relating to the review and audit of certain state agency |
operations. |
SECTION 1. Section 325.002, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subdivision (4) to read as follows: |
(4) "Regulatory agency" means a department, |
commission, board, or other agency that: |
(A) is created by the constitution or by statute; |
(B) is in the executive branch of state |
government; |
(C) has statewide authority; and |
(D) has authority to deny, grant, renew, revoke, |
or suspend a license, certification, or other authorization to |
engage in an activity. |
SECTION 2. Section 325.009, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Subsections (b-1), (b-2), and (b-3) to read as follows: |
(b-1) The commission shall provide information on how the |
public may participate in the commission's review of a state agency |
and provide input on a state agency's performance. The commission |
shall, to the extent practicable, solicit input from parties |
interested in a state agency's operations. |
(b-2) Each state agency being reviewed by the commission |
under this chapter shall at the beginning of the review: |
(1) post a notice on the state agency's Internet |
website informing the public: |
(A) that the state agency is being reviewed by |
the commission; and |
(B) how the public may participate in the |
commission's review of the state agency and provide input on the |
state agency's performance; and |
(2) if the state agency being reviewed is a regulatory |
agency: |
(A) notify each person licensed, certified, or |
otherwise authorized by the regulatory agency to engage in an |
activity regulated by the agency of the public hearing under this |
section at which the agency will be reviewed; and |
(B) solicit input from persons provided notice |
under Paragraph (A) regarding the regulatory agency's performance. |
(b-3) Subsection (b-2) does not apply to a river authority |
subject to review under this chapter. |
SECTION 3. Section 325.010(b), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) In the report the commission shall include: |
(1) its findings regarding the criteria prescribed by |
Section 325.011, except Section 325.011(14); |
(2) its recommendations based on the matters |
prescribed by Section 325.012, except recommendations relating to |
criteria prescribed by Section 325.011(14); [and] |
(3) if the agency being reviewed is a regulatory |
agency, an analysis of the regulatory agency's performance during |
the preceding 10 years or since the last review of the agency under |
this chapter, whichever is longer, based on the agency's |
performance measure targets as listed in the General Appropriations |
Act; |
(4) an evaluation of the agency's performance measure |
targets listed in the General Appropriations Act, including whether |
the targets are: |
(A) aligned with the mission, goals, and |
objectives of the agency; and |
(B) appropriate for assessing the agency's |
achievement of the goals listed; and |
(5) other information the commission considers |
necessary for a complete review of the agency. |
SECTION 4. Section 325.012(a), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) In its report on a state agency, the commission shall: |
(1) make recommendations on the abolition, |
continuation, or reorganization of each affected state agency and |
its advisory committees and on the need for the performance of the |
functions of the agency and its advisory committees; |
(2) make recommendations on the consolidation, |
transfer, or reorganization of programs within state agencies not |
under review when the programs duplicate functions performed in |
agencies under review; |
(3) make recommendations to improve the operations of |
the agency, its policy body, and its advisory committees, including |
management recommendations that do not require a change in the |
agency's enabling statute; [and] |
(4) make recommendations on the continuation or |
abolition of each reporting requirement imposed on the agency by |
law; and |
(5) make recommendations to improve the agency's key |
performance measures through the addition, amendment, or removal of |
the performance measure targets listed in the General |
Appropriations Act. |
SECTION 5. Chapter 325, Government Code, is amended by |
adding Section 325.016 to read as follows: |
AGENCIES. (a) During the two-year period beginning on September 1 |
of the sixth year after the date a regulatory agency was last |
continued under Section 325.015, the commission shall conduct a |
limited review of the agency's rulemaking, including: |
(1) an assessment of the agency's rulemaking process |
and the extent to which the agency has encouraged participation by |
the public in making its rules and decisions and the extent to which |
the public participation has resulted in rules that benefit the |
public; |
(2) the extent to which the agency adopts and enforces |
rules relating to potential conflicts of interest of its employees; |
and |
(3) the necessity and effectiveness of rules adopted |
by the agency. |
(b) Not later than September 1 of the sixth year after the |
date a regulatory agency was last continued under Section 325.015, |
the agency shall report to the commission the information in |
Subsection (a) related to rulemaking and rule review activities of |
the agency. |
(c) Not later than September 1 of the year that is two years |
after the date the review under this section begins, the commission |
shall prepare a written report on the commission's review under |
this section. |
(d) The report prepared by the commission under this section |
is a public record. |
SECTION 6. Subtitle C, Title 3, Government Code, is amended |
by adding Chapter 327 to read as follows: |
Sec. 327.001. DEFINITIONS. In this chapter: |
(1) "Audit plan" has the meaning assigned by Section |
321.001. |
(2) "Commission" means the Sunset Advisory |
Commission. |
(3) "Efficiency audit" means an evaluation of the |
economy, efficiency, and effectiveness of state agency operations, |
including: |
(A) determining whether the state agency is |
managing or using its resources, including state money, personnel, |
property, equipment, and space, in an economical and efficient |
