relating to nonsubstantive additions to, revisions of, and |
corrections in enacted codes, to the nonsubstantive codification or |
disposition of various laws omitted from enacted codes, and to |
conforming codifications enacted by the 88th Legislature to other |
Acts of that legislature. |
SECTION 1.001. This Act is enacted as part of the state's |
continuing statutory revision program under Chapter 323, |
Government Code. This Act is a revision for purposes of Section 43, |
Article III, Texas Constitution, and has the purposes of: |
(1) codifying without substantive change or providing |
for other appropriate disposition of various statutes that were |
omitted from enacted codes; |
(2) conforming codifications enacted by the 88th |
Legislature to other Acts of that legislature that amended the laws |
codified or added new law to subject matter codified; |
(3) revising without substantive change provisions in |
enacted codes; |
(4) making necessary corrections to enacted codes; and |
(5) renumbering or otherwise redesignating titles, |
chapters, and sections of codes that duplicate title, chapter, or |
section designations. |
SECTION 1.002. (a) The repeal of a statute by this Act does |
not affect an amendment, revision, or reenactment of the statute by |
the 89th Legislature, Regular Session, 2025. The amendment, |
revision, or reenactment is preserved and given effect as part of |
the code provision that revised the statute so amended, revised, or |
reenacted. |
(b) If any provision of this Act conflicts with a statute |
enacted by the 89th Legislature, Regular Session, 2025, the statute |
controls. |
SECTION 1.003. (a) A transition or saving provision of a |
law codified by this Act applies to the codified law to the same |
extent as it applied to the original law. |
(b) The repeal of a transition or saving provision by this |
Act does not affect the application of the provision to the codified |
law. |
(c) In this section, "transition provision" includes any |
temporary provision providing for a special situation in the |
transition period between the existing law and the establishment or |
implementation of the new law. |
SECTION 1.004. (a) The repeal of a law, including a |
validating law, by this Act does not remove, void, or otherwise |
affect in any manner a validation under the repealed law. The |
validation is preserved and continues to have the same effect that |
it would have if the law were not repealed. |
(b) Subsection (a) of this section does not diminish the |
saving provisions prescribed by Section 311.031, Government Code. |
SECTION 2.001. Section 251.002(1), Agriculture Code, as |
amended by Chapters 135 (H.B. 2308), 319 (H.B. 1750), 586 (H.B. |
2947), and 711 (H.B. 2271), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is reenacted and amended to read as follows: |
(1) "Agricultural operation" includes the following |
activities: |
(A) cultivating the soil; |
(B) producing crops or growing vegetation for |
human food, animal feed, livestock forage, forage for wildlife |
management, planting seed, or fiber; |
(C) floriculture; |
(D) viticulture; |
(E) horticulture; |
(F) silviculture; |
(G) wildlife management; |
(H) raising or keeping livestock or poultry, |
including veterinary services; |
(I) planting cover crops or leaving land idle for |
the purpose of participating in any governmental program or normal |
crop or livestock rotation procedure; [and] |
(J) the commercial sale of animals, as defined by |
Section 252.001 of this code; and |
(K) [(J)] aquaculture. |
SECTION 3.001. Section 109.005(a), Business & Commerce |
Code, is amended to correct a reference to read as follows: |
(a) A business entity may not publish any criminal record |
information in the business entity's possession with respect to |
which the business entity has knowledge or has received notice |
that: |
(1) an order of expunction has been issued under |
Subchapter E or F, Chapter 55A [Article 55A.201], Code of Criminal |
Procedure; or |
(2) an order of nondisclosure of criminal history |
record information has been issued under Subchapter E-1, Chapter |
411, Government Code. |
SECTION 4.001. Section 14A.001(1), Civil Practice and |
Remedies Code, as added by Chapter 203 (S.B. 1180), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is repealed as duplicative of |
Section 14A.001(1), Civil Practice and Remedies Code, as added by |
Chapter 351 (S.B. 1179), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023. |
SECTION 4.002. Section 14A.054(f), Civil Practice and |
Remedies Code, as added by Chapter 203 (S.B. 1180), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is repealed as duplicative of |
Section 14A.054(f), Civil Practice and Remedies Code, as added by |
Chapter 351 (S.B. 1179), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023. |
SECTION 4.003. Section 78B.001(1), Civil Practice and |
Remedies Code, is amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), |
Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as |
follows: |
(1) "First responder" means a law enforcement, fire |
protection, or emergency medical services employee, volunteer, or |
agency, including: |
(A) a peace officer, as defined by Article 2A.001 |
[2.12], Code of Criminal Procedure; |
(B) fire protection personnel, as defined by |
Section 419.021, Government Code; |
(C) a volunteer firefighter who is: |
(i) certified by the Texas Commission on |
Fire Protection or by the State Firefighters' and Fire Marshals' |
Association of Texas; or |
(ii) a member of an organized volunteer |
firefighting unit that provides firefighting services without |
compensation and conducts a minimum of two drills each month, each |
two hours long; |
(D) an individual certified as emergency medical |
services personnel by the Department of State Health Services; and |
(E) an agency of this state or a political |
subdivision of this state authorized by law to employ or supervise |
personnel described by Paragraphs (A)-(D). |
SECTION 4.004. Section 82.009(a), Civil Practice and |
Remedies Code, is amended to conform to Chapter 709 (H.B. 2190), |
Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as |
follows: |
(a) In this section, "retrofit" means to install new |
equipment or component parts that were not included in a motor |
vehicle when the vehicle was manufactured or sold. The term does |
not include: |
(1) routine maintenance; or |
(2) repairs to the vehicle: |
(A) as a result of wear and tear; or |
(B) required by damage resulting from a collision |
[an accident] or other cause. |
SECTION 5.001. (a) Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 2, Chapter 624 (H.B. |
4372), Section 1, Chapter 870 (H.B. 3981), Section 1, Chapter 950 |
(S.B. 1727), and Section 1, Chapter 984 (S.B. 2612), Acts of the |
88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
Art. 2A.001. PEACE OFFICERS GENERALLY. The following are |
peace officers: |
(1) a sheriff, a sheriff's deputy, or a reserve deputy |
sheriff who holds a permanent peace officer license issued under |
Chapter 1701, Occupations Code; |
(2) a constable, a deputy constable, or a reserve |
deputy constable who holds a permanent peace officer license issued |
under Chapter 1701, Occupations Code; |
(3) a marshal or police officer of a municipality or a |
reserve municipal police officer who holds a permanent peace |
officer license issued under Chapter 1701, Occupations Code; |
(4) a ranger, officer, or member of the reserve |
officer corps commissioned by the Public Safety Commission and the |
director of the Department of Public Safety; |
(5) an investigator of a district attorney's, criminal |
district attorney's, or county attorney's office; |
(6) a law enforcement agent of the Texas Alcoholic |
Beverage Commission; |
(7) a member of an arson investigating unit |
commissioned by a municipality, a county, or the state; |
(8) an officer commissioned under Section 37.081 or |
37.0818, Education Code, or Subchapter E, Chapter 51, Education |
Code; |
(9) an officer commissioned by the Texas Facilities |
Commission; |
(10) a law enforcement officer commissioned by the |
Parks and Wildlife Commission; |
(11) an officer commissioned under Chapter 23, |
Transportation Code; |
(12) a municipal park and recreational patrol officer |
or security officer; |
(13) a security officer or investigator commissioned |
as a peace officer by the comptroller; |
(14) an officer commissioned by a water control and |
improvement district under Section 49.216, Water Code; |
(15) an officer commissioned by a board of trustees |
under Chapter 54, Transportation Code; |
(16) an investigator commissioned by the Texas Medical |
Board; |
(17) an officer commissioned by: |
(A) the board of managers of the Dallas County |
Hospital District, the Tarrant County Hospital District, the Bexar |
County Hospital District, or the El Paso County Hospital District |
under Section 281.057, Health and Safety Code; |
(B) the board of directors of the Ector County |
Hospital District under Section 1024.117, Special District Local |
Laws Code; |
(C) the board of directors of the Midland County |
Hospital District of Midland County, Texas, under Section 1061.121, |
Special District Local Laws Code; or |
(D) the board of hospital managers of the Lubbock |
County Hospital District of Lubbock County, Texas, under Section |
1053.113, Special District Local Laws Code; |
(18) a county park ranger commissioned under |
Subchapter E, Chapter 351, Local Government Code; |
(19) an investigator employed by the Texas Racing |
Commission; |
(20) an officer commissioned under Chapter 554, |
Occupations Code; |
(21) an officer commissioned by the governing body of |
a metropolitan rapid transit authority under Section 451.108, |
Transportation Code, or a regional transportation authority under |
Section 452.110, Transportation Code; |
(22) an investigator commissioned by the attorney |
general under Section 402.009, Government Code; |
(23) a security officer or investigator commissioned |
as a peace officer under Chapter 466, Government Code; |
(24) an officer appointed by an appellate court under |
Subchapter F, Chapter 53, Government Code; |
(25) an officer commissioned by the state fire marshal |
under Chapter 417, Government Code; |
(26) an investigator commissioned by the commissioner |
of insurance under Section 701.104, Insurance Code; |
(27) an officer appointed by the inspector general of |
[apprehension specialist or inspector general commissioned by] the |
Texas Juvenile Justice Department [as an officer] under Section |
242.102 [or 243.052], Human Resources Code; |
(28) an officer appointed by the inspector general of |
the Texas Department of Criminal Justice under Section 493.019, |
Government Code; |
(29) an investigator commissioned by the Texas |
Commission on Law Enforcement under Section 1701.160, Occupations |
Code; |
(30) a fire marshal or any related officer, inspector, |
or investigator commissioned by a county under Subchapter B, |
Chapter 352, Local Government Code; |
(31) a fire marshal or any officer, inspector, or |
investigator commissioned by an emergency services district under |
Chapter 775, Health and Safety Code; |
(32) a fire marshal or any officer, inspector, or |
investigator of a municipality who holds a permanent peace officer |
license issued under Chapter 1701, Occupations Code; |
(33) an officer commissioned by the State Board of |
Dental Examiners under Section 254.013, Occupations Code, subject |
to the limitations imposed by that section; and |
(34) [(33)] an Alamo complex ranger commissioned by |
the General Land Office under Section 31.0515, Natural Resources |
Code, subject to the limitations imposed by that section |
[investigator commissioned by the Texas Juvenile Justice |
Department as an officer under Section 221.011, Human Resources |
Code]. |
(b) Section 2, Chapter 624 (H.B. 4372), Section 1, Chapter |
870 (H.B. 3981), Section 1, Chapter 950 (S.B. 1727), and Section 1, |
Chapter 984 (S.B. 2612), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, which amended Article 2.12, Code of Criminal |
Procedure, are repealed. |
SECTION 5.002. (a) Article 2A.002, Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 196 (S.B. |
602), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, by |
adding Subsection (c-1) to read as follows: |
(c-1) In addition to the power granted under Subsection (c), |
a border patrol agent of the United States Customs and Border |
Protection who completed the training program described by Section |
411.02093, Government Code, has the powers of arrest and search and |
seizure as to any felony offense under the laws of this state if the |
arrest, search, or seizure: |
(1) occurs on the premises of a port facility |
designated by the commissioner of the United States Customs and |
Border Protection as a port of entry or at a border patrol traffic |
checkpoint; and |
(2) is incident to a detainment under federal law. |
(b) Section 1, Chapter 196 (S.B. 602), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article 2.122, |
Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.003. (a) Article 2A.051, Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 2, Chapter 729 (H.B. |
2660), and Section 1, Chapter 979 (S.B. 2429), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
Each peace officer shall: |
(1) preserve the peace within the officer's |
jurisdiction using all lawful means; |
(2) in every case authorized by this code, interfere |
without a warrant to prevent or suppress crime; |
(3) execute all lawful process issued to the officer |
by a magistrate or court; |
(4) give notice to an appropriate magistrate of all |
offenses committed in the officer's jurisdiction, where the officer |
has good reason to believe there has been a violation of the penal |
law; |
(5) when authorized by law, arrest an offender without |
a warrant so the offender may be taken before the proper magistrate |
or court and be tried; |
(6) take possession of a child under Article |
63.00905(g) [63.009(g)]; and |
(7) on a request made by the Texas Civil Commitment |
Office, execute an emergency detention order issued by that office |
under Section 841.0837, Health and Safety Code. |
(b) Section 2, Chapter 729 (H.B. 2660), and Section 1, |
Chapter 979 (S.B. 2429), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, which amended Article 2.13(c), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, are repealed. |
SECTION 5.004. Article 2.1398, Code of Criminal Procedure, |
as added by Section 3, Chapter 24 (S.B. 1325), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is transferred to Subchapter B, |
Chapter 2A, Code of Criminal Procedure, and redesignated as Article |
2A.0585, Code of Criminal Procedure. |
SECTION 5.005. (a) Article 2A.151, Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 4.001, Chapter 861 |
(H.B. 3474), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, |
to read as follows: |
Art. 2A.151. TYPES OF MAGISTRATES. The following officers |
are magistrates for purposes of this code: |
(1) a justice of the supreme court; |
(2) a judge of the court of criminal appeals; |
(3) a justice of the courts of appeals; |
(4) a judge of a district court; |
(5) an associate judge appointed by: |
(A) a judge of a district court or a statutory |
county court that gives preference to criminal cases in Jefferson |
County; |
(B) a judge of a district court or a statutory |
county court of Brazos County, Nueces County, or Williamson County; |
or |
(C) a judge of a district court under Chapter |
54A, Government Code; |
(6) a criminal magistrate appointed by: |
(A) the Brazoria County Commissioners Court; or |
(B) the Burnet County Commissioners Court; |
(7) a criminal law hearing officer for: |
(A) Harris County appointed under Subchapter L, |
Chapter 54, Government Code; or |
(B) Cameron County appointed under Subchapter |
BB, Chapter 54, Government Code; |
(8) a magistrate appointed: |
(A) by a judge of a district court of Bexar |
County, Dallas County, or Tarrant County that gives preference to |
criminal cases; |
(B) by a judge of a criminal district court of |
Dallas County or Tarrant County; |
(C) by a judge of a district court or statutory |
county court of Denton or Grayson County; |
(D) by a judge of a district court or statutory |
county court that gives preference to criminal cases in Travis |
County; |
(E) [(D)] by the El Paso Council of Judges; |
(F) [(E)] by the Fort Bend County Commissioners |
Court; |
(G) [(F)] by the Collin County Commissioners |
Court; or |
(H) [(G)] under Subchapter JJ, Chapter 54, |
Government Code; |
(9) a magistrate or associate judge appointed by a |
judge of a district court of Lubbock County, Nolan County, or Webb |
County; |
(10) a county judge; |
(11) a judge of: |
(A) a statutory county court; |
(B) a county criminal court; or |
(C) a statutory probate court; |
(12) an associate judge appointed by a judge of a |
statutory probate court under Chapter 54A, Government Code; |
(13) a justice of the peace; and |
(14) a mayor or recorder of a municipality or a judge |
of a municipal court. |
(b) Section 4.001, Chapter 861 (H.B. 3474), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article 2.09, |
Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.006. Article 2.101, Code of Criminal Procedure, |
as added by Section 1, Chapter 421 (H.B. 1712), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is transferred to Subchapter D, |
Chapter 2A, Code of Criminal Procedure, and redesignated as Article |
2A.1521, Code of Criminal Procedure. |
SECTION 5.007. (a) Article 2A.155(d), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 7, Chapter 644 (H.B. |
4559), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read |
as follows: |
(d) Before a clerk in a county with a population of less than |
2.5 [two] million disposes of an eligible exhibit, the clerk must |
provide written notice by mail to the attorney representing the |
state in the case and the attorney representing the defendant. The |
notice must: |
(1) describe the exhibit; |
(2) include the name and address of the court holding |
the exhibit; and |
(3) state that the exhibit will be disposed of unless a |
written request is received by the clerk before the 31st day after |
the date of notice. |
(b) Section 7, Chapter 644 (H.B. 4559), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article 2.21(g), |
Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.008. (a) Article 2A.205, Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 4.01, Chapter 93 (S.B. |
1527), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read |
as follows: |
CONCERNING HUMAN TRAFFICKING CASES. (a) This article applies only |
to: |
(1) a municipal police department, sheriff's |
department, or constable's office[, county attorney's office, |
district attorney's office, and criminal district attorney's |
office, as applicable,] in a county with a population of more than |
50,000; and |
(2) the Department of Public Safety. |
(b) An entity to which this article applies that |
investigates the alleged commission of an offense under Chapter |
20A, Penal Code, or the alleged commission of an offense under |
Chapter 43, Penal Code, that may involve human trafficking, shall |
submit to the attorney general [a report] in the manner and form |
prescribed by the attorney general a report containing the |
following information: |
(1) the offense being investigated, including the |
offense code designated by the Department of Public Safety under |
Article 66.052 [a brief description of the alleged prohibited |
conduct]; |
(2) regarding each person suspected of committing the |
offense [and each victim of the offense, as applicable]: |
(A) the person's: |
(i) full name [age]; |
(ii) gender; [and] |
(iii) race or ethnicity, as defined by |
Article 2B.0051; |
(iv) country of origin, if the person is not |
a United States citizen or legal permanent resident; |
(v) date of birth; and |
(vi) age at the time of the offense, if |
available; and |
(B) the case number associated with the person |
and the offense [and with the person suspected of committing the |
offense]; |
(3) the date[, time,] and location of the alleged |
offense, including the city and county; |
(4) [the type of human trafficking involved, |
including: |
[(A) forced labor or services, as defined by |
Section 20A.01, Penal Code; |
[(B) causing the victim by force, fraud, or |
coercion to engage in prohibited conduct involving one or more |
sexual activities, including conduct described by Section |
20A.02(a)(3), Penal Code; or |
[(C) causing a child victim by any means to |
engage in, or become the victim of, prohibited conduct involving |
one or more sexual activities, including conduct described by |
Section 20A.02(a)(7), Penal Code; |
[(5) if available, information regarding any victims' |
service organization or program to which the victim was referred as |
part of the investigation; and |
[(6)] the disposition of the investigation, if any, |
regardless of the manner of disposition; and |
(5) regarding the victim of the offense: |
(A) the victim's: |
(i) age; |
(ii) gender; |
(iii) race or ethnicity, as defined by |
Article 2B.0051; and |
(iv) country of origin, if the victim is not |
a United States citizen or legal permanent resident; and |
(B) if available, information regarding any |
victims' service organization or program to which the victim was |
referred as part of the investigation. |
(c) An entity described by Subsection (a) that does not have |
any investigations or offenses required to be reported under this |
article during a period specified by the attorney general shall |
submit to the attorney general a notice stating there are no cases |
to report, in the manner and form prescribed by the attorney |
general [An attorney representing the state who prosecutes the |
alleged commission of an offense under Chapter 20A, Penal Code, or |
the alleged commission of an offense under Chapter 43, Penal Code, |
that may involve human trafficking, shall submit to the attorney |
general the following information: |
[(1) the offense being prosecuted, including a brief |
description of the alleged prohibited conduct; |
[(2) any other charged offense that is part of the same |
criminal episode out of which the offense described by Subdivision |
(1) arose; |
[(3) the information described by Subsections (b)(2), |
(3), (4), and (5); and |
[(4) the disposition of the prosecution, regardless of |
the manner of disposition]. |
(d) The attorney general may enter into a contract with a |
university or organization to assist with [that provides for the |
university's assistance in] the collection and analysis of |
information received under this article. The attorney general |
shall ensure that all sensitive information is properly protected. |
(e) Information described by Subsections (b)(2)(A)(i) and |
(v) and (b)(2)(B) is not subject to disclosure under Chapter 552, |
Government Code. |
(f) In consultation with the entities described by |
Subsection (a), the attorney general shall adopt rules to |
administer this article, including rules prescribing: |
(1) the form and manner of submission of a report or |
notice required by Subsection (b) or (c); and |
(2) additional information to include in a report or |
notice required by Subsection (b) or (c). |
(b) Section 4.01, Chapter 93 (S.B. 1527), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article 2.305, |
Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.009. Article 2A.209(a)(1), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of |
the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(1) "Attorney representing the state" means an |
attorney authorized by law to represent the state in a criminal |
case, including a district attorney, criminal district attorney, or |
county attorney with criminal jurisdiction. The term does not |
include an attorney representing the state in a justice or |
municipal court under Chapter 45A [45]. |
SECTION 5.010. Article 7B.003(b), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Chapter 955 (S.B. 194), Acts of |
the 86th Legislature, Regular Session, 2019, to read as follows: |
(b) If the court finds that there are reasonable grounds to |
believe that the applicant is the victim of sexual assault or abuse, |
indecent assault, stalking, or trafficking, the court shall issue a |
protective order that includes a statement of the required |
findings. |
SECTION 5.011. (a) Article 13A.554, Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Chapter 351 (S.B. 1179), Acts of |
the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
COMMITMENT REQUIREMENT]. A felony [An] offense committed by a |
person civilly committed under Chapter 841 [Section 841.085], |
Health and Safety Code, may be prosecuted in: |
(1) any county in which an element of the offense |
occurs; or |
(2) the court that retains jurisdiction over the civil |
commitment proceeding under Section 841.082, Health and Safety |
Code. |
(b) Section 7, Chapter 351 (S.B. 1179), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article 13.315, |
Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.012. Article 17.50(a)(3), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Chapter 221 (H.B. 375), Acts of |
the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021, to read as follows: |
(3) "Violent offense" means: |
(A) an offense under the following sections of |
the Penal Code: |
(i) Section 19.02 (murder); |
(ii) Section 19.03 (capital murder); |
(iii) Section 20.03 (kidnapping); |
(iv) Section 20.04 (aggravated |
kidnapping); |
(v) Section 21.11 (indecency with a child); |
(vi) Section 22.011 (sexual assault); |
(vii) Section 22.02 (aggravated assault); |
(viii) Section 22.021 (aggravated sexual |
assault); |
(ix) Section 22.04 (injury to a child, |
elderly individual, or disabled individual); |
(x) Section 29.03 (aggravated robbery); |
(xi) Section 21.02 (continuous sexual abuse |
of young child or disabled individual [children]); or |
(xii) Section 20A.03 (continuous |
trafficking of persons); or |
(B) any offense involving family violence, as |
defined by Section 71.004, Family Code. |
SECTION 5.013. Article 18B.001(1), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, as amended by Chapters 901 (H.B. 4906) and 950 (S.B. |
1727), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is |
reenacted and amended to read as follows: |
(1) "Authorized peace officer" means: |
(A) a sheriff or deputy sheriff; |
(B) a constable or deputy constable; |
(C) a marshal or police officer of a |
municipality; |
(D) a ranger or officer commissioned by the |
Public Safety Commission or the director of the department; |
(E) an investigator of a prosecutor's office; |
(F) a law enforcement agent of the Texas |
Alcoholic Beverage Commission; |
(G) a law enforcement officer commissioned by the |
Parks and Wildlife Commission; |
(H) an enforcement officer appointed by the |
inspector general of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice under |
Section 493.019, Government Code; |
(I) a law enforcement officer appointed by the |
inspector general of the Texas Juvenile Justice Department under |
Section 242.102, Human Resources Code; |
(J) an investigator commissioned by the attorney |
general under Section 402.009, Government Code; |
(K) a member of an arson investigating unit |
commissioned by a municipality, a county, or the state; or |
(L) [(K)] a peace officer commissioned under |
Section 37.081 or 51.203, Education Code. |
SECTION 5.014. (a) Article 45A.101(f), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 9, Chapter 644 (H.B. |
4559), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read |
as follows: |
(f) In a county with a population of more than 2.5 [two] |
million that does not have a county attorney, a complaint for an |
offense under Section 32.41, Penal Code, must be approved by the |
district attorney, regardless of whether a collection proceeding is |
initiated by the district attorney under Subsection (e) of that |
section. |
(b) Section 9, Chapter 644 (H.B. 4559), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article |
45.019(g), Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.015. (a) Article 45A.104(d), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 8, Chapter 644 (H.B. |
4559), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read |
as follows: |
(d) In a county with a population of more than 2.5 [two] |
million that does not have a county attorney, a justice or judge may |
not issue a warrant under this article for an offense under Section |
32.41, Penal Code, unless the district attorney has approved the |
complaint or affidavit on which the warrant is based. |
(b) Section 8, Chapter 644 (H.B. 4559), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article |
45.014(d), Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.016. (a) Article 45A.158, Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 697 (H.B. |
1603), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, and |
Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
TRIAL. (a) If an attorney representing the state is not present |
when the case is called for trial, the justice or judge may: |
(1) postpone the trial to a specified date; |
(2) temporarily appoint any competent attorney to |
perform duties as an attorney representing [pro tem as provided by |
this code to represent] the state, notwithstanding Article 2A.104; |
or |
(3) proceed to trial. |
(b) An attorney appointed under Subsection (a) is qualified |
to perform the duties of the office of the attorney representing the |
state and may be paid a reasonable fee for performing those duties. |
(b) Section 1, Chapter 697 (H.B. 1603), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article 45.031, |
Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.017. (a) Article 45A.251, Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 4, Chapter 525 (H.B. |
3186), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, by |
adding Subsection (a-1) to read as follows: |
(a-1) In a case involving a child who is eligible for |
diversion under Article 45A.504 that results in a trial, if the |
court determines that the evidence presented in a bench trial would |
support a finding of guilt, or if a jury returns a verdict of |
guilty, the court shall provide the child and the child's parents |
the opportunity to accept placement in diversion, under Article |
45A.510, instead of entering an adjudication of guilt. If the child |
and the child's parents accept the opportunity for placement in |
diversion under Article 45A.510, the court shall place the child in |
diversion. If the child and the child's parents decline the |
opportunity for placement in diversion under Article 45A.510, the |
court shall find the child guilty and proceed to sentencing. |
(b) Article 45A.253(b), Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended to conform to Section 4, Chapter 525 (H.B. 3186), Acts of |
the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(b) If a diversion is not required under Subchapter K or |
Article 45A.251(a-1), a [A] judge shall [may] allow a defendant who |
is a child, as defined by Article 45A.453(a), to elect at the time |
of conviction, as defined by Section 133.101, Local Government |
Code, to discharge the fine and costs by: |
(1) performing community service or receiving |
tutoring under Article 45A.460, regardless of whether the |
applicable offense occurred at a location specified by Subsection |
(a) of that article; or |
(2) paying the fine and costs in a manner described by |
Article 45A.251(b). |
(c) Section 4, Chapter 525 (H.B. 3186), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article 45.041, |
Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.018. (a) Articles 45A.254(g) and (i), Code of |
Criminal Procedure, are amended to conform to Section 5, Chapter |
525 (H.B. 3186), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023, to read as follows: |
(g) A community supervision and corrections department, a |
local juvenile probation department, or a court-related services |
office may provide the administrative and other services necessary |
to supervise a defendant required to perform community service |
under this article. |
(i) A sheriff, employee of a sheriff's department, county |
commissioner, county employee, county judge, justice of the peace, |
municipal court judge, or officer or employee of a political |
subdivision other than a county or an entity that accepts a |
defendant to perform community service under this article or |
Subchapter K is not liable for damages arising from an act or |
failure to act in connection with the community service if the act |
or failure to act: |
(1) was performed pursuant to court order; and |
(2) was not intentional, wilfully or wantonly |
negligent, or performed with conscious indifference or reckless |
disregard for the safety of others. |
(b) Section 5, Chapter 525 (H.B. 3186), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Articles |
45.049(f) and (i), Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.019. (a) Article 45A.259(i), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 425 (H.B. |
1819), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read |
as follows: |
(i) This article does not limit the authority of a court to |
