State Affairs Committee
May 10, 2023 - 8:00 AM
Belsick, Michael (Self)
Castle, Mary Elizabeth (Texas Values)
Cheshire, Cary (Self)
Covey, Jonathan (Texas Values)
Green, Reagan (Self)
Green, Robert L. (Self)
Griesinger, Austin (Texas Family Project)
Macias, Luke (Self)
Neidert, Kelly (Self; Protect Texas Kids)
Andersen, Alexander (Self)
Bandit, Brigitte (Self)
Bihun, Meaghan (Self)
Braun, Fr Kristin (Self; HJAN)
Buchta, Patrick (Self; Austin Texas Musicians)
De Casper, Caleb (Self)
De La Garza, Dylan (Self)
Favret, Gabrielle (Self)
Forsyth, Guy (Self)
Gonzales, Devin (Self)
Hall, Sarah (Self)
Hartsock, Gibson (Self)
Heilrayne, Arwyn (Self)
Heilrayne, Julia (Self)
Hill, Paul (Self)
Klosterboer, Brian (Self; ACLU of Texas)
Kundanmal, Naveen (Self)
LaFleur, Zachary (Self)
LaQueene, Maxine (Self)
Leahy, Francesca (Self)
Lynn, Kerry (Self)
Martin, Nova (Self)
Martinez, Ricardo (Self; EQTX Equality Texas)
Marx, Nacho (Self)
Mathis, Rita (Self)
Owens, Ellen (Self)
Pankl, Grace (Self)
Perdue, Stephanie (Self; Central Texas Pride Community Center, LGBT-Rex)
Perkins, Loren (Self)
Pritchett, Brad (Self)
Pruner, Todd (Self)
Purser, Ray (Greater Houston LGBT Chamber)
Seale, Gwendolyn (Self)
Shawver, Alex (Self)
Stanch, Michaela (Self)
Travis, Travis Randy (Self)
Turner, Cheyenne (Self)
Ervin, Jerrett (Self)
Gordon, Silvertree (Self)
Hood, Arthur (Hv entertainment llc. / Tx arts and commerce non profit)
Hoselton, Joseph (Self)
Love, James (Self)
Nanthavongsa, Tracy (Self)
Nguyen, Michael (Caven Enterprises, Inc)
Roach, Aubry (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Evans, Michelle (Self)
Glass, Tom (Self; Texas Consitutional Enforcement)
Green, Faith (Self)
Ibe, Natalie (Self; True Texas Project)
Parkinson, Thomas (Self)
Putnam, Terry (Self)
Putnam, Wilma joy (Self)
Saenz, Jonathan (Self; Texas Values)
Scott, Anita (Self)
Thornburg, Clinton (Self)
Abraham, David (Self)
Abshire, Nichole (Self)
Adams, Doris (Self)
Adams Hernandez, Theo (Self)
Aguilar, Leonard (Self; Texas AFL-CIO)
Aguinaga, Kendall (Self)
Aguirre, Joseph (Self)
Alaniz, Thalia (Self)
Albert Donovan, Carolyn (Self)
Alejandro-Wilder, Devin (Self)
Aleman, Rebecca (Self)
Alexander, Abbey (Self)
Allen, Marshall (Self)
Allison, Heather (Self; Fund Texas Choice)
Allmon, Bailey (Self)
Almazan, Mariel (Self)
Almazan, Ozkar (Self)
Almendarez, Loren (Self)
Altfeld, Clara (Self)
Alvarado, Julia (Self)
Alvarez, Alejandro (Self)
Alvarez, Lizbeth (Self)
Alvarez, Patricia (Self)
Alvarez, Yesenia (Self)
Amaya, Maria fernanda (Self)
Anderson, Harrison (Self)
Andrews, Devon (Self)
Angel, Michael (Self)
Anjos, Keziah (Self)
Arias, Jordan (Self)
Arndt, Clint (Self)
Arnold, Anastasia (Self)
Ashley, Ransom (Self)
Aslaksen, Rachel (Self)
Avellana, José Ramón (Self)
Ayala, Amanda (Self)
Azar, Ameera (Self)
Bailard, Andra (Self)
Banach, D.B. (Self)
Banach, Tara (Self)
Bank, Iggy (Self)
Bankhead, Ellen (Self)
Barbettini, Grace (Self)
Barboza, Christopher (Self)
Barrow, Jace (Self)
Barsalou, Denee (Self)
Bartos, Katherine (Self)
Basdekis-Morin, Kennady (Self)
Bauer, Anna (Self)
Baxter, David (Self)
Bazaldua, Giomara (Self)
Beard, Audrey (Self)
Beatty, Jasmine (Self)
Beatty, Jasmine J (Self)
Beaver, Kelsi (Self)
Beck, Casey (Self)
Becker, Sarah (Self)
Beiler, Carly (Self)
Beiler, Nick (Self)
Beit-Arie, Maya (Self)
Belasen, Anat (Self)
Bell, Emi (Self)
Benetiez, Sarai (Self)
Bennett, Belinda (Self)
Bennion, James (Self)
Bentley, Sarah (Self)
Bercu, Joel (Self)
Bercu, Stephani (Self)
Bergdoll, Kelly (Self)
Bernabe, Allen (Self)
Bernabe, RoseMary (Self)
Berumen, Gwendolyn (Self)
Betancourt, April (Self)
Betancourt, Jeremy (Self)
Bickley, Carrie (Self)
Bird, Lawrie (Self)
Birdsong, Clint (Human Rights Campaign)
Biscamp, Meagan (Self)
Black, Bailey (Self)
Blaine, Carly (Self)
Bland, Kelli (Self)
Boada, Jason (Self)
Bocanegra, Alice (Self)
Bocanegra, David (Self)
Bonner, Charlie (Self)
Bork, Sarah (Self)
Botello, Albert (Self)
Boville, Alexandra (Self)
Boyd, Brandon (Self)
Braun, Lisa (Self)
Breaux, Seth (Self)
Breeding, William (Self)
Bridgewater, Valeria (Self)
Briseno, Rolando (Self)
Brock, Holly (Self)
Brogdan, Parker (Self)
Brotherton, Anna (Self)
Brown (Self)
Brown, Amie (Self)
Brown, Jodie (Self)
Brown, Zachary (Self)
Brunet, John (Self)
Bryant, James (Self)
Brylowski, Laura Rose (Self)
Buhman, Lindsay (Self)
Burchett, Braden (Self)
Burghgraef, Aaron (Self)
Burkett, Chelsea (Self)
Burns, Kelli (Self)
Burrus, Claire (Self)
Busmente, Gerardo (Self)
Busmente, Leia (Self)
Butler, Lucas (Self)
Byers, Austin (Self)
Byers, Cassidy (Self)
C, Jon (Self)
Caballero, Darcy (Planned Parenthood Texas Votes)
Cabello, Victoria (Self)
Cai, Liming (Self)
Calkins, Carter (Self)
Campos, Jasper (Self)
Cannon, Tina (Austin LGBT Chamber of Commerce)
Canon, John (Self)
Caraway, Ethan (Self)
Cardenas, Anne (Self)
Cardinal, Sofie (Self)
Carneiro, Celine (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Carson, William (Self)
Carter, Emmilou (Self)
Carter, Lindsay (Self)
Cass, Melody (Self)
Cass, William (Self)
Cassel, Keri Elis (Self)
Castellanos, Adrian (Self)
Castellon, Natasha (Self)
Castillo, Night (Self)
Castro, Mario (Self)
Cattell, Jovita (Self)
Cattell, LeRoy (Self)
Cavazos, Aizr (Self)
Ceresa, Jonathan (Self)
Cervera, Gabriela (Self)
Chae, Yeesoo (Self)
Chalman, Clayton (Self)
Chambers, James (Self)
Chapman, Zachary (Self)
Chase, Caley (Self)
Chase, Garrett (Self; ASHwell)
Cherie, Miguel (Self)
Chessher, Caroline (Self)
Chick, Laurel (Self)
Christensen, Taylor (Self)
Chthoo, Agatha (Self)
Clark, Gwyn (Self)
Clausen, Liz (Self)
Clemons, Rebecca (Self)
Cline, Eli (Self)
Cohen, Jessica (Self)
Coin, Kellin (Self)
Cole, Adelle (Self)
Coleman, Hunter (Self)
Constantinides, Caryn (Self)
Cornett, Savvy (Self)
Coronado, Paul (Self)
Corpuel, Raymie (Self)
Cortes, Priscilla (Self)
Cortier, Danielle (Self)
Costello, Bianca (Self)
Crabtree, Jordan (Self)
Craig, Quincy (Self)
Craker, Derek (Self)
Crawford, Carson (Self)
Cruz, Dominic (Self)
Cruz, Rebecca (Self)
Cullinan, Barrie (Self)
Cummings, Jacob (Self)
Current, Sam (Self)
Dacy, Lauren (Self)
Daniel, Chloe (Self)
Davis, Bryan (Self)
Davis, Jessica (Self)
Davis, Lindsey (Self)
Davis, Melissa (Self)
Davis, Michael (Self)
Dayton, Nora (Self)
De La Fuente, Arielle (Self)
De leon, Fabian (Self)
Dean, Caleb (Self)
Dearbonne, Jordan (Self)
DeBill, Valerie (Self)
DeGaalon, Elizabeth (Self)
Dein, Allison (Self)
Delacarda, Karissa (Self)
Delacarda, Patricia (Self)
Delape, Rain (Self)
Delia, Joseph (Self)
DeLoretto-Chudy, Sophia (Self)
DeNoto, Courtney (Self)
Deshler, Kira (Self)
Deyo, Chris (Self)
DiMasi, Rachel (Self)
Dismukes, John (Self)
Dominguez, Kat (Self)
Douglas, Graham (Self)
Downs, Ashley (Self)
Drackert, Katie (Self)
Dunn, Brad (Self)
Dunn, James (Self)
Duplessis, Lauren (Self)
Duran, Christian (Self)
Earl, Emily (Self)
Eason, Wyatt (Self)
Eastwood, Nicholas (Self)
Eder, Jessica (Self)
Eder, Ryan (Self)
Edwards, Ezra (Self)
Eggimann, Mac (Self)
Eickstaedt, Wendy (Self)
Ellis, Sabrina (Self)
Ellsworth, Briana (Self)
Elsen, Liz (Self)
Emory, Cathryn (Self)
Erhart, Marissa (Self)
Erisman, Wendy (Self)
Escamilla, Taylor (Self)
Escovar, Eladio (Self)
Evans, Alex (Self; AVOW Texas)
Evans, Shelby (Self)
Fairbanks, Meghan (Self)
Falcon, Jennifer (Self)
Farias, Charlene (Self)
Farrar, Camille (Self)
Feltwell, Sofia (Self)
Ferguson, Sarah (Self)
Fernandez, Sonia (Self)
Fiduk, Kenneth (Self)
Fierro-Perez, Rocio (Self; Texas Freedom Network)
Figueroa, Tez (Self)
Figueroa, Victoria (Self)
Fillip, Austin (Self)
Fitzgerald, Alexander (Self)
Fletcher-Bai, Ari (Self)
Floren, Morgan (Self)
Flores, Andie (Self)
Flores, Ismael (Self)
Flowers, Jeffrey (Self)
Fonseca, Jaime (Self)
Fontaine Crawford, Joanna (Self)
Forbers, Jasmine (Self)
Forsyth, Jessica (Self)
Foster, Dante (Self)
Foster, Linzy (Self)
Foster, Maxim (Self)
Fox, Taylor (Self)
Franco, Brie (City of Austin)
Franco, JJ (Self)
Freeman, Noel (Self)
Fugate-Downs, Edythe Anna (Self)
Fulfer, Wesley (Self)
G, Savannah (Self)
Gaebe, Katelynn (Self; Cosmic Wax Studio)
Gale, Zenyth (Self)
Garcia, Denise (Self)
Garcia, Gabriela (Self)
Garcia, Jose (Self)
Garcia, Mallorie (Self)
Garcia, Raul (Self)
Garcia, Rebecca (Self)
Garcia, Sandra (Self)
Garcia-Crow, Surya (Self)
Gardner, Jessica (Self)
Gardner, Joseph (Self)
Garrett, Jules (Self)
Garro, Allyson (Self; Coco Coquette LLC)
Garza, Garrett (Self)
Gatlin, Mary (Self)
Gavin, Dylan (Self)
Gil, Justina (Self)
Glass, Angela (Self)
Goetz, Kelly (Self)
Goforth, Patricia (Self)
Golden, Allyssa (Self)
Goldstein, Katherine (Self)
Golightly, Pete (Self)
Gonzales, Andrea (Self)
Gonzales, Elaina (Self)
Gonzales, Kris (Self)
Gonzalez, Manuel (Self)
Gonzalez, Sergio (Self)
Gonzalez, Veni (Self)
Gooch, Johnathan (Self)
Goodman, Chloe (Self; Equality Texas)
Goold, Rachel (Self)
Gordon, John (Self)
Gott, Deidre (Self)
Gregory, Eri (Self)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Gromm, Josh (Self)
Guajardo, Victoria (Self)
Guidangen, Jason (Self; Equality Texas)
Gustafson, Nora (Self)
Gutierrez, Joel (Self)
Gutterman, Lauren (Self)
Gwendolyn, Sweet (Self)
Haddad, Dana (Self)
Haden, Lorri (Self)
Hagin, Kit (Self)
Hale, Angela (Self; Texas Competes Actions)
Haley, Amy (Self)
Hall, Ash (Self; ACLU of Texas)
Hamilton, Christopher (Self; Texas Health Action)
Hamilton, Cynthia (Self)
Han, Tiffany (Self)
Hardin Stojanovski, Christina (Self)
Harper, Cole (Self)
Hartrick, Hayden (Self)
Harvell, Daniel (Self)
Hatch, Marian (Self)
Hatcher, Daniel (Self)
Hatt, Quintin (Self)
Hauber, Addie (Self)
Havens, Oliver (Self)
Hawkins, Jessica (Self)
Haynes, Alexandria (Self)
Heckmann, Hadley (Self)
Heger, Andrew (Self)
Helms, Ashley (Self)
Helwig, Erik (Self)
Hernandez, Gilbert (Self)
Hernandez, Nicholas (Self)
Hernandez, Rico (Self)
Hernandez, Sadie (Self; Transgender Education Network of Texas)
Heroux, Emily (Self)
Hiatt, Alexander (Self)
Hicks, Britt (Self)
Hillman, Susan (Self)
Hime, Lilli (Self)
Hinojosa, Stephanie (Self)
Hman, Max (Self)
Hogan, Carter (Self)
Holden, Zachary (Self)
Holland, Tanya (Self)
Holley-Hurt, Carrie (Self)
Holley-Hurt, Russell (Self)
Hollingsworth, Morgan (Self)
Holloman, Matthew (Self)
Holt, Hanna (Self)
House, Skylar (Self)
Houser, Amelia (Self)
Hovsepian, Hayden (Self)
Hughes, Christian (Self)
Hurt, Elizabeth (Self)
Ibarrola, Sabina (Self)
Immel, Jacob (Self)
Inell, Evan (Self)
Inman, David (Self)
Islam, Nadia (City of San Antonio)
Jackman, Beatrix (Self)
Jaco, Jenna (Self)
Jacobson, Braiden (Self)
James, Wesley (Self)
Janak, Mason (Self)
Jang, Patricia (Self)
Jarman, Christine (Self)
Jarman, Ericka (Self)
Jarman, James (Self)
Jarmon, Heather (Self)
Jensen, Christopher (Self)
Jensen, Thomas (Self)
Jeter, Mars (Self)
Jevons, Brendan (Self)
Jimenez, Lucas (Self)
Jimenez, Marcus (Self)
Johnson, Erin (Self)
Johnson, Joseph (Self)
Johnson, Perla (Self)
Johnston, Jen (Self)
Juraska, Aj (Self)
Kall, Taylor (Self)
Kapostasy, Sarah (Self)
Keene, Jolene (Self)
Keene, Timothy (Self)
Kelly, Bill (Mayor’s Office, City of Houston)
Kennedy, Christina (Self)
Kiker, Meghan (Self)
Kilburn, Madeline (Self)
Kim, Luis (Self)
Kimbro, Alfred (Self)
Kincaid, Jeannette (Self)
Kincaid, Rain (Self)
Kisielius, Julia (Self)
Kisielius, Luca (Self)
Klos, Sadie (Self)
Klumpp, Kay (Self)
Knebel, Thomas (Self)
Koeneman, Megan (Self)
Koffman, Avree (Self; Ashwell)
Kohler, Audrey (Self)
Kopp, Emilie (Self)
Kornblau, Zachary (Self)
Kornblauy, Bryce (Self)
Kosewski, John Jeffrey (Self)
Kranz, Adam (Self)
Krauss, Kaleigh (Self)
Kress, Anthony (Self)
Labrador, Reinaldo (Self)
Lager, Martin (Self)
Lagore, Justin (Self)
LaGrone, Andrea (Self)
Lamar, Texas (Self)
Landry, Sydnee (Self)
Langbehn, Rowan (Self)
Langston, Joanne (Self)
Lansing, Madison (Self)
Lasnau, Christi (Self)
Latham Sikes, Chloe (Self)
Lawrence, Hope (Self)
Lazo, Elizabeth (Self)
Le, Silver (Self)
Ledesma, David (Self)
Lee, Ansley (Self)
Lee, Caroline (Self)
Lee, Gloria (Self)
Lee, Natalia (Self)
Lee, Sam (Self)
Legend, Vinny (Self)
Leggett, Jonathan (Self)
Lehman, Elizabeth (Self)
Levy, Rick (Self)
Lewis, Whit (Self)
Lickona, Terry (Self)
Llamas, Rebeca (Self)
Lobb, Gabriella (Self)
Long, Reid (Self)
Longabaugh, Kelsey (Self)
Looney, Rowan (Self)
Lopez, Alfredo (Self)
Lopez, Federico (Self)
Lopez, Heaven (Self)
Lorigo-Johst, Chevonne (Self)
Love, Taylor (Self)
Lovekamp, Brandi (Self)
Lowen, Katherine (Self)
Ludington, Evely (Self)
Ludington, Gaven (Self)
Luke, Tarah (Self)
M., Samuel (Self)
Ma, Nicole (Self; Woori Juntos)
MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)
Machamer, Lindsey (Self)
Macias, Dylan (Self)
Mack, Susan (Self)
Mahanay, Briana (Self)
Mahony, Evan (Self)
Majumdar, Debarun (Self)
Malagon, Jonathan (Self)
Mann, Noelia (Self)
Mannello, Kathleen (Self)
Maples, Sarah (Self)
Mar, Sara (Self)
Marburger, Sean (Self)
Marcatante, Kaitlyn (Self)
Marshall, Beth (Self)
Martin (Self)
Martin, Brittany (Self)
Martinez, Annette (Self)
Martinez, Celisa (Self)
Martinez, Laura (Self)
Mashburn, Taft (Self)
Matherne, James (Self)
Matos, Christopher (Self)
Matos, Marc (Self)
May, Emma (Self)
McConkey, Jordan (Self)
McConnell, Melissa (Self)
McCoy, Shealynn (Self)
Mccutchin, Jaquarius (Self)
McDonald, Susanna (Self)
McElhinney, Jason (Self)
McGeein, Gabrielle (Self; Clever Baking LLC)
Mcintyre, Jo (Self)
McJunkins, Phillip (Self)
Mckiernan-Gonzalez, John (Self)
McKinnerney, Anne (Self)
McKinnerney, John (Self)
McKracken, Aislyn (Self)
McKracken, Akiya (Self)
McKracken, Amanda (Self)
McMurtry, Curtis (Self)
McNamara, Allison (Self)
McQueen, Jasper (Self)
Meakin, Jacob (Self)
Meis, Nova (Self)
Melendrez, Eli (Texas American Federation of Teachers)
Melhuish, Simone (Self)
Mendoza, Christian (Self)
Meritt, Chad (Self)
Messina, Stephanie (Self)
Mickelson, Cori (Self)
Miller, Babs (Self)
Miller, Daniel (Self)
Miller, Grace (Self)
Miller, Heather (Self)
Mills, Natalia (Self)
Milne, Katie (Self)
Mitchell, Paul (Self)
Moglen, Rachel (Self)
Molnar, Eve (Self)
Monsees, Jennifer (Self)
Montoya, Celeste (Self)
Montoya, Felice (Self)
Moody-Fuller, Jacqueline (Self)
Moore, Anne (Self)
Moore, Nokita (Self; ACT 4 SA)
Morales, Elsa (Self)
Morales, Erica (Self)
Morgan, Jane Elizabeth (Self)
Morgan, Terese Calais (Self)
Morneault, Madelyn (Self)
Morris, Jennifer (Self)
Morris, Ren (Self)
Morris, Tory (Self)
Morrison, Bailey (Self)
Mortl, Amanda (Self)
Mosery, Whitney (Self)
Moxley, Kyle (Self)
Mudge, Jen (Self)
Mues, Sarah (Self)
Murphy, Cooper (Self)
Nabrono, Adam (Self)
Neal, Veronice (Self)
Netscher, Frank (Self)
Neustaedter, Kathryn (Self)
Newman, Janna (Self)
Nguyen, Michelle (Self)
Nguyen, Quynh-Huong (Self; Woori Juntos)
Nixon, Jessica (Self)
Noble Hernandez, Stephanie (Self)
Norton, Skyler (Self)
Noyola, Johanna (Self)
O’Bryant, Brandon (Self)
O’Dea, Connor (Self)
O’Quin, Claire (Self)
Ochoa, Gabrielle (Self)
Okonsky, Megan (Self)
Olander-Waters, Sheri (Self)
Olander-Waters, Stephen (Self)
Olechna, Lauren (Self)
Olivier, Corey (Self)
Olson, Cal (Self)
Olvera, Marcelle (Self)
Oropallo, Brandon (Self)
Oropallo, Brian (Self)
Oropallo, Kara (Self)
Orozco, Sergio (Self)
Orr, Grey (Self)
Ortega, Tess (Self)
Ortiz, Amaris (Self)
Ortiz-Colón, Luis (Self)
Ovitt, Jenee (Self)
P, Anna (Self)
P, Bri (Self)
Pacheco, J (Self)
Packard, Janey (Self)
Padgett, Jacquelyn (Self)
Page, Anele (Self)
Paras, Jay (Self)
Parker, Jeanluc (Self)
Parker, Jimmie (Weird City Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence)
Parks, Joseph (Self)
Parrish, Austin (Self)
Pastori, Kelly (Self)
Patel, Benjamin (Self)
Patton, Jill (Self)
Payne, Imani (Self)
Pecora, Elizabeth (Self)
Pelton, Wynter (Self)
Perez-Grant, Rico (Self)
Petersen, Tim (Self)
Petrakis, Rory (Self)
Phillips, Tim (Self)
Pierce, Russell (Self)
Pinsonneault, Matt (Self)
Pinsonneault, Susan (Self)
Plaia, Julia (Self)
Pollock, Kristen (Self)
Pottorf, Seth (Self)
Powell, Jeffrey (Self)
Prewitt, Taylor (Self)
Price, Kayla (Self)
Puerto, Kristina (Self)
Puerto, Smith (Self)
Quick, Dana (Self)
Quinton, Kaitlin (Self)
Radike, Mindy (Self)
Rago, Kristina (Self)
Rahn, Bailey (Self)
Rainosek, Randall (Self)
Ramirez, Paula (Self)
Ramos, Jen (Self)
Ramsel, Laura (Self)
Ramsey, Nicholas (Self; Human Rights Campaign)
Rauch, Adam (Self)
Raven, Allison (Self)
Ravn, Kaldr (Self)
Ray, Jesse (Self)
Ray, Scott (Self)
Redding, Baylee (Self)
Reese, Christopher (Self)
Reeser, Rose (Self)
Reichelt, Glory (Self)
Reichelt, Jamus (Self)
Reid, Conrad (Self)
Reigel, Daniel (Self)
Rence, Kathryn (Self)
Reynolds, Cassidy (Self)
Rhamy, Erin (Self)
Rhee, Alissa (Self)
Rich, Erika (Self)
Richardson, Anthony (Self)
Ritondale, Tom (Self)
Rivera, Daniel (Self; Drag artist)
Rivers, Ellyn (Self)
Robertson, Jessica (Self)
Robertson, Jillian (Self)
Robertson, Lisa (Self)
Robertson, Virginia (Self)
Robinson, Zayne (Self)
Robison, Andrew (Self)
Rodgers, Courtney (Self)
Rodriguez, Sandra (Self)
Roebel, Whitney (Self)
Rogers, Maia (Self)
Rojas, Lindsay (Self)
Romero Walsh, Kathy (Self)
Rosado, Jonathan (Self)
Rosales, Daniela (Self)
Rosenlieb, Anna Marie (Self)
Rosler, Jamie (Self)
Rubio, Javier (Self)
Rudy, Amy (Self)
Rudy, Kirk (Self)
Ruiz, Diego (Self)
Rybiski, Caitlin (Self)
S, Caleb (Self)
S, Jupiter (Self)
Sabin, Hunter (Self)
Salada, Erin (Self)
Salami, Maha (Self)
Salazar, David (Self)
Salerno, Leo-Charles (Self)
Salinas, Bernardo (Self)
Salinas, Ryan (Self)
Sallerson, Josh (Self)
Sanchez, Ashley (Self)
Sanchez, Marcus (Self; ASHwell)
Sanchez, Mia (Self)
Sanders, Jolene (Self)
Santamaria, Eric (Self)
Saucedo, Garrett (Self)
Sautter, Cassandra (Self)
Saval, Maureen (Self)
Savoie, Melissa (Self)
Savoie, Shane (Self)
Sayde, Rox (Self)
Schelling, Emmett (Self)
Schilt, Paige (Self)
Schmader, Katherine (Self; Travis County Democratic Party)
Schneeberger, Melissa (Self)
Schneider, David (Self)
Scholl, Colt (Self)
Schoonhoven, Katherine (Self)
Schoonhoven, Sarah (Self)
Seaborn, Lyra (Self)
Seals, Paiton (Self)
Sebesta, Charles (Self)
Segovia, Andrea (Self; TENT)
Sepulveda, Sofia (Self; Equality texas)
Sexton, Emily (Self)
Shanchez, Omar (Self)
Shanmugasundaram, Priyanka (Self)
Shead, Matthew (Self)
Sheehy, Meg (Self)
Shelton, Bailey (Self)
Shields, Evelyn (Self)
Shipp, Ranisha (Self)
Shonkoff, Diana (Self)
Shuluk, Julia (Self)
SilVa, Daniela (Self)
Silvert-Noftle, Erin (Self)
Simpson, Richard (Self)
Skidmore, Danielle (Self)
Skillman, Alicia (Self)
Slaymaker, Erika (Self)
Smith, Jessica (Self)
Snow, Theresa (Self)
Solomons, Hannah (Self)
Solsberry, Daemian (Self)
Somes, Carolyn (Self)
Sorenson, Rosemarie (Self)
Soto, Charles (Self)
Soumbeniotis, Nicole (Self; Once Over Coffee Bar)
Spaventa, Louisa (Self)
Spellman, Becka (Self)
Spence, Katie (Self)
Spinner, Meredith (Self)
Stancey, Tomas (Self)
Stanch, Carson (Self)
Staten, Eboni (Self)
Steele, Montana (Self)
Steele, Sandy (Self)
Stenzel, John (Self)
Stephens, Emma (Self)
Stern, Maggie (Self)
Stevens, Courtney (Self)
Stevens, Lynn (Self)
Stevens, Robert (Self)
Stewart, Katelyn (Self)
Stewart, Susan (Self)
Sthanu, Radhika (Self)
Strickland, Conner (Self)
Strub, Matthew (Self)
Suknaic, Cecilia (Self)
Sullivan, Mary (Self)
Swartzendruber, Cortney (Self)
Swinston, George (Self)
Syed, Sarah (Self; Woori Juntos)
Szegheo, Valerie (Self)
Tamayo, Steven (Self)
Tamez, Aaron (Self)
Tan, Matt (Self)
Tanzer, Ben (Self)
Taylor, Emilie (Self)
Taylor, Jacqueline (Self)
Taylor, Quinlyn (Self)
Templaza, Lane (Self)
Tendler, Stuart (Self)
Teston, Brooke (Self)
Thomas, Jay (Self)
Thompson, Allison (Self)
Thompson, Kelly (Self)
Thompson, Lauren (Self)
Thompson, Stephanie (Self)
Thomson, Susan (Self)
Thornton, Bis (Self)
Tillory (Self)
Tocker, Julia (Self)
Tolbert, Margaret (Self)
Tomerlin, Mary (Self)
Toretto, Courtney (Self; Anti-Defamation League)
Torres, Cathryn (Self; Frontera Fund)
Tran, Anthony (Self)
Trevino, Luna (Self)
Tristan, Ofelia (Self)
Trott, Elizabeth (Self)
Tucker, Chelsea (Self)
Underwood, Emily (Self)
Urieta, Leticia (Self)
Urieta, Ramiro (Self)
V., Paul (Self)
Van, Kimberly (Self)
Van Hoek, Phil (Self)
Van Maanen, Cynthia (Self; Travis County Democratic Party)
Veenstra, Mari (Self)
Vega, Azucena (Self; ASHwell)
Venegas-Matula, Michelle (Self)
Venti, Arianna (Self)
Verette, Madeleine (Self)
Vernon, Sierra (Self)
Vidal, Jose (Self)
Villafranco, Moises (Self)
Villareal, Aimee (Self)
Villarreal, Michael (Self)
Villegas, V (Self)
Vincent, Allison (Self)
Violet, Benjamin (Self)
Vivias, Edward (Self)
Vogel, Austin (Self)
Vogt, Ruben (Self)
Volosen, Rebeca (Self)
Voyt, Rachel (Self)
Wahl, Keely (Self)
Wake, Emma (Self)
Walker, Rachel (Self)
Wallace, Tammi (LGBTQ Chambers of Texas)
Wallens, Luke (Self)
Walsh, Brendan (Self)
Walsh, Deirdre (Self)
Walter, Erin (Self; Texas Unitarian Universalist Justice Ministry)
Walter-Mahoney, Melanie (Self)
Warde-Sandoval, Kaeli (Self)
Warner, Max (Self)
Waters, Hally (Self)
Wauters, Lisa (Self)
Wayne, Nathaniel (Self)
Weintraub, Aliza (Self)
Wergin, Jace (Self)
West, Brooke (Self)
Wever, Wilbert (Self)
Whetstone, Emily (Self)
Whitty, Jacob (Self)
Wight, Christopher (Self)
Wigley, Hailey (Self)
Wilbur, Jade (Self)
Wiley, Helen (Self)
Willett, Savannah (Self)
Williams, CHristy (Self)
Williams, Lauren (Self)
Williams, Zoe (Self)
Wilson, Dominick (Self)
Wilson, Jack (Self)
Wilson, Taylor (Self)
Winsor, Samson (Self)
Winton, Preston (Self)
Witcher, Kayla (Self)
Witte, Kristen (Self)
Wolfe, Mick (Self)
Wood-Kraft, Hannah (Self)
Woods, Meredith (Self)
Woods-Smith, Adriel (Self)
Wright, Elizabeth (Self)
Wright, Joni (Self)
Wu, Steven (Self; Woori Juntos)
Wynne, Brendan (Self)
Yanez, Kayla (Self)
Yeary, Dylan (Self)
Yevenez, Francisco (Self)
Yoon, Alex (Self)
Young, Corbin (Self)
Young, Korey (Self)
Yrrobali, Joshua (Self)
Yrrobali, Michael (Self)
Zach, Roxanne (Self)
Zahn, Jenny (Self)
Zamarripa, Sara (Self)
Zaner, Dylan (Self)
Zapalowski, Gopal (Self)
Zeugin, Aurelia (Self)
Ziegelman, Julie (Self)
Graham, Ann (Texans for the arts)
Kaufman, Lisa (Texas Cultural Trust)
Belsick, Michael (Self)
Schiltz, Stephanie (Self; Texans for Vaccine Choice)
Registering, but not testifying:
Carter, David (Self)
Castilla, Cindi (Self; Texas Eagle Forum)
Evans, Michelle (Self; Texans for Vaccine Choice)
Glass, Tom (Self; Texas Consitutional Enforcement)
Green, Robert L. (Self)
Hunt, Ray (Self; Houston Police Officers’ Union)
Ibe, Natalie (Self; True Texas Project)
Jimenez, Lucas (Self)
Louderback, AJ (Texas Sheriffs Regional Alliance)
Murphy, Cooper (Self)
Parnell, James (Dallas Police Association)
Putnam, Terry (Self)
Putnam, Wilma joy (Self)
Reed, Dallas (Texas Municipal Police Association (TMPA))
Scott, Anita (Self)
Thornburg, Clinton (Self)
Adams, Doris (Self)
Aguilar, Leonard (Self; Texas AFL-CIO)
Arias, Jordan (Self)
Arndt, Clint (Self)
Barsalou, Denee (Self)
Beatty, Jasmine (Self)
Bennett, Belinda (Self)
Bickley, Carrie (Self)
Blaine, Carly (Self)
Bravo, Colette (Self)
Carranza, Susana (Self)
Carson, William (Self)
Cuellar, Guadalupe (City of El Paso)
Ellis, Sabrina (Self)
Emory, Cathryn (Self)
Erisman, Wendy (Self)
Feltwell, Sofia (Self)
Flores, Ismael (Self)
Foster, Maxim (Self)
Fowler, Elaina (Texas State Teachers Association)
Franklin, Johanna (Self)
Frederick, Kolton (Self)
Fulfer, Wesley (Self)
Gallas, Michelle (Texas Medical Association and Texas Pediatric Society)
Garrett, Jules (Self)
Goforth, Patricia (Self)
Griffith, Idona (Self)
Haden, Lorri (Self)
Hahn, Aryan (Self)
Helms, Ashley (Self)
Hime, Lilli (Self)
Holt, Tiana (Self)
Houser, Amelia (Self)
Huang, Arturo (Self)
Hurley, Shepard (Self)
Kelly, Bill (Mayor’s Office, City of Houston)
Kirk, Derrick (Self)
Kisielius, Julia (Self)
Kisielius, Luca (Self)
Klosterboer, Brian (Self)
Leahy, Francesca (Self)
Ledesma, David (Self)
Long, Reid (Self)
Ma, Nicole (Self; Woori Juntos)
MacDougal, Vanessa (Self)
Mack, Susan (Self)
Marquez, Elaine (Self)
Martinez, Laura (Self)
Mayo, Gianni (Self)
McQueen, Jasper (Self)
Melendrez, Eli (Texas American Federation of Teachers)
Melhuish, Simone (Self)
Messina, Stephanie (Self)
Miller, Babs (Self)
Moody-Fuller, Jacqueline (Self)
Mora, Adler (Self)
Morris, Ren (Self)
Morris, Tory (Self)
Morrison, Bailey (Self)
Netscher, Frank (Self)
O'brien, Louie (Self)
Ortiz, Amaris (Self)
Parks, Joseph (Self)
Pruner, Todd (Self)
Rich, Erika (Self)
Rosler, Jamie (Self)
Saval, Maureen (Self)
Schaefer, Ellie (Self)
Schmader, Katherine (Self; Travis County Democratic Party)
Scholl, Colt (Self)
Simon, Meadow (Self)
Simpson, Richard (Self)
Steele, Sandy (Self)
Stewart, Susan (Self)
Sugg, Paul (Harris County Commissioners Court)
Sullivan, Mary (Self)
Syed, Sarah (Self; Woori Juntos)
Thompson, Allison (Self)
Thompson, Kelly (Self)
Van Maanen, Cynthia (Self; Travis County Democratic Party)
Veenstra, Mari (Self)
Venegas-Matula, Michelle (Self)
Walsh, Deirdre (Self)
Walton, Anika (Self)
Wayne, Nathaniel (Self)
Wells, Paula (Self)
Wheeler, Julie (Travis County Commissioners Court)
Wiggins, Mark (Association of Texas Professional Educators)
Willett, Savannah (Self)
Wilson, Jack (Self)
Wright, Joni (Self)
Wu, Steven (Self; Woori Juntos)
Alvarado, Mike (Wattbridge)
Coleman, Katie (Texas Association of Manufacturers)
