Amend SB 2 (senate committee report) in SECTION 2 of the bill, in added Section 29.354, Education Code (page 2, between lines 57 and 58), by inserting the following appropriately lettered subsection:
(_) A certified educational assistance organization designated to perform duties described by Subsection (d)(2) shall:
(1) communicate with parents interested in participating in the program and program participants through synchronous and asynchronous communication, prioritizing synchronous communication, regarding:
(A) the educational options available in this state;
(B) how and when to apply to the program and preapproved education service providers;
(C) how to manage an account, including requesting payments;
(D) program requirements; and
(E) any other information necessary to fulfill the organization's responsibilities under this subchapter; and
(2) raise awareness regarding the availability of the program.