order a child taken into custody under Article 45A.453 [or |
45A.455]. |
(b) Section 1, Chapter 425 (H.B. 1819), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article |
45.045(c), Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.020. (a) Articles 45A.303(b) and (c), Code of |
Criminal Procedure, are amended to conform to Section 4, Chapter |
1021 (H.B. 5183), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023, to read as follows: |
(b) During the deferral period, the judge may require the |
defendant to: |
(1) secure payment of the fine by posting a bond in the |
amount of the fine assessed as punishment for the offense; |
(2) pay restitution to the victim of the offense in an |
amount not to exceed the amount of the fine assessed as punishment |
for the offense; |
(3) submit to professional counseling; |
(4) submit to diagnostic testing for alcohol or a |
controlled substance or drug; |
(5) submit to a psychosocial assessment; |
(6) successfully complete an alcohol awareness or |
substance misuse [drug abuse] treatment or education program, such |
as: |
(A) a substance misuse [drug] education program |
that is designed to educate persons on the dangers of substance |
misuse [drug abuse] in accordance with Section 521.374(a)(1), |
Transportation Code, and that is regulated by the Texas Department |
of Licensing and Regulation under Chapter 171, Government Code; or |
(B) an alcohol awareness program described by |
Section 106.115, Alcoholic Beverage Code, that is regulated by the |
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation under Chapter 171, |
Government Code; |
(7) pay the costs of any diagnostic testing, |
psychosocial assessment, or treatment or education program |
participation as reimbursement fees: |
(A) directly; or |
(B) through the court as court costs; |
(8) complete a driving safety course approved under |
Chapter 1001, Education Code, or another course as directed by the |
judge; |
(9) present to the court satisfactory evidence that |
the defendant has complied with each requirement imposed by the |
judge under this subchapter; and |
(10) comply with any other reasonable condition. |
(c) A judge who requires a defendant to successfully |
complete an alcohol awareness program or substance misuse [drug] |
education program as described by Subsection (b)(6) shall require |
the defendant to pay a reimbursement fee for the cost of the |
program, unless the judge determines that the defendant is indigent |
and unable to pay the cost. |
(b) Section 4, Chapter 1021 (H.B. 5183), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Articles |
45.051(b) and (g), Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.021. (a) Article 45A.403, Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 749 (H.B. |
3917), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read |
as follows: |
NONATTENDANCE CHARGE. (a) Subject to Subsection (b) and |
notwithstanding [Notwithstanding] any other law, a county, |
justice, or municipal court may dismiss a charge against a |
defendant alleging the defendant committed an offense under Section |
25.093, Education Code, if the court finds that a dismissal would be |
in the interest of justice because: |
(1) there is a low likelihood of recidivism by the |
defendant; or |
(2) sufficient justification exists for the failure of |
the defendant's child to attend school. |
(b) Notwithstanding any other law, a county, justice, or |
municipal court shall dismiss a charge against a defendant alleging |
the defendant committed an offense under Section 25.093, Education |
Code, if the parent completes the terms of an agreement entered into |
by the parent and the school district at which the parent's child |
attends under Section 25.094, Education Code, within the period |
required by Subsection (b) of that section. If agreed to by the |
school district that is a party to the agreement, the court may |
extend the period under Section 25.094(b), Education Code, during |
which a parent may fulfill the terms of the agreement. |
(b) Section 1, Chapter 749 (H.B. 3917), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article 45.0531, |
Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.022. (a) The heading to Subchapter J, Chapter |
45A, Code of Criminal Procedure, is amended to conform to Sections |
6, 7, and 8, Chapter 525 (H.B. 3186), Acts of the 88th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(b) Articles 45A.451(a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (h), and |
(i), Code of Criminal Procedure, are amended to conform to Sections |
6, 7, and 8, Chapter 525 (H.B. 3186), Acts of the 88th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) On approval of the commissioners court, governing body |
of a municipality, school district board of trustees, juvenile |
board, or other appropriate authority, a county court, justice |
court, municipal court, school district, juvenile probation |
department, or other appropriate governmental entity may: |
(1) employ a juvenile case manager or contract for a |
juvenile case manager to provide services: |
(A) in cases involving: |
(i) youth diversion under Subchapter K; or |
(ii) children [juvenile offenders] who are |
before a court consistent with the court's statutory powers; or |
(B) to a child [juvenile] who is referred to a |
court by a school administrator or designee for misconduct that |
would otherwise be within the court's statutory powers before a |
case is filed, with the consent of the child [juvenile] and the |
child's [juvenile's] parents or guardians; |
(2) employ or contract for the services of one or more |
juvenile case managers who: |
(A) shall assist the court in administering the |
court's juvenile docket and in supervising the court's orders in |
juvenile cases; and |
(B) may provide: |
(i) prevention services to a child |
considered at risk of entering the juvenile justice system; and |
(ii) youth diversion [intervention] |
services to a child [juvenile] engaged in misconduct, excluding |
traffic offenses, if a case has not yet been filed with respect to |
the misconduct; or |
(3) agree in accordance with Chapter 791, Government |
Code, with any appropriate governmental entity to jointly employ a |
juvenile case manager, jointly contract for juvenile case manager |
services, or [to] jointly contribute to the costs of a juvenile case |
manager or juvenile case manager [employed by one governmental |
entity to provide] services described by Subdivisions (1) and (2). |
(b) A local entity may apply or more than one local entity |
may jointly apply to the criminal justice division of the |
governor's office for reimbursement of all or part of the costs of |
employing one or more juvenile case managers or contracting for |
juvenile case manager services from funds appropriated to the |
governor's office or otherwise available for purposes of youth |
diversion [that purpose]. |
(c) To be eligible for reimbursement under Subsection (b), |
the entity applying must present to the governor's office a |
comprehensive plan to reduce juvenile offenses in the entity's |
jurisdiction and a youth diversion plan under Article 45A.506. The |
plan must address the role of the juvenile case manager in that |
effort. |
(d) An entity that jointly employs a juvenile case manager, |
jointly contracts for juvenile case manager services, or jointly |
contributes to the costs of a juvenile case manager or juvenile case |
manager services under Subsection (a)(3) employs a juvenile case |
manager for purposes of Chapter 102. |
(e) The court or governing body may pay, from the local |
youth [truancy prevention and] diversion fund established under |
Section 134.156, Local Government Code: |
(1) the salary and benefits of a juvenile case |
manager; [and] |
(2) the costs of contracting for juvenile case manager |
services; and |
(3) the costs of training, travel, office supplies, |
and other necessary expenses relating to the position of the |
juvenile case manager and juvenile case manager services. |
(f) A juvenile case manager [employed under Subsection |
(a-1)] shall give priority to cases brought under Section 25.093, |
Education Code, Chapter 65, Family Code, and youth diversion under |
Subchapter K of this chapter. |
(h) A [The employing] court or governmental entity under |
this article shall implement the rules adopted under Subsection |
(g). |
(i) The commissioners court or governing body of the |
municipality that administers a local youth [truancy prevention |
and] diversion fund under Section 134.156, Local Government Code, |
shall require periodic review of juvenile case managers to ensure |
the implementation of the rules adopted under Subsection (g). |
(c) Article 45A.451(g), Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 1033 (S.B. 24), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, and Sections 6, 7, and 8, |
Chapter 525 (H.B. 3186), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(g) The governing body of the employing governmental entity |
under Subsection (a) shall adopt reasonable rules for juvenile case |
managers that provide for: |
(1) a code of ethics and the enforcement of the code of |
ethics; |
(2) appropriate educational preservice and in-service |
training standards for juvenile case managers; and |
(3) training in: |
(A) the role of the juvenile case manager; |
(B) case planning and management; |
(C) applicable procedural and substantive law; |
(D) courtroom proceedings and presentation; |
(E) services for [to] at-risk youth under |
Subchapter D, Chapter 137 [264], Human Resources [Family] Code; |
(F) local programs and services for children |
[juveniles] and methods by which children [juveniles] may access |
those programs and services; and |
(G) detecting and preventing abuse, |
exploitation, and neglect of children [juveniles]. |
(d) Article 45A.451(a-1), Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
repealed to conform to the reenactment of Article 45.056(c), Code |
of Criminal Procedure, by Section 7, Chapter 525 (H.B. 3186), Acts |
of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023. |
(e) Sections 6, 7, and 8, Chapter 525 (H.B. 3186), Acts of |
the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article |
45.056, Code of Criminal Procedure, are repealed. |
SECTION 5.023. (a) Article 45A.452(a), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 3, Chapter 525 (H.B. |
3186), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read |
as follows: |
(a) Subject to the requirements of Subchapter K, this [This] |
article applies to a defendant who has not had the disabilities of |
minority removed and has been: |
(1) charged with an offense other than an offense |
under Section 43.261, Penal Code, if the defendant is younger than |
17 years of age; or |
(2) charged with an offense under Section 43.261, |
Penal Code, if the defendant is younger than 18 years of age. |
(b) Section 3, Chapter 525 (H.B. 3186), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article |
45.0215(a), Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.024. Article 45A.455, Code of Criminal Procedure, |
is repealed to conform to the repeal of Article 45.059, Code of |
Criminal Procedure, by Section 8, Chapter 425 (H.B. 1819), Acts of |
the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023. |
SECTION 5.025. (a) Article 45A.456(a), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 2, Chapter 425 (H.B. |
1819), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read |
as follows: |
(a) Except as provided by Articles 45A.453 and [,] 45A.454, |
[and 45A.455,] an individual may not be taken into secured custody |
for offenses alleged to have occurred before the individual's 17th |
birthday. |
(b) Section 2, Chapter 425 (H.B. 1819), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article |
45.060(a), Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.026. (a) Article 45A.457(b), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 7, Chapter 1033 (S.B. |
24), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as |
follows: |
(b) On a finding by a justice or municipal court that a child |
committed an offense that the court has jurisdiction of under |
Article 4.11 or 4.14, the court has jurisdiction to enter an order: |
(1) referring the child or the child's parent for |
services under Section 137.152, Human Resources Code [264.302, |
Family Code]; |
(2) requiring that the child attend a special program |
that the court determines to be in the best interest of the child |
and, if the program involves the expenditure of municipal or county |
funds, that is approved by the governing body of the municipality or |
county commissioners court, as applicable, including a program for: |
(A) rehabilitation; |
(B) counseling; |
(C) self-esteem and leadership; |
(D) work and job skills training; |
(E) job interviewing and work preparation; |
(F) self-improvement; |
(G) parenting; |
(H) manners; |
(I) violence avoidance; |
(J) tutoring; |
(K) sensitivity training; |
(L) parental responsibility; |
(M) community service; |
(N) restitution; |
(O) advocacy; or |
(P) mentoring; or |
(3) requiring that the child's parent perform any act |
or refrain from performing any act as the court determines will |
increase the likelihood that the child will comply with the orders |
of the court and that is reasonable and necessary for the welfare of |
the child, including: |
(A) attend a parenting class or parental |
responsibility program; and |
(B) attend the child's school classes or |
functions. |
(b) Section 7, Chapter 1033 (S.B. 24), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Article |
45.057(b), Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.027. (a) Chapter 45A, Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 2, Chapter 525 (H.B. |
3186), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, and |
Chapter 1033 (S.B. 24), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, by adding Subchapter K to read as follows: |
Art. 45A.501. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: |
(1) "Charge" means a formal or informal allegation of |
an offense, including a citation, written promise to appear, |
complaint, or pending complaint. |
(2) "Child" has the meaning assigned by Article |
45A.453(a). |
(3) "Court" means a justice court, municipal court, or |
other court subject to this chapter. |
(4) "Diversion" means an intervention strategy that |
redirects a child from formal criminal prosecution and holds the |
child accountable for the child's actions. The term includes |
diversion under Article 45A.509 or 45A.510. |
(5) "Offense" means a misdemeanor punishable by fine |
only, other than a traffic offense. |
(6) "Parent" has the meaning assigned by Article |
45A.457(a). |
(7) "Service provider" means a governmental agency, |
political subdivision, open-enrollment charter school, nonprofit |
organization, or other entity that provides services to children or |
families. |
(8) "Youth diversion plan" means a plan adopted under |
Article 45A.506. |
Art. 45A.502. APPLICABILITY. This subchapter applies only |
to a child who is alleged to have engaged in conduct that |
constitutes a misdemeanor punishable by fine only, other than a |
traffic offense. |
Nothing in this subchapter precludes: |
(1) a case involving a child from being referred, |
adjudicated, or disposed of as conduct indicating a need for |
supervision under Title 3, Family Code; or |
(2) a waiver of criminal jurisdiction and transfer of |
a child's case as provided by Section 51.08, Family Code. |
Art. 45A.504. DIVERSION ELIGIBILITY. (a) Except as |
otherwise provided by this subchapter, a child shall be diverted |
from formal criminal prosecution as provided by this subchapter. |
(b) A child is eligible to enter into a diversion agreement |
under this subchapter only once every 365 days. |
(c) A child is not eligible for diversion if the child has |
previously had an unsuccessful diversion under this subchapter. |
(d) A child is not eligible for diversion if a diversion is |
objected to by the attorney representing the state. |
(e) A court may not divert a child from criminal prosecution |
as provided by this subchapter without the written consent of the |
child and the child's parent. |
Art. 45A.505. DIVERSION STRATEGIES. (a) Diversion |
strategies include: |
(1) requiring a child to participate in a program, |
including: |
(A) a court-approved teen court program operated |
by a service provider; |
(B) a school-related program; |
(C) an educational program, including an alcohol |
awareness program, a tobacco awareness program, or a drug education |
program; |
(D) a rehabilitation program; or |
(E) a self-improvement program, including a |
program relating to self-esteem, leadership, self-responsibility, |
empathy, parenting, parental responsibility, manners, violence |
avoidance, anger management, life skills, wellness, or dispute |
resolution; |
(2) referring a child to a service provider for |
services, including: |
(A) at-risk youth services under Subchapter D, |
Chapter 137, Human Resources Code; |
(B) juvenile case manager services under Article |
45A.451; |
(C) work and job skills training, including job |
interviewing and work preparation; |
(D) academic monitoring or tutoring, including |
preparation for a high school equivalency examination administered |
under Section 7.111, Education Code; |
(E) community-based services; |
(F) mental health screening and clinical |
assessment; |
(G) counseling, including private or in-school |
counseling; or |
(H) mentoring services; |
(3) requiring a child to: |
(A) participate in mediation or other dispute |
resolution processes; |
(B) submit to alcohol or drug testing; or |
(C) substantially comply with a course of |
treatment prescribed by a physician or other licensed medical or |
mental health professional; and |
(4) requiring a child, by court order, to: |
(A) pay restitution not to exceed $100 for an |
offense against property under Title 7, Penal Code; |
(B) perform not more than 20 hours of community |
service; or |
(C) perform any other reasonable action |
determined by the court. |
(b) A diversion strategy may be imposed under: |
(1) an intermediate diversion under Article 45A.509; |
(2) a diversion by a justice or judge under Article |
45A.510; or |
(3) a system of graduated sanctions for certain school |
offenses under Section 37.144, Education Code. |
(c) A diversion strategy under this subchapter may not |
require a child who is a home-schooled student, as defined by |
Section 29.916, Education Code, to: |
(1) attend an elementary or secondary school; or |
(2) use an educational curriculum other than the |
curriculum selected by the parent. |
Art. 45A.506. YOUTH DIVERSION PLAN. (a) A youth diversion |
plan is a written plan that describes the types of strategies that |
will be used to implement youth diversion. A youth diversion plan |
does not limit the types of diversion strategies that may be imposed |
under a diversion agreement under Article 45A.508. |
(b) Each justice and municipal court shall adopt a youth |
diversion plan. |
(c) A youth diversion plan may be devised for a county or |
municipality or an individual court within a county or |
municipality. |
(d) In accordance with Chapter 791, Government Code, a local |
government may enter into an agreement with one or more local |
governments to create a regional youth diversion plan and |
collaborate in the implementation of this subchapter. |
(e) A youth diversion plan may include an agreement with a |
service provider to provide services for a diversion strategy. |
(f) A youth diversion plan may contain guidelines for |
disposition or diversion of a child's case by law enforcement. The |
guidelines are not mandatory. |
(g) A current youth diversion plan must be maintained on |
file for public inspection in each justice and municipal court, |
including courts that collaborate with one or more counties or |
municipalities. |
(h) A court or local government may adopt rules necessary to |
coordinate services under a youth diversion plan or to implement |
this subchapter. |
Art. 45A.507. YOUTH DIVERSION COORDINATOR. (a) A court may |
designate a youth diversion coordinator to assist the court in: |
(1) determining whether a child is eligible for |
diversion; |
(2) employing a diversion strategy authorized by this |
subchapter; |
(3) presenting and maintaining diversion agreements; |
(4) monitoring diversions; |
(5) maintaining records regarding whether one or more |
diversions were successful or unsuccessful; and |
(6) coordinating referrals to court. |
(b) The responsibilities of the youth diversion coordinator |
may be performed by: |
(1) a court administrator or court clerk, or a person |
who regularly performs the duties of court administrator or court |
clerk; |
(2) an individual or entity that provides juvenile |
case manager services under Article 45A.451; |
(3) a court-related services office; |
(4) a community supervision and corrections |
department, including a juvenile probation department; |
(5) a county or municipal employee, including a peace |
officer; |
(6) a community volunteer; |
(7) an institution of higher education, including a |
public, private, or independent institution of higher education; or |
(8) a qualified nonprofit organization as determined |
by the court. |
Art. 45A.508. DIVERSION AGREEMENT. (a) A diversion |
agreement must identify the parties to the agreement and the |
responsibilities of the child and the child's parent to ensure |
their meaningful participation in a diversion under Article 45A.509 |
or 45A.510. |
(b) Stated objectives in a diversion agreement must be |
measurable, realistic, and reasonable and consider the |
circumstances of the child, the best interests of the child, and the |
long-term safety of the community. |
(c) A diversion agreement must include: |
(1) the terms of the agreement, including one or more |
diversions required to be completed by the child, written in a clear |
and concise manner and identifying any offense or charge being |
diverted; |
(2) possible outcomes or consequences of a successful |
diversion and an unsuccessful diversion; |
(3) an explanation that participation in a diversion |
is not an admission of guilt and a guilty plea is not required to |
participate in a diversion; |
(4) an explanation of the process that will be used for |
reviewing and monitoring compliance with the terms of the |
agreement; |
(5) the period of the diversion; |
(6) a verification that: |
(A) the child and the child's parent were |
notified of the child's rights, including the right to refuse |
diversion; and |
(B) the child knowingly and voluntarily consents |
to participate in the diversion; and |
(7) written acknowledgment and acceptance of the |
agreement by the child and the child's parent. |
(d) The terms of an agreement may vary depending on the |
circumstances of the child, including the child's age and ability, |
the charge being diverted, or the diversion strategy used. |
(e) A charge may not be filed against a child or, if filed, |
shall be dismissed by the court if the child: |
(1) does not contest the charge; |
(2) is eligible for diversion under Article 45A.504; |
and |
(3) accepts the terms of the agreement. |
(f) Entering into a diversion agreement under this article |
extends the court's jurisdiction for the term of the agreement. |
(g) On entering into a diversion agreement, a copy of the |
agreement shall be provided to the child and the child's parent, the |
clerk of the court, a youth diversion coordinator, and any person |
specified by the youth diversion plan. |
Art. 45A.509. INTERMEDIATE DIVERSION. (a) If provided by a |
youth diversion plan, a youth diversion coordinator or juvenile |
case manager shall advise the child and the child's parent before a |
case is filed that the case may be diverted under this article for a |
reasonable period not to exceed 180 days if: |
(1) the child is eligible for diversion under Article |
45A.504; |
(2) diversion is in the best interests of the child and |
promotes the long-term safety of the community; |
(3) the child and the child's parent consent to |
diversion with the knowledge that diversion is optional; and |
(4) the child and the child's parent are informed that |
they may terminate the diversion at any time and, if terminated, the |
case will be referred to court. |
(b) The terms of a diversion agreement under this article |
must be in writing and may include any of the diversion strategies |
under Article 45A.505. |
(c) The case of a child who successfully complies with the |
terms of a diversion agreement under this article shall be closed |
and reported as successful to the court. |
(d) A child who does not comply with the terms of a diversion |
agreement under this article shall be referred to court under |
Article 45A.511. |
charge involving a child who is eligible for diversion is filed with |
a court, a justice or judge shall divert the case under this article |
as follows: |
(1) if the child does not contest the charge, a justice |
or judge shall divert the case under this article without the child |
having to enter a plea; or |
(2) if the child contests the charge, a justice or |
judge shall divert the case under this article at the conclusion of |
trial on a finding of guilt without entering a judgment of |
conviction as provided by Article 45A.251. |
(b) A diversion under this article may not exceed 180 days. |
(c) The terms of a diversion agreement under this article |
must be in writing and may include any of the diversion strategies |
described by Article 45A.505. |
(d) The case of a child who successfully complies with the |
terms of a diversion agreement under this article shall be closed |
and reported as successful to the court. |
(e) A child who does not comply with the terms of a diversion |
agreement under this article shall be referred to court for a |
hearing under Article 45A.511. |
Art. 45A.511. REFERRAL TO COURT. (a) A court shall conduct |
a non-adversarial hearing for a child who does not successfully |
complete the terms of a diversion under Article 45A.509 or 45A.510 |
and is referred to the court. |
(b) The hearing is an opportunity for a justice or judge to |
confer with the child and the child's parent to determine whether a |
diversion should be declared unsuccessful by the court. The court |
may also hear from any person who may be of assistance to the child |
or the court in determining what is in the best interests of the |
child and the long-term safety of the community. |
(c) After the hearing, a court may enter an order: |
(1) amending or setting aside terms in the diversion |
agreement; |
(2) extending the diversion for a period not to exceed |
one year from the initial start date of the diversion; |
(3) issuing a continuance for the hearing for a period |
not to exceed 60 days to allow an opportunity for compliance with |
the terms of the diversion; |
(4) subject to Subsection (d), requiring the child's |
parent to perform any act or refrain from performing any act as the |
court determines will increase the likelihood the child will |
successfully complete the diversion and comply with any other order |
of the court that is reasonable and necessary for the welfare of the |
child; |
(5) finding the diversion successful on the basis of |
substantial compliance; or |
(6) finding the diversion unsuccessful and: |
(A) transferring the child to juvenile court for |
alleged conduct indicating a need for supervision under Section |
51.08, Family Code; or |
(B) referring the charge to the prosecutor for |
consideration of re-filing. |
(d) An order under Subsection (c)(4) may not have the |
substantive effect of interfering with a parent's fundamental right |
to determine how to raise the parent's child, unless the court finds |
that the interference is necessary to prevent significant |
impairment of the child's physical, mental, or emotional health. |
(e) An order under Subsection (c)(4) is enforceable against |
the parent by contempt. |
(f) The statute of limitations in Article 12.02(b) is tolled |
during the diversion period for purposes of Subsection (c)(6)(B). |
(a) The clerk of a justice or municipal court may collect from a |
child's parent a $50 administrative fee to defray the costs of the |
diversion of the child's case under this subchapter. |
(b) The fee under this article may not be collected unless |
specified as a term of the diversion agreement accepted by the |
child's parent. If the fee is not paid after giving the child's |
parent an opportunity to be heard, the court shall order the parent, |
if financially able, to pay the fee to the clerk of the court. |
(c) A court shall waive the fee if the child's parent is |
indigent or does not have sufficient resources or income to pay the |
fee. |
(d) A court may adopt rules for the waiver of a fee for |
financial hardship under this article. |
(e) An order under Subsection (b) is enforceable against the |
parent by contempt. |
(f) The clerk of the court shall keep a record of the fees |
collected under this article and shall forward the funds to the |
county treasurer, municipal treasurer, or person fulfilling the |
role of a county treasurer or municipal treasurer, as appropriate. |
(g) The fee collected under this article shall be deposited |
in a special account that can be used only to offset the cost of the |
operations of youth diversion programs under this subchapter. |
(h) Except for the fee authorized under Subsection (a), a |
fee may not be assessed for a child diverted under this subchapter. |
(i) The diversion of a child may not be contingent on |
payment of a fee under this article. |
Art. 45A.513. DIVERSION RECORDS. (a) A justice or |
municipal court shall maintain statistics for each diversion |
strategy authorized by this subchapter. |
(b) Other than statistical records, all records generated |
under this subchapter are confidential under Article 45A.462. |
(c) All records of a diversion pertaining to a child under |
this subchapter shall be expunged without the requirement of a |
motion or request, on the child's 18th birthday. |
(b) Section 2, Chapter 525 (H.B. 3186), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which added Subchapter E, |
Chapter 45, Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.028. (a) Chapter 55A, Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter 543 |
(H.B. 3956), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, |
by adding Subchapter C-1 to read as follows: |
Art. 55A.131. CERTAIN DNA RECORDS. For purposes of |
Subchapters A, B, and C, records and files relating to an arrest |
include: |
(1) a DNA record created under Subchapter G, Chapter |
411, Government Code; |
(2) any record of the collection of the specimen from |
which the DNA record was created; and |
(3) any record of the transfer of the specimen to the |
Department of Public Safety. |
(b) Section 1, Chapter 543 (H.B. 3956), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which added Article 55.01(e), |
Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.029. (a) Article 55A.256(a), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 12.006(a), Chapter 861 |
(H.B. 3474), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, |
to read as follows: |
(a) A person who is entitled to the expunction of |
information contained in records and files under Article 55A.006 |
may file an application for expunction with the attorney |
representing the state in the prosecution of felonies in the county |
in which: |
(1) the person resides; or |
(2) the offense was alleged to have occurred. |
(b) Section 12.006(a), Chapter 861 (H.B. 3474), Acts of the |
88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
2a(a), Article 55.02, Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.030. (a) Article 55A.351(a), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Section 2, Chapter 543 |
(H.B. 3956), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, |
to read as follows: |
(a) When an expunction order issued under Subchapter E or F |
is final, the clerk of the court shall send a certified copy of the |
order to the director of the Department of Public Safety for |
purposes of Section 411.151, Government Code, to the Crime Records |
Service of the department, [Department of Public Safety] and to |
each official or agency or other governmental entity of this state |
or of any political subdivision of this state named in the order. |
(b) Section 2, Chapter 543 (H.B. 3956), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section 3(c), |
Article 55.02, Code of Criminal Procedure, is repealed. |
SECTION 5.031. Article 63.00905(a), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, as added by Chapter 979 (S.B. 2429), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is repealed as duplicative of |
Article 63.00905(a), Code of Criminal Procedure, as added by |
Chapter 729 (H.B. 2660), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023. |
SECTION 5.032. Article 102.0171(c), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, is amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of |
the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(c) The clerks of the respective courts shall collect the |
fines and pay the fines to the county treasurer, municipal |
treasurer, or to any other official who discharges the duties |
commonly delegated to the county or municipal treasurer for deposit |
in a fund to be known as the county juvenile delinquency prevention |
fund or municipal juvenile delinquency prevention fund. A fund |
designated by this subsection may be used only to: |
(1) repair damage caused by the commission of offenses |
under Section 28.08, Penal Code; |
(2) provide educational and intervention programs and |
materials, including printed educational materials for |
distribution to primary and secondary school students, designed to |
prevent individuals from committing offenses under Section 28.08, |
Penal Code; |
(3) provide to the public rewards for identifying and |
aiding in the apprehension and prosecution of offenders who commit |
offenses under Section 28.08, Penal Code; |
(4) provide funding for teen recognition and teen |
recreation programs; |
(5) provide funding for local teen court programs; |
(6) provide funding for the local juvenile probation |
department; |
(7) provide educational and intervention programs |
designed to prevent juveniles from engaging in delinquent conduct; |
and |
(8) provide funding for youth diversion under |
Subchapter K [E], Chapter 45A [45]. |
SECTION 6.001. Section 11.182(b), Education Code, is amended |
to correct a reference to read as follows: |
(b) A board of trustees may determine whether to use the |
evaluation tool, except as required by Section 39A.002 [39.102(a)]. |
SECTION 6.002. Section 21.0444(a), Education Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) In this section, "first responder" means a person |
elected, employed, or appointed as: |
(1) a peace officer as defined by Article 2A.001 |
[2.12], Code of Criminal Procedure; |
(2) fire protection personnel as defined by Section |
419.021, Government Code; or |
(3) emergency medical services personnel as defined by |
Section 773.003, Health and Safety Code. |
SECTION 6.003. Section 25.094(b), Education Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(b) A parent who fulfills the terms of an agreement |
described by Subsection (a) not later than the 30th day after the |
date on which the complaint was filed or within the period provided |
by the agreement is entitled to dismissal of the complaint in |
accordance with Article 45A.403(b) [45.0531(b)], Code of Criminal |
Procedure. |
SECTION 6.004. Section 33.021(d), Education Code, is |
amended to correct a reference as follows: |
(d) The standards adopted under Subsection (c) must: |
(1) be reviewed and updated at least once every five |
years; and |
(2) include a collection development policy that: |
(A) prohibits the possession, acquisition, and |
purchase of: |
(i) harmful material, as defined by Section |
43.24, Penal Code; |
(ii) library material rated sexually |
explicit material by the selling library material vendor; or |
(iii) library material that is pervasively |
vulgar or educationally unsuitable as referenced in Board of |
Education v. Pico [v. Board of Education], 457 U.S. 853 (1982); |
(B) recognizes that obscene content is not |
protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution; |
(C) is required for all library materials |
available for use or display, including material contained in |
school libraries, classroom libraries, and online catalogs; |
(D) recognizes that parents are the primary |
decision makers regarding a student's access to library material; |
(E) encourages schools to provide library |
catalog transparency; |
(F) recommends schools communicate effectively |
with parents regarding collection development; and |
(G) prohibits the removal of material based |
solely on the: |
(i) ideas contained in the material; or |
(ii) personal background of: |
(a) the author of the material; or |
(b) characters in the material. |
SECTION 6.005. Section 37.115(c), Education Code, as |
amended by Chapters 896 (H.B. 3) and 948 (S.B. 1720), Acts of the |
88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is reenacted and amended |
to read as follows: |
(c) The board of trustees of each school district shall |
establish a threat assessment and safe and supportive school team |
to serve at each campus of the district and shall adopt policies and |
procedures for the teams. The team is responsible for developing |
and implementing the safe and supportive school program under |
Subsection (b) at the district campus served by the team. The |
policies and procedures adopted under this section must: |
(1) be consistent with the model policies and |
procedures developed by the Texas School Safety Center; |
(2) require each team to complete training provided by |
the Texas School Safety Center or a regional education service |
center regarding evidence-based threat assessment programs; |
(3) require each team established under this section |
to report the information required under Subsection (k) regarding |
the team's activities to the agency; [and] |
(4) provide for: |
(A) a district employee who reports a potential |
threat to a team to elect for the employee's identity to be |
confidential and not subject to disclosure under Chapter 552, |
Government Code, except as necessary for the team, the district, or |
law enforcement to investigate the potential threat; and |
(B) the district to maintain a record of the |
identity of a district employee who elects for the employee's |
identity to be confidential under Paragraph (A); and |
(5) [(4)] require each district campus to establish a |
clear procedure for a student to report concerning behavior |
exhibited by another student for assessment by the team or other |
appropriate school employee. |
SECTION 6.006. Section 15, Chapter 925 (S.B. 1566), Acts of |
the 85th Legislature, Regular Session, 2017, which amended Section |
39.102(a), Education Code, is repealed to conform to Section 5.017, |
Chapter 915 (H.B. 3607), Acts of the 87th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2021. |
SECTION 7.001. Section 54.047(f), Family Code, as amended |
by Chapter 1021 (H.B. 5183), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is repealed to conform to the repeal of Section |
54.047(f), Family Code, by Chapter 768 (H.B. 4595), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023. |
SECTION 7.002. Section 101.001(a), Family Code, is amended |
to correct a reference to read as follows: |
(a) Definitions in this chapter [subchapter] apply to this |
title. |
SECTION 7.003. Section 262.101(b), Family Code, as added by |
Chapters 672 (H.B. 968) and 675 (H.B. 1087), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is reenacted to read as |
follows: |
(b) The affidavit required by Subsection (a) must describe |
with specificity in a separate section all reasonable efforts, |
consistent with the circumstances and providing for the safety of |
the child, that were made to prevent or eliminate the need for the |
removal of the child. |
SECTION 7.004. Section 262.105(c), Family Code, as added by |
Chapters 672 (H.B. 968) and 675 (H.B. 1087), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is reenacted to read as |
follows: |
(c) The affidavit required by Subsection (b) must describe |
with specificity in a separate section all reasonable efforts, |
consistent with the circumstances and providing for the safety of |
the child, that were made to prevent or eliminate the need for the |
removal of the child. |
SECTION 8.001. Section 22.220(d), Government Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(d) The Court of Appeals for the Fifteenth Court of Appeals |
District has exclusive intermediate appellate jurisdiction over |
the following matters arising out of or related to a civil case: |
(1) matters brought by or against the state or a board, |
commission, department, office, or other agency in the executive |
branch of the state government, including a university system or |
institution of higher education as defined by Section 61.003, |
Education Code, or by or against an officer or employee of the state |
or a board, commission, department, office, or other agency in the |
executive branch of the state government arising out of that |
officer's or employee's official conduct, other than: |
(A) a proceeding brought under the Family Code |
and any related motion or proceeding; |
(B) a proceeding brought under Chapter 7B or |
Article 17.292, Code of Criminal Procedure; |
(C) a proceeding brought against a district |
attorney, a criminal district attorney, or a county attorney with |
criminal jurisdiction; |
(D) a proceeding relating to a mental health |
commitment; |
(E) a proceeding relating to civil asset |
forfeiture; |
(F) a condemnation proceeding for the |
acquisition of land or a proceeding related to eminent domain; |
(G) a proceeding brought under Chapter 101, Civil |
Practice and Remedies Code; |
(H) a claim of personal injury or wrongful death; |
(I) a proceeding brought under Chapter 125, Civil |
Practice and Remedies Code, to enjoin a common nuisance; |
(J) a proceeding brought under Chapter 55A [55], |
Code of Criminal Procedure; |
(K) a proceeding under Chapter 22A, Government |
Code; |
(L) a proceeding brought under Subchapter E-1, |
Chapter 411, Government Code; |
(M) a proceeding brought under Chapter 21, Labor |
Code; |
(N) a removal action under Chapter 87, Local |
Government Code; or |
(O) a proceeding brought under Chapter 841, |
Health and Safety Code; |
(2) matters in which a party to the proceeding files a |
petition, motion, or other pleading challenging the |
constitutionality or validity of a state statute or rule and the |
attorney general is a party to the case; and |
(3) any other matter as provided by law. |
SECTION 8.002. Section 30.000125(b), Government Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 1545 (S.B. 1230), Acts of the 76th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, and Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), |
Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as |
follows: |
(b) The seal's [appearance and] use must substantially |
conform to Article 45A.052 [45.02], Code of Criminal Procedure. |
The seal[, but] must include the phrase "Municipal Court of/in |
__________, Texas." |
SECTION 8.003. Section 30.000126, Government Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
Sec. 30.000126. COMPLAINT; PLEADING. Complaints and |
pleadings must substantially conform to the relevant provisions of |
Chapters 27 and 45A [45], Code of Criminal Procedure. |
SECTION 8.004. Section 30.007802(b), Government Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 1545 (S.B. 1230), Acts of the 76th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 1999, and Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), |
Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as |
follows: |
(b) Complaints must comply with Article 45A.101 [45.17], |
Code of Criminal Procedure. |
SECTION 8.005. Section 54.2811(a), Government Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) A district court judge with jurisdiction in Denton |
County, the judge of a criminal statutory county court of Denton |
County, or the judge of the juvenile court of Denton County may |
refer to the criminal law magistrate court the following matters in |
a criminal case: |
(1) a negotiated plea of guilty or no contest before |
the court; |
(2) a bond forfeiture, remittitur, and related |
proceedings; |
(3) a pretrial motion; |
(4) a writ of habeas corpus; |
(5) an examining trial; |
(6) jury selection; |
(7) an occupational driver's license; |
(8) a waiver of extradition or a related matter under |
Chapter 51, Code of Criminal Procedure; |
(9) the issuance of search warrants, including a |
search warrant under Article 18.02(a)(10), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, notwithstanding Article 18.01(c), Code of Criminal |
Procedure; |
(10) a petition for an order of expunction under |
Chapter 55A [55], Code of Criminal Procedure; |
(11) an asset forfeiture hearing as provided by |
Chapter 59, Code of Criminal Procedure; |
(12) a civil commitment matter under Subtitle C, Title |
7, Health and Safety Code; |
(13) setting, adjusting, or revoking bond; |
(14) the conduct of initial juvenile detention |
hearings or any other matter in a juvenile case if referred by the |
judge of the juvenile court of the county and approved by the Denton |
County Juvenile Board; and |
(15) any other matter the judge considers necessary |
and proper. |
SECTION 8.006. Section 71.035(a), Government Code, as |
amended by Chapters 486 (H.B. 841) and 677 (H.B. 1182), Acts of the |
88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is reenacted to read as |
follows: |
(a) The council shall gather judicial statistics and other |
pertinent information, including for each trial court in this state |
monthly court activity statistics and case-level information on the |
amount and character of the business transacted by the court, from |
the several state judges and other court officials of this state. |
The monthly information gathered by the council for each trial |
court in a county with a population of at least one million must |
include, but is not limited to: |
(1) the number of cases assigned to the court; |
(2) the case clearance rate for the court; |
(3) the number of cases disposed by the court; |
(4) the number of jury panels empaneled for the court; |
(5) the number of orders of continuance for an |
attorney before the court or by the court; |
(6) the number of pleas accepted by the court; |
(7) the number of cases tried by the judge of the court |
or before a jury; and |
(8) the number of cases tried before a visiting or |
associate judge of the court. |
SECTION 8.007. Section 79.014(a), Government Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) The governor shall appoint with the advice and consent |
of the senate seven members of the board as follows: |
(1) one member who is a district judge serving as a |
presiding judge of an administrative judicial region; |
(2) one member who is a judge of a constitutional |
county court or who is a county commissioner; |
(3) one member who is a practicing criminal defense |
attorney; |
(4) one member who is a chief public defender in this |
state; |
(5) one member who is a judge of a constitutional |
county court or who is a county commissioner of a county with a |
population of 250,000 or more; |
(6) one member who is either: |
(A) a director of a managed assigned counsel |
program in this state; or |
(B) a person who has a demonstrated expertise in |
indigent defense issues; and |
(7) one member who is a justice of the peace, municipal |
court judge, or appointed magistrate under Article 2A.151 [2.09], |
Code of Criminal Procedure, whose regular duties include presiding |
over hearings under Article 15.17, Code of Criminal Procedure. |
SECTION 8.008. Section 402.028(c), Government Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(c) Nothing in this section shall prohibit an assistant |
attorney general from performing duties as an attorney representing |
the state under a temporary appointment described by [as attorney |
pro tem under the provisions of] Article 2A.104, Code of Criminal |
Procedure. |
SECTION 8.009. Section 403.606, Government Code, is amended |
to conform to Chapter 768 (H.B. 4595), Acts of the 88th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
Sec. 403.606. CERTAIN PERSONS INELIGIBLE. A person is not |
eligible to submit an application to the comptroller or enter into |
an agreement under this subchapter if the person is a company that |
is listed as ineligible to receive a state contract or investment |
under Chapter 808, 809, 2270, 2271, [or] 2274, 2275, or 2276 [as |
added by Chapters 529 (S.B. 13), 530 (S.B. 19), and 975 (S.B. 2116), |
Acts of the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021]. |
SECTION 8.010. (a) Section 411.1106(b), Government Code, |
as amended by Chapters 871 (H.B. 4123) and 1089 (S.B. 1192), Acts of |
the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is reenacted, amended |
to correct a typographical error, and further amended to conform to |
Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(b) The commission is entitled to obtain criminal history |
record information as provided by Subsection (b-1) that relates to |
a person who is required to be fingerprinted and is: |
(1) an applicant for an employment or volunteer |
position or an applicant for a contract with the commission in which |
the person, as an employee, volunteer, or contractor, as [an] |
applicable, would have access to sensitive personal or financial |
information, as determined by the executive commissioner, in: |
(A) the eligibility services division of the |
commission as established under Section 523.0151 [531.008]; |
(B) the commission's office of inspector general |
as established by Section 523.0151 [531.008] and Subchapter C, |
Chapter 544 [531]; or |
(C) the regulatory services division of the |
commission as established under Section 523.0151 [531.008]; or |
(2) an employee, volunteer, or contractor of the |
commission who has access to sensitive personal or financial |
information, as determined by the executive commissioner. |
(b) Section 411.1106(b-1), Government Code, as added by |
Chapter 1089 (S.B. 1192), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is repealed as duplicative of Section 411.1106(b-1), |
Government Code, as added by Chapter 871 (H.B. 4123), Acts of the |
88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023. |
(c) Section 411.1106(c-1), Government Code, as added by |
Chapter 1089 (S.B. 1192), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is repealed as duplicative of Section 411.1106(c), |
Government Code, as amended by Chapter 871 (H.B. 4123), Acts of the |
88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023. |
SECTION 8.011. Section 411.11061(a), Government Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) In this section, "residential caregiver" has the |
meaning assigned by Section 532.0157 [531.02485]. |
SECTION 8.012. Section 411.1355(d), Government Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(d) The department shall permit a person whose name is |
included in the database established under this section to petition |
the department for removal of the person's name from the database, |
and the department shall remove the person's name from the database |
in response to the petition if: |
(1) an order of expunction is issued under Chapter 55A |
[55], Code of Criminal Procedure, with respect to one of the |
offenses described by Subsection (a), unless the person has been |
convicted three or more times of an offense described by that |
subsection; or |
(2) during the seven-year period preceding the date of |
the petition, the person is not convicted of an offense described by |
Subsection (a). |
SECTION 8.013. Section 411.151(a), Government Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) The director shall expunge a DNA record of an individual |
from a DNA database if: |
(1) the director receives: |
(A) an order of expunction under Subchapter E or |
F, Chapter 55A [Article 55.02], Code of Criminal Procedure; or |
(B) a request from a court under Section |
411.1471(e); or |
(2) the person provides the director with a certified |
copy of a court order issued under Subchapter C-1, Chapter 58, |
Family Code, that seals the juvenile record of the adjudication |
that resulted in the DNA record. |
SECTION 8.014. Section 411.187(c), Government Code, is |
amended to correct references to read as follows: |
(c) The department shall suspend a license under this |
section: |
(1) for 30 days, if the person's license is subject to |
suspension for a reason listed in Subsection (a)(2), (3), or (4), |
except as provided by Subdivision (2); |
(2) for not less than one year and not more than three |
years, if the person's license: |
(A) is subject to suspension for a reason listed |
in Subsection (a), other than the reason listed in Subsection |
(a)(1); and |
(B) has been previously suspended for the same |
reason; |
(3) until dismissal of the charges, if the person's |
license is subject to suspension for the reason listed in |
Subsection (a)(1); or |
(4) for the duration of or the period specified by: |
(A) the protective order issued under Title 4, |
Family Code, if the person's license is subject to suspension for |
the reason listed in Subsection (a)(3) [(a)(5)]; or |
(B) the order for emergency protection issued |
under Article 17.292, Code of Criminal Procedure, if the person's |
license is subject to suspension for the reason listed in |
Subsection (a)(4) [(a)(6)]. |
SECTION 8.015. Section 420.008(b), Government Code, as |
amended by Chapters 190 (H.B. 3345) and 858 (H.B. 3461), Acts of the |
88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is reenacted and amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) The fund consists of: |
(1) fees and fines collected under: |
(A) Article 42A.653(a), Code of Criminal |
Procedure; |
(B) Section 508.189, Government Code; and |
(C) Subchapter B, Chapter 102, Business & |
Commerce Code, and deposited under Section 102.054 of that code; |
(2) administrative penalties collected under Section |
51.258, Education Code; [and] |
(3) amounts allocated under Section 183.054, Tax Code; |
and |
(4) [(3)] interest and other earnings on money in the |
fund. |
SECTION 8.016. Section 425.001(4), Government Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 709 (H.B. 2190), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(4) "Violent incident" means an incident involving a |
peace officer that occurs while the officer is performing official |
duties and that poses a substantial risk of serious harm to the |
officer's mental health or well-being, including responding to a |
homicide, suicide, or fatal motor vehicle collision [accident]. |
SECTION 8.017. (a) Section 521.0001(7), Government Code, |
as effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section 1, |
Chapter 840 (H.B. 2727), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(7) "Home telemonitoring service" means a health |
service that requires scheduled remote monitoring of data related |
to a patient's health and transmission of the data to a licensed |
home and community support services agency, a federally qualified |
health center, a rural health clinic, or a hospital, as those terms |
are defined by Section 548.0251. The term is synonymous with |
"remote patient monitoring." |
(b) Section 1, Chapter 840 (H.B. 2727), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
531.001(4-a), Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.018. Section 531.0045, Government Code, is |
transferred to Subchapter A, Chapter 523, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, redesignated as Section 523.00031, |
Government Code, and amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 523.00031 [531.0045]. LIMIT ON SUNSET REVIEW. The |
Sunset Advisory Commission's review of the commission [Health and |
Human Services Commission] under Chapter 325 (Texas Sunset Act) |
during the period in which state agencies abolished in 2027 are |
reviewed may not include a review of the family support services |
programs transferred to the commission under Chapter 137, Human |
Resources Code, or the Thriving Texas Families Program established |
under Chapter 54, Health and Safety Code. This section expires |
September 1, 2027. |
SECTION 8.019. (a) Subchapter Y, Chapter 531, Government |
Code, is transferred to Chapter 523, Government Code, as effective |
April 1, 2025, redesignated as Subchapter H, Chapter 523, |
Government Code, amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), |
Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, and further |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 523.0351 [531.991]. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: |
(1) "Department" means the Department of Family and |
Protective Services. |
(2) "Ombudsman" means the individual appointed as the |
ombudsman for an ombudsman program. |
(3) "Ombudsman program" means an ombudsman program |
administered by the commission under this subchapter. |
Sec. 523.0352 [531.9912]. ESTABLISHMENT OF OMBUDSMAN |
PROGRAMS. The executive commissioner shall establish the following |
ombudsman programs: |
(1) the health and human services office of the |
ombudsman in accordance with Section 523.0353 [531.9915]; |
(2) the ombudsman for children and youth in foster |
care in accordance with Section 523.0357 [531.9931]; |
(3) the ombudsman for managed care assistance in |
accordance with Section 523.0358 [531.9932]; |
(4) the ombudsman for behavioral health access to care |
in accordance with Section 523.0359 [531.9933]; and |
(5) the ombudsman for individuals with an intellectual |
or developmental disability in accordance with Section 523.0360 |
[531.9934]. |
Sec. 523.0353 [531.9915]. OFFICE OF OMBUDSMAN. (a) The |
executive commissioner shall establish the commission's office of |
the ombudsman with authority and responsibility over the health and |
human services system in performing the following functions: |
(1) providing dispute resolution services for the |
health and human services system; |
(2) performing consumer protection and advocacy |
functions related to health and human services, including assisting |
a consumer or other interested person with: |
(A) raising a matter within the health and human |
services system that the person feels is being ignored; and |
(B) obtaining information regarding a filed |
complaint; and |
(3) collecting inquiry and complaint data related to |
the health and human services system. |
(b) The office of the ombudsman does not have the authority |
to provide a separate process for resolving complaints or appeals. |
(c) The executive commissioner shall develop a standard |
process for tracking and reporting received inquiries and |
complaints within the health and human services system. The |
process must provide for the centralized tracking of inquiries and |
complaints submitted to field, regional, or other local health and |
human services system offices. |
(d) Using the process developed under Subsection (c), the |
office of the ombudsman shall collect inquiry and complaint data |
from all offices, agencies, divisions, and other entities within |
the health and human services system. To assist with the collection |
of data under this subsection, the office may access any system or |
process for recording inquiries and complaints used or maintained |
within the health and human services system. |
Sec. 523.0354 [531.992]. APPOINTMENT OF OMBUDSMAN. The |
executive commissioner shall appoint an ombudsman for each |
ombudsman program to serve at the will of the executive |
commissioner. |
Sec. 523.0355 [531.9921]. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. An |
individual [A person] may not serve as ombudsman in an ombudsman |
program if the individual [person] or the individual's [person's] |
spouse: |
(1) is employed by or participates in the management |
of a business entity or other organization receiving funds from the |
commission; |
(2) owns or controls, directly or indirectly, any |
interest in a business entity or other organization receiving funds |
from the commission; or |
(3) is required to register as a lobbyist under |
Chapter 305 because of the individual's [person's] activities for |
compensation on behalf of a profession related to the commission's |
operation [of the commission]. |
Sec. 523.0356 [531.993]. DUTIES OF OMBUDSMAN. (a) An |
ombudsman serves as an impartial party in assisting: |
(1) children and youth in the conservatorship of the |
department with complaints regarding issues within the authority of |
the commission or department, as applicable; and |
(2) persons with a complaint against the commission |
regarding case-specific activities of the programs within the |
health and human services system. |
(b) An ombudsman shall: |
(1) develop and implement statewide procedures to: |
(A) receive complaints from: |
(i) children and youth in the |
conservatorship of the department; and |
(ii) other persons with a complaint against |
a program within the health and human services system; |
(B) review complaints filed with an ombudsman and |
take appropriate action, including: |
(i) conducting an investigation into |
individual complaints that allege violations of commission or |
department procedures or policies or other violations; and |
(ii) referring to the commission or |
department for resolution any trends or systemic issues identified |
in complaints; |
(C) provide any necessary assistance to: |
(i) children and youth in the |
conservatorship of the department in making complaints and |
reporting allegations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation under |
Chapter 48, Human Resources Code; and |
(ii) any other person in making complaints |
against a program within the health and human services system or |
reporting allegations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation under |
Chapter 48, Human Resources Code; |
(D) maintain the confidentiality of: |
(i) an ombudsman's communications and |
records; |
(ii) records of another person [that have |
been] provided to an ombudsman; and |
(iii) communications of another person with |
an ombudsman; and |
(E) ensure that any person who files a complaint |
with an ombudsman is informed of the results of the ombudsman's |
investigation of the complaint, including whether the ombudsman was |
able to substantiate the complaint; |
(2) collaborate with the commission to develop and |
implement an annual outreach plan to promote awareness of the |
ombudsman programs among the public and stakeholders that includes: |
(A) how an ombudsman may be contacted; |
(B) the purpose of an ombudsman; and |
(C) the services an ombudsman provides; |
(3) issue and file with the commission or department, |
as applicable, a report that contains an ombudsman's final |
determination regarding a complaint and any recommended corrective |
actions to be taken as a result of the complaint; |
(4) establish a secure form of communication with any |
individual who files a complaint with an ombudsman; |
(5) collaborate with the commission or department, as |
applicable, to identify consequences for any retaliatory action |
related to a complaint filed with an ombudsman, in accordance with |
Section 523.0364 [531.997]; and |
(6) monitor and evaluate the corrective actions taken |
in response to an ombudsman's [a] recommendation [by an ombudsman]. |
(c) An ombudsman's final determination in a report |
described by Subsection (b)(3) must include a determination of |
whether there was wrongdoing or negligence by the commission or |
department or an agent of the commission or department or whether |
the complaint was frivolous or without merit. If the ombudsman |
determines there was wrongdoing or negligence, the ombudsman shall |
recommend corrective actions to be taken by the commission or |
department. |
(d) [(c-1)] The department and the commission shall provide |
written notice to an ombudsman on whether the department or |
commission adopted or rejected the ombudsman's recommended |
corrective action. If the department or commission rejects a |
recommended corrective action, the department or commission shall |
include in the notice the reason for the rejection. |
(e) [(d)] An ombudsman may attend any judicial proceeding |
related to a complaint filed with the ombudsman program. |
Sec. 523.0357 [531.9931]. OMBUDSMAN FOR CHILDREN AND YOUTH |
IN FOSTER CARE. (a) The commission shall establish an ombudsman |
program to provide support and information services to children and |
youth in foster care. |
(b) An ombudsman appointed under this section shall: |
(1) receive complaints from children and youth in the |
conservatorship of the department as provided under Section |
523.0356(b)(1)(A)(i) [531.993(b)(1)(A)(i)]; |
(2) inform children and youth in the conservatorship |
of the department who file a complaint under this subchapter about |
the result of an ombudsman's investigation of the complaint, |
including whether the ombudsman was able to substantiate the |
child's or youth's complaint; and |
(3) collaborate with the department to develop an |
outreach plan for children and youth in the conservatorship of the |
department to promote awareness of the ombudsman program. |
Sec. 523.0358 [531.9932]. OMBUDSMAN FOR MANAGED CARE |
ASSISTANCE. (a) The commission shall establish an ombudsman |
program to provide support and information services to an |
individual [a person] enrolled in or applying for Medicaid coverage |
who experiences barriers to receiving health care services. |
(b) An ombudsman appointed under this section shall give |
emphasis to assisting an individual [a person] with an urgent or |
immediate medical or support need. |
(c) The commission shall provide support and information |
services required by this section through a network of entities |
coordinated by the commission's ombudsman program and composed of: |
(1) the commission's ombudsman program or other |
division of the commission designated by the executive commissioner |
to coordinate the network; |
(2) the office of the state long-term care ombudsman |
required under Subchapter F, Chapter 101A, Human Resources Code; |
(3) the division within the commission responsible for |
oversight of Medicaid managed care contracts; |
(4) area agencies on aging; |
(5) aging and disability resource centers established |
under the Aging and Disability Resource Center initiative funded in |
part by the federal Administration on Aging and the Centers for |
Medicare and Medicaid Services; and |
(6) any other entity the executive commissioner |
determines appropriate. |
(d) As a part of the support and information services |
required by this section, the ombudsman program shall: |
(1) operate a statewide toll-free assistance |
telephone number that includes relay services for individuals |
[persons] with speech or hearing disabilities and assistance for |
individuals [persons] who speak Spanish; |
(2) intervene promptly with the state Medicaid office, |
Medicaid managed care organizations and providers, and any other |
appropriate entity on behalf of an individual [a person] who has an |
urgent need for medical services; |
(3) assist an individual [a person] who is |
experiencing barriers in the Medicaid application and enrollment |
process and refer the individual [person] for further assistance if |
appropriate; |
(4) educate individuals [persons] so that they: |
(A) understand the concept of managed care; |
(B) understand their rights under Medicaid, |
including grievance and appeal procedures; and |
(C) are able to advocate for themselves; |
(5) assist the state Medicaid office and Medicaid |
managed care organizations and providers in identifying and |
correcting problems, including site visits to affected regions if |
necessary; |
(6) meet the needs of all current and future Medicaid |
managed care recipients, including children receiving dental |
benefits; |
(7) incorporate support services for children |
enrolled in the child health plan program established under Chapter |
62, Health and Safety Code; and |
(8) ensure that staff providing support and |
information services receive [receives] sufficient training, |
including training in the Medicare program for the purpose of |
assisting recipients who are dually eligible for Medicare and |
Medicaid, and have [has] sufficient authority to resolve barriers |
experienced by recipients to health care and long-term services and |
supports. |
(e) The ombudsman program must be sufficiently independent |
from other aspects of Medicaid managed care to represent the best |
interests of recipients in problem resolution. |
Sec. 523.0359 [531.9933]. OMBUDSMAN FOR BEHAVIORAL HEALTH |
ACCESS TO CARE. (a) The commission shall establish an ombudsman |
program to provide support and information services to a consumer |
enrolled in or applying for a behavioral health program. |
(b) The commission may use an alternate title for the |
ombudsman in consumer-facing materials if the commission |
determines that an alternate title would be beneficial to consumer |
understanding or access. |
(c) An ombudsman serves as an impartial party to help |
consumers, including consumers who are uninsured or have public or |
private health benefit coverage, and behavioral health care |
providers navigate and resolve issues related to consumer access to |
behavioral health care, including care for mental health conditions |
and substance use disorders. |
(d) An ombudsman shall: |
(1) interact with consumers and behavioral health care |
providers regarding [with] concerns or complaints to help the |
consumers and providers resolve behavioral health care access |
issues; |
(2) identify, track, and help report potential |
violations of state or federal rules, regulations, or statutes |
concerning the availability of, and terms and conditions of, |
benefits for mental health conditions or substance use disorders, |
including potential violations related to quantitative and |
nonquantitative treatment limitations; |
(3) report concerns, complaints, and potential |
violations described by Subdivision (2) to the appropriate |
regulatory or oversight agency; |
(4) receive and report concerns and complaints |
relating to inappropriate care or mental health commitment; |
(5) provide appropriate information to help consumers |
obtain behavioral health care; |
(6) develop appropriate points of contact for |
referrals to other state and federal agencies; and |
(7) provide appropriate information to help consumers |
or providers file appeals or complaints with the appropriate |
entities, including insurers and other state and federal agencies. |
(e) The Texas Department of Insurance shall appoint a |
liaison to an ombudsman to receive reports of concerns, complaints, |
and potential violations described by Subsection (d)(2) from an |
ombudsman, consumers, or behavioral health care providers. |
Sec. 523.0360 [531.9934]. OMBUDSMAN FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH |
commissioner shall appoint an ombudsman to assist a client, or a |
person acting on behalf of an individual with an intellectual or |
developmental disability or a group of individuals with an |
intellectual or developmental disability, with a complaint or |
grievance regarding the infringement of the rights of an individual |
with an intellectual or developmental disability or the delivery of |
intellectual disability services submitted under Section 592.039, |
Health and Safety Code. |
Sec. 523.0361 [531.994]. INVESTIGATION OF UNREPORTED |
COMPLAINTS. If, during the investigation of a complaint, an |
ombudsman discovers unreported violations of the commission's or |
department's rules and policies, the ombudsman shall open a new |
investigation for each unreported violation. |
Sec. 523.0362 [531.995]. ACCESS TO INFORMATION. The |
commission and department shall provide an ombudsman access to the |
records that relate to a complaint the ombudsman is reviewing or |
investigating. |
Sec. 523.0363 [531.996]. COMMUNICATION AND |
CONFIDENTIALITY. (a) A person may communicate with an ombudsman |
relating to a complaint by telephone, by mail, by electronic mail, |
or by any other means the ombudsman determines to be feasible, |
secure, and accessible. |
(b) A communication with an ombudsman is confidential |
during an investigation or review of a complaint and remains |
confidential after the complaint is resolved. |
(c) The records of an ombudsman are confidential and must be |
maintained in a manner that preserves the confidentiality of the |
records. |
(d) The disclosure of confidential information to an |
ombudsman under this subchapter does not constitute a waiver of |
confidentiality. Any information disclosed to the ombudsman under |
this subchapter remains confidential and privileged following |
disclosure. |
(e) An ombudsman is not prohibited from communicating with |
the commission or department regarding confidential information |
disclosed to the ombudsman. |
(f) An ombudsman may make reports relating to an |
investigation of a complaint public after the complaint is |
resolved. A report may not include information that identifies an |
individual complainant, client, parent, or employee or any other |
person involved in the complaint. |
Sec. 523.0364 [531.997]. RETALIATION PROHIBITED. The |
commission or department may not retaliate against an employee of |
the commission or department, as applicable, or any other person |
who in good faith makes a complaint to an ombudsman or against any |
person who cooperates with the ombudsman in an investigation. |
Sec. 523.0365 [531.998]. REPORT. (a) Each ombudsman shall |
prepare an annual report that contains: |
(1) a description of the ombudsman's work; |
(2) any change made by the commission or department in |
response to a substantiated complaint; |
(3) a description of any trends in the nature of |
complaints received by the ombudsman or any systemic issues |
identified by the ombudsman in the investigation of individual |
complaints, any recommendations related to addressing those trends |
and issues, and an evaluation of the feasibility of the ombudsman's |
recommendations; |
(4) a glossary of terms used in the report; |
(5) a description of the methods used to promote |
awareness of the ombudsman under Section 523.0356(b) [531.993(b)] |
and the ombudsman's promotion plan for the next year; and |
(6) any public feedback received by the ombudsman |
relating to the ombudsman's previous annual reports. |
(b) Each report must be submitted to the governor, the |
lieutenant governor, each standing committee of the legislature |
with jurisdiction over matters involving the commission, each |
member of the legislature, and the executive commissioner not later |
than December 1 of each year. On receipt of the report, the |
commission shall make the report publicly available on the |
commission's Internet website. |
(b) Section 523.0255, Government Code, as effective April |
1, 2025, is repealed to conform to the transfer and redesignation of |
Section 531.0171, Government Code, by Section 5, Chapter 741 (H.B. |
3462), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023. |
(c) Section 532.0303, Government Code, as effective April |
1, 2025, is repealed to conform to the transfer and redesignation of |
Section 531.0213, Government Code, by Section 10, Chapter 741 (H.B. |
3462), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023. |
(d) Section 547.0002, Government Code, as effective April |
1, 2025, is repealed to conform to the transfer and redesignation of |
Section 531.02251, Government Code, by Section 11, Chapter 741 |
(H.B. 3462), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023. |
SECTION 8.020. (a) Section 525.0052(b), Government Code, |
as effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section 2, |
Chapter 1147 (S.B. 956), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(b) The executive commissioner shall: |
(1) establish a federal money management system to |
coordinate and monitor the use of federal money health and human |
services agencies receive to ensure that the money is spent in the |
most efficient manner; |
(2) establish priorities for health and human services |
agencies' use of federal money [in coordination with the |
coordinated strategic plan the executive commissioner develops |
under Section 525.0154]; |
(3) coordinate and monitor the use of federal money |
for health and human services to ensure that the money is spent in |
the most cost-effective manner throughout the health and human |
services system; |
(4) review and approve all federal funding plans for |
health and human services in this state; |
(5) estimate available federal money, including |
earned federal money, and monitor unspent money; |
(6) ensure that the state meets federal requirements |
relating to receipt of federal money for health and human services, |
including requirements relating to state matching money and |
maintenance of effort; |
(7) transfer appropriated amounts as described by |
Section 525.0053; and |
(8) ensure that each governmental entity that |
coordinates the delivery of health and human services in regions, |
counties, and municipalities of this state [the executive |
commissioner identifies under Section 525.0155] has access to |
complete and timely information about all sources of federal money |
for health and human services programs and that technical |
assistance is available to governmental entities seeking grants of |
federal money to provide health and human services. |
(b) Section 2, Chapter 1147 (S.B. 956), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
531.028(b), Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.021. (a) Section 525.0151, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter |
1147 (S.B. 956), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023, to read as follows: |
SERVICES GENERALLY. The executive commissioner shall: |
(1) facilitate and enforce coordinated planning and |
delivery of health and human services, including: |
(A) [compliance with the coordinated strategic |
plan; |
[(B)] colocation of services; |
(B) [(C)] integrated intake; and |
(C) [(D)] coordinated referral and case |
management; |
(2) establish and enforce uniform regional boundaries |
for all health and human services agencies; |
(3) carry out statewide health and human services |
needs surveys and forecasting; |
(4) perform independent special-outcome evaluations |
of health and human services programs and activities; and |
(5) on request of a governmental entity that |
coordinates the delivery of health and human services in regions, |
counties, and municipalities of this state [the executive |
commissioner identifies under Section 525.0155], assist the entity |
in implementing a coordinated plan that: |
(A) may include colocation of services, |
integrated intake, and coordinated referral and case management; |
and |
(B) is tailored to the entity's needs and |
priorities. |
(b) Section 1, Chapter 1147 (S.B. 956), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
531.024(a), Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.022. Sections 525.0154 and 525.0155, Government |
Code, as effective April 1, 2025, are repealed to conform to the |
repeal of Section 531.022, Government Code, by Section 6, Chapter |
1147 (S.B. 956), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023. |
SECTION 8.023. Subchapter L, Chapter 526, Government Code, |
as effective April 1, 2025, is repealed to conform to Section 6, |
Chapter 1033 (S.B. 24), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, which transferred and redesignated Subchapter X, |
Chapter 531, Government Code. |
SECTION 8.024. Section 531.0932, Government Code, is |
transferred to Subchapter M, Chapter 526, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, redesignated as Section 526.0604, |
Government Code, and amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), |
Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 526.0604 [531.0932]. INSTRUCTION GUIDE FOR FAMILY |
DISORDERS. (a) The commission and the Texas Veterans Commission |
jointly shall produce and make publicly available an instruction |
guide for family members and caregivers of veterans who have mental |
health disorders. |
(b) The instruction guide produced under this section must |
include: |
(1) general education about different mental health |
disorders, including instruction intended to improve understanding |
about the experience of individuals [persons] suffering from those |
mental health disorders; |
(2) techniques for handling crisis situations and |
administering mental health first aid to individuals [persons] |
suffering from mental health disorders; |
(3) techniques for coping with the stress of living |
with an individual [a person] with a mental health disorder; and |
(4) information about related services available for |
family members and caregivers of veterans who have mental health |
disorders that are provided by the commission, the Texas Veterans |
Commission, other state agencies, community organizations, and |
mental health services providers. |
(c) The commission and the Texas Veterans Commission each |
shall publish the guide produced under this section on the |
respective agency's Internet website. |
SECTION 8.025. Subchapter M-2, Chapter 531, Government |
Code, as added by Chapter 484 (H.B. 728), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is transferred to Chapter 526, |
Government Code, as effective April 1, 2025, redesignated as |
Subchapter Q, Chapter 526, Government Code, and amended to conform |
to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
Sec. 526.0801 [531.491]. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: |
(1) "Council" means the statewide interagency aging |
services coordinating council. |
(2) "Strategic plan" means the statewide interagency |
aging services strategic plan required under Section 526.0807(1) |
[531.497(1)]. |
Sec. 526.0802 [531.492]. PURPOSE. The council is |
established to ensure a strategic statewide approach to interagency |
aging services. |
Sec. 526.0803 [531.493]. COMPOSITION OF COUNCIL. (a) |
Subject to Subsection (b), the council is composed of at least one |
representative appointed by each of the following agencies and |
entities: |
(1) the governor's office; |
(2) the commission, including one representative of |
the commission's aging services coordination office; |
(3) the Department of Family and Protective Services; |
(4) the Department of State Health Services; |
(5) the Department of Agriculture's office of rural |
health; |
(6) the Texas Veterans Commission; |
(7) the Texas Workforce Commission; |
(8) the office of the attorney general; |
(9) the Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging |
Studies at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San |
Antonio; |
(10) the Texas Aging and Longevity Consortium at The |
University of Texas at Austin; and |
(11) the Center for Community Health and Aging at |
Texas A&M University. |
(b) The executive commissioner shall determine the number |
of representatives that each agency or entity may appoint to serve |
on the council. |
(c) The council may authorize another state agency or entity |
that provides specific interagency aging services with the use of |
appropriated money to appoint a representative to the council. |
(d) A council member serves at the pleasure of the |
appointing agency or entity. |
Sec. 526.0804 [531.494]. TERMS; VACANCY. (a) Council |
members serve six-year terms. |
(b) A vacancy on the council shall be filled in the same |
manner as the original appointment. A council member appointed to |
fill a vacancy on the council shall serve the remainder of the |
unexpired term. |
Sec. 526.0805 [531.495]. PRESIDING OFFICER. The |
representative of the commission's aging services coordination |
office appointed under Section 526.0803(a) [531.493(a)] shall |
serve as the presiding officer. |
Sec. 526.0806 [531.496]. MEETINGS. The council shall meet |
at least once quarterly or more frequently at the call of the |
presiding officer. |
Sec. 526.0807 [531.497]. POWERS AND DUTIES. The council: |
(1) shall, in accordance with Section 526.0808 |
[531.498]: |
(A) develop a recurring five-year statewide |
interagency aging services strategic plan; and |
(B) submit the strategic plan to the executive |
commissioner and the administrative head of each agency subject to |
the strategic plan; |
(2) shall develop and, not later than November 1 of |
each even-numbered year, submit to the legislature a biennial |
coordinated statewide interagency aging services expenditure |
proposal; |
(3) shall annually publish an updated inventory of |
state-funded interagency aging programs and services that includes |
a description of how those programs and services further the |
purpose of the statewide interagency aging services strategic plan; |
(4) may facilitate opportunities to increase |
collaboration for the effective expenditure of available federal |
and state money for interagency aging services in this state; and |
(5) may establish subcommittees as necessary to carry |
out the council's duties under this subchapter. |
Sec. 526.0808 [531.498]. RECURRING FIVE-YEAR STRATEGIC |
of the last state fiscal year in each five-year period covered by |
the most recent strategic plan, the council shall: |
(1) develop a new strategic plan for the next five |
state fiscal years that begins with the following fiscal year; and |
(2) submit the new strategic plan to the executive |
commissioner and the administrative head of each agency subject to |
the strategic plan. |
(b) Not later than the 90th day after receiving the |
strategic plan, the executive commissioner and the administrative |
head of each agency that is subject to the plan shall develop and |
submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor, and the |
legislature a plan for implementing the recommendations applicable |
to the agency under the strategic plan. An implementation plan must |
include a justification for any recommendation the commission or |
other agency declines to implement. |
Sec. 526.0809 [531.499]. APPLICATION OF SUNSET ACT. The |
council is subject to Chapter 325 (Texas Sunset Act). The council |
shall be reviewed during the period in which the commission is |
reviewed under Section 523.0003 [531.004]. Unless continued in |
existence as provided by Chapter 325, the council is abolished and |
this subchapter expires on the date on which the commission is |
subject to abolishment under that section. |
SECTION 8.026. Section 531.02485, Government Code, is |
transferred to Subchapter D, Chapter 532, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, redesignated as Section 532.0157, |
Government Code, and amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), |
Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 532.0157 [531.02485]. REQUIRED REVIEW OF CRIMINAL |
In this section, "residential caregiver" means an individual who |
provides, through a group home or other residential facility |
licensed by or operated under the authority of the commission, |
community-based residential care services: |
(1) to not more than four individuals with an |
intellectual or developmental disability at any time; and |
(2) at a residence other than the home of the |
individual providing the services. |
(b) A Medicaid provider, including a provider providing |
services under a 1915(c) waiver program, that employs or contracts |
with a residential caregiver to provide community-based |
residential care services to [Medicaid] recipients shall review |
state and federal criminal history record information and obtain |
electronic updates from the Department of Public Safety of arrests |
and convictions for each residential caregiver the provider employs |
or contracts with to provide community-based residential care |
services to [Medicaid] recipients. |
(c) An individual who has been convicted of an offense |
described by Section 250.006, Health and Safety Code, may not be |
employed or contracted as a residential caregiver or otherwise |
provide direct care to a [Medicaid] recipient with an intellectual |
or developmental disability to the same extent and, if applicable, |
for the same period of time prescribed by Section 250.006(a) or (b), |
Health and Safety Code, as an individual similarly convicted under |
those subsections. An individual who violates this subsection is |
subject to disciplinary action by the commission. |
(d) A Medicaid provider shall immediately discharge any |
individual the provider employs or contracts with as a residential |
caregiver who is convicted of an offense described by Section |
250.006, Health and Safety Code. |
(e) Notwithstanding any other law, the commission shall |
take disciplinary action against a Medicaid provider that violates |
this section, including imposing an administrative penalty or |
vendor hold, terminating a contract or license, or any other |
disciplinary action the commission determines appropriate. In |
determining the appropriate disciplinary action to take against a |
Medicaid provider under this subsection, the commission shall |
consider: |
(1) the nature and seriousness of the violation; |
(2) the history of previous violations; and |
(3) any other matter justice may require. |
(f) The executive commissioner shall adopt rules necessary |
to implement this section. |
SECTION 8.027. Section 531.02486, Government Code, is |
transferred to Subchapter D, Chapter 532, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, redesignated as Section 532.0158, |
Government Code, amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), |
Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, and further |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 532.0158 [531.02486]. SUSPENDING EMPLOYMENT OF |
(1) "Consumer-directed service option" has the |
meaning assigned by Section 546.0101 [531.051]. |
(2) "Reportable conduct" includes: |
(A) abuse or neglect that causes or may cause |
death or harm to an individual using the consumer-directed service |
option or a resident; |
(B) sexual abuse of an individual using the |
consumer-directed service option or a resident; |
(C) financial exploitation of an individual |
using the consumer-directed service option or a resident in an |
amount of $25 or more; and |
(D) emotional, verbal, or psychological abuse |
that causes harm to an individual using the consumer-directed |
service option or a resident. |
(3) "Resident" means an individual residing in a group |
home or other residential facility who is receiving services from a |
residential caregiver. |
(4) "Residential caregiver" has the meaning assigned |
by Section 532.0157 [531.02485]. |
(b) A Medicaid provider, including a provider providing |
services under a Section 1915(c) waiver program, who employs or |
contracts with a residential caregiver to provide community-based |
residential care services through a group home or other residential |
facility described by Subsection (a)(4), on receiving notice of the |
reportable conduct finding, shall immediately suspend the |
employment or contract of an individual the provider employs or |
contracts with as a residential caregiver who the commission finds |
has engaged in reportable conduct while the individual exhausts any |
applicable appeals process, including informal and formal appeals, |
pending a final decision by an administrative law judge. The |
provider may not reinstate the individual's employment or contract |
during the course of any appeals process. |
(c) Notwithstanding any other law, the commission shall |
take disciplinary action against a Medicaid provider that violates |
Subsection (b), including imposing an administrative penalty or |
vendor hold, terminating a contract or license, or any other |
disciplinary action the commission determines appropriate. In |
determining the appropriate disciplinary action to take against a |
Medicaid provider under this subsection, the commission shall |
consider: |
(1) the nature and seriousness of the violation; |
(2) the history of previous violations; and |
(3) any other matter justice may require. |
(d) The executive commissioner shall adopt rules necessary |
to implement this section. |
SECTION 8.028. Subchapter Q, Chapter 531, Government Code, |
is transferred to Chapter 532, Government Code, as effective April |
1, 2025, redesignated as Subchapter K, Chapter 532, Government |
Code, and amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the |
88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
Sec. 532.0501 [531.651]. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: |
(1) "Case management for children and pregnant women |
program" means the "children and pregnant women program," as |
defined by Section 540.0702 [533.002555]. |
(2) "Nonmedical health-related needs screening" means |
a screening performed using the standardized screening questions |
required under Section 545.0058 [531.024183]. |
(3) "Program services" means case management services |
provided under the case management for children and pregnant women |
program, including assistance provided to a Medicaid managed care |
organization in coordinating the provision of benefits to a |
recipient enrolled in the organization's managed care plan in a |
manner that is consistent with the recipient's plan of care. |
Sec. 532.0502 [531.652]. MEDICAID MANAGED CARE |
provision of program services to a recipient does not preempt or |
otherwise affect a Medicaid managed care organization's obligation |
to provide service coordination benefits to the recipient. |
Sec. 532.0503 [531.653]. CASE MANAGEMENT FOR CHILDREN AND |
may be provided only by a provider who completes the standardized |
case management training required by the commission under Section |
532.0504 [531.654] and who is: |
(1) an advanced practice nurse who holds a license, |
other than a provisional or temporary license, under Chapter 301, |
Occupations Code; |
(2) a registered nurse who holds a license, other than |
a provisional or temporary license, under Chapter 301, Occupations |
Code, and: |
(A) completed a baccalaureate degree program in |
nursing; or |
(B) completed an associate degree program in |
nursing and has: |
(i) at least two years of cumulative paid |
full-time work experience; or |
(ii) at least two years of cumulative, |
supervised full-time educational internship or practicum |
experience obtained in the last 10 years that included assessing |
the psychosocial and health needs of and making community referrals |
of: |
(a) children who are 21 years of age |
or younger; or |
(b) pregnant women; |
(3) a social worker who holds a license, other than a |
provisional or temporary license, under Chapter 505, Occupations |
Code, appropriate for the individual's practice, including the |
practice of independent social work; |
(4) a community health worker as defined by Section |
48.001, Health and Safety Code, who is certified by the Department |
of State Health Services; or |
(5) a doula who is certified by a recognized national |
certification program, as determined by the commission, unless the |
doula qualifies as a certified community health worker under |
Subdivision (4). |
Sec. 532.0504 [531.654]. CASE MANAGEMENT FOR CHILDREN AND |
require that each provider of program services complete training |
prescribed by the commission. The training must be trauma-informed |
and include instruction on: |
(1) social services provided by this state and local |
governments in this state; |
(2) community assistance programs, including programs |
providing: |
(A) nutrition and housing assistance; |
(B) counseling and parenting services; |
(C) substance use disorder treatment; and |
(D) domestic violence assistance and shelter; |
(3) domestic violence and coercive control dynamics; |
(4) methods for explaining and eliciting an eligible |
recipient's informed consent to receive: |
(A) program services screening; and |
(B) any services that may be offered as a result |
of the screening; and |
(5) procedures for: |
(A) an eligible recipient to: |
(i) decline program services screening; or |
(ii) withdraw consent for offered services; |
and |
(B) ensuring that the recipient is not subject to |
any retaliatory action for declining or discontinuing any |
screenings or services. |
Sec. 532.0505 [531.655]. INITIAL MEDICAL AND NONMEDICAL |
managed care organization that provides health care services to a |
pregnant woman under the STAR Medicaid managed care program shall |
conduct an initial health needs screening and nonmedical |
health-related needs screening of each pregnant recipient to |
determine, regardless of whether the recipient is considered to |
have a high-risk pregnancy, if the recipient: |
(1) is eligible for service coordination benefits to |
be provided by the managed care organization; or |
(2) should be referred for program services. |
(b) Service coordination benefits described by Subsection |
(a) must include identifying and coordinating the provision of |
non-covered services, community supports, and other resources the |
Medicaid managed care organization determines will improve the |
recipient's health outcomes. |
(c) A Medicaid managed care organization must use the |
results of the screenings conducted under Subsection (a) to |
determine if a recipient requires a more comprehensive assessment |
for purposes of determining whether the recipient is eligible for |
service coordination benefits or program services. |
Sec. 532.0506 [531.656]. SCREENING AND PROGRAM SERVICES |
OPTIONAL. A Medicaid managed care organization providing |
screenings under Section 532.0505 [531.655] must inform each |
pregnant woman who is referred for program services or for whom |
screening is conducted under that section that: |
(1) the woman has a right to decline the screening or |
services or choose to discontinue the screening or services at any |
time; and |
(2) declining or discontinuing the screening or |
services will not result in retaliatory action against the woman in |
the provision of other services. |
SECTION 8.029. (a) Section 540.0056, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter |
582 (H.B. 2802), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023, to read as follows: |
RECIPIENTS. (a) The executive commissioner shall adopt and |
publish guidelines for Medicaid managed care organizations |
regarding how an organization may communicate by telephone, text |
message, or e-mail with a recipient enrolled in the organization's |
Medicaid managed care plan using the contact information provided |
in the recipient's application for Medicaid benefits under Section |
32.025(g)(2), Human Resources Code, including updated information |
provided to the organization in accordance with Section 32.025(h), |
Human Resources Code. |
(b) In adopting the guidelines under Subsection (a) for a |
recipient enrolled in a Medicaid managed care organization's |
managed care plan who provides to the organization the recipient's |
contact information through any method other than the recipient's |
Medicaid application, the commission: |
(1) must allow the organization to communicate with |
the recipient through any electronic means, including telephone, |
text message, and e-mail, regarding eligibility, enrollment, and |
other health care matters; and |
(2) may not require the organization to submit the |
recipient's contact preference information to the commission. |
(b) Section 1, Chapter 582 (H.B. 2802), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section 533.008, |
Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.030. Section 533.021, Government Code, is |
transferred to Subchapter C, Chapter 540, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, redesignated as Section 540.0104, |
Government Code, and amended to read as follows: |
In this section, "community health worker" has the meaning assigned |
by Section 48.001, Health and Safety Code. |
(b) The commission shall allow each Medicaid managed care |
organization providing health care services under the STAR Medicaid |
managed care program to categorize services provided by a community |
health worker as a quality improvement cost, as authorized by |
federal law, instead of as an administrative expense. |
SECTION 8.031. (a) Section 540.0273(b), Government Code, |
as effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section 1, |
Chapter 491 (H.B. 1283), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(b) The requirements imposed by Subsections (a)(1)-(3) do |
not apply, and may not be enforced, on and after August 31, 2033 |
[2023]. |
(b) Section 1, Chapter 491 (H.B. 1283), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
533.005(a-1), Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.032. Section 533.0091, Government Code, is |
transferred to Subchapter O, Chapter 540, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, and redesignated as Section 540.0714, |
Government Code, to read as follows: |
Sec. 540.0714 [533.0091]. SICKLE CELL DISEASE TREATMENT. |
To the extent possible, the commission shall: |
(1) in collaboration with the sickle cell task force |
established under Chapter 52, Health and Safety Code: |
(A) support initiatives to assist managed care |
plans in promoting timely, evidence-informed health care services |
to plan enrollees diagnosed with sickle cell disease to ensure the |
services reflect national clinical practice guidelines and |
protocols for sickle cell disease treatment and meet medical |
necessity criteria; and |
(B) address sickle cell disease education for |
Medicaid providers, including emergency department providers, by |
collaborating with medical specialty organizations in this state, |
state agencies, and health-related institutions to promote |
existing or new continuing education courses or facilitate |
development of any necessary new courses to improve the diagnosis, |
treatment, and management of sickle cell disease and the personal |
treatment of patients with sickle cell disease; and |
(2) use the commission's existing data to identify |
opportunities for improving health outcomes of recipients |
diagnosed with sickle cell disease by: |
(A) reducing hospital admissions and |
readmissions; and |
(B) connecting those recipients to a sickle cell |
disease health home or sickle cell disease expert. |
SECTION 8.033. Subchapter C, Chapter 533, Government Code, |
is transferred to Chapter 540, Government Code, as effective April |
1, 2025, and redesignated as Subchapter S, Chapter 540, Government |
Code, to read as follows: |
Sec. 540.0901 [533.071]. PREFERRED DRUG LIST EXCEPTIONS. |
(a) The commission shall adopt rules allowing exceptions to the |
preferred drug list if: |
(1) the drug required under the preferred drug list: |
(A) is contraindicated; |
(B) will likely cause an adverse reaction in or |
physical or mental harm to the recipient; or |
(C) is expected to be ineffective based on the |
known clinical characteristics of the recipient and the known |
characteristics of the prescription drug regimen; |
(2) the recipient previously discontinued taking the |
preferred drug at any point in the recipient's clinical history and |
for any length of time because the drug: |
(A) was not effective; |
(B) had a diminished effect; or |
(C) resulted in an adverse event; |
(3) the recipient was prescribed and is taking a |
nonpreferred drug in the antidepressant or antipsychotic drug class |
and the recipient: |
(A) was prescribed the nonpreferred drug before |
being discharged from an inpatient facility; |
(B) is stable on the nonpreferred drug; and |
(C) is at risk of experiencing complications from |
switching from the nonpreferred drug to another drug; or |
(4) the preferred drug is not available for reasons |
outside of the Medicaid managed care organization's control, |
including because: |
(A) the drug is in short supply according to the |
Food and Drug Administration Drug Shortages Database; or |
(B) the drug's manufacturer has placed the drug |
on backorder or allocation. |
(b) An exception provided under this section does not |
subject the Medicaid managed care plan to liquidated damages for |
failing to comply with the preferred drug list. |
SECTION 8.034. (a) Section 540A.0051(c), Government Code, |
as effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section 45, |
Chapter 644 (H.B. 4559), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(c) The commission may not delay providing medical |
transportation program services through a managed transportation |
delivery model in: |
(1) a county with a population of one million |
[750,000] or more: |
(A) in which all or part of a municipality with a |
population of one million or more is located; and |
(B) that is located adjacent to a county with a |
population of 2.5 [two] million or more; or |
(2) a county with a population of at least 60,000 |
[55,000] but not more than 70,000 [65,000] that is located adjacent |
to a county with a population of at least 500,000 but not more than |
1.5 million. |
(b) Section 45, Chapter 644 (H.B. 4559), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
533.00257(j), Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.035. (a) Section 544.0107(c), Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section 2.096, |
Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(c) A peace officer the office of inspector general employs |
and commissions: |
(1) is a peace officer for purposes of Article 2A.001 |
[2.12], Code of Criminal Procedure; and |
(2) shall obtain the office of the attorney general's |
prior approval before carrying out any duties requiring peace |
officer status. |
(b) Section 2.096, Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
531.1022(c), Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.036. Section 531.1025(c), Government Code, as |
added by Chapter 1035 (S.B. 26), Acts of the 88th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2023, is transferred to Subchapter C, Chapter 544, |
Government Code, as effective April 1, 2025, redesignated as |
Section 544.01091, Government Code, and amended to read as follows: |
[(c)] The [commission's] office of inspector general shall |
conduct performance audits and require financial audits to be |
conducted of each local behavioral health authority designated |
under Section 533.0356, Health and Safety Code, and local mental |
health authority, as defined by Section 531.002, Health and Safety |
Code. The office shall: |
(1) establish a performance audit schedule that |
ensures the office audits each authority described by this |
subsection at least once every five years; |
(2) establish a financial audit schedule that ensures |
each authority described by this subsection: |
(A) undergoes a financial audit conducted by an |
independent auditor at least once every three years; and |
(B) submits to the office the results of the |
financial audit; and |
(3) require additional audits to be conducted as |
necessary based on adverse findings in a previous audit or as |
requested by the commission. |
SECTION 8.037. (a) Section 545.0052(a), Government Code, |
as effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section 1, |
Chapter 1098 (S.B. 1342), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) If cost-effective, the commission may: |
(1) contract to expand all or part of the billing |
coordination system established under Section 532.0058 to process |
claims for services provided through other benefits programs the |
commission or a health and human services agency administers; |
(2) expand any other billing coordination tools and |
resources used to process claims for health care services provided |
through Medicaid to process claims for services provided through |
other benefits programs the commission or a health and human |
services agency administers; and |
(3) expand the scope of individuals about whom |
information is collected under Section 32.0424(a) [32.042], Human |
Resources Code, to include recipients of services provided through |
other benefits programs the commission or a health and human |
services agency administers. |
(b) Section 1, Chapter 1098 (S.B. 1342), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
531.024131(a), Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.038. Section 531.024183, Government Code, is |
transferred to Subchapter B, Chapter 545, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, redesignated as Section 545.0058, |
Government Code, and amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), |
Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 545.0058 [531.024183]. STANDARDIZED SCREENING |
"alternatives to abortion program" means the program established by |
the commission to enhance and increase resources that promote |
childbirth for women facing unplanned pregnancy, or a successor |
program. |
(b) The commission shall adopt standardized screening |
questions designed to screen for, identify, and aggregate data |
regarding the nonmedical health-related needs of pregnant women |
eligible for benefits under a public benefits program administered |
by the commission or another health and human services agency, |
including: |
(1) Medicaid; and |
(2) the alternatives to abortion program. |
(c) Subject to Subsection (d), the standardized screening |
questions must be used by Medicaid managed care organizations and |
providers participating in the alternatives to abortion program. |
(d) A managed care organization or provider participating |
in a public benefits program described by Subsection (b), including |
the alternatives to abortion program, may not perform a screening |
of a pregnant woman using the standardized screening questions |
required by this section unless the organization or provider: |
(1) informs the woman: |
(A) about the type of data that will be collected |
during the screening and the purposes for which the data will be |
used; and |
(B) that the collected data will become part of |
the woman's medical record or service plan; and |
(2) obtains the woman's informed consent to perform |
the screening. |
(e) A managed care organization or provider participating |
in a public benefits program described by Subsection (b), including |
the alternatives to abortion program, must provide to the |
commission, in the form and manner prescribed by the commission, |
data the organization or provider collects using the standardized |
screening questions required by this section. |
(f) Not later than December 1 of each even-numbered year, |
the commission shall prepare and submit to the legislature a report |
that, using de-identified information, summarizes the data |
collected and provided to the commission under Subsection (e) |
during the previous biennium. In accordance with Section 525.0302 |
[531.014], the commission may consolidate the report required under |
this subsection with any other report to the legislature required |
under this chapter or another law that relates to the same subject |
matter. |
SECTION 8.039. Section 531.02119, Government Code, is |
transferred to Subchapter E, Chapter 545, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, redesignated as Section 545.0205, |
Government Code, and amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 545.0205 [531.02119]. DISCRIMINATION BASED ON |
IMMUNIZATION STATUS PROHIBITED. (a) A provider who participates |
in Medicaid or the child health plan program, including a provider |
participating in the provider network of a managed care |
organization that contracts with the commission to provide services |
under Medicaid or the child health plan program, may not refuse to |
provide health care services to a Medicaid recipient or child |
health plan program enrollee based solely on the recipient's or |
enrollee's refusal or failure to obtain a vaccine or immunization |
for a particular infectious or communicable disease. |
(b) [(a-1)] Notwithstanding Subsection (a), a provider is |
not in violation of this section if the provider: |
(1) adopts a policy requiring some or all of the |
provider's patients, including patients who are Medicaid |
recipients or child health plan program enrollees, to be vaccinated |
or immunized against a particular infection or communicable disease |
to receive health care services from the provider; and |
(2) provides an exemption to the policy described by |
Subdivision (1) under which the provider accepts from a patient who |
is a Medicaid recipient or child health plan program enrollee an |
oral or written request for an exemption from each required |
vaccination or immunization based on: |
(A) a reason of conscience, including a sincerely |
held religious belief, observance, or practice, that is |
incompatible with the administration of the vaccination or |
immunization; or |
(B) a recognized medical condition for which the |
vaccination or immunization is contraindicated. |
(c) [(b)] The commission may not provide any reimbursement |
under Medicaid or the child health plan program, as applicable, to a |
provider who violates this section unless and until the commission |
finds that the provider is in compliance with this section. |
(d) [(c)] Subsection (c) [(b)] applies only with respect to |
an individual physician. The commission may not refuse to provide |
reimbursement to a provider who did not violate this section based |
on that provider's membership in a provider group or medical |
organization with an individual physician who violated this |
section. |
(e) [(d)] This section does not apply to a provider who is a |
specialist in: |
(1) oncology; or |
(2) organ transplant services. |
(f) [(e)] The executive commissioner shall adopt rules |
necessary to implement this section, including rules establishing |
the right of a provider who is alleged to have violated this section |
to seek administrative and judicial review of the alleged |
violation. |
SECTION 8.040. (a) Section 546.0505, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter |
738 (H.B. 3265), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023, to read as follows: |
Sec. 546.0505. QUARTERLY REPORT. The [Not later than the |
30th day after the last day of each state fiscal quarter, the] |
commission shall submit to the governor, the lieutenant governor, |
the speaker of the house of representatives, the Legislative Budget |
Board, and each standing legislative committee with primary |
jurisdiction over Medicaid a semiannual report containing, for the |
preceding six-month period [most recent state fiscal quarter], the |
following information and data related to access to care for |
recipients receiving benefits under the medically dependent |
children (MDCP) waiver program: |
(1) enrollment in the Medicaid buy-in for children |
program implemented under Section 532.0353; |
(2) requests relating to interest list placements |
under Section 546.0455; |
(3) use of the Medicaid escalation help line |
established under Subchapter R, Chapter 540, if the help line was |
operational during the applicable six-month period [state fiscal |
quarter]; |
(4) use of, requests for, and outcomes of the external |
medical review procedure established under Section 532.0404; and |
(5) complaints relating to the medically dependent |
children (MDCP) waiver program, categorized by disposition. |
(b) Section 1, Chapter 738 (H.B. 3265), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
531.06021(b), Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.041. Section 531.09936, Government Code, is |
transferred to Subchapter A, Chapter 547, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, and redesignated as Section 547.0006, |
Government Code, to read as follows: |
Sec. 547.0006 [531.09936]. ESTABLISHMENT OR EXPANSION OF |
In this section: |
(1) "Governmental entity" means this state, a |
political subdivision of this state, or an agency of this state or a |
political subdivision of this state. |
(2) "Local mental health authority" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 531.002, Health and Safety Code. |
(3) "Nonprofit organization" means an organization |
that is exempt from federal income taxation under Section 501(a), |
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, by being listed as an exempt entity |
under Section 501(c)(3) of that code. |
(b) To the extent money is appropriated to the commission |
for that purpose, the commission, in cooperation with local mental |
health authorities located primarily in rural areas of this state, |
shall contract with nonprofit organizations or governmental |
entities to establish or expand behavioral health centers or jail |
diversion centers in the authorities' local service areas to: |
(1) provide additional forensic hospital beds and |
competency restoration services; |
(2) provide inpatient and outpatient mental health |
services to adults and children; and |
(3) provide services to reduce recidivism and the |
frequency of arrest, incarceration, and emergency detentions among |
persons with mental illness in the service areas. |
(c) The executive commissioner shall develop criteria for |
the evaluation of applications or proposals submitted by a |
nonprofit organization or governmental entity seeking to contract |
with the commission under this section. |
(d) This section may not be construed to affect a grant |
program established by the commission under this code. |
SECTION 8.042. (a) Section 547.0254, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section 1, Chapter |
944 (S.B. 1677), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023, and further amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), |
Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as |
follows: |
PROPOSALS. (a) The commission shall select grant recipients based |
on the submission of applications or proposals by nonprofit and |
governmental entities. The executive commissioner shall develop |
criteria for evaluating those applications or proposals and the |
selection of grant recipients. The selection criteria must: |
(1) evaluate and score: |
(A) fiscal controls for the project; |
(B) project effectiveness; |
(C) project cost; and |
(D) an applicant's previous experience with |
grants and contracts; |
(2) address whether the services proposed in the |
application or proposal would duplicate services already available |
in the applicant's service area; |
(3) address the possibility of and method for making |
multiple awards; and |
(4) include other factors that the executive |
commissioner considers relevant. |
(b) If the commission is appropriated money to implement |
this subchapter and Section 547.0201 for a state fiscal year in an |
amount that exceeds the total amount of grants awarded under this |
subchapter in the previous state fiscal year, the commission, in |
selecting grant recipients for the excess amount, must accept |
applications or proposals from applicants that were not selected as |
grant recipients under this subchapter in the previous state fiscal |
year or applicants that were selected as grant recipients but |
require additional funding for the recipient's community mental |
health program for purposes of this subchapter. |
(b) Section 1, Chapter 944 (S.B. 1677), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
531.0991, Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.043. (a) Subchapter H, Chapter 547, Government |
Code, as effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Chapter |
769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023, by adding Section 547.03551, Government Code, and a heading |
is added to that section to read as follows: |
(b) Sections 531.0993(d-1) and (d-2), Government Code, are |
transferred to Section 547.03551, Government Code, as added by this |
Act, redesignated as Sections 547.03551(a) and (b), Government |
Code, respectively, and amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. |
4611), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read |
as follows: |
(a) [(d-1)] The commission shall establish procedures to |
assist a community collaborative that includes a county with a |
population of less than 250,000 with submission of a petition under |
Section 547.0355 [Subsection (d)]. |
(b) [(d-2)] If the commission is appropriated money to |
implement this subchapter [section] for a state fiscal year in an |
amount that exceeds the total amount of grants awarded under this |
subchapter [section] in the previous state fiscal year, the |
commission, in selecting grant recipients for the excess amount, |
must accept petitions from community collaboratives that were not |
selected as grant recipients under this subchapter [section] in the |
previous state fiscal year or collaboratives that were selected as |
grant recipients in the previous state fiscal year but require |
additional funding for the recipient's collaborative for purposes |
of this subchapter [section]. |
SECTION 8.044. (a) Chapter 547, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Chapter 1035 (S.B. |
26), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, by adding |
Subchapter J, and a heading is added to that subchapter to read as |
follows: |
(b) Section 531.09915, Government Code, is transferred to |
Subchapter J, Chapter 547, Government Code, as added by this Act, |
redesignated as Sections 547.0501 through 547.0510, and amended to |
conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
Sec. 547.0501 [531.09915]. DEFINITIONS [INNOVATION |
TREATMENT]. [(a)] In this subchapter [section]: |
(1) "Inpatient mental health facility" has the meaning |
assigned by Section 571.003, Health and Safety Code. |
(2) "Matching grant program" ["Program"] means the |
matching grant program established under this subchapter |
[section]. |
(3) "State hospital" has the meaning assigned by |
Section 552.0011, Health and Safety Code. |
Sec. 547.0502. MATCHING GRANT PROGRAM. [(b)] To the extent |
money is appropriated to the commission for that purpose, the |
commission shall establish a matching grant program to provide |
support to eligible entities for community-based initiatives that |
promote identification of mental health issues and improve access |
to early intervention and treatment for children and families. The |
initiatives may: |
(1) be evidence-based or otherwise demonstrate |
positive outcomes, including: |
(A) improved relationship skills; |
(B) improved self-esteem; |
(C) reduced involvement in the juvenile justice |
system; |
(D) participation in the relinquishment |
avoidance program under Subchapter E, Chapter 262, Family Code; and |
(E) avoidance of emergency room use; and |
(2) include: |
(A) training; and |
(B) services and supports for: |
(i) community-based initiatives; |
(ii) agencies that provide services to |
children and families; |
(iii) individuals who work with children or |
caregivers of children showing atypical social or emotional |
development or other challenging behaviors; and |
(iv) children in or at risk of placement in |
foster care or the juvenile justice system. |
[(c)] The commission may award a grant under the matching grant |
program only in accordance with a contract between the commission |
and a grant recipient. The contract must include provisions under |
which the commission is given sufficient control to ensure the |
public purpose of providing mental health prevention services to |
children and families is accomplished and the state receives the |
return benefit. |
REQUIREMENTS. [(d)] The executive commissioner by rule shall |
establish application and eligibility requirements for an entity to |
be awarded a grant under the matching grant program. |
Sec. 547.0505. ELIGIBLE ENTITIES. [(e)] The following |
entities are eligible to receive [for] a grant awarded under the |
matching grant program: |
(1) a hospital licensed under Chapter 241, Health and |
Safety Code; |
(2) a mental hospital licensed under Chapter 577, |
Health and Safety Code; |
(3) a hospital district; |
(4) a local mental health authority; |
(5) a child-care facility, as defined by Chapter 42, |
Human Resources Code; |
(6) a county or municipality; and |
(7) a nonprofit organization that is exempt from |
federal income taxation under Section 501(a), Internal Revenue Code |
of 1986, by being listed as an exempt entity under Section 501(c)(3) |
of that code. |
CERTAIN ENTITIES. [(f)] In awarding grants under the matching |
grant program, the commission shall prioritize entities that work |
with children and family members of children with a high risk of |
experiencing a crisis or developing a mental health condition to |
reduce: |
(1) the need for future intensive mental health |
services; |
(2) the number of children at risk of placement in |
foster care or the juvenile justice system; or |
(3) the demand for placement in state hospitals, |
inpatient mental health facilities, and residential behavioral |
health facilities. |
commission shall condition each grant awarded under the matching |
grant program on the grant recipient providing matching money in an |
amount that is equal to at least 10 percent of the grant amount. |
(a) [(h)] A grant recipient may only use grant money awarded under |
the matching grant program and matching money provided by the |
recipient to develop innovative strategies that provide: |
(1) resiliency; |
(2) coping and social skills; |
(3) healthy social and familial relationships; and |
(4) parenting skills and behaviors. |
(b) [(i)] A grant recipient may not use grant money awarded |
under the matching grant program or matching money provided by the |
recipient to: |
(1) reimburse an expense or pay a cost that another |
source, including [the] Medicaid [program], is obligated to |
reimburse or pay by law or under a contract; or |
(2) supplant or be a substitute for money awarded to |
the recipient from a non-Medicaid federal funding source, including |
federal grant funding. |
Medicaid provider's receipt of a grant under the matching grant |
program does not affect any legal or contractual duty of the |
provider to comply with [requirements under the] Medicaid |
requirements [program]. |
commission may use a reasonable amount of the money appropriated by |
the legislature for the purposes of the matching grant program, not |
to exceed five percent, to pay the administrative costs of |
implementing and administering the program. |
SECTION 8.045. (a) Sections 547A.0001(a) and (b), |
Government Code, as effective April 1, 2025, are amended to conform |
to Section 2, Chapter 859 (H.B. 3466), Acts of the 88th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) To the extent funds are appropriated to the commission |
for that purpose, the commission shall make grants to entities, |
including local governmental entities, nonprofit community |
organizations, and faith-based community organizations, to |
establish or expand community collaboratives that bring the public |
and private sectors together to provide services to individuals |
experiencing homelessness, substance use issues, or mental |
illness. In awarding grants, the commission shall give special |
consideration to entities: |
(1) establishing new collaboratives; [or] |
(2) establishing or expanding collaboratives that |
serve two or more counties, each with a population of less than |
100,000; or |
(3) providing services to an average of at least 50 |
percent of persons experiencing homelessness in a geographic area |
served by a Continuum of Care Program funded by the United States |
Department of Housing and Urban Development according to the last |
three Point-in-Time surveys of homelessness conducted by that |
department. |
(b) Except as provided by Subsection (c), the commission |
shall require each entity awarded a grant under this section to: |
(1) leverage additional funding or in-kind |
contributions from private contributors or local governments, |
excluding state or federal funds, in an amount that is at least |
equal to the amount of the grant awarded under this section; |
(2) provide evidence of significant coordination and |
collaboration between the entity, local mental health authorities, |
municipalities, local law enforcement agencies, and other |
community stakeholders in establishing or expanding a community |
collaborative funded by a grant awarded under this section; and |
(3) provide evidence of a local law enforcement policy |
to divert appropriate individuals from jails, [or] other detention |
facilities, or mental health facilities operated by or under |
contract with the commission to an entity affiliated with a |
community collaborative for the purpose of providing services to |
those individuals. |
(b) Section 2, Chapter 859 (H.B. 3466), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Sections |
539.002(a) and (b), Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.046. Section 539.010, Government Code, is |
transferred to Chapter 547A, Government Code, as effective April 1, |
2025, redesignated as Section 547A.0010, Government Code, and |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
Sec. 547A.0010 [539.010]. BIENNIAL REPORT. (a) The |
commission [department] shall prepare a report that includes: |
(1) the method by which the commission [department] |
chose entities to award grants to under this chapter; |
(2) the amount of each grant awarded to an entity under |
this chapter; |
(3) the number of individuals served by each community |
collaborative receiving grant funds under this chapter; and |
(4) the results of the annual review of outcome |
measures required by Section 547A.0006 [539.006]. |
(b) Not later than September 1 of each even-numbered year, |
the commission [department] shall submit a report described by |
Subsection (a) to: |
(1) the lieutenant governor; |
(2) the speaker of the house of representatives; |
(3) the standing committees of the legislature having |
primary jurisdiction over the department and state finance; and |
(4) the Legislative Budget Board. |
SECTION 8.047. (a) Subchapter F, Chapter 548, Government |
Code, as effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section |
2, Chapter 840 (H.B. 2727), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, by amending Sections 548.0251, 548.0252, 548.0253, |
548.0254, and 548.0256 and adding Section 548.0257 to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 548.0251. DEFINITIONS. In this subchapter: |
(1) "Federally qualified health center" has the |
meaning assigned by 42 U.S.C. Section 1396d(l)(2)(B). |
(2) "Home and community support services agency" means |
a person licensed under Chapter 142, Health and Safety Code, to |
provide home health, hospice, or personal assistance services as |
those terms are defined by Section 142.001, Health and Safety Code. |
(3) [(2)] "Hospital" means a hospital licensed under |
Chapter 241, Health and Safety Code. |
(4) "Rural health clinic" has the meaning assigned by |
42 U.S.C. Section 1396d(l)(1). |
determines that establishing a statewide program that permits |
Medicaid reimbursement for home telemonitoring services would be |
cost-effective and feasible, the] executive commissioner [by rule] |
shall adopt rules for the provision and reimbursement of home |
telemonitoring services under Medicaid [establish the program] as |
provided by this subchapter. |
For purposes of adopting rules [A program established] under this |
subchapter, the commission shall [must]: |
(1) identify and provide home telemonitoring services |
to individuals diagnosed with conditions for which the commission |
determines the provision of home telemonitoring services would be |
cost-effective and clinically effective; |
(2) consider providing home telemonitoring services |
under Subdivision (1) [provide that home telemonitoring services |
are available only] to a Medicaid recipient [an individual] who: |
(A) is diagnosed with one or more of the |
following conditions: |
(i) pregnancy; |
(ii) diabetes; |
(iii) heart disease; |
(iv) cancer; |
(v) chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; |
(vi) hypertension; |
(vii) congestive heart failure; |
(viii) mental illness or serious emotional |
disturbance; |
(ix) asthma; |
(x) myocardial infarction; [or] |
(xi) stroke; |
(xii) end stage renal disease; or |
(xiii) a condition that requires renal |
dialysis treatment; and |
(B) exhibits at least one [two or more] of the |
following risk factors: |
(i) two or more hospitalizations in the |
prior 12-month period; |
(ii) frequent or recurrent emergency room |
admissions; |
(iii) a documented history of poor |
adherence to ordered medication regimens; |
(iv) a documented risk [history] of falls |
[in the prior six-month period]; and |
(v) [limited or absent informal support |
systems; |
[(vi) living alone or being home alone for |
extended periods; and |
[(vii)] a documented history of care access |
challenges; |
