Amend SB 4 (senate committee report) in Article 2 of the bill as follows:
(1) In the recital to SECTION 2.01, amending Section 46.071, Education Code (page 2, line 65), strike "and (d-2)" and substitute ", (d-2), and (f)".
(2) In SECTION 2.01, immediately following added Section 46.071(d-2), Education Code (page 3, between lines 13 and 14), insert the following:
(f) A school district may use additional state aid received under this section only to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds for which the district received the aid.
(3) In the recital to SECTION 2.02, amending Section 48.2551, Education Code (page 3, line 15), strike "Subsection (d-3)" and substitute "Subsections (d-3) and (d-4)".
(4) In SECTION 2.02, in added Section 48.2551(d-3), Education Code (page 3, lines 21 and 22), strike "and also as if that increase did not take effect".
(5) In SECTION 2.02, immediately following added Section 48.2551(d-3), Education Code (page 3, between lines 23 and 24), insert the following:
(d-4) If the increase in the residence homestead exemption under Section 1-b(c), Article VIII, Texas Constitution, as proposed by the 89th Legislature, Regular Session, 2025, does not take effect, the commissioner may adjust school districts' maximum compressed rates under this section for the 2025-2026 school year accordingly. Before making an adjustment under this subsection, the commissioner shall notify and must receive approval from the Legislative Budget Board and the office of the governor. This subsection expires September 1, 2029.
(6) In SECTION 2.03, amending Section 48.283, Education Code, as follows:
(A) On page 3, line 27, strike "2024-2025 school year" and substitute "2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school years".
(B) On page 3, lines 37 and 38, strike "2024-2025 [current] school year" and substitute "2023-2024 or 2024-2025 [current] school year, as applicable,".
(C) On page 3, lines 42 and 43, strike "2024-2025 school year" and substitute "2023-2024 or 2024-2025 school year, as applicable".
(7) Strike SECTION 2.09 of the bill, amending Section 25.23, Tax Code (page 4, lines 56-62), and substitute the following appropriately numbered SECTION:
SECTION ____. Section 26.01, Tax Code, is amended by adding Subsections (a-2) and (a-3) to read as follows:
(a-2) This subsection applies only to the appraisal roll for a school district for the 2025 tax year. When the chief appraiser delivers the appraisal roll to the assessor for the school district, the chief appraiser shall include a provisional appraisal roll to account for the changes in law made by S.B. 4, Acts of the 89th Legislature, Regular Session, 2025. If the chief appraiser delivers a supplemental appraisal roll or correction to the appraisal roll to the assessor for the school district before the effective date of Article 1 of that Act, the chief appraiser shall include provisional appraisal roll entries to account for the changes in law made by that article. If Article 1 of that Act takes effect:
(1) on the effective date of that article, the provisional appraisal roll, as supplemented and corrected, becomes the appraisal roll for the school district; and
(2) as soon as practicable after the effective date of that article, the chief appraiser shall correct the school district's appraisal roll as necessary to finally account for the changes in law made by that article.
(a-3) This subsection and Subsection (a-2) expire December 31, 2026.