Gordon, John (Self)
Meredith, Susan (Self)
Barnes, Bill (NRG)
Carter, David (Self)
Gleeson, Thomas (Public Utility Commission of Texas)
Harvey, Julia (Texas Electric Cooperatives)
Kelley, Casey (Constellation Energy Generation)
Reed, Cyrus (Lone star chapter sierra club)
Richmond, Michele (Texas Competitive Power Advocates (TCPA))
Sams, Bryan (Calpine Corporation)
Siegel, Sam (Vistra)
Spencer, Mark (LS Power Development)
Registering, but not testifying:
Beatty, Jasmine (Self)
Belsick, Michael (Self)
Brown, Jay (Valero Energy Corporation)
Delacarda, Karissa (Self)
Delacarda, Patricia (Self)
Dyer, Richard (Texas Coalition for Affordable Power)
Dyer, Richard (Steering Committee of Cities Saved by Oncor)
Ellmer, Mindy (Lyondellbasell, Olin and Tarrant Regional Water District)
Fairbanks, Lauren (Freeport LNG)
Flores, Ismael (Self)
Garcia, Raul (Self)
Gipson, Mark (Pioneer Natural Resources)
Glass, Tom (Self)
Hamilton, Cynthia (Self)
Harris, Dana (Samsung Austin Semiconductor)
Hodges, Ari (Self)
Inell, Evan (Self)
Jimenez, Lucas (Self)
Kast, George (Self; Gibbons lake and land)
Kosewski, John Jeffrey (Self)
Landwehr, Martha (BASF Corporation)
Ledesma, David (Self)
Malouff, Charlie (Texas Twister, Inc.)
Mathis, James (Dow)
Moore, Julie (Occidental)
Murphy, Cooper (Self)
Noonan, Chris (Texas Chemical Council)
Peters, Kataleya (Self)
Ray, Scott (Self)
Romero Walsh, Kathy (Self)
Santiago, Kyro (Self)
Simpson, Richard (Self)
Thornburg, Clinton (Self)
Barsalou, Denee (Self)
Billingsley, Anne (ONEOK, Inc)
Boms, Matthew (Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance)
DiMasi, Rachel (Self)
Fiduk, Kenneth (Self)
Haden, Lorri (Self)
Haverlah, Sandra (Texas Consumer Association)
Linenschmidt, Larry (Self)
McConnell, Melissa (Self)
Morrison, Bailey (Self)
Neeley, Josiah (R Street Institute)
Ortman, Thomas (Self; Nous Energy, Citizens Climate Lobby)
Robison, Andrew (Self)
Rosler, Jamie (Self)
Sabo, Jason (Environment Texas)
Shelley, Adrian (Public Citizen)
Walter, Erin (Self)
Walter-Mahoney, Melanie (Self)
Bell, Mark (Association of Electric Companies of Texas)
Coffee, Jennifer (Texas Pipeline Association)
Ogelman, Kenan (ERCOT)
Shannon, Fred (Hunt Energy Network)
Yu, Joel (Grid Resilience in Texas “GRIT”)
Gordon, John (Self)
Registering, but not testifying:
Beatty, Jasmine (Self)
Belsick, Michael (Self)
Brown, Jay (Valero Energy Corporation)
Coleman, Katie (Texas Association of Manufacturers)
Ellmer, Mindy (Lyondellbasell, Olin and Tarrant Regional Water District)
Flores, Ismael (Self)
Glass, Tom (Self)
Jimenez, Lucas (Self)
Landwehr, Martha (BASF Corporation)
Malouff, Charlie (Texas Twister, Inc.)
Mathis, James (Dow)
Moore, Julie (Occidental)
Murphy, Cooper (Self)
Noonan, Chris (Texas Chemical Council)
Simpson, Richard (Self)
Veenstra, Mari (Self)
Barsalou, Denee (Self)
Billingsley, Anne (ONEOK, Inc)
Boms, Matthew (Texas Advanced Energy Business Alliance)
DiMasi, Rachel (Self)
Fiduk, Kenneth (Self)
Haden, Lorri (Self)
Haverlah, Sandra (Texas Consumer Association)
Ledesma, David (Self)
McConnell, Melissa (Self)
Robison, Andrew (Self)
Romero Walsh, Kathy (Self)
Sabo, Jason (Environment Texas)
Shelley, Adrian (Public Citizen)
Stewart, Susan (Self)
Wu, Steven (Self; Woori Juntos)
Barnes, Bill (NRG)
Beit-Arie, Maya (Self)
Carter, David (Self)
Coffee, Jennifer (Texas Pipeline Association)
Gleeson, Thomas (Public Utility Commission of Texas)
Harvey, Julia (Texas Electric Cooperatives)
Ogelman, Kenan (ERCOT)
Reed, Cyrus (Lone star chapter sierra club)
Yu, Joel (Grid Resilience in Texas “GRIT”)