(3) [(2)] ensure that clinical information gathered |
by the following providers while providing home telemonitoring |
services is shared with the recipient's physician: |
(A) a home and community support services agency; |
(B) a federally qualified health center; |
(C) a rural health clinic; or |
(D) a hospital [while providing home |
telemonitoring services is shared with the patient's physician]; |
[and] |
(4) [(3)] ensure that the home telemonitoring |
services provided under this subchapter do [program does] not |
duplicate disease management program services provided under |
Section 32.057, Human Resources Code; and |
(5) require a provider to: |
(A) establish a plan of care that includes |
outcome measures for each recipient who receives home |
telemonitoring services under this subchapter; and |
(B) share the plan and outcome measures with the |
recipient's physician. |
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this subchapter |
[Subsection (a)(1)], the commission shall ensure [a program |
established under this subchapter must also provide] that home |
telemonitoring services are available to pediatric individuals |
who: |
(1) are diagnosed with end-stage solid organ disease; |
(2) have received an organ transplant; or |
(3) require mechanical ventilation. |
UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES. If, after implementation, the |
commission determines that a condition for which the commission has |
authorized the provision and reimbursement of home telemonitoring |
services under Medicaid [the program established] under this |
subchapter is not cost-effective and clinically effective, the |
commission may discontinue the availability of home telemonitoring |
services for that condition [program] and stop providing Medicaid |
reimbursement for home telemonitoring services for that condition, |
notwithstanding Subchapter B or any other law. |
FACTORS. [(a)] To comply with state and federal requirements to |
provide access to medically necessary services under Medicaid, |
including the Medicaid managed care program, and if the commission |
determines it is cost-effective and clinically effective, the |
commission or a Medicaid managed care organization, as applicable, |
may reimburse providers for home telemonitoring services provided |
to individuals who have conditions and exhibit risk factors other |
than those expressly authorized by this subchapter. |
[(b) In determining whether the Medicaid managed care |
organization should provide reimbursement for services under this |
section, the organization shall consider whether reimbursement for |
the service is cost-effective and providing the service is |
clinically effective.] |
In addition to determining whether to provide home telemonitoring |
services to Medicaid recipients with the conditions described by |
Section 548.0253(a)(2), the commission shall determine whether |
high-risk pregnancy is a condition for which the provision of home |
telemonitoring services is cost-effective and clinically |
effective. If the commission determines that high-risk pregnancy |
is a condition for which the provision of home telemonitoring |
services is cost-effective and clinically effective: |
(1) the commission shall, to the extent permitted by |
state and federal law, provide recipients experiencing a high-risk |
pregnancy with clinically appropriate home telemonitoring services |
equipment for temporary use in the recipient's home; and |
(2) the executive commissioner by rule shall: |
(A) establish criteria to identify recipients |
experiencing a high-risk pregnancy who would benefit from access to |
home telemonitoring services equipment; |
(B) ensure that, if cost-effective, feasible, |
and clinically appropriate, the home telemonitoring services |
equipment provided includes uterine remote monitoring services |
equipment and pregnancy-induced hypertension remote monitoring |
services equipment; |
(C) subject to Subsection (b), require that a |
provider obtain: |
(i) prior authorization from the commission |
before providing home telemonitoring services equipment to a |
recipient during the first month the equipment is provided to the |
recipient; and |
(ii) an extension of the authorization |
under Subparagraph (i) from the commission before providing the |
equipment in a subsequent month based on the recipient's ongoing |
medical need; and |
(D) prohibit payment or reimbursement for home |
telemonitoring services equipment during any period that the |
equipment was not in use because the recipient was hospitalized or |
away from the recipient's home regardless of whether the equipment |
remained in the recipient's home while the recipient was |
hospitalized or away. |
(b) For purposes of Subsection (a), the commission shall |
require that: |
(1) a request for prior authorization under Subsection |
(a)(2)(C)(i) be based on an in-person assessment of the recipient; |
and |
(2) documentation of the recipient's ongoing medical |
need for the equipment is provided to the commission before the |
commission grants an extension under Subsection (a)(2)(C)(ii). |
(b) Section 2, Chapter 840 (H.B. 2727), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
531.02164, Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.048. Section 531.0691, Government Code, is |
transferred to Subchapter A, Chapter 549, Government Code, as |
effective April 1, 2025, and redesignated as Section 549.0006, |
Government Code, to read as follows: |
Sec. 549.0006 [531.0691]. VENDOR DRUG PROGRAM INCLUSION. |
(a) The commission shall ensure that the vendor drug program |
includes all drugs and national drug codes made available under the |
federal Medicaid Drug Rebate Program if a certificate of |
information form to request the drug's inclusion in the vendor drug |
program has been submitted to the commission and: |
(1) approved by the commission; or |
(2) subject to Subsection (b), is pending review by |
the commission. |
(b) On receipt of a certificate of information form to |
request the addition to the Texas Drug Code Index of a drug that is |
available under the federal Medicaid Drug Rebate Program, the |
commission shall, if the commission determines that the drug is |
appropriate for dispensing through an outpatient pharmacy, |
provisionally make the drug available under the vendor drug program |
for a period that expires on the earlier of: |
(1) the 90th day after the date the form was submitted; |
or |
(2) the date the commission makes a determination |
regarding whether to approve or deny the drug's inclusion on the |
vendor drug program formulary. |
(c) The commission shall: |
(1) denote the provisional availability of a drug |
under this section; and |
(2) remove a drug made provisionally available under |
the vendor drug program: |
(A) on the expiration of the 90-day period |
prescribed by Subsection (b)(1); or |
(B) if applicable, on the date the commission |
denies the drug's inclusion on the vendor drug program formulary. |
SECTION 8.049. (a) Section 531.072(b-3), Government Code, |
is transferred to Section 549.0204, Government Code, as effective |
April 1, 2025, redesignated as Section 549.0204(c), Government |
Code, and amended to read as follows: |
(c) [(b-3)] Notwithstanding Subsection (a) [(b)], the |
preferred drug lists must contain all therapeutic equivalents for a |
generic drug on the preferred drug list. |
(b) Section 531.072(g), Government Code, is transferred to |
Subchapter E, Chapter 549, Government Code, as effective April 1, |
2025, redesignated as Section 549.0208, Government Code, and |
amended to read as follows: |
commission shall develop an expedited review process to consider |
requests from managed care organizations and providers to add drugs |
to the preferred drug list. |
(c) Section 531.072(h), Government Code, is transferred to |
Subchapter E, Chapter 549, Government Code, as effective April 1, |
2025, redesignated as Section 549.0209, Government Code, and |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
DRUGS. [(h)] The commission shall grant temporary non-preferred |
status to new drugs that are available but have not yet been |
reviewed by the [drug utilization review] board and establish |
criteria for authorizing drugs with temporary non-preferred |
status. |
SECTION 8.050. (a) Section 549.0257(a), Government Code, |
as effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section 4, |
Chapter 739 (H.B. 3286), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) The commission shall establish procedures for the prior |
authorization requirement under the Medicaid vendor drug program to |
ensure that the requirements of 42 U.S.C. Section 1396r-8(d)(5) are |
met. The procedures must ensure that: |
(1) [a prior authorization requirement is not imposed |
for a drug before the drug has been considered at a meeting of the |
Drug Utilization Review Board under Subchapter G; |
[(2)] a response to a request for prior authorization |
is provided by telephone or other telecommunications device within |
24 hours after receipt of the request; and |
(2) [(3)] a 72-hour supply of the drug prescribed is |
provided in an emergency or if the commission does not provide a |
response within the period required by Subdivision (1) [(2)]. |
(b) Section 4, Chapter 739 (H.B. 3286), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
531.073(b), Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.051. (a) Section 549.0302(a), Government Code, |
as effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section 5, |
Chapter 739 (H.B. 3286), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) The composition of the board must comply with federal |
law, including 42 C.F.R. Section 456.716. The executive |
commissioner shall determine the board's composition, which must |
include: |
(1) three [two] representatives of managed care |
organizations, all [one] of whom must be physicians or pharmacists |
[a physician and one of whom must be a pharmacist, as nonvoting |
members]; |
(2) at least 17 physicians and pharmacists who: |
(A) provide services across the entire |
population of Medicaid recipients and represent different |
specialties, including at least one of each of the following types |
of physicians: |
(i) a pediatrician; |
(ii) a primary care physician; |
(iii) an obstetrician and gynecologist; |
(iv) a child and adolescent psychiatrist; |
and |
(v) an adult psychiatrist; and |
(B) have experience in either developing or |
practicing under a preferred drug list; and |
(3) a consumer advocate who represents Medicaid |
recipients. |
(b) Section 549.0310(e), Government Code, as effective |
April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section 5, Chapter 739 (H.B. |
3286), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read |
as follows: |
(e) Notwithstanding any other law, board [Board] members |
appointed under Section 549.0302(a)(1) may attend quarterly and |
other regularly scheduled meetings, but may not: |
(1) attend portions of the executive sessions in which |
confidential drug pricing information is shared; or |
(2) access confidential drug pricing information. |
(c) Section 5, Chapter 739 (H.B. 3286), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Sections |
531.0736(c) and (d), Government Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 8.052. Section 551.083, Government Code, is |
repealed to conform to the repeal of Section 13.901, Education |
Code, by Section 8.33, Chapter 347 (S.B. 7), Acts of the 73rd |
Legislature, Regular Session, 1993. |
SECTION 8.053. Section 574.004, Government Code, is amended |
to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
Sec. 574.004. ASSISTANCE BY ATTORNEY GENERAL. This chapter |
does not prevent the attorney general from providing assistance to |
district attorneys, criminal district attorneys, and county |
attorneys on request by allowing assistant attorneys general to |
serve as duly appointed and deputized assistant prosecutors, nor |
does this chapter prohibit [the appointment of] an assistant |
attorney general from performing duties as an attorney representing |
the state under a temporary appointment described by [pro tem |
pursuant to] Article 2A.104, Code of Criminal Procedure. |
SECTION 8.054. Section 662.005(b), Government Code, as |
amended by Chapters 109 (S.B. 2214), 765 (H.B. 4504), and 950 (S.B. |
1727), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is |
reenacted and amended to read as follows: |
(b) Except as provided by Section 662.010, and |
notwithstanding Section 659.015 or another law, each of the |
following state employees who is required to work on a national or |
state holiday that falls on a Saturday or Sunday is entitled to |
compensatory time off at the rate of one hour for each hour worked |
on the holiday: |
(1) an employee of the Department of Family and |
Protective Services in the statewide intake division who receives |
reports of abuse or neglect; |
(2) a peace officer commissioned or appointed, as |
applicable, by a state officer or state agency listed under Article |
2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure; |
(3) an employee of the Department of Public Safety |
who: |
(A) performs communications or dispatch services |
related to traffic law enforcement; or |
(B) is a public security officer, as that term is |
defined by Section 1701.001, Occupations Code; [or] |
(4) an employee of the Parks and Wildlife Department |
who performs communications and dispatch services to assist law |
enforcement officers commissioned by the Parks and Wildlife |
Commission in performing law enforcement duties; |
(5) an employee of[, or who is employed by] the Texas |
Juvenile Justice Department who: |
(A) performs [to perform] communication service |
duties for the incident reporting center; and |
(B) assists [to assist] law enforcement officers |
appointed by the office of inspector general of the Texas Juvenile |
Justice Department in performing investigative duties; [,] or |
(6) [who is employed as] a security officer providing |
security and entry searches for secure correctional facilities |
operated by the Texas Juvenile Justice Department[,]. |
SECTION 8.055. Sections 804.003(j) and (k), Government |
Code, as amended by Chapters 78 (S.B. 729) and 1092 (S.B. 1245), |
Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, are reenacted |
and amended to read as follows: |
(j) Except as provided by Subsection (k-1) or (k-2), if a |
domestic relations order is determined to be a qualified domestic |
relations order, then the public retirement system (or applicable |
carrier, if under the optional retirement program) shall pay the |
segregated amounts without interest to the person or persons |
entitled thereto and shall thereafter pay benefits pursuant to the |
order. |
(k) Except as provided by Subsection (k-1) or (k-2), if a |
domestic relations order is determined not to be a qualified |
domestic relations order or if within 18 months of the date a |
domestic relations order is received by the public retirement |
system (or applicable carrier, if under the optional retirement |
program) the issue as to whether such order is a qualified domestic |
relations order is not resolved, then the public retirement system |
(or applicable carrier, if under the optional retirement program) |
shall pay the segregated amounts without interest and shall |
thereafter pay benefits to the person or persons who would have been |
entitled to such amounts if there had been no order. This |
subsection shall not be construed to limit or otherwise affect any |
liability, responsibility, or duty of a party with respect to any |
other party to the action out of which the order arose. |
SECTION 9.001. Section 255.005(b), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(b) The Health and Human Services Commission shall submit |
the report required under this section with the report required |
under Section 543A.0008 [536.008], Government Code. |
SECTION 9.002. Section 260.010(a), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) Not later than September 30 of each year following the |
establishment of a county or municipal permitting requirement under |
this chapter, each county or municipality that requires a person to |
obtain a boarding home facility permit under Section 260.004 shall |
submit to the commission a report. The report must include: |
(1) the total number of: |
(A) boarding home facilities permitted during |
the preceding state fiscal year; |
(B) boarding home facility applications denied |
permitting, including a summary of cause for denial; and |
(C) boarding home facility permits active on |
August 31 of the preceding state fiscal year; |
(2) the total number of residents reported housed in |
each boarding home facility reported; |
(3) the total number of inspections conducted at each |
boarding home facility by the county or municipality that requires |
the permit; |
(4) the total number of permits revoked or suspended |
as a result of an inspection described by Subdivision (3) and a |
summary of the outcome for the residents displaced by revocation or |
suspension of a permit; and |
(5) the total number of incidents occurring at each |
boarding home facility that required the intervention of a peace |
officer as defined by Article 2A.001 [2.12], Code of Criminal |
Procedure. |
SECTION 9.003. (a) Section 533.032(a), Health and Safety |
Code, as effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section |
3, Chapter 1147 (S.B. 956), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) The department shall have a long-range plan relating to |
the provision of services under this title covering at least six |
years that includes at least the provisions required by Section |
[Sections 525.0154, 525.0155, and] 525.0156, Government Code, and |
Chapter 2056, Government Code. The plan must cover the provision |
of services in and policies for state-operated institutions and |
ensure that the medical needs of the most medically fragile persons |
with mental illness the department serves are met. |
(b) Section 3, Chapter 1147 (S.B. 956), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
533.032(a), Health and Safety Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 9.004. (a) Section 533A.032(a), Health and Safety |
Code, as effective April 1, 2025, is amended to conform to Section |
4, Chapter 1147 (S.B. 956), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) The department shall have a long-range plan relating to |
the provision of services under this title covering at least six |
years that includes at least the provisions required by Section |
[Sections 525.0154, 525.0155, and] 525.0156, Government Code, and |
Chapter 2056, Government Code. The plan must cover the provision of |
services in and policies for state-operated institutions and ensure |
that the medical needs of the most medically fragile persons with an |
intellectual disability the department serves are met. |
(b) Section 4, Chapter 1147 (S.B. 956), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, which amended Section |
533A.032(a), Health and Safety Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 9.005. Section 592.039, Health and Safety Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
Sec. 592.039. GRIEVANCES. A client, or a person acting on |
behalf of a person with an intellectual disability or a group of |
persons with an intellectual disability, has the right to submit |
complaints or grievances regarding the infringement of the rights |
of a person with an intellectual disability or the delivery of |
intellectual disability services against a person, group of |
persons, organization, or business to the Health and Human Services |
Commission's ombudsman for individuals with an intellectual or |
developmental disability as provided under Section 523.0360 |
[531.9934], Government Code. |
SECTION 9.006. Section 810.004(b), Health and Safety Code, |
is amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(b) In addition to the eligible individuals described by |
Subsection (a), each participating state agency shall designate |
additional users who are eligible to access the search engine and |
may require those users to determine whether an individual has |
engaged in reportable conduct. The additional designated users may |
include controlling persons, hiring managers, or administrators |
of: |
(1) licensed or certified long-term care providers, |
including: |
(A) home and community support services agencies |
licensed under Chapter 142; |
(B) nursing facilities licensed under Chapter |
242; |
(C) assisted living facilities licensed under |
Chapter 247; |
(D) prescribed pediatric extended care centers |
licensed under Chapter 248A; |
(E) intermediate care facilities for individuals |
with an intellectual disability licensed under Chapter 252; |
(F) state supported living centers, as defined by |
Section 531.002; and |
(G) day activity and health services facilities |
licensed under Chapter 103, Human Resources Code; |
(2) providers under a Section 1915(c) waiver program, |
as defined by Section 521.0001 [531.001], Government Code; |
(3) juvenile probation departments and registered |
juvenile justice facilities; |
(4) independent school districts, districts of |
innovation, open-enrollment charter schools, other charter |
entities, as defined by Section 21.006, Education Code, regional |
education service centers, education shared services arrangements, |
or any other educational entity or provider that is authorized to |
access the registry established under Section 22.092, Education |
Code; |
(5) private schools that: |
(A) offer a course of instruction for students in |
this state in one or more grades from prekindergarten through grade |
12; and |
(B) are: |
(i) accredited by an organization |
recognized by the Texas Education Agency or the Texas Private |
School Accreditation Commission; |
(ii) listed in the database of the National |
Center for Education Statistics of the United States Department of |
Education; or |
(iii) otherwise authorized by Texas |
Education Agency rule to access the search engine; and |
(6) nonprofit teacher organizations approved by the |
commissioner of education for the purpose of participating in the |
tutoring program established under Section 33.913, Education Code. |
SECTION 10.001. Section 32.03115(b), Human Resources Code, |
as added by Chapter 1105 (H.B. 2174), Acts of the 86th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2019, is amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. |
4611), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read |
as follows: |
(b) Notwithstanding Subchapters E and F, Chapter 549 |
[Sections 531.072 and 531.073], Government Code, or any other law |
and subject to Subsections (c) and (d), the commission shall |
provide medical assistance reimbursement for medication-assisted |
opioid or substance use disorder treatment without requiring a |
recipient of medical assistance or health care provider to obtain |
prior authorization or precertification for the treatment, except |
as needed to minimize the opportunity for fraud, waste, or abuse. |
SECTION 10.002. Section 137.152(e), Human Resources Code, |
is amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(e) The commission shall provide services for a child and |
the child's family if a contract to provide services under this |
section is available in the county and the child is referred to the |
commission as an at-risk child by: |
(1) a juvenile court or probation department as part |
of a progressive sanctions program under Chapter 59, Family Code; |
(2) a law enforcement officer or agency under Section |
52.03, Family Code; or |
(3) a justice or municipal court under Article |
45A.457, 45A.509 [45.309], or 45A.510 [45.310], Code of Criminal |
Procedure. |
SECTION 11.001. Section 1223.001(c), Insurance Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(c) This chapter does not apply to the state Medicaid |
program, including the Medicaid managed care program operated under |
Chapter 540 or 540A [Chapter 533], Government Code, or the child |
health plan program operated under Chapter 62, Health and Safety |
Code. |
SECTION 11.002. Section 1365.052, Insurance Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
Sec. 1365.052. EXCEPTION. This subchapter does not apply |
to: |
(1) a plan that provides coverage: |
(A) for wages or payments in lieu of wages for a |
period during which an employee is absent from work because of |
sickness or injury; or |
(B) only for hospital expenses; or |
(2) the state Medicaid program, including the Medicaid |
managed care program operated under Chapter 540 or 540A [Chapter |
533], Government Code. |
SECTION 11.003. Section 1366.103, Insurance Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
Sec. 1366.103. EXCEPTIONS. This subchapter does not apply |
to: |
(1) a health benefit plan that provides coverage: |
(A) for wages or payments in lieu of wages for a |
period during which an employee is absent from work because of |
sickness or injury; or |
(B) only for hospital expenses; |
(2) Medicaid managed care programs operated under |
Chapter 540 or 540A [533], Government Code; |
(3) Medicaid programs operated under Chapter 32, Human |
Resources Code; or |
(4) the state child health plan operated under Chapter |
62 or 63, Health and Safety Code. |
SECTION 11.004. Section 1369.093, Insurance Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
This subchapter does not apply to an issuer or provider of health |
benefits under or a pharmacy benefit manager administering pharmacy |
benefits under: |
(1) the state Medicaid program, including the Medicaid |
managed care program operated under Chapters 540 and 540A [Chapter |
533], Government Code; |
(2) the child health plan program under Chapter 62, |
Health and Safety Code; |
(3) the TRICARE military health system; or |
(4) a workers' compensation insurance policy or other |
form of providing medical benefits under Title 5, Labor Code. |
SECTION 11.005. Section 1369.1031(b), Insurance Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(b) Notwithstanding any other law, this section applies to: |
(1) a standard health benefit plan issued under |
Chapter 1507; |
(2) a basic coverage plan under Chapter 1551; |
(3) a basic plan under Chapter 1575; |
(4) a primary care coverage plan under Chapter 1579; |
(5) a plan providing basic coverage under Chapter |
1601; |
(6) group health coverage made available by a school |
district in accordance with Section 22.004, Education Code; and |
(7) the state Medicaid program, including the Medicaid |
managed care program operated under Chapters 540 and 540A [Chapter |
533], Government Code. |
SECTION 11.006. Section 1369.653(a), Insurance Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) This subchapter does not apply to: |
(1) a plan that provides coverage: |
(A) for wages or payments in lieu of wages for a |
period during which an employee is absent from work because of |
sickness or injury; or |
(B) only for hospital expenses; |
(2) the state Medicaid program, including the Medicaid |
managed care program operated under Chapters 540 and 540A [Chapter |
533], Government Code; or |
(3) the child health plan program under Chapter 62, |
Health and Safety Code. |
SECTION 11.007. Section 1369.763(a), Insurance Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) This subchapter does not apply to an issuer or provider |
of health benefits under or a pharmacy benefit manager |
administering pharmacy benefits under: |
(1) the state Medicaid program, including the Medicaid |
managed care program under Chapters 540 and 540A [Chapter 533], |
Government Code; |
(2) the child health plan program under Chapter 62, |
Health and Safety Code; |
(3) the TRICARE military health system; or |
(4) a workers' compensation insurance policy or other |
form of providing medical benefits under Title 5, Labor Code. |
SECTION 11.008. Section 1372.002(b), Insurance Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(b) Notwithstanding any other law, this chapter applies to: |
(1) a small employer health benefit plan subject to |
Chapter 1501, including coverage provided through a health group |
cooperative under Subchapter B of that chapter; |
(2) a standard health benefit plan issued under |
Chapter 1507; |
(3) a basic coverage plan under Chapter 1551; |
(4) a basic plan under Chapter 1575; |
(5) a primary care coverage plan under Chapter 1579; |
(6) a plan providing basic coverage under Chapter |
1601; |
(7) the state Medicaid program, including the Medicaid |
managed care program operated under Chapters 540 and 540A [Chapter |
533], Government Code; |
(8) the child health plan program under Chapter 62, |
Health and Safety Code; and |
(9) a self-funded health benefit plan sponsored by a |
professional employer organization under Chapter 91, Labor Code. |
SECTION 11.009. Section 1380.002(b), Insurance Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(b) Notwithstanding any other law, this chapter applies to: |
(1) a small employer health benefit plan subject to |
Chapter 1501, including coverage provided through a health group |
cooperative under Subchapter B of that chapter; |
(2) a standard health benefit plan issued under |
Chapter 1507; |
(3) a basic coverage plan under Chapter 1551; |
(4) a basic plan under Chapter 1575; |
(5) a primary care coverage plan under Chapter 1579; |
(6) a plan providing basic coverage under Chapter |
1601; |
(7) health benefits provided by or through a church |
benefits board under Subchapter I, Chapter 22, Business |
Organizations Code; |
(8) the state Medicaid program, including the Medicaid |
managed care program operated under Chapters 540 and 540A [Chapter |
533], Government Code; |
(9) the child health plan program under Chapter 62, |
Health and Safety Code; |
(10) a regional or local health care program operated |
under Section 75.104, Health and Safety Code; |
(11) a self-funded health benefit plan sponsored by a |
professional employer organization under Chapter 91, Labor Code; |
(12) county employee group health benefits provided |
under Chapter 157, Local Government Code; and |
(13) health and accident coverage provided by a risk |
pool created under Chapter 172, Local Government Code. |
SECTION 11.010. Section 1451.209(e), Insurance Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 769 (H.B. 4611), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(e) This section does not apply: |
(1) if access to a provider network contract is |
granted to: |
(A) a third party operating in accordance with |
the same brand licensee program as the employee benefit plan |
provider, health insurance policy issuer, or other contracting |
entity selling or leasing the provider network contract, provided |
that the third party accessing the provider network contract agrees |
to comply with all of the original contract's terms, including the |
contracted fee schedule and obligations concerning patient |
steerage; or |
(B) an entity that is an affiliate of the |
employee benefit plan provider, health insurance policy issuer, or |
other contracting entity selling or leasing the provider network |
contract, provided that: |
(i) the provider, issuer, or entity |
publicly discloses the names of the affiliates on its Internet |
website; and |
(ii) the affiliate accessing the provider |
network contract agrees to comply with all of the original |
contract's terms, including the contracted fee schedule and |
obligations concerning patient steerage; |
(2) to the child health plan program under Chapter 62, |
Health and Safety Code, or the health benefits plan for children |
under Chapter 63, Health and Safety Code; or |
(3) to a Medicaid managed care program operated under |
Chapter 540 or 540A [533], Government Code, or a Medicaid program |
operated under Chapter 32, Human Resources Code. |
SECTION 12.001. Section 408.1615(a)(1), Labor Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(1) "First responder" means an individual who is: |
(A) a peace officer under Article 2A.001 [2.12], |
Code of Criminal Procedure; |
(B) certified under Chapter 773, Health and |
Safety Code, as an emergency care attendant, advanced emergency |
medical technician, emergency medical technician-paramedic or a |
licensed paramedic; |
(C) a firefighter subject to certification by the |
Texas Commission on Fire Protection under Chapter 419, Government |
Code, whose principal duties are aircraft crash and rescue or fire |
fighting; or |
(D) an individual covered under Section 504.012 |
who is providing volunteer services as: |
(i) a volunteer firefighter, regardless of |
whether the individual is certified under Chapter 419, Government |
Code; or |
(ii) an emergency medical services |
volunteer, as defined by Section 773.003, Health and Safety Code. |
SECTION 13.001. Section 81.029(a), Local Government Code, |
as amended by Chapters 640 (H.B. 784) and 644 (H.B. 4559), Acts of |
the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is reenacted to read |
as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to a county judge in a county |
that has a population of more than 800,000 and is located on the |
international border, other than a county to which Section 81.0291 |
applies. |
SECTION 13.002. Section 85.0011(a)(3), Local Government |
Code, is amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the |
88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(3) "Federal special investigator" means a person |
described by Article 2A.002 [2.122], Code of Criminal Procedure. |
SECTION 13.003. (a) Section 118.121, Local Government |
Code, is amended to correct a typographical error to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 118.121. FEE SCHEDULE. A justice of the peace shall |
collect the following fees for services rendered after judgment |
(Sec. 118.123): |
(1) Transcript . . . . . . $10.00 |
(2) Abstract of judgment . . . . . . $5.00 |
(3) Execution, order of sale, writ of restitution, or |
other writ or process . . . $5.00 per page |
(4) Certified copy of court papers . . . $2.00 for |
first page |
. . . $0.25 for each additional page |
(5) Issuing other document (no return required) . . . |
$1.00 for first page |
. . . $0.25 for each additional page |
(b) Sections 118.123(a), (b), and (d), Local Government |
Code, are amended to conform to Section 3.08, Chapter 472 (S.B. 41), |
Acts of the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021, to read as |
follows: |
(a) The fees [fee] for "Services rendered after judgment" |
under Section 118.121 apply [118.121(2) applies] to a civil matter |
in a justice court or small claims court. |
(b) The fee for a "Transcript" under Section 118.121(1) |
[118.121(2)] is for making and certifying a transcript of the |
entries on a docket and, in the case of an appeal or certiorari, for |
filing the transcript with the original papers of the case in the |
proper court. |
(d) The fee for an "Execution, order of sale, writ of |
restitution, or other writ or process" under Section 118.121(3) |
[118.121(2)] is for issuing and recording the return on any of those |
documents. The fee applies only to a writ or process for the |
issuance of which another fee is not provided by this subchapter. |
(c) Section 118.123(e), Local Government Code, is amended |
to correct a reference to read as follows: |
(e) The fee for "Issuing other document (no return |
required)" under Section 118.121(5) [118.121(2)] is for issuing a |
certificate, notice, statement, or any other document, except for a |
certified copy of court papers, that a justice of the peace is |
authorized or required to issue on which a return is not to be |
recorded. The fee must be paid at the time the order is placed. |
(d) Section 118.1235, Local Government Code, is amended to |
correct a reference to read as follows: |
Sec. 118.1235. FEE FOR CERTIFIED COPY. The fee for |
"Certified copy of court papers" under Section 118.121(4) |
[118.121(2)] is for issuing a certified copy of a paper filed in a |
justice court or a small claims court. The fee must be paid at the |
time the order is placed. |
SECTION 13.004. Section 134.156(a), Local Government Code, |
is amended to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) In a county or municipality that employs or contracts |
with a juvenile case manager under Article 45A.451 [45.056], Code |
of Criminal Procedure, money allocated under Section 134.103 to the |
local youth diversion fund maintained in the county or municipal |
treasury as required by Section 134.151 may be used by a county or |
municipality to finance the salary, benefits, training, travel |
expenses, office supplies, and other necessary expenses relating to |
the position of a juvenile case manager. If there is money in the |
fund after those costs are paid, subject to the direction of the |
governing body of the county or municipality and on approval by the |
employing court, a juvenile case manager may direct the remaining |
money to be used to implement programs directly related to the |
duties of the juvenile case manager, including juvenile alcohol and |
substance abuse programs, educational and leadership programs, and |
any other projects designed to prevent or reduce the number of |
juvenile referrals to the court. |
SECTION 13.005. Section 212.072(b-1), Local Government |
Code, is amended to correct a reference to read as follows: |
(b-1) In addition, if the municipality has a population of |
1.8 million or more, the municipality may participate at a level not |
to exceed 100 percent of the total contract price for all required |
drainage improvements related to the development and construction |
of affordable housing. Under this subsection, affordable housing |
is defined as housing which is equal to or less than the median |
sales price, as determined by the Texas Real Estate Research Center |
at Texas A&M University, of a home in the Metropolitan Statistical |
Area (MSA) in which the municipality is located. |
SECTION 14.001. Section 133.003, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 706 (H.B. 2847), Acts of the 78th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, by adding Subdivision (6-a) and |
amending Subdivision (27) to read as follows: |
(6-a) "Department" means the Texas Department of |
Transportation. |
(27) "Unacceptable unsafe location" means a condition |
where the edge of a pit is located within 200 feet of a public |
roadway intersection in a manner which, in the judgment of the |
department [commission]: |
(A) presents a significant risk of harm to public |
motorists by reason of the proximity of the pit to the roadway |
intersection; and, |
(B) has no naturally occurring or artificially |
constructed barrier or berm between the road and pit that would |
likely prevent a motor vehicle from accidentally entering the pit |
as the result of a motor vehicle collision at or near the |
intersection; or which, |
(C) in the opinion of the department |
[commission], is also at any other location constituting a |
substantial dangerous risk to the driving public, which condition |
can be rectified by the placement of berms, barriers, guardrails, |
or other devices as prescribed by this code. |
SECTION 14.002. Subchapter B, Chapter 133, Natural |
Resources Code, is amended to conform to Chapter 706 (H.B. 2847), |
Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, to read as |
follows: |
[COMMISSION]. To accomplish the limited purposes of this chapter, |
the department [commission] may: |
(1) with proper notice to all parties affected, adopt |
rules and regulations consistent with the provisions of this |
chapter and issue orders necessary to implement and enforce this |
chapter; |
(2) conduct research necessary for the discharge of |
its duties under this chapter; |
(3) collect and make available to the public |
information relating to the inventory and classification of |
quarries, including maps and other technical data; |
(4) apply for, accept, receive, and administer grants, |
gifts, loans, or other funds from any source; and |
(5) hold public hearings, take written sworn |
testimony, hear witnesses upon oath, and consider reports in regard |
to the classifications of pits within the definitions of hazardous |
proximity to a public road and unacceptable unsafe location, |
issuing rules and orders in relation thereto. |
QUARRIES AND PITS. (a) The department [commission] shall |
inventory, classify, and maintain a log according to the degree of |
hazard, proximity to public roads, age, and current use of all |
existing, inactive, or abandoned quarries that have a pit perimeter |
that is in hazardous proximity to a public road, and those pits that |
are in an unacceptable unsafe location. |
(b) The department [commission] shall keep a current log of |
all quarries that are required to be inventoried under Subsection |
(a) of this section, including such quarries and pits for which |
initial operations begin after June 30, 1991. |
Sec. 133.013. DETERMINATION OF STATUS. After notice and |
hearing, the department [commission] may determine whether a quarry |
or pit has been abandoned, is active, or is inactive. |
SECTION 14.003. Section 133.021(b), Natural Resources |
Code, is amended to conform to Chapter 706 (H.B. 2847), Acts of the |
78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, to read as follows: |
(b) Where a conflict arises in identifying a person |
responsible for the pit, the department [commission] may hold a |
public hearing. |
SECTION 14.004. Section 133.031, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 706 (H.B. 2847), Acts of the 78th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, to read as follows: |
PIT. (a) On or before March 1, 1992, the person responsible for an |
abandoned quarry or pit shall report to the department |
[commission]. |
(b) On or before March 1, 1992, the person responsible for a |
quarry or pit that became inactive before January 1, 1991, and did |
not resume operations before June 30, 1991, shall report to the |
department [commission]. |
SECTION 14.005. Section 133.032, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 706 (H.B. 2847), Acts of the 78th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, to read as follows: |
before October 1, 1991, the person responsible for a quarry or pit |
that is active on June 30, 1991, shall report to the department |
[commission]. |
SECTION 14.006. Subchapter D, Chapter 133, Natural |
Resources Code, is amended to conform to Chapter 706 (H.B. 2847), |
Acts of the 78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, to read as |
follows: |
Sec. 133.041. BARRIERS REQUIRED. (a) A person responsible |
for an active pit must construct a barrier or other device required |
by this code between a public road adjoining the site and a pit, |
provided the pit is in hazardous proximity to the public road. |
(b) A person responsible for an abandoned or inactive pit |
must construct a barrier or other device required by this code |
between a public road adjoining the site and the pit, provided that |
the pit is in hazardous proximity to a public road and in an |
unacceptable unsafe location. The department [commission] may |
grant a waiver from the barrier requirement if the person |
responsible for the abandoned or inactive pit submits an |
application to the department [commission] showing that: |
(1) a governmental entity obtained a right-of-way and |
constructed a public road within 200 feet of the abandoned or |
inactive pit before August 26, 1991; and |
(2) the pit has remained abandoned or inactive since |
the road was constructed. |
(c) The responsible party may choose to slope the sidewalls |
of a pit in place of constructing a berm or barrier, provided that |
in the opinion of the responsible party such corrective measure |
better serves the public safety and provided that the slope shall |
not exceed 30 degrees from the horizontal. |
(d) The barrier or other device must be completed not later |
than the 90th day after the day on which the person responsible for |
the quarry or pit receives a notice of approval under Section |
133.048(b) of this code. An additional time of not more than 60 |
days may be granted by the department [commission] for good cause |
shown. If the responsible person must obtain an easement before |
constructing the barrier or other device, the department |
[commission] may grant additional reasonable time to complete the |
barrier or other device. |
Sec. 133.042. CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. (a) A barrier |
constructed under Section 133.041 of this code must: |
(1) reach a height that the department [commission] |
determines that under the circumstances will obstruct, restrain, |
and prevent the normal passage of vehicular traffic; |
(2) be of substantial construction suitable for impact |
under normal driving conditions; and |
(3) have openings to the extent necessary for travel |
on the premises and for public road drainage, although such |
drainage paths must be covered with protective material, |
substantial enough to turn away motor vehicular traffic that |
normally travels the adjacent public road. |
(b) The department [commission] may not adopt construction |
standards for barriers under Subsection (a) that are more stringent |
than department [the Texas Department of Transportation] standards |
under other law. |
(c) In the event the department [commission] determines |
that the pit location as detailed in the quarry safety plan or other |
application will contain substantial soil types of such density and |
other factors that will have a high probability of holding or |
impounding water, when the pit is operating, inactive, or |
abandoned, wherein the impoundment of water poses a definite and |
determinable unreasonable risk to human health and safety as set |
out in this code, the department [commission] may require the |
responsible party operating soil, dirt, clay, gravel, sand, caliche |
and clay pits to slope the sidewalls as an additional requirement to |
obtain a safety certificate or to alter the berm or barrier. |
Sec. 133.043. CONSTRUCTION COSTS. (a) The department |
[commission] shall adopt and implement rules, standards, or |
procedures necessary to obtain funds that are or may become |
available under the federal act, or any federal or state law, for |
the cost of constructing barriers required by this code. |
(b) The person responsible for the pit shall pay the cost of |
constructing a barrier to the extent that person is unable to obtain |
funds available under any state, municipal, or federal source. |
and after November 1, 1991, no person responsible may open a new pit |
on a site for the extraction of aggregates in this state wherein the |
pit perimeter will be less than 25 feet from the outer right-of-way |
line of any public road or highway ("the setback distance"). |
(b) From and after November 1, 1991, no person responsible |
may open a new pit on a site for the extraction of aggregates in this |
state wherein the pit perimeter is in hazardous proximity to a |
public road without first filing a quarry safety plan detailing how |
the applicant intends to comply with the safety provisions of this |
code in the opening and closing of the pit. |
(c) The quarry safety plan must: |
(1) set out the information required in Section |
133.046 et seq. of this code; and |
(2) be filed by the applicant at least 60 days prior to |
the opening of the pit; and |
(3) contain a statement as to the yearly progress of |
the encroachment of the pit perimeter within the hazardous |
proximity to a public road, if any, and the type of berm or barrier |
or other device required by this code that will be erected; and |
(4) be in writing, certified and sworn to the |
applicant; and |
(5) contain any other information relating to safety |
matters as the department [commission] by rule or regulation deems |
essential to the implementation of this code. |
Sec. 133.045. SAFETY CERTIFICATE REQUIRED. (a) A safety |
certificate is required for an active, inactive, or abandoned |
quarry or pit that is located in hazardous proximity to a public |
road or is in an unacceptable unsafe location, excluding an |
inactive or abandoned quarry or pit that receives a written waiver |
from the department [commission]. |
(b) From and after November 1, 1991, unless a person |
responsible for a quarry or pit has obtained from the department |
[commission] a certificate that a quarry or pit complies with this |
subchapter and rules or orders adopted under this subchapter, and |
subject to Subsection (c) of this section, the person responsible |
may not: |
(1) open a new pit in hazardous proximity to a public |
road; and |
(2) locate a pit in an area wherein it is in an |
unacceptable unsafe location; or |
(3) reopen, operate, or abandon a quarry or pit that is |
in hazardous proximity to a public road and in an unacceptable |
unsafe location; and |
(4) provided, however, that the person responsible |
must have received a notice from the department [commission] that |
the quarry or pit requires the operator to obtain a safety |
certificate, before that person is prohibited from operating or |
maintaining the quarry or pit without a safety certificate. |
(c) Any person responsible who, on November 1, 1991, is |
utilizing a portion of a site for quarrying operations, including |
the stockpiling, sale, or processing of aggregates or a combination |
thereof, or who has a current, valid, or outstanding agreement or |
legal right to develop, utilize, or quarry the property, shall be |
responsible for obtaining a safety certificate limited to that |
specific pit area he is using or excavating or intends to use or |
excavate. |
(d) A person responsible for a quarry or pit may operate the |
pit during a period that is described by Subsection (a) or (c) of |
Section 133.052 of this code. |
(e) In the event a quarry or pit previously not within the |
proscribed distance in the definition of "in hazardous proximity to |
a public road" and not initially within the purview of |
"unacceptable unsafe location" later becomes subject to regulation |
as the result of an expansion or relocation of an existing public |
road or construction of a new public road, the person or entity |
responsible for the expansion or relocation of the existing public |
road or construction of a new public road shall be liable to report |
the same to the department [commission] within 90 days of the date |
the expansion, relocation, or construction is finally |
accomplished. |
(f) The department [commission] shall provide such rules |
and regulations to require the person or entity responsible for the |
expansion or relocation to erect berms or barriers. |
(g) For the purposes of this subsection, the person or |
entity responsible for the erection of berms or barriers is that |
person or entity having the original and initial legal authority |
and responsibility for the initiation and contracting of the |
expansion or relocation. |
department [commission] by rule shall prescribe the form of an |
application for a safety certificate. |
(b) An application for a safety certificate must contain not |
more than: |
(1) the name, address, and telephone number of the |
person responsible for the quarry or pit; |
(2) the name, address, and telephone number of the |
owner or owners if different from the person responsible for the |
quarry or pit; |
(3) the type of quarrying activities, if any, |
occurring on the site; |
(4) a brief description of the site, including the |
acreage outside and inside the pit; |
(5) the distance of each pit perimeter from the |
nearest roadway edge of each public road that the site adjoins and |
the nearest intersection of any public or private road or driveway; |
(6) the depth in feet, below the top of the pit |
highwall located between the pit and the roadway, of the deepest |
excavation in the pit; |
(7) a description of and a construction plan for any |
barrier or other device allowed in this code to be constructed, |
specifying the material to be used and the expected date of |
completion; and |
(8) any other information or condition that, in the |
opinion of the operator or owner, constitutes an unacceptable |
unsafe location, as defined or required by this Act that is |
absolutely essential to the purposes of this Act. |
Sec. 133.047. APPLICATION FEE. (a) The department |
[commission] may require the payment of an application fee. |
(b) The department [commission] shall set the fee in an |
amount reasonably necessary to cover the department's |
[commission's] cost of carrying out this chapter, but not more |
than: |
(1) $500 for an active aggregate quarry or pit; |
(2) $500 for an inactive or abandoned aggregate quarry |
or pit unless the responsible party is a governmental entity in |
which case the fee shall be no more than $350. |
Sec. 133.048. REVIEW OF APPLICATION. (a) Not later than |
the 10th day after the day on which an application for a safety |
certificate is received, the department [commission] shall review |
the application and the plan and determine if each complies with |
this subchapter, and with rules or orders adopted under this |
subchapter, and issue such findings and conclusions as may be |
necessary. |
(b) If the application and plan comply with this subchapter, |
and rules or orders adopted under this subchapter, the department |
[commission] must approve the application and notify the applicant |
in writing of the department's [commission's] decision. |
(c) If the department [commission] determines that an |
application or plan does not comply with this subchapter and rules |
or orders adopted under this subchapter, the department |
[commission] must notify the applicant in writing of the |
department's [commission's] decision, specifying any defects. |
(d) Any notices required under Subsections (b) and (c) of |
this section must be mailed to the applicant certified mail, |
postage prepaid, return receipt requested, not later than the fifth |
day after the day on which the department [commission] approves or |
disapproves the application. |
(e) An applicant who receives notice of denial under |
Subsections (c) and (d) of this section may submit, not later than |
the 30th day after the day on which the notice is received, a |
modified application or plan. |
(f) Not later than the fifth day after the day on which the |
department [commission] receives a modified application or plan, |
the department [commission] must approve or deny the modified |
application or plan and notify the applicant in writing of the |
department's [commission's] decision. |
(g) The department [commission] shall first review |
applications for sites that have been abandoned and that are within |
the setback distances. |
Sec. 133.049. INSPECTION OF BARRIERS. Within 15 days of the |
time in which construction of barriers required by Section 133.041 |
of this code and described in an approved application is required to |
be completed, the department [commission] may inspect those |
barriers to determine whether they meet the requirements of this |
subchapter. |
Sec. 133.050. ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE. (a) If, after |
inspection, the department [commission] determines that the |
barriers described in an approved application conform with the plan |
and comply with this subchapter, and the rules or orders adopted |
under this subchapter, the department [commission] must issue a |
safety certificate to the person responsible for the pit. |
(b) If, after inspection, the department [commission] |
determines that a barrier does not comply with this subchapter or a |
rule or order adopted under this subchapter, the department |
[commission] shall give the applicant written notice of any defects |
in that barrier and shall allow the applicant a reasonable time, not |
to exceed 60 days from the day notice is received, to cure the |
defects. |
TITLE. (a) A person holding a safety certificate has the full |
right, power, and authority to transfer the certificate upon the |
sale, lease, or other transfer of title to the site, provided the |
new owner, operator, lessor or lessee, or party in interest files a |
written affidavit that: |
(1) all barriers between a pit and the nearest roadway |
edge of any public road comply with this subchapter, and rules and |
orders adopted by this subchapter; and |
(2) there will be no change, on or after the day of the |
transfer of title or operation, in: |
(A) the condition or location of a barrier; and |
(B) the distance of a pit perimeter from: |
(i) the nearest public road; and |
(ii) the nearest intersection of a public |
road and a private road or driveway. |
(b) The transfer affidavit must be filed not later than the |
30th day after the day on which the transfer of title to or |
operation of the quarry or pit occurs. |
(c) Except as provided by Section 133.053(a) of this code, |
the department [commission] must process and approve a transfer of |
a safety certificate not later than the 10th day after the day on |
which the department [commission] receives a completed transfer |
affidavit. |
(d) The department [commission] may require the payment of a |
reasonable fee for processing the transfer affidavit, not to exceed |
the actual administrative costs of receipt and processing, which |
amount shall not be more than $250. |
(e) The hypothecating, mortgaging, or other transfer of |
equitable title or a pledge of any assets to creditors of the |
operator or owner shall not require the filing of a transfer |
affidavit. |
Unless proper transfer affidavit is filed pursuant to this |
subchapter, or an application for an amended certificate as |
required by Subsection (b) of this section is pending, an existing |
safety certificate expires on the 90th day after the day on which a |
sale, lease, or other transfer of title to or operation of the |
quarry or pit for which the certificate was issued occurs. |
(b) To obtain an amended or new safety certificate, a new |
owner, operator, lessor, or lessee must submit an application and |
plan as required by Section 133.046 of this code not later than the |
30th day after the day on which the transfer of title to the quarry |
or pit occurs or a change in the activities of the quarry or pit |
necessitates. |
(c) If an application for a new certificate has been |
submitted as required by Subsection (b) of this section, the |
existing safety certificate continues in effect until the |
department's [commission's] decision either approving or |
disapproving the new or amended certificate is issued and becomes |
final. |
its option, the department [commission] may not issue or approve |
the transfer of a certificate to a person who has violated this |
chapter or a rule or order adopted under this chapter. |
(b) The department [commission] may revoke or disapprove |
the transfer of a safety certificate issued under this subchapter |
only if, after notice and hearing, the department [commission] |
determines that the holder of the certificate has violated this |
chapter or a rule or order adopted under this chapter. |
responsible party who plans or intends to cease active operations |
in a quarry or pit subject to the provisions of this code shall, 60 |
days prior to cessation of operations, notify the department |
[commission] of its intent and submit any additional plans the |
operator determines necessary to protect the public good and |
welfare after the cessation of operations. The department |
[commission] may charge a fee for the actual costs of processing the |
notice, which fee shall not exceed $500. |
(b) The department [commission] shall have inspected the |
quarry and pit within 10 days after receipt of the notice in order |
to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter and any |
additional plans by the operator as may be submitted pursuant to |
Subsection (a) of this section. |
(c) Upon inspection, the department [commission] shall have |
10 days to notify the operator of compliance, or lack thereof, and |
in the event of compliance shall issue a safety certificate |
pursuant to Section 133.050 of this code. |
(d) In the event of noncompliance, the department |
[commission] shall follow the procedures as set out in Section |
133.048 et seq. of this code. |
SECTION 14.007. Section 133.081, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 706 (H.B. 2847), Acts of the 78th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, to read as follows: |
receipt of a complaint or a violation of this chapter or a rule or |
order adopted under this chapter or on its own motion, the |
department [commission] must give the person responsible for the |
quarry or pit written notice of each alleged violation, including |
the applicable statutory reference, and rule or order so violated |
and its relation thereto, and the date, time, and place for a |
hearing. |
(b) If, after notice and a hearing, the department |
[commission] determines that a violation has occurred, the |
department [commission] must make written findings of the actual or |
threatened violation and the required corrective work and shall |
prescribe by order a specific period, commensurate with the work to |
be done but not to exceed 90 days from the date of the order, during |
which the corrective work must be done, unless an extension of time |
for good cause shown by the person responsible is granted by the |
department [commission]. |
(c) If the responsible party fails to perform corrective |
work required by the department [commission] under Subsection (b) |
of this section within 120 days after notice is given to the |
responsible party, the department [commission] may contract for the |
corrective work to be done at reasonable, customary, and ordinary |
costs applicable in the industry. Such costs shall be submitted |
within 30 days of the date the work is finished, and the responsible |
party shall have 60 days to pay the costs or appeal the decision. In |
the event the responsible party fails to pay the costs as presented |
or fails timely to contest or appeal the costs as presented by the |
department [commission], the department [commission] shall have |
the right to impose such fine or injunction as is warranted, |
consistent with the provisions of Section 133.082 et seq. |
SECTION 14.008. Section 133.083(a), Natural Resources |
Code, is amended to conform to Chapter 706 (H.B. 2847), Acts of the |
78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, to read as follows: |
(a) The department [commission] may enforce this chapter or |
a rule or order adopted under this chapter by injunction or other |
appropriate remedy. |
SECTION 14.009. Section 133.084, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 706 (H.B. 2847), Acts of the 78th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, to read as follows: |
Sec. 133.084. RECOVERY OF COSTS. A person responsible for a |
quarry or pit is liable to the state for customary, ordinary, and |
reasonable costs incurred by the department [commission] in |
undertaking corrective or enforcement action under this chapter and |
for court costs and attorney's fees. |
SECTION 14.010. Section 133.085(a), Natural Resources |
Code, is amended to conform to Chapter 706 (H.B. 2847), Acts of the |
78th Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, to read as follows: |
(a) At the request of the department [commission], the |
attorney general shall bring suit for injunctive or other relief, |
to recover a civil penalty or costs as provided by Section 133.082 |
or 133.084 of this code, or for both injunctive or other relief and |
to recover a civil penalty or costs. |
SECTION 14.011. Section 133.093, Natural Resources Code, is |
amended to conform to Chapter 706 (H.B. 2847), Acts of the 78th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2003, to read as follows: |
A county may not adopt regulations for aggregate quarries and pits |
which are regulated by the department [commission]. |
SECTION 14.012. Section 133.003(5), Natural Resources |
Code, is repealed. |
SECTION 15.001. Section 455.152, Occupations Code, as |
amended by Chapters 13 (S.B. 483) and 440 (H.B. 2016), Acts of the |
88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is reenacted and amended |
to read as follows: |
Sec. 455.152. INELIGIBILITY FOR LICENSE. A person is not |
eligible for a license as a massage establishment, massage school, |
massage therapist, or massage therapy instructor if the person is |
an individual and has been convicted of, entered a plea of nolo |
contendere or guilty to, or received deferred adjudication for: |
(1) an offense under Chapter 20A, Penal Code [Section |
22.011 or 22.021 Penal Code], or Section 43.021, 43.03, 43.031, |
43.04, 43.041, or 43.05, Penal Code; [or] |
(2) an offense under federal law or the laws of another |
state containing elements that are substantially similar to the |
elements of an offense described by Subdivision (1); or |
(3) an offense under Section 22.011 or 22.021, Penal |
Code. |
SECTION 15.002. Section 1701.2515(b), Occupations Code, is |
amended to correct an error in enrolling Senate Bill 999, Acts of |
the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(b) An individual or a legal entity may not provide active |
shooter training to peace officers of [students or employees at] a |
public primary or secondary school or an institution of higher |
education unless: |
(1) the individual providing the instruction is |
certified by the commission under this section to provide the |
training; and |
(2) if the training is provided by a legal entity, both |
the legal entity and the individual providing the instruction on |
behalf of the legal entity are certified by the commission under |
this section to provide the training. |
SECTION 16.001. Section 11.032(b), Parks and Wildlife Code, |
as amended by Chapters 235 (H.B. 2755) and 334 (H.B. 4018), Acts of |
the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is reenacted and |
amended to read as follows: |
(b) The department shall deposit to the credit of the game, |
fish, and water safety account all revenue, less allowable costs, |
from the following sources: |
(1) all types of fishing licenses and stamps and |
shrimping licenses; |
(2) all types of hunting licenses and stamps; |
(3) trapping licenses and other licenses relating to |
the taking, propagation, and sale of fur-bearing animals or their |
pelts; |
(4) sale of marl, sand, gravel, shell, and mudshell; |
(5) oyster bed rentals and permits; |
(6) federal funds received for fish and wildlife |
research, management, development and conservation, resource |
protection, and law enforcement, unless the funds are received for |
the specific purposes of Subchapter F, Chapter 77; |
(7) sale of property, less advertising costs, |
purchased from this account or a special fund or account that is now |
part of this account; |
(8) fines and penalties collected for violations of a |
law pertaining to the protection and conservation of wild birds, |
wild fowl, wild animals, fish, shrimp, oysters, game birds and |
animals, fur-bearing animals, alligators, and any other wildlife |
resources of this state; |
(9) sale of rough fish by the department; |
(10) fees for importation permits; |
(11) fees from supplying fish for or placing fish in |
water located on private property; |
(12) sale of seized pelts; |
(13) sale or lease of grazing rights to and the |
products from game preserves, sanctuaries, and management areas; |
(14) contracts for the removal of fur-bearing animals |
and reptiles from wildlife management areas; |
(15) vessel registration fees; |
(16) vessel manufacturer or dealer licensing fees; |
(17) fines or penalties imposed by a court for |
violation of water safety laws contained in Chapter 31 of this code; |
(18) alligator hunter's or alligator buyer's licenses; |
(19) sale of alligators or any part of an alligator by |
the department; |
(20) fees and revenue collected under Section |
11.027(b) or (c) of this code that are associated with the |
conservation of fish and wildlife; |
(21) fees related to cultivated oyster mariculture; |
(22) vessel and outboard motor titling fees; |
(23) participation fees collected under Section |
43.976; |
(24) money received by the department from: |
(A) boater education program courses and |
examinations administered under Section 31.108; and |
(B) boater education deferrals issued under the |
program established under Section 31.110(c); [and] |
(25) [(24)] money received by the department from |
carbon sequestration or similar ecosystem services projects |
described by Section 11.302(b)(1); and |
(26) [(25)] any other source provided by law. |
SECTION 17.001. Section 21.08(b), Penal Code, as amended by |
Chapters 351 (S.B. 1179) and 822 (H.B. 1730), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is reenacted and amended to |
read as follows: |
(b) An offense under this section is a Class B misdemeanor, |
except that the offense is: |
(1) a Class A misdemeanor if it is shown on the trial |
of the offense that the defendant has been previously convicted one |
time of an offense under this section; [and] |
(2) a state jail felony if it is shown on the trial of |
the offense that the defendant has been previously convicted two or |
more times of an offense under this section; and |
(3) a felony of the third degree if the actor is |
civilly committed as a sexually violent predator under Chapter 841, |
Health and Safety Code. |
SECTION 17.002. Section 28.09(a)(3), Penal Code, is amended |
to conform to Chapter 765 (H.B. 4504), Acts of the 88th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(3) "Drone" has the meaning assigned by Article |
2B.0253 [2.33], Code of Criminal Procedure[, as added by Chapter |
1011 (H.B. 1758), Acts of the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2021]. |
SECTION 17.003. Section 42.07(a), Penal Code, as amended by |
Chapters 839 (H.B. 2715) and 1118 (H.B. 1427), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is reenacted and amended to |
read as follows: |
(a) A person commits an offense if, with intent to harass, |
annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, or embarrass another, the person: |
(1) initiates communication and in the course of the |
communication makes a comment, request, suggestion, or proposal |
that is obscene; |
(2) threatens, in a manner reasonably likely to alarm |
the person receiving the threat, to inflict bodily injury on the |
person or to commit a felony against the person, a member of the |
person's family or household, or the person's property; |
(3) conveys, in a manner reasonably likely to alarm |
the person receiving the report, a false report, which is known by |
the conveyor to be false, that another person has suffered death or |
serious bodily injury; |
(4) causes the telephone of another to ring repeatedly |
or makes repeated telephone communications anonymously or in a |
manner reasonably likely to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, |
embarrass, or offend another; |
(5) makes a telephone call and intentionally fails to |
hang up or disengage the connection; |
(6) knowingly permits a telephone under the person's |
control to be used by another to commit an offense under this |
section; |
(7) sends repeated electronic communications in a |
manner reasonably likely to harass, annoy, alarm, abuse, torment, |
embarrass, or offend another; |
(8) publishes on an Internet website, including a |
social media platform, repeated electronic communications in a |
manner reasonably likely to cause emotional distress, abuse, or |
torment to another person, unless the communications are made in |
connection with a matter of public concern; [or] |
(9) tracks or monitors the personal property or motor |
vehicle of another person, without the other person's effective |
consent, including by: |
(A) using a tracking application on the person's |
personal electronic device or using a tracking device; or |
(B) physically following the other person or |
causing any person to physically follow the other person; or |
(10) [(9)] makes obscene, intimidating, or |
threatening telephone calls or other electronic communications |
from a temporary or disposable telephone number provided by an |
Internet application or other technological means. |
SECTION 17.004. Section 46.15(a), Penal Code, as amended by |
Chapters 501 (H.B. 2291), 765 (H.B. 4504), and 1077 (S.B. 599), |
Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is reenacted |
and amended to read as follows: |
(a) Sections 46.02 and 46.03 do not apply to: |
(1) peace officers or special investigators under |
Article 2A.002, Code of Criminal Procedure, and neither section |
prohibits a peace officer or special investigator from carrying a |
weapon in this state, including in an establishment in this state |
serving the public, regardless of whether the peace officer or |
special investigator is engaged in the actual discharge of the |
officer's or investigator's duties while carrying the weapon; |
(2) parole officers, and neither section prohibits an |
officer from carrying a weapon in this state if the officer is: |
(A) engaged in the actual discharge of the |
officer's duties while carrying the weapon; and |
(B) in compliance with policies and procedures |
adopted by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice regarding the |
possession of a weapon by an officer while on duty; |
(3) community supervision and corrections department |
officers appointed or employed under Section 76.004, Government |
Code, and neither section prohibits an officer from carrying a |
weapon in this state if the officer is: |
(A) engaged in the actual discharge of the |
officer's duties while carrying the weapon; and |
(B) authorized to carry a weapon under Section |
76.0051, Government Code; |
(4) an active or retired judicial officer as defined |
by Section 411.201, Government Code, who is licensed to carry a |
handgun under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code; |
(5) an honorably retired peace officer or other |
qualified retired law enforcement officer, as defined by 18 U.S.C. |
Section 926C, who holds a certificate of proficiency issued under |
Section 1701.357, Occupations Code, and is carrying a photo |
identification that is issued by a federal, state, or local law |
enforcement agency, as applicable, and that verifies that the |
officer is an honorably retired peace officer or other qualified |
retired law enforcement officer; |
(6) the attorney general or a United States attorney, |
district attorney, criminal district attorney, county attorney, or |
municipal attorney who is licensed to carry a handgun under |
Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code; |
(7) an assistant United States attorney, assistant |
attorney general, assistant district attorney, assistant criminal |
district attorney, or assistant county attorney who is licensed to |
carry a handgun under Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code; |
(8) a bailiff designated by an active judicial officer |
as defined by Section 411.201, Government Code, who is: |
(A) licensed to carry a handgun under Subchapter |
H, Chapter 411, Government Code; and |
(B) engaged in escorting the judicial officer; |
(9) a juvenile probation officer who is authorized to |
carry a firearm under Section 142.006, Human Resources Code; |
(10) a person who is volunteer emergency services |
personnel if the person is: |
(A) carrying a handgun under the authority of |
Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code; and |
(B) engaged in providing emergency services; |
[or] |
(11) a person who: |
(A) retired after serving as a judge or justice |
described by Section 411.201(a)(1), Government Code; and |
(B) is licensed to carry a handgun under |
Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code; or |
(12) [(11)] a district or county clerk who is carrying |
a handgun the clerk is licensed to carry under Subchapter H, Chapter |
411, Government Code. |
SECTION 18.001. Section 7939.051, Special District Local |
Laws Code, is transferred to Subchapter B, Chapter 8002, Special |
District Local Laws Code, and redesignated as Section 8002.057, |
Special District Local Laws Code, to read as follows: |
Sec. 8002.057 [7939.051]. EMINENT DOMAIN. (a) The |
district may exercise the power of eminent domain as provided by |
this section only if the district submits a letter to the |
comptroller not later than December 31, 2015, in accordance with |
the requirements of Section 2206.101(b), Government Code, other |
than the requirement that the letter be submitted by the date |
specified by that section. |
(b) Notwithstanding the expiration of the district's |
authority to exercise the power of eminent domain under Section |
2206.101(c), Government Code, the district may exercise the power |
of eminent domain as provided by law applicable to the district on |
or after the 90th day after the date the district submits a letter |
in accordance with Subsection (a). |
SECTION 18.002. Section 8370.102, Special District Local |
Laws Code, is transferred to Subchapter B, Chapter 8261, Special |
District Local Laws Code, and redesignated as Section 8261.053, |
Special District Local Laws Code, to read as follows: |
Sec. 8261.053 [8370.102]. NO ALLOCATION AGREEMENT. |
Section 54.016(f), Water Code, does not apply to the district. |
SECTION 18.003. The following provisions of the Special |
District Local Laws Code are repealed: |
(1) the heading to Chapter 7939; |
(2) Subchapter A, Chapter 7939; |
(3) the heading to Subchapter B, Chapter 7939; |
(4) the heading to Chapter 8370; |
(5) Subchapter A, Chapter 8370; |
(6) the heading to Subchapter B, Chapter 8370; and |
(7) Section 8370.101. |
SECTION 19.001. Section 25.025(a), Tax Code, as amended by |
Chapters 76 (S.B. 617), 152 (S.B. 870), 430 (H.B. 1911), 765 (H.B. |
4504), and 937 (S.B. 1525), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is reenacted and amended to read as follows: |
(a) This section applies only to: |
(1) a current or former peace officer as defined by |
Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure, and the spouse or |
surviving spouse of the peace officer; |
(2) the adult child of a current peace officer as |
defined by Article 2A.001, Code of Criminal Procedure; |
(3) a current or honorably retired county jailer as |
defined by Section 1701.001, Occupations Code; |
(4) an employee of the Texas Department of Criminal |
Justice; |
(5) a commissioned security officer as defined by |
Section 1702.002, Occupations Code; |
(6) an individual who shows that the individual, the |
individual's child, or another person in the individual's household |
is a victim of family violence as defined by Section 71.004, Family |
Code, by providing: |
(A) a copy of a protective order issued under |
Chapter 85, Family Code, or a magistrate's order for emergency |
protection issued under Article 17.292, Code of Criminal Procedure; |
or |
(B) other independent documentary evidence |
necessary to show that the individual, the individual's child, or |
another person in the individual's household is a victim of family |
violence; |
(7) an individual who shows that the individual, the |
individual's child, or another person in the individual's household |
is a victim of sexual assault or abuse, stalking, or trafficking of |
persons by providing: |
(A) a copy of a protective order issued under |
Subchapter A or B, Chapter 7B, Code of Criminal Procedure, or a |
magistrate's order for emergency protection issued under Article |
17.292, Code of Criminal Procedure; or |
(B) other independent documentary evidence |
necessary to show that the individual, the individual's child, or |
another person in the individual's household is a victim of sexual |
assault or abuse, stalking, or trafficking of persons; |
(8) a participant in the address confidentiality |
program administered by the attorney general under Subchapter B, |
Chapter 58, Code of Criminal Procedure, who provides proof of |
certification under Article 58.059, Code of Criminal Procedure; |
(9) a federal judge, a federal bankruptcy judge, a |
marshal of the United States Marshals Service, a state judge, or a |
family member of a federal judge, a federal bankruptcy judge, a |
marshal of the United States Marshals Service, or a state judge; |
(10) a current or former district attorney, criminal |
district attorney, or county or municipal attorney whose |
jurisdiction includes any criminal law or child protective services |
matters; |
(11) a current or former employee of a district |
attorney, criminal district attorney, or county or municipal |
attorney whose jurisdiction includes any criminal law or child |
protective services matters; |
(12) an officer or employee of a community supervision |
and corrections department established under Chapter 76, |
Government Code, who performs a duty described by Section 76.004(b) |
of that code; |
(13) a criminal investigator of the United States as |
described by Article 2A.002(a), Code of Criminal Procedure; |
(14) a current or honorably retired police officer or |
inspector of the United States Federal Protective Service; |
(15) a current or former United States attorney, |
assistant United States attorney, federal public defender, deputy |
federal public defender, or assistant federal public defender and |
the spouse and child of the attorney or public defender; |
(16) a current or former employee of the office of the |
attorney general who is or was assigned to a division of that office |
the duties of which involve law enforcement or are performed under |
Chapter 231, Family Code; |
(17) a medical examiner or person who performs |
forensic analysis or testing who is employed by this state or one or |
more political subdivisions of this state; |
(18) a current or former member of the United States |
armed forces who has served in an area that the president of the |
United States by executive order designates for purposes of 26 |
U.S.C. Section 112 as an area in which armed forces of the United |
States are or have engaged in combat; |
(19) a current or former employee of the Texas |
Juvenile Justice Department or of the predecessors in function of |
the department; |
(20) a current or former juvenile probation or |
supervision officer certified by the Texas Juvenile Justice |
Department, or the predecessors in function of the department, |
under Title 12, Human Resources Code; |
(21) a current or former employee of a juvenile |
justice program or facility, as those terms are defined by Section |
261.405, Family Code; |
(22) a current or former employee of the Texas Civil |
Commitment Office or the predecessor in function of the office or a |
division of the office; |
(23) a current or former employee of a federal judge or |
state judge; |
(24) a current or former child protective services |
caseworker, adult protective services caseworker, or investigator |
for the Department of Family and Protective Services or a current or |
former employee of a department contractor performing child |
protective services caseworker, adult protective services |
caseworker, or investigator functions for the contractor on behalf |
of the department; |
(25) an elected public officer; |
(26) a firefighter or volunteer firefighter or |
emergency medical services personnel as defined by Section 773.003, |
Health and Safety Code; |
(27) a customs and border protection officer or border |
patrol agent of United States Customs and Border Protection or the |
spouse, surviving spouse, or adult child of a customs and border |
protection officer or border patrol agent; |
(28) [(27) a current or former attorney for the |
Department of Family and Protective Services |
[(27)] a current or former employee or contract staff |
member of a university health care provider at a corrections |
facility operated by the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or |
the Texas Juvenile Justice Department; and |
(29) [(28)] a current or former attorney for the |
Department of Family and Protective Services. |
SECTION 19.002. (a) Section 151.359(k), Tax Code, is |
amended to conform to the expiration of Subchapters B and C, Chapter |
313, Tax Code, on December 31, 2022, to read as follows: |
(k) A data center is not eligible to receive an exemption |
under this section if the data center is subject to an agreement |
limiting the appraised value of the data center's property under |
former Subchapter B or C, Chapter 313. |
(b) Section 151.3595(j), Tax Code, is amended to conform to |
the expiration of Subchapters B and C, Chapter 313, Tax Code, on |
December 31, 2022, to read as follows: |
(j) A data center is not eligible to receive an exemption |
under this section if the data center is subject to an agreement |
limiting the appraised value of the data center's property under |
former Subchapter B or C, Chapter 313. |
(c) Section 312.403(a), Tax Code, is amended to conform to |
the expiration of Section 313.024(e), Tax Code, on December 31, |
2022, to read as follows: |
(a) In this section, "nuclear electric power generation" |
means activities described in category 221113 of the 2002 North |
American Industry Classification System [has the meaning assigned |
by Section 313.024(e)]. |
(d) Section 313.006(a), Tax Code, is amended to conform to |
the expiration of Section 313.021, Tax Code, on December 31, 2022, |
to read as follows: |
(a) In this section, "impact fee" means a charge or |
assessment imposed against a qualified property, as defined by |
former Section 313.021, in order to generate revenue for funding or |
recouping the costs of capital improvements or facility expansions |
for water, wastewater, or storm water services or for roads |
necessitated by or attributable to property that receives a |
limitation on appraised value under this chapter. |
(e) Section 313.007, Tax Code, is repealed as executed. |
(f) The heading to Subchapter E, Chapter 313, Tax Code, is |
amended to conform to the expiration of Subchapters B and C, Chapter |
313, Tax Code, on December 31, 2022, to read as follows: |
SECTION 19.003. Section 351.1015(b), Tax Code, as amended |
by Chapters 644 (H.B. 4559), 779 (H.B. 5012), 927 (S.B. 2220), and |
1110 (S.B. 1057), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023, is reenacted and amended to read as follows: |
(b) This section applies only to a qualified project located |
in: |
(1) a municipality with a population of at least |
700,000 but less than 950,000 according to the most recent federal |
decennial census; [or] |
(2) a municipality that contains more than 70 percent |
of the population of a county with a population of 1.5 million or |
more; |
(3) [(2)] a municipality described by Section |
351.001(7)(B); |
(4) [or |
[(3)] a municipality described by Section |
351.152(61); or |
(5) [(2)] a municipality with a population of at least |
two million. |
SECTION 19.004. (a) Subsection (j), Section 351.1015, Tax |
Code, as added by Chapter 1110 (S.B. 1057), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is redesignated as Subsection |
(j-1), Section 351.1015, Tax Code. |
(b) Subsection (j), Section 351.1015, Tax Code, as added by |
Chapter 779 (H.B. 5012), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Subsection (l), Section 351.1015, |
Tax Code, and amended to read as follows: |
(l) [(j)] For a municipality described by Subsection (b)(3) |
or (4) [(b)(2) or (3)], the term "qualified project" also means a |
venue described by Section 334.001(4)(A), Local Government Code, |
and any related infrastructure. |
SECTION 20.001. Section 201.806(a), Transportation Code, |
is amended to conform to Chapter 709 (H.B. 2190), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a) The department shall: |
(1) tabulate and analyze the vehicle collision reports |
it receives; and |
(2) annually or more frequently publish on the |
department's Internet website statistical information derived from |
the collision reports as to the number, cause, and location of |
highway collisions, including information regarding the number of: |
(A) collisions involving injury to, death of, or |
property damage to a bicyclist or pedestrian; |
(B) fatalities caused by a bridge collapse, as |
defined by Section 550.081; and |
(C) collisions [accidents] involving a trailer, |
including the number of fatalities in those collisions [accidents]. |
SECTION 20.002. The heading to Subchapter Z, Chapter 257, |
Transportation Code, is repealed to conform to the expiration of |
Section 257.901, Transportation Code, on March 10, 2019. |
SECTION 20.003. Section 550.064(b), Transportation Code, |
is amended to conform to Chapter 709 (H.B. 2190), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(b) A collision report form prepared by the department must: |
(1) require sufficiently detailed information to |
disclose the cause and conditions of and the persons and vehicles |
involved in a collision if the form is for the report to be made by a |
person investigating the collision; |
(2) include a way to designate and identify a peace |
officer, firefighter, or emergency medical services employee who is |
involved in a collision while driving a law enforcement vehicle, |
fire department vehicle, or emergency medical services vehicle |
while performing the person's duties; |
(3) require a statement by a person described by |
Subdivision (2) as to the nature of the collision; |
(4) include a way to designate whether an individual |
involved in a collision wants to be contacted by a person seeking to |
obtain employment as a professional described by Section 38.01(12), |
Penal Code; and |
(5) include a way to indicate whether a trailer was |
involved in the collision [accident] and, if so, whether the |
collision [accident] resulted in any fatalities. |
SECTION 20.004. Section 550.065(c), Transportation Code, |
is amended to conform to Chapter 709 (H.B. 2190), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(c) On written request and payment of any required fee, the |
department or the governmental entity shall release the information |
to: |
(1) an entity described by Subsection (b); |
(2) the law enforcement agency that employs the peace |
officer who investigated the collision and sent the information to |
the department, including an agent of the law enforcement agency |
authorized by contract to obtain the information; |
(3) the court in which a case involving a person |
involved in the collision is pending if the report is subpoenaed; or |
(4) any person directly concerned in the collision or |
having a proper interest therein, including: |
(A) any person involved in the collision; |
(B) the authorized representative of any person |
involved in the collision; |
(C) a driver involved in the collision; |
(D) an employer, parent, or legal guardian of a |
driver involved in the collision; |
(E) the owner of a vehicle or property damaged in |
the collision; |
(F) a person who has established financial |
responsibility for a vehicle involved in the collision in a manner |
described by Section 601.051, including a policyholder of a motor |
vehicle liability insurance policy covering the vehicle; |
(G) an insurance company that issued an insurance |
policy covering a vehicle involved in the collision; |
(H) an insurance company that issued a policy |
covering any person involved in the collision; |
(I) a person under contract to provide claims or |
underwriting information to a person described by Paragraph (F), |
(G), or (H); |
(J) a radio or television station that holds a |
license issued by the Federal Communications Commission; |
(K) a newspaper that is: |
(i) a free newspaper of general circulation |
or qualified under Section 2051.044, Government Code, to publish |
legal notices; |
(ii) published at least once a week; and |
(iii) available and of interest to the |
general public in connection with the dissemination of news; |
(L) any person who may sue because of death |
resulting from the collision; or |
(M) an employee or authorized representative of a |
vehicle storage facility, as defined by Section 2303.002, |
Occupations Code, that stored a vehicle involved in the collision |
[accident]. |
SECTION 20.005. Section 644.101(b), Transportation Code, |
as amended by Chapters 584 (H.B. 2901), 644 (H.B. 4559), and 1072 |
(S.B. 540), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is |
reenacted and amended to read as follows: |
(b) A police officer of any of the following municipalities |
is eligible to apply for certification under this section: |
(1) a municipality with a population of 50,000 or |
more; |
(2) a municipality with a population of 25,000 or more |
any part of which is located in a county with a population of |
500,000 or more; |
(3) a municipality with a population of less than |
25,000: |
(A) any part of which is located in a county with |
a population of 3.3 million; and |
(B) that contains or is adjacent to an |
international port; |
(4) a municipality with a population of at least |
34,000 that is located in a county that borders two or more states; |
(5) a municipality any part of which is located in a |
county bordering the United Mexican States; |
(6) a municipality with a population of less than |
5,000 that is located: |
(A) adjacent to a bay connected to the Gulf of |
Mexico; and |
(B) in a county adjacent to a county with a |
population greater than 3.3 million; |
(7) a municipality that is located: |
(A) within 25 miles of an international port; and |
(B) in a county that does not contain a highway |
that is part of the national system of interstate and defense |
highways and is adjacent to a county with a population greater than |
3.3 million; |
(8) a municipality with a population of less than |
8,500 that: |
(A) is the county seat; and |
(B) contains a highway that is part of the |
national system of interstate and defense highways; |
(9) a municipality located in a county with a |
population between 60,000 and 69,000 adjacent to a bay connected to |
the Gulf of Mexico; |
(10) a municipality with a population of more than |
40,000 and less than 50,000 that is located in a county with a |
population of more than 285,000 and less than 300,000 that borders |
the Gulf of Mexico; |
(11) a municipality with a population between 32,000 |
and 50,000 that is located entirely in a county that: |
(A) has a population of less than 250,000; |
(B) is adjacent to two counties that each have a |
population of more than 1.2 million; and |
(C) contains two highways that are part of the |
national system of interstate and defense highways; |
(12) a municipality with a population of more than |
4,500 and less than 10,000 that: |
(A) contains a highway that is part of the |
national system of interstate and defense highways; and |
(B) is located in a county with a population |
between 175,000 and 190,000; |
(13) a municipality with a population of less than |
75,000 that is located in three counties, at least one of which has |
a population greater than 3.3 million; |
(14) a municipality with a population between 13,900 |
and 17,000 that: |
(A) contains three or more numbered United States |
highways; and |
(B) is located in a county that is adjacent to a |
county with a population of more than 200,000; |
(15) a municipality with a population of less than |
50,000 that is located in: |
(A) a county that generated $20 million or more |
in tax revenue collected under Chapters 201 and 202, Tax Code, from |
oil and gas production during the preceding state fiscal year; or |
(B) a county that is adjacent to two or more |
counties described by Paragraph (A); [or] |
(16) a municipality with a population of more than |
2,000 that is located in a county: |
(A) with a population of less than 200,000; and |
(B) that borders: |
(i) another state; and |
(ii) the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway; or |
(17) [(16)] a municipality that is located: |
(A) within 20 miles of an international airport; |
and |
(B) in a county that: |
(i) contains an active quarry; |
(ii) has a population of more than 150,000 |
but less than 170,000; and |
(iii) is adjacent to a county with a |
population of more than two million. |
SECTION 20.006. Section 662.0062(a-1), Transportation |
Code, is amended to conform to Chapter 709 (H.B. 2190), Acts of the |
88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, to read as follows: |
(a-1) The department may not issue an instructor license or |
instructor training provider license to an individual who has been |
convicted of: |
(1) during the preceding three years: |
(A) three or more moving violations described by |
Section 542.304 or a comparable offense committed in another state, |
including violations that resulted in a collision [an accident]; or |
(B) two or more moving violations described by |
Section 542.304 or a comparable offense committed in another state |
that resulted in a collision [an accident]; or |
(2) during the preceding seven years, an offense under |
Chapter 49, Penal Code, other than an offense under Section 49.02, |
Penal Code, or Section 49.031, Penal Code, or a comparable offense |
committed in another state. |
SECTION 21.001. Sections 39.360(a), (b), (c), (d), and (e), |
Utilities Code, as added by Chapter 464 (S.B. 2013), Acts of the |
88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, are amended to correct |
references to read as follows: |
(a) In this section, "company" and "critical |
infrastructure" have the meanings assigned by Section 117.001 |
[113.001], Business & Commerce Code[, as added by Chapter 975 |
(S.B. 2116), Acts of the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021]. |
(b) An independent organization certified under Section |
39.151 may not register a business entity or maintain the |
registration of a business entity to operate in the power region for |
which the independent organization is certified unless the business |
entity attests that the entity complies with Chapter 117 [113], |
Business & Commerce Code[, as added by Chapter 975 (S.B. 2116), |
Acts of the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021]. |
(c) An independent organization certified under Section |
39.151 shall require as a condition of operating in the power region |
for which the independent organization is certified that a business |
entity report to the independent organization the purchase of any |
critical electric grid equipment or service from a company |
described by Section 117.002(a)(2) [113.002(a)(2)], Business & |
Commerce Code[, as added by Chapter 975 (S.B. 2116), Acts of the |
87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021]. |
(d) For each purchase reported by a business entity under |
Subsection (c), the business entity shall submit an attestation to |
the independent organization that the purchase will not result in |
access to or control of its critical electric grid equipment by a |
company described by Section 117.002(a)(2) [113.002(a)(2)], |
Business & Commerce Code[, as added by Chapter 975 (S.B. 2116), |
Acts of the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021], excluding |
access specifically allowed by the business entity for product |
warranty and support purposes. |
(e) Notwithstanding any other law, an independent |
organization certified under Section 39.151 may immediately |
suspend or terminate a company's registration or access to any of |
the independent organization's systems if the independent |
organization has a reasonable suspicion that the company meets any |
of the criteria described by Section 2275.0102(a)(2) |
[2274.0102(a)(2)], Government Code[, as added by Chapter 975 |
(S.B. 2116), Acts of the 87th Legislature, Regular Session, 2021]. |
SECTION 22.001. The following provisions of enacted codes |
are redesignated to eliminate duplicate citations: |
(1) Section 28.20, Alcoholic Beverage Code, as added |
by Chapter 1087 (S.B. 998), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 28.21, Alcoholic Beverage |
Code. |
