relating to reforming the procedure by which state agencies adopt |
rules and impose regulatory requirements and the deference given to |
the interpretation of laws and rules by state agencies in certain |
judicial proceedings. |
SECTION 1. This Act may be cited as the Regulatory Reform |
and Efficiency Act. |
SECTION 2. Subtitle E, Title 4, Government Code, is amended |
by adding Chapter 465 to read as follows: |
Sec. 465.0001. DEFINITIONS. (a) The definitions in |
Chapter 2001 apply to this chapter. |
(b) In this chapter: |
(1) "Institution of higher education" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 61.003, Education Code. |
(2) "Office" means the Texas Regulatory Efficiency |
Office. |
(3) "Panel" means the Texas Regulatory Efficiency |
Advisory Panel. |
Sec. 465.0051. ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICE. The Texas |
Regulatory Efficiency Office is established as an office within the |
office of the governor. |
Sec. 465.0052. PURPOSES OF OFFICE. (a) The office is |
established to: |
(1) identify and expand opportunities for |
implementing efficiencies in: |
(A) the process by which state agencies adopt |
rules; |
(B) the regulatory review process; and |
(C) the processes by which contested cases are |
conducted; |
(2) assist state agencies in identifying: |
(A) unnecessary and ineffective rules; |
(B) the effect and cost to this state and |
regulated persons of the agencies' rules and proposed rules; and |
(C) opportunities to repeal or amend rules to |
provide effective protection to the public with the least cost and |
inconvenience to regulated persons; |
(3) coordinate with the secretary of state, the |
Department of Information Resources, and other state agencies in |
the secretary of state's efforts under Section 2001.007 to: |
(A) improve public access to information |
regarding state agency rules, forms, and filings; and |
(B) create an interactive Internet website for |
use by the public to search and obtain information regarding rules, |
forms, and filings applicable to specific regulated occupations, |
industries, professions, and activities; |
(4) coordinate with state agencies to reduce rules or |
other regulatory requirements, including by: |
(A) eliminating unnecessary or ineffective rules |
or other regulatory requirements; and |
(B) reducing the inefficiencies resulting from |
rules or other regulatory requirements adopted by the agency by: |
(i) reducing required training hours while |
protecting the health and safety of the residents of this state; |
(ii) reducing the number of forms a |
regulated person is required to complete; |
(iii) reducing the amount of information |
required by forms that a regulated person is required to complete; |
(iv) reducing the amount of or eliminating |
fees imposed by the rules; |
(v) reducing the number of activities |
covered by the rules; or |
(vi) creating waivers for or exemptions |
from the rules under certain circumstances; and |
(5) prepare and publish written manuals, guides, or |
other publications as required by this chapter. |
(b) The office shall coordinate with the panel, state |
agencies, and the governor's office, as applicable, to accomplish |
the purposes of the office. |
The office shall prepare and publish a regulatory economic analysis |
manual. |
(b) The manual required by Subsection (a) must identify and |
describe best practices for state agencies related to: |
(1) preparing a local employment impact statement |
under Section 2001.022; |
(2) conducting a regulatory analysis under Section |
2001.0225; |
(3) preparing a fiscal note under Section 2001.024; |
(4) preparing a note regarding public benefits and |
costs under Section 2001.024; and |
(5) preparing an economic impact statement under |
Section 2006.002. |
(c) The office shall ensure that the manual required by |
Subsection (a) is written in plain language that may be easily |
understood by the public. |
Sec. 465.0054. REGULATORY REDUCTION GUIDE. (a) The office |
shall prepare and publish a regulatory reduction guide. |
(b) The purpose of the guide required by Subsection (a) is |
to assist each state agency to: |
(1) reduce rules and other regulatory requirements |
under Section 465.0052(a)(4); and |
(2) document the agency's results under Subdivision |
(1). |
(c) The office shall ensure that the guide required by |
Subsection (a) is written in plain language that may be easily |
understood by the public. |
The office may establish, as needed, a forum for interested persons |
described by Section 2001.021(d) to assist the office and the panel |
to accomplish the purposes of the office and panel. |
Sec. 465.0101. ESTABLISHMENT OF ADVISORY PANEL. The office |
may establish, as needed, the Texas Regulatory Efficiency Advisory |
Panel to serve as an advisory panel to the governor's office, |
including the office established under this chapter. |
Sec. 465.0102. ADMINISTRATIVE SUPPORT. The office |
established under this chapter shall provide staff, facilities, and |
other administrative support necessary to assist the panel in |
performing the panel's duties under this chapter. |
Sec. 465.0103. COMPOSITION OF PANEL. In designating |
individuals to serve on the panel, the governor may give priority to |
individuals with expertise in state agency rules and the rulemaking |
process, including expertise in regulatory research, compliance, |
cost, and impact analysis, and related law and procedure. |
Sec. 465.0104. REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXPENSES. Members of the |
panel serve without compensation but may, at the discretion of the |
office, be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred in |
performing official duties under this chapter. |
Sec. 465.0105. PRESIDING OFFICER. The governor may |
designate one member of the panel to serve as the panel's presiding |
officer. |
Sec. 465.0106. MEETINGS. The panel shall meet at the call |
of the panel's presiding officer. |
Sec. 465.0107. PURPOSES OF PANEL. The panel is established |
to: |
(1) use the knowledge and expertise of regulated |
persons, small and large businesses, institutions of higher |
education, and state agencies to identify and expand opportunities |
for implementing efficiencies in: |
(A) the process by which state agencies adopt |
rules; |
(B) the regulatory review process; and |
(C) the processes by which contested cases are |
conducted; and |
(2) assist the office and state agencies in |
identifying: |
(A) unnecessary and ineffective rules; |
(B) the effect and cost to this state and |
regulated persons of the agencies' rules and proposed rules; and |
(C) opportunities to repeal or amend rules to |
provide effective protection to the public with the least cost and |
inconvenience to regulated persons. |
Sec. 465.0108. APPLICATION OF OTHER LAW. Chapter 2110 does |
not apply to the panel. |
Sec. 465.0151. BIENNIAL REPORT. (a) Not later than |
December 1 of each even-numbered year, the office shall prepare and |
submit to the governor, lieutenant governor, speaker of the house |
of representatives, and Legislative Budget Board a written report |
that describes: |
(1) the activities undertaken by the office during the |
two-year period preceding the date of the report to accomplish the |
purposes of the office; and |
(2) any legislative recommendations of the office to |
accomplish and further the activities described by Subdivision (1). |
(b) The panel may assist the office in preparing the report |
required by Subsection (a). |
SECTION 3. Section 2001.007, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subsection (e) to read as follows: |
(e) The secretary of state, Department of Information |
Resources, and Texas Regulatory Efficiency Office shall jointly |
coordinate with each other state agency to establish an Internet |
website that allows a person to search the rules and related |
information made available by state agencies under Subsection (a) |
by: |
(1) the general topic of the rule; |
(2) the type of activity or business regulated by the |
rule; and |
(3) if applicable, the North American Industry |
Classification System (NAICS) sector code for the type of activity |
or business regulated by the rule. |
SECTION 4. Section 2001.024, Government Code, is amended by |
amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsection (e) to read as |
follows: |
(a) The notice of a proposed rule must include: |
(1) a brief explanation of the proposed rule; |
(2) the text of the proposed rule, except any portion |
omitted under Section 2002.014, prepared in a manner to indicate |
any words to be added or deleted from the current text and, to the |
extent practicable, written in plain language; |
(3) a statement of the statutory or other authority |
under which the rule is proposed to be adopted, including: |
(A) a concise explanation of the particular |
statutory or other provisions under which the rule is proposed; |
(B) the section or article of the code affected; |
(C) if applicable, the bill number for the |
legislation that enacted the statutory authority under which the |
rule is proposed to be adopted if the legislation was enacted during |
the four-year period preceding the date notice of the proposed rule |
is given; and |
(D) a certification that the proposed rule has |
been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the state |
agency's authority to adopt; |
(4) a fiscal note showing the name and title of the |
officer or employee responsible for preparing or approving the note |
and stating for each year of the first five years that the rule will |
be in effect: |
(A) the additional estimated cost to the state |
and to local governments expected as a result of enforcing or |
administering the rule; |
(B) the estimated reductions in costs to the |
state and to local governments as a result of enforcing or |
administering the rule; |
(C) the estimated loss or increase in revenue to |
the state or to local governments as a result of enforcing or |
administering the rule; and |
(D) if applicable, that enforcing or |
administering the rule does not have foreseeable implications |
relating to cost or revenues of the state or local governments; |
(5) a note about public benefits and costs showing the |
name and title of the officer or employee responsible for preparing |
or approving the note and stating for each year of the first five |
years that the rule will be in effect: |
(A) the public benefits expected as a result of |
adoption of the proposed rule; and |
(B) the probable economic cost to persons |
required to comply with the rule; |
(6) the local employment impact statement prepared |
under Section 2001.022, if required; |
(7) a request for comments on the proposed rule from |
any interested person; [and] |
(8) a request for information related to the cost, |
benefit, or effect of the proposed rule, including any applicable |
data, research, or analysis, from any person required to comply |
with the proposed rule or any other interested person; and |
(9) any other statement required by law. |
(e) For purposes of Subsection (a)(2), the text of a |
proposed rule is written in plain language if the text is written |
using language the general public, including individuals with |
limited English proficiency, can readily understand because the |
language is concise and well-organized. |
SECTION 5. Sections 2001.035(a) and (b), Government Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) A rule is voidable unless a state agency adopts it in |
substantial compliance with Sections 2001.022 [2001.0225] through |
2001.034. |
(b) A person must initiate a proceeding to contest a rule on |
the ground of noncompliance with the procedural requirements of |
Sections 2001.022 [2001.0225] through 2001.034 not later than the |
second anniversary of the effective date of the rule. |
SECTION 6. Section 2001.040, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
AGENCY RULE. If a court finds that an agency has not substantially |
complied with one or more procedural requirements of Sections |
2001.022 [2001.0225] through 2001.034, the court may remand the |
rule, or a portion of the rule, to the agency and, if it does so |
remand, shall provide a reasonable time for the agency to either |
revise or readopt the rule through established procedure. During |
the remand period, the rule shall remain effective unless the court |
finds good cause to invalidate the rule or a portion of the rule, |
effective as of the date of the court's order. |
SECTION 7. Subchapter B, Chapter 2001, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 2001.042 to read as follows: |
law, in a judicial proceeding in this state, including an action |
subject to Section 2001.038, a court is not required to give |
deference to a state agency's legal determination regarding the |
construction, validity, or applicability of the law or a rule |
adopted by the state agency responsible for the rule's |
administration, implementation, or other enforcement. This |
section does not prohibit a court from giving consideration to a |
legal determination made by a state agency that is reasonable and |
does not conflict with the plain language of the statute. |
SECTION 8. Subchapter G, Chapter 2001, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 2001.1721 to read as follows: |
Except as provided by Subsection (b), in any matter brought under |
this subchapter, the reviewing court shall review all questions of |
law de novo, including the interpretation of constitutional or |
statutory provisions or rules adopted by a state agency, without |
giving deference to any legal determination by a state agency. |
(b) Subsection (a) does not prohibit a reviewing court from |
giving consideration to a legal determination made by a state |
agency that is reasonable and does not conflict with the plain |
language of the statute. |
(c) Notwithstanding any other law, this section applies in |
an action for judicial review of a contested case authorized by law |
and other court actions authorized by law that involve a state |
agency's legal determination of a constitutional or statutory |
provision or a rule adopted by the state agency. |
(d) A law may not exempt an action from the application of |
this section except by specific reference to this section. |
SECTION 9. Sections 2001.022(c) and 2001.0221(e), |
Government Code, are repealed. |
SECTION 10. Sections 2001.024, 2001.035, and 2001.040, |
Government Code, as amended by this Act, and the repeal by this Act |
of Sections 2001.022(c) and 2001.0221(e), Government Code, apply |
only to a rule proposed by a state agency on or after the effective |
date of this Act. A rule proposed before the effective date of this |
Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the rule was |
proposed, and the former law is continued in effect for that |
purpose. |
SECTION 11. Sections 2001.042 and 2001.1721, Government |
Code, as added by this Act, apply only to a petition for judicial |
review, action for declaratory judgment, contested case, or other |
proceeding initiated on or after the effective date of this Act. A |
petition for judicial review, action for declaratory judgment, |
contested case, or other proceeding initiated before the effective |
date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the date the |
proceeding was initiated, and the former law is continued in effect |
for that purpose. |
SECTION 12. The office of the governor, the Department of |
Information Resources, the Texas Regulatory Efficiency Office, and |
the secretary of state are required to implement the changes in law |
made by Chapter 465, Government Code, and Section 2001.007(e), |
Government Code, as added by this Act, only if the legislature |
appropriates money specifically for that purpose. If the |
legislature does not appropriate money specifically for that |
purpose, the office of the governor, the Department of Information |
Resources, the Texas Regulatory Efficiency Office, and the |
secretary of state may, but are not required to, implement those |
changes in law using other appropriations available for that |
purpose. |
SECTION 13. This Act takes effect immediately if it |
receives a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each |
house, as provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. |
If this Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate |
effect, this Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |