamar, Texas (Self)

 Langlois, Peter (Self)

 LaQueene, Maxine (Self)

 Latham Sikes, Chloe (IDRA (Intercultural Development Research Association))

 Laws, Cheryl (Self)

 Le, Silver (Self)

 Leblanc, Melody (Self)

 Lewis, Jessie (Self)

 Limon, Magdiel (Self)

 Lin, Jae (Self)

 Lindsey, Al (Self)

 Litzinger, Linda (Self)

 Looney, Rowan (Self)

 Lopez, Alec (Self)

 Lopez-Finn, Elliot (Self)

 M, Samuel (Self)

 Ma, Nicole (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Mack, Susan (Self)

 Mahony, Evan (Self)

 Malkawi, Heather (Self; Texas U U Justice Ministry)

 Margulies, Jennifer (Self)

 Marks, Hattie (Self)

 Martin, Brittany (Self)

 Martin, Jesse (Self)

 Martinez, Annette (Self)

 Martinez, Ricardo (Self)

 Martorell, Alejandra (Self)

 May, Emma (Self)

 McConnell, Melissa (Self)

 McCoy, Kristopher (Self)

 McDaniel, Betty (Self)

 Mcintyre, Jo (Self)

 Mckay, Elizabeth (Self)

 McQueen, Jasper (Self)

 Meis, Nova (Self)

 Meitzen, Nicole (Self)

 Mendoza, Christian (Self)

 Meyer, Melissa (Self)

 Miller, Heather (Self)

 Mills, Amber (Self)

 Molnar, Eve (Self)

 Montgomery, Belynda (Self)

 Moody-Fuller, Jacqueline (Self)



 SB 1515


 Public Education Committee

 Moore, Lisa (Self)

 Morales, Ezra (Self)

 Moreno, Lidia (Self)

 Morgan, Jane Elizabeth (Self)

 Morgan schindler, Rachel (Self)

 Morneault, Madelyn (Self)

 Morris, Ren (Self)

 Morris, Tory (Self)

 Mosery, Whitney (Self)

 Moxley, Kyle (Self)

 Muehlstein, Ethan (Self)

 Muller, Sandra (Self)

 Murray, Katherine (Self)

 Neustaedter, Kathryn (Self)

 Nguyen, June (Self)

 Nguyen, Michelle (Self)

 Nguyen, Quynh-Huong (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Noel, Melita (Self)

 Nunez, Marissa (Self)

 O'Brien-Gibbins, Sarah (Self)

 Oefinger, Cameron (Self)

 Olander-Waters, Sheri (Self)

 Olander-Waters, Stephen (Self)

 Oliver, Harold (Democrats for Education Reform)

 Oliver Jones, Kristy (Self)

 Osier, Nico (Self)

 Overton, Elli (Self)

 P, Gabi (Self)

 Palmer, Zoe (Self)

 Patel, Jasmin (Self)


 Peirce, Jesse (Self)

 Pena, Alejandro (Texas American Federation of Teachers)

 Pena, Christian (Self)

 Penn, Robin (Self)

 Perez, Adriano (Self; Texas freedom network)

 Perez, Karina (Self)

 Perez, Vivianna (Self)

 Plaia, Julia (Self)

 Porras, Eleanor (Self; Kingwood Area Democrats)

 Powers, CH (Self)

 Pratt, Susan (Self)

 Preslar, Christopher (Self)

 Pruner, Todd (Self)


 Puerto, Smith (Self)

 Pumroy, Marta (Self)

 Q, Samantha (Self)

 Rago, Kristina (Self)

 Railsback, Adam (Self)

 Ramirez, M (Self)

 Regis, Katherine (Self)

 Richie, Erika (Self)

 Richter, Amanda (Self)

 Riess, Natalie (Self)

 Rivas, Lesley (Mexican American School Boards Association)



 SB 1515


 Public Education Committee

 Rivers, Ellyn (Self)