manner; |
(B) identifying causes of inefficiencies or |
uneconomical practices, including inadequacies in management |
information systems, internal and administrative procedures, |
organizational structure, use of resources, allocation of |
personnel, purchasing, agency policies, and equipment; |
(C) determining whether financial, program, and |
statistical reports of the state agency contain useful data and are |
fairly presented; |
(D) determining whether, according to |
established or designated program objectives, responsibilities or |
duties, statutes and rules, program performance criteria, or |
program evaluation standards, the objectives and intended benefits |
of the agency's program are being achieved efficiently and |
effectively; and |
(E) determining whether, according to |
established or designated program objectives, responsibilities or |
duties, statutes and rules, program performance criteria, or |
program evaluation standards, the agency's program duplicates, |
overlaps, or conflicts with another state program. |
(4) "External auditor" means a private entity selected |
by the state auditor to conduct an efficiency audit of a state |
agency. |
(5) "Legislative audit committee" means the committee |
described by Section 321.002. |
(6) "State agency" means an entity expressly made |
subject to Chapter 325 (Texas Sunset Act) other than a river |
authority. |
Sec. 327.002. REQUIRED EFFICIENCY AUDIT. (a) Each state |
agency shall undergo an efficiency audit in accordance with this |
chapter. |
(b) The state auditor, subject to the legislative audit |
committee's approval, shall adopt a schedule for conducting the |
efficiency audits required by this chapter and include the annual |
portion of the schedule in the audit plan under Section 321.013. |
The schedule must provide for each state agency to be audited during |
the two-year period beginning on September 1 four years before the |
date the state agency is scheduled to be abolished under Chapter 325 |
(Texas Sunset Act). |
(c) A state agency required by law to perform an internal |
efficiency audit is not required to perform the audit in any year |
the state agency is audited under this chapter. |
(d) A state agency shall pay the costs incurred by the state |
auditor relating to an efficiency audit required by this chapter. |
The state auditor shall determine the costs of the audit and the |
state agency shall pay the amount of those costs promptly on receipt |
of a statement from the state auditor regarding those costs. |
(e) The state auditor, subject to the legislative audit |
committee's approval, may determine, in the interests of |
efficiency, whether the audit should be performed by the state |
auditor or an external auditor. |
Not later than March 1 of the year in which an efficiency audit of a |
state agency is scheduled under this chapter, the state auditor may |
contract with an external auditor to conduct the audit. |
(b) The state auditor, in cooperation with the Legislative |
Budget Board, shall oversee the external auditor and ensure that |
the efficiency audit is conducted in accordance with the |
requirements of this chapter and the scope of the audit established |
under this chapter. |
(c) The external auditor is not subject to direction from |
the state agency being audited. |
Sec. 327.004. SCOPE OF AUDIT. (a) The state auditor, in |
cooperation with the Legislative Budget Board, shall establish the |
scope of each efficiency audit conducted under this chapter. |
(b) At a minimum, an efficiency audit must: |
(1) examine state resources, including financial |
resources, staff, personal property, real property, and |
technology, to determine whether those resources: |
(A) are used effectively and efficiently to |
achieve the desired outcome for a state agency's program |
beneficiaries; and |
(B) are not used for purposes other than the |
intended goals of the audited programs; |
(2) identify and make recommendations for cost savings |
and reallocation of resources to improve the effectiveness of |
audited programs; and |
(3) identify opportunities for improving services |
through consolidation of functions, outsourcing, and elimination |
of duplicative efforts. |
Sec. 327.005. REPORT TO LEGISLATURE. (a) Not later than |
November 1 of the year an efficiency audit is conducted under this |
chapter, the state auditor, in cooperation with the Legislative |
Budget Board and in consultation with any external auditor |
contracted to perform the audit, shall: |
(1) prepare a report of the audit with the |
recommendations; and |
(2) submit the report, recommendations, and complete |
audit to the commission, the governor, the lieutenant governor, the |
speaker of the house of representatives, the legislative audit |
committee, the chairs of the standing committees of each house of |
the legislature with primary jurisdiction over the audited state |
agency, and the audited state agency. |
(b) The state auditor and the audited state agency shall |
publish the report, recommendations, and complete efficiency audit |
on the entity's Internet website. |
Sec. 327.006. REQUIRED IMPLEMENTATION PLAN. Not later than |
the 90th day after the date of receiving the complete audit and |
recommendations, the administrative head of the audited state |
agency shall deliver a plan for implementing the recommendations to |
the commission, the governor, the lieutenant governor, the speaker |
of the house of representatives, the legislative audit committee, |
and the chairs of the standing committees of each house of the |
legislature with primary jurisdiction over the audited state |
agency. The implementation plan must include a reasoned |
justification for any recommendation the audited state agency |
declines to implement. |
SECTION 7. Section 322.017, Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8. Not later than January 1, 2026, the state auditor |
shall adopt the schedule required by Section 327.002, Government |
Code, as added by this Act, for conducting efficiency audits of each |
state agency subject to that section. |
SECTION 9. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |