SJR 44


 Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

 April 25, 2023 - 10:30 AM or upon final adjourn./recess or bill referral if permission granted

 For :

 Kahan, Andy (Crime Stoppers Houston)

 Keith, Jennifer (Harris County District Attorney’s Office)

 Pressley, Nikki (Texas Public Policy Foundation)

 Against :

 Gonzalez, David (Self; Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association)

 Place, Allen (Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association)

 Reynoso, Dalila (Self)

 On :

 Allison, Jim (County Judges and Commissioners Association of Texas)

 Bailey, Madeline (Vera Institute of Justice)

 Derry, Micah (Arnold Ventures)

 Hudson, Nick (American Civil Liberties Union of Texas)

 Jennings, Sarah Mae (Texas Fair Defense Project)

 Johnson, Aaron (Self; Texas Association of Pretrial)

 LaVoie, Megan (Texas Judicial Council and Office of Court Administration)

 Woolley, J.R. (Self; Justices of the Peace and Constables Association of Texas)

 Registering, but not testifying:

 For :

 Anderson, Jessica (Houston Police Department)

 Beckworth, Elmer (Cherokee county district attorney)

 Benestante, Jacquie (Self; Autism Society of Texas)

 Bergman, Jennifer (253rd District Attorney)

 Carcerano, Eric (Self; Chambers County District Attorney)

 Chancellor, John (Texas Police Chiefs Association)

 Hawthorne, Brian (Self; Sheriffs Association of Texas)

 Heatly, Staley (46th District Attorney’s Office)

 Hunt, Ray (Self; Houston Police Officers’ Union)

 Keener, Justin (Doug Deason)

 Lieck, Cheryl (Self; Chambers County District Attorney’s Office)

 Louderback, AJ (Texas Sheriffs Regional Alliance)

 Mills, Buddy (Self; Sheriffs Association of Texas)

 Normand, Joshua (Harris County Deputies’ Organization Faternal Order of Police Lodge


 Ortiz, Carlos (San antonio police officers assiciation)

 Parkinson, Thomas (Self)

 Parnell, James (Dallas Police Association)

 Ramsay, Will (Self; 8th Judicial District Attorney’s Office)

 Scifres, Ray (Self; Sheriffs’ Association of Texas)

 Szimanski, Jennifer (Combined Law Enforcement Associations of Texas (CLEAT))

 Villarreal, Thomas (Self; Austin Police Association)

 Waybourn, Bill (Self; Sheriff Assoication of Texas and Chair Of Major County Sheriffs)

 Wiley, Erleigh (Self; Criminal District Attorney)

 Against :

 Balekai, Akanksha (Texas Appleseed)

 Carson, Bethany (Self; Grassroots Leadership)

 Dorsaneo, Ashley (The Texas Civil Rights Project)

 On :

 Byrd, Mike (Self; PBT)

 Edmonds, Shannon (Texas District and County Attorneys Association (TDCAA))



 SJR 44


 Criminal Jurisprudence Committee

 Garcia, Laquita (Self; Texas Organizing Project)

 Good, Ken (Self; The Professional Bondsmen of Texas)

 Hamilton, James (Self; Texas Organizing Project)

 Mccluskey, John (Professional Bondsman of Texas)

 Mcqueen Jr, Synnachia (Self; Texas Organizing Project)

 Walker, Nathaniel (The Bail Project)

 Walstad, Scott (Self; Professional Bondsman of Texas)