 Rives, Samuel (Self)

 Roberts, Katherine (Self)

 Rodriguez, Juvencia (Self)

 Rogers, Chris (Self)

 Rogers, Maia (Self)

 Romero Walsh, Kathy (Self)

 Rubel, Robert (Self)

 Ryon, Abbie (Self)

 S, Rox (Self)

 Salada, Erin (Self)

 Sammons, Rachel (Self)

 Sanchez, Marcus (Self)

 Santana, Osmara (Self)

 Schirmer, Jerry (Self)

 Schlesinger, Ellen (Self)

 Schneider, Elliot (Self)

 Seals, Paiton (Self)

 Sepulveda, Sofia (Self; Equality Texas)

 Seveland, Asher (Self)

 Seveland, Chad (Self)

 Shaffer, Jesse (Self)

 Shanchez, Omar (Self)

 Shanmugasundaram, Priyanka (Self)

 Shea, David (Self)

 Siegel, Michael (Self)

 Silva, Aurora (Self)

 Skaggs, Skye (Self)

 Slaymaker, Erika (Self)

 Sloan, Sarah (Self)

 Snowton, Sharon (Self)

 Spellman, Becka (Self)

 Spence, Nelson (Self)

 Stanch, Carson (Self)

 Stanch, Michaela (Self)

 Starks, Ada (Self)

 Steele, Montana (Self)

 Stefani, Darien (Self)

 Steiner, Mackenzie (Self)

 Stephens, Emma (Self)

 Stern, Maggie (Self; Children's Defense Fund - Texas)

 Stewart, Susan (Self)

 Sthanu, Radhika (Self)

 Story, Dale (Self)

 Strong, Rebecca (Self)

 Strub, Matthew (Self)

 Strzelczyk, Michelle (Self)

 Suknaic, Cecilia (Self)

 Svoboda, Haleigh (Self)

 Swartzendruber, Cortney (Self)

 Syed, Sarah (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Szegheo, Valerie (Self)

 Tan, Matt (Self)


 Tendler, Stuart (Self)



 SB 1515


 Public Education Committee

 Thomas, Jay (Self)

 Thomson, Susan (Self)

 Thornton, Bis (Self)

 Todd, Kaleb (Self)

 Toretto, Courtney (Self; Anti-Defamation League)

 Torres Yanez, Claudia (Self)

 Underwood, Alice (Self)

 Underwood, Emily (Self)

 Urieta, Leticia (Self)

 Urieta, Ramiro (Self)

 Valier, Quinn (Self)

 Van Maanen, Cynthia (Self; Travis County Democratic Party)

 Venegas-Matula, Michelle (Self)

 Verette, Madeleine (Self)

 Verette, Madeleine (Self)

 Violet, Benjamin (Self)

 Vogel, Austin (Self)

 Wahlgren, William (Self)

 Walsh, Brendan (Self)

 Walsh, Stephen (Self)

 Walter, Erin (Self; Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry)

 Warner, Maxwell (Self)

 Warren, Jodie (Self)

 Waters, Hally (Self)

 Weidmann   (Self)

 Weintraub, Aliza (Self)

 Wever, Wilbert (Self)

 Whiteaker-Lewis, Corinna (Self; San Gabriel Unitarian Universalist Fellowship)

 Wienck, Tonja (Self)

 Williams, Glenna Sue (Self)

 Williamson, Luke (Self)

 Wilson, Jack (Self)

 Wilson, Mary (Self)

 Winton, Preston (Self)

 Witt, Emily (Self; Texas Freedom Network)

 Wolf, Lauren (Self; Pflugerville Area Democrats)

 Wu, Steven (Self; Woori Juntos)

 Yeary, Dylan (Self)

 Yoakem, Karma (Self)

 Yu, Carolyn (Self)

 Ziegelman, Julie (Self)

 Zoller, Maria (Self)

 Zook, Nicole (Self)

 On :

 Marin, Eric (TEA)
