Amend SB 2 (senate committee report) as follows:
(1) In SECTION 29.367 (a) (1) (page 9, line 53) between "disability" and "is", by inserting "or a child who is an English language learner".
(2) In Section 29.367 (a) (2), Education Code (page 9, line 56) between "disability" and "is", by inserting "or a child who is an English language learner".
(3) In Section 29.367 (a) (2) of the bill (page 9, between lines 60 and 62) insert the following:
(C) rights provided under the Equal Educational Opportunities Act of 1974 (20 U.S.C Section 1703); and
(D) rights provided under Subchapter B.