relating to discipline in public schools. |
SECTION 1. Sections 37.005(a), (b), (c), and (d), Education |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The principal or other appropriate administrator may |
suspend a student who engages in conduct identified in the student |
code of conduct adopted under Section 37.001 as conduct for which a |
student may be subject to an in-school or out-of-school suspension |
[suspended]. |
(b) An out-of-school [A] suspension under this section may |
not exceed three school days. An in-school suspension under this |
section is not subject to any time limit. |
(c) A student who is enrolled in a grade level below grade |
three may not be placed in out-of-school suspension unless while on |
school property or while attending a school-sponsored or |
school-related activity on or off of school property, the student |
engages in: |
(1) conduct that contains the elements of an offense |
related to weapons under Section 46.02 or 46.05, Penal Code; |
(2) conduct that threatens the immediate health and |
safety of other students in the classroom; |
(3) conduct that results in repeated or significant |
disruption to the classroom [contains the elements of a violent |
offense under Section 22.01, 22.011, 22.02, or 22.021, Penal Code]; |
or |
(4) [(3)] selling, giving, or delivering to another |
person or possessing, using, or being under the influence of any |
amount of: |
(A) marihuana or a controlled substance, as |
defined by Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, or by 21 U.S.C. |
Section 801 et seq.; |
(B) a dangerous drug, as defined by Chapter 483, |
Health and Safety Code; or |
(C) an alcoholic beverage, as defined by Section |
1.04, Alcoholic Beverage Code. |
(d) A school district or open-enrollment charter school may |
not place a student who is homeless in out-of-school suspension |
unless the student engages in conduct described by Subsections |
(c)(1)-(4) [(c)(1)-(3)] while on school property or while attending |
a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off of school |
property. The campus behavior coordinator may coordinate with the |
school district's homeless education liaison to identify |
appropriate alternatives to out-of-school suspension for a student |
who is homeless. In this subsection, "student who is homeless" has |
the meaning assigned to the term "homeless children and youths" |
under 42 U.S.C. Section 11434a. |
SECTION 2. Sections 37.006(a) and (c), Education Code, are |
amended to read as follows: |
(a) Subject to the requirements of Section 37.009(a), a |
student shall be removed from class and placed in a disciplinary |
alternative education program as provided by Section 37.008 if the |
student: |
(1) engages in conduct involving a public school that |
contains the elements of the offense of false alarm or report under |
Section 42.06, Penal Code, or terroristic threat under Section |
22.07, Penal Code; or |
(2) commits the following on or within 300 feet of |
school property, as measured from any point on the school's real |
property boundary line, or while attending a school-sponsored or |
school-related activity on or off of school property: |
(A) except as provided by Section 37.007(a), |
engages in conduct punishable as a felony; |
(B) engages in conduct that contains the elements |
of the offense of assault under Section 22.01(a)(1), Penal Code; |
(C) except as provided by Section 37.007(a)(3), |
sells, gives, or delivers to another person or possesses or uses or |
is under the influence of: |
(i) a controlled substance, as defined by |
Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, or by 21 U.S.C. Section 801 et |
seq., excluding marihuana, as defined by Section 481.002, Health |
and Safety Code, or tetrahydrocannabinol, as defined by rule |
adopted under Section 481.003 of that code; or |
(ii) a dangerous drug, as defined by |
Chapter 483, Health and Safety Code; |
(C-1) possesses, uses, or is under the influence |
of, or sells, gives, or delivers to another person marihuana, as |
defined by Section 481.002, Health and Safety Code, or |
tetrahydrocannabinol, as defined by rule adopted under Section |
481.003 of that code; |
[(C-2) possesses, uses, sells, gives, or |
delivers to another person an e-cigarette, as defined by Section |
161.081, Health and Safety Code;] |
(D) sells, gives, or delivers to another person |
an alcoholic beverage, as defined by Section 1.04, Alcoholic |
Beverage Code, commits a serious act or offense while under the |
influence of alcohol, or possesses, uses, or is under the influence |
of an alcoholic beverage; |
(E) engages in conduct that contains the elements |
of an offense relating to an abusable volatile chemical under |
Sections 485.031 through 485.034, Health and Safety Code; |
(F) engages in conduct that contains the elements |
of the offense of public lewdness under Section 21.07, Penal Code, |
or indecent exposure under Section 21.08, Penal Code; or |
(G) engages in conduct that contains the elements |
of the offense of harassment under Section 42.07(a)(1), (2), (3), |
or (7), Penal Code, against an employee of the school district. |
(c) In addition to Subsections (a) and (b), a student shall |
be removed from class and placed in a disciplinary alternative |
education program under Section 37.008 based on conduct occurring |
off campus and while the student is not in attendance at a |
school-sponsored or school-related activity if: |
(1) the student receives deferred prosecution under |
Section 53.03, Family Code, for conduct defined as any of the |
following offenses under the Penal Code: |
(A) a felony offense under [in] Title 5[, Penal |
Code]; [or] |
(B) the offense of deadly conduct under Section |
22.05; |
(C) the felony offense of aggravated robbery |
under Section 29.03[, Penal Code]; |
(D) the offense of disorderly conduct involving a |
firearm under Section 42.01(a)(7) or (8); or |
(E) the offense of unlawfully carrying weapons |
under Section 46.02, except for an offense punishable as a Class C |
misdemeanor under that section; |
(2) a court or jury finds that the student has engaged |
in delinquent conduct under Section 54.03, Family Code, for conduct |
defined as an offense listed in Subdivision (1)[: |
[(A) a felony offense in Title 5, Penal Code; or |
[(B) the felony offense of aggravated robbery |
under Section 29.03, Penal Code]; or |
(3) the superintendent or the superintendent's |
designee has a reasonable belief that the student has engaged in a |
conduct defined as an offense listed in Subdivision (1)[: |
[(A) a felony offense in Title 5, Penal Code; or |
[(B) the felony offense of aggravated robbery |
under Section 29.03, Penal Code]. |
SECTION 3. Section 37.007, Education Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a), (b), and (d) and adding Subsection (f-1) |
to read as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Subsection (k) and subject to the |
requirements of Section 37.009(a), a student shall be expelled from |
a school if the student[, on school property or while attending a |
school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off of school |
property]: |
(1) engages in conduct that contains the elements of |
the offense of unlawfully carrying weapons under Section 46.02, |
Penal Code, or elements of an offense relating to prohibited |
weapons under Section 46.05, Penal Code; |
(2) engages in conduct that contains the elements of |
the offense of: |
(A) aggravated assault under Section 22.02, |
Penal Code, sexual assault under Section 22.011, Penal Code, or |
aggravated sexual assault under Section 22.021, Penal Code; |
(B) arson under Section 28.02, Penal Code; |
(C) murder under Section 19.02, Penal Code, |
capital murder under Section 19.03, Penal Code, or criminal |
attempt, under Section 15.01, Penal Code, to commit murder or |
capital murder; |
(D) indecency with a child under Section 21.11, |
Penal Code; |
(E) aggravated kidnapping under Section 20.04, |
Penal Code; |
(F) aggravated robbery under Section 29.03, |
Penal Code; |
(G) manslaughter under Section 19.04, Penal |
Code; |
(H) criminally negligent homicide under Section |
19.05, Penal Code; or |
(I) continuous sexual abuse of young child or |
disabled individual under Section 21.02, Penal Code; or |
(3) engages in conduct specified by Section |
37.006(a)(2)(C), if the conduct is punishable as a felony. |
(b) A student may be expelled if the student: |
(1) engages in conduct involving a public school that |
contains the elements of the offense of false alarm or report under |
Section 42.06, Penal Code, or terroristic threat under Section |
22.07, Penal Code; |
(2) while on or within 300 feet of school property, as |
measured from any point on the school's real property boundary |
line, or while attending a school-sponsored or school-related |
activity on or off of school property: |
(A) except as provided by Subsection (a)(3), |
sells, gives, or delivers to another person or possesses, uses, or |
is under the influence of any amount of: |
(i) marihuana or a controlled substance, as |
defined by Chapter 481, Health and Safety Code, or by 21 U.S.C. |
Section 801 et seq.; |
(ii) a dangerous drug, as defined by |
Chapter 483, Health and Safety Code; or |
(iii) an alcoholic beverage, as defined by |
Section 1.04, Alcoholic Beverage Code; |
(B) engages in conduct that contains the elements |
of an offense relating to an abusable volatile chemical under |
Sections 485.031 through 485.034, Health and Safety Code; |
(C) engages in conduct that contains the elements |
of an offense under Section 22.01(a)(1), Penal Code, against a |
school district employee or a volunteer as defined by Section |
22.053; or |
(D) engages in conduct that contains the elements |
of the offense of deadly conduct under Section 22.05, Penal Code; |
(3) subject to Subsection (d), while within 300 feet |
of school property, as measured from any point on the school's real |
property boundary line, [: |
[(A) engages in conduct specified by Subsection |
(a); or |
[(B)] possesses a firearm, as defined by 18 |
U.S.C. Section 921; |
[(4) engages in conduct that contains the elements of |
any offense listed in Subsection (a)(2)(A) or (C) or the offense of |
aggravated robbery under Section 29.03, Penal Code, against another |
student, without regard to whether the conduct occurs on or off of |
school property or while attending a school-sponsored or |
school-related activity on or off of school property;] or |
(4) [(5)] engages in conduct that contains the |
elements of the offense of breach of computer security under |
Section 33.02, Penal Code, if: |
(A) the conduct involves accessing a computer, |
computer network, or computer system owned by or operated on behalf |
of a school district; and |
(B) the student knowingly: |
(i) alters, damages, or deletes school |
district property or information; or |
(ii) commits a breach of any other |
computer, computer network, or computer system. |
(d) A student [shall be expelled if the student engages in |
conduct that contains the elements of any offense listed in |
Subsection (a), and] may be expelled if the student engages in |
conduct that contains the elements of any offense listed in |
Subsection (b)(2)(C)[,] against any employee or volunteer in |
retaliation for or as a result of the person's employment or |
association with a school district, without regard to whether the |
conduct occurs on or off of school property or while attending a |
school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off of school |
property. |
(f-1) A school district may place a student expelled under |
this section in: |
(1) a virtual or in-person disciplinary alternative |
education program; or |
(2) a juvenile justice alternative education program. |
SECTION 4. Section 37.0081(a-1), Education Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a-1) The student must be placed in: |
(1) a juvenile justice alternative education program, |
if the school district is located in a county that operates a |
juvenile justice alternative education program or the school |
district contracts with the juvenile board of another county for |
the provision of a juvenile justice alternative education program; |
or |
(2) a virtual or in-person disciplinary alternative |
education program. |
SECTION 5. Subchapter A, Chapter 37, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 37.0083 to read as follows: |
PROGRAM. (a) The board of trustees of a school district, or the |
board's designee, may place a student who has been expelled under |
Section 37.007 in a virtual disciplinary alternative education |
program established by the district and provide virtual instruction |
and instructional materials for remote learning to the student. |
(b) A student placed in a virtual disciplinary alternative |
education program shall be counted toward the district's average |
daily attendance for purposes of receipt of state funds under the |
Foundation School Program. |
(c) The commissioner shall adopt rules as necessary to |
implement this section, including rules providing for a method of |
taking attendance for students placed in a virtual disciplinary |
alternative education program. |
SECTION 6. Section 37.009, Education Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (a-1) and (a-2) and adding Subsection (f-1) to |
read as follows: |
(a-1) If a disciplinary alternative education program is at |
capacity at the time a campus behavior coordinator is deciding |
placement under Subsection (a) for a student who engaged in conduct |
described under Section 37.006(a)(2)(C-1), [(C-2),] (D), or (E), |
the student shall be: |
(1) placed in in-school suspension; and |
(2) if a position becomes available in the program |
before the expiration of the period of the placement, transferred |
to the program for the remainder of the period. |
(a-2) If a disciplinary alternative education program is at |
capacity at the time a campus behavior coordinator is deciding |
placement under Subsection (a) for a student who engaged in conduct |
described under Section 37.007 that constitutes violent conduct, as |
defined by commissioner rule, a student who has been placed in the |
program for conduct described under Section 37.006(a)(2)(C-1), |
[(C-2),] (D), or (E): |
(1) may be removed from the program and placed in |
in-school suspension to make a position in the program available |
for the student who engaged in violent conduct; and |
(2) if removed from the program under Subdivision (1) |
and a position in the program becomes available before the |
expiration of the period of the placement, shall be returned to the |
program for the remainder of the period. |
(f-1) The board or the board's designee may order the |
placement of a student expelled under Section 37.007 in an |
alternative education program as provided by Subsection (f-1) of |
that section. |
SECTION 7. Section 37.010, Education Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (c-1) to read as follows: |
(c-1) This subsection applies to a juvenile court in a |
county that operates a program under Section 37.011. |
Notwithstanding Subsections (a) and (c), a court may order a |
student expelled under Section 37.007 to attend a school district's |
virtual disciplinary alternative education program, if: |
(1) the district has established a virtual |
disciplinary alternative education program under Section 37.0083; |
and |
(2) the county's juvenile justice alternative |
education program under Section 37.011 has no available positions |
for the grade level in which the student is enrolled. |
SECTION 8. Subchapter D, Chapter 37, Education Code, is |
amended by adding Section 37.1151 to read as follows: |
CERTAIN STUDENTS. (a) In this section, "student with a disability" |
means a student who is covered by: |
(1) the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act |
(20 U.S.C. Section 1400 et seq.); or |
(2) Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. |
Section 794). |
(b) If, pursuant to a threat assessment conducted with |
respect to a student under Section 37.115, the school district in |
which the student is enrolled determines that the student's |
continued placement in the student's current educational setting is |
substantially likely to result in physical harm to the student or |
another person, the district may file a civil action for injunctive |
relief in a district court to authorize the district to immediately |
remove the student from the student's current educational setting |
and place the student in an alternative educational setting. |
(c) The school district requesting injunctive relief under |
this section must show that: |
(1) the district has made reasonable efforts to |
maintain the student's current educational setting and minimize the |
likelihood of physical harm to the student or another person; and |
(2) despite the district's efforts under Subdivision |
(1), maintaining the student's current educational setting is |
substantially likely to result in physical harm to the student or |
another person. |
(d) Not later than the fifth calendar day after the date a |
school district files a civil action under Subsection (b), the |
district court shall determine whether the district has provided |
sufficient evidence to satisfy the requirements of Subsection (c), |
and, if so, may order the district to remove the student from the |
student's current educational setting and place the student in an |
alternative educational setting for a period not to exceed 60 |
instructional days. |
(e) In making the determination under Subsection (d), the |
district court shall consider: |
(1) the results of the threat assessment conducted |
with respect to the student under Section 37.115; |
(2) for a student with a disability, any |
recommendations or findings made by the student's admission, |
review, and dismissal committee or the student's team established |
under Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Section |
794), as applicable; and |
(3) any other relevant information. |
(f) On the expiration of an order issued under Subsection |
(d), the school district may file another civil action under |
Subsection (b) to extend the period of the student's placement in an |
alternative educational setting if the district determines, |
pursuant to an additional threat assessment conducted with respect |
to the student under Section 37.115, that the student's return to |
the student's previous educational setting is substantially likely |
to result in physical harm to the student or another person. |
(g) A school district must ensure that a student with a |
disability who is placed in an alternative educational setting |
under this section continues to receive all required educational |
services, including services under the student's individualized |
education program or the student's plan created under Section 504, |
Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (29 U.S.C. Section 794), as applicable. |
(h) A school district that has filed a civil action under |
Subsection (b) for the removal of a student is not subject to the |
requirements of Section 37.009(a) with respect to that removal. |
SECTION 9. Sections 37.001(b-1) and 37.007(i), Education |
Code, are repealed. |
SECTION 10. This Act applies beginning with the 2025-2026 |
school year. |
SECTION 11. This Act takes effect immediately if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each |
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. |
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate |
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |