relating to the medical use of low-THC cannabis under and the |
administration of the Texas Compassionate-Use Program. |
SECTION 1. Section 487.101, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 487.101. LICENSE REQUIRED. (a) A license issued by the |
department under this chapter is required to operate a dispensing |
organization. |
(b) A dispensing organization licensed under this chapter |
is not required to apply for an additional license for the use of a |
satellite location for secure storage of low-THC cannabis if: |
(1) the address of the satellite location was included |
in the application; or |
(2) the dispensing organization obtains approval from |
the department under Section 487.1035. |
SECTION 2. Section 487.103(b), Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) The application must include: |
(1) the name and address of the applicant; |
(2)[,] the name and address of each of the applicant's |
directors, managers, and employees; |
(3) the address of any satellite location that will be |
used by the applicant for secure storage of low-THC cannabis under |
Section 487.1035;[,] and |
(4) any other information considered necessary by the |
department to determine the applicant's eligibility for the |
license. |
SECTION 3. Subchapter C, Chapter 487, Health and Safety |
Code, is amended by adding Section 487.1035 to read as follows: |
Sec. 487.1035. SATELLITE LOCATIONS. (a) A dispensing |
organization licensed under this chapter may operate one or more |
satellite locations in addition to the organization's primary |
location to securely store low-THC cannabis for distribution. |
(b) A satellite location must be approved by the department |
before a dispensing organization may operate the location. A |
dispensing organization may apply for approval in the form and |
manner prescribed by the department. |
(c) The department shall adopt rules regarding the design |
and security requirements for satellite locations. |
SECTION 4. Section 487.104, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by adding Subsections (d) and (e) to read as follows: |
(d) The department shall issue 11 licenses under this |
section to dispensing organizations in this state provided that the |
department receives applications from a sufficient number of |
applicants meeting the requirements for approval under this |
subchapter. |
(e) The department shall issue and renew licenses under this |
section in a manner that ensures adequate access to low-THC |
cannabis for patients registered in the compassionate-use registry |
in each public health region designated under Section 121.007. |
SECTION 5. Subchapter C, Chapter 487, Health and Safety |
Code, is amended by adding Section 487.1045 to read as follows: |
MAINTAIN OPERATIONS. (a) An applicant issued a license to operate a |
dispensing organization must begin dispensing low-THC cannabis not |
later than 24 months after the date the license is issued and |
continue dispensing low-THC cannabis during the term of a license |
issued under this subchapter. |
(b) The department shall adopt rules to: |
(1) monitor whether a dispensing organization is using |
a license issued under this subchapter to dispense low-THC |
cannabis; and |
(2) revoke the license of a dispensing organization |
that does not dispense low-THC cannabis within the time required by |
this section or that discontinues dispensing low-THC cannabis |
during the term of a license. |
SECTION 6. Section 487.107, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended by adding Subsection (c) to read as follows: |
(c) A dispensing organization may not dispense to a person |
low-THC cannabis in a package or container that contains more than a |
total of 1.2 grams of tetrahydrocannabinols. |
SECTION 7. Section 487.201, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to read as follows: |
LOW-THC CANNABIS. A municipality, county, or other political |
subdivision may not enact, adopt, or enforce a rule, ordinance, |
order, resolution, or other regulation that prohibits the |
cultivation, production, storage, dispensing, or possession of |
low-THC cannabis, as authorized by this chapter. |
SECTION 8. Sections 169.001(3), (4), and (5), Occupations |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(3) "Low-THC cannabis" means the plant Cannabis sativa |
L., and any part of that plant or any compound, manufacture, salt, |
derivative, mixture, preparation, resin, or oil of that plant that |
contains not more than 20 milligrams [one percent by weight] of |
tetrahydrocannabinols in each dosage unit. |
(4) "Medical use" means the ingestion, absorption, or |
insertion by a means of administration other than by smoking of a |
prescribed amount of low-THC cannabis by a person for whom low-THC |
cannabis is prescribed under this chapter. |
(5) "Smoking" means burning or igniting a substance |
and inhaling the smoke. The term does not include inhaling a |
medication or other substance that is otherwise aerosolized or |
vaporized for administration by pulmonary inhalation. |
SECTION 9. Section 169.003, Occupations Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
physician described by Section 169.002 may prescribe low-THC |
cannabis to a patient if: |
(1) the patient is a permanent resident of the state; |
(2) the physician complies with the registration |
requirements of Section 169.004; and |
(3) the physician certifies to the department that: |
(A) the patient is diagnosed with: |
(i) epilepsy; |
(ii) a seizure disorder; |
(iii) multiple sclerosis; |
(iv) spasticity; |
(v) amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; |
(vi) autism; |
(vii) cancer; |
(viii) an incurable neurodegenerative |
disease; |
(ix) post-traumatic stress disorder; or |
(x) a medical condition that is approved |
for a research program under Subchapter F, Chapter 487, Health and |
Safety Code, and for which the patient is receiving treatment under |
that program; and |
(B) the physician determines the risk of the |
medical use of low-THC cannabis by the patient is reasonable in |
light of the potential benefit for the patient. |
(b) Each prescription issued by a physician to a patient for |
low-THC cannabis may only provide for a 90-day supply of low-THC |
cannabis based on the dosage prescribed to the patient. |
SECTION 10. Chapter 169, Occupations Code, is amended by |
adding Section 169.006 to read as follows: |
PULMONARY INHALATION. (a) A physician may prescribe pulmonary |
inhalation of an aerosol or vapor as a means of administration of |
low-THC cannabis if the physician determines that based on the |
patient's condition there is a medical necessity for that means of |
administration. |
(b) The executive commissioner of the Health and Human |
Services Commission shall adopt rules related to medical devices |
for pulmonary inhalation of low-THC cannabis. |
SECTION 11. Not later than October 1, 2025: |
(1) the Department of Public Safety shall adopt the |
rules necessary to implement Sections 487.1035 and 487.1045, Health |
and Safety Code, as added by this Act; and |
(2) the executive commissioner of the Health and Human |
Services Commission shall adopt the rules necessary to implement |
Section 169.006, Occupations Code, as added by this Act. |
SECTION 12. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |