relating to the compensation and professional representation of |
prospective student athletes and student athletes participating in |
intercollegiate athletic programs at certain institutions of |
higher education. |
SECTION 1. Section 51.9246, Education Code, is amended by |
amending Subsections (c) and (g) and adding Subsections (c-2) and |
(c-3) to read as follows: |
(c) An institution to which this section applies may not[: |
[(1)] adopt or enforce a policy, requirement, |
standard, or limitation that prohibits or otherwise prevents a |
student athlete participating in an intercollegiate athletic |
program at the institution from: |
(1) [(A)] earning compensation for the use of the |
student athlete's name, image, or likeness when the student athlete |
is not engaged in official team activities, as that term is defined |
by the institution; or |
(2) [(B)] obtaining professional representation, |
including representation by an attorney licensed to practice law in |
this state, for contracts or other legal matters relating to the use |
of the student athlete's name, image, or likeness[; or |
[(2) provide or solicit a prospective student athlete |
of an intercollegiate athletic program at the institution with |
compensation in relation to the prospective student athlete's name, |
image, or likeness]. |
(c-2) This subsection applies only to the extent of a |
conflict between this section and a contract term, a rule, a |
regulation, a standard, or any other requirement of or court order |
applicable to a group or organization with authority over an |
intercollegiate athletic program at an institution to which this |
section applies, including an athletic association or an athletic |
conference. Subject to Subsection (c-3), an institution to which |
this section applies, a prospective student athlete, a student |
athlete participating in an intercollegiate athletic program at an |
institution to which this section applies, or any other individual |
or entity may perform, allow the performance of, or participate in |
an action authorized or required by: |
(1) a group or organization with authority over an |
intercollegiate athletic program at an institution to which this |
section applies, including an athletic association or an athletic |
conference; or |
(2) a final court order applicable to a group or |
organization described by Subdivision (1). |
(c-3) An institution's, individual's, or entity's |
performance or allowance of performance of or participation in an |
action authorized by Subsection (c-2) subjects that institution, |
individual, or entity to any applicable rule, including an |
enforcement provision, adopted by the group or organization with |
authority over an intercollegiate athletic program at an |
institution to which this section applies, including an athletic |
association or an athletic conference. |
(g) A student athlete participating in an intercollegiate |
athletic program at an institution to which this section applies: |
(1) shall, before entering into the contract, disclose |
to the institution, in the manner prescribed by the institution, |
any proposed contract the student athlete may sign for use of the |
student athlete's name, image, or likeness; |
(2) may not enter into a contract for the use of the |
student athlete's name, image, or likeness if: |
(A) any provision of the contract conflicts with |
a provision of the student athlete's team contract, a provision of |
an institutional contract of the institution, a policy of the |
athletic department of the institution, or a provision of the honor |
code of the institution; |
(B) the compensation for the use of the student |
athlete's name, image, or likeness is provided: |
(i) in exchange for athletic performance |
[or accepting an offer of admission to attend the institution; |
[(ii) by the institution; |
[(iii) in exchange for an act that occurs |
while the athlete is engaged in an official team activity]; or |
(ii) [(iv)] in exchange for an endorsement |
of alcohol, tobacco products, e-cigarettes or any other type of |
nicotine delivery device, anabolic steroids, sports betting, |
casino gambling, a firearm the student athlete cannot legally |
purchase, or a sexually oriented business as defined in Section |
243.002, Local Government Code; or |
(C) the duration of the contract extends beyond |
the student athlete's participation in the intercollegiate |
athletic program; |
(3) is not considered an employee of the institution |
based on the student athlete's participation in the intercollegiate |
athletic program; |
(4) may earn compensation from selling the student |
athlete's autograph in a manner that does not otherwise conflict |
with a provision of this section; and |
(5) may not use an institution's facility, uniform, |
registered trademark, copyright-protected product, or official |
logo, mark, or other indicia in connection with a contract for the |
use of the student athlete's name, image, or likeness unless the |
student athlete obtains the institution's express permission. |
SECTION 2. Sections 51.9246(g-1) and (j), Education Code, |
are repealed. |
SECTION 3. The changes in law made by this Act apply only to |
compensation for the use of a student athlete's name, image, or |
likeness paid on or after the effective date of this Act. |
Compensation for the use of a student athlete's name, image, or |
likeness paid before the effective date of this Act is governed by |
the law as it existed immediately before the effective date of this |
Act, and that law is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 4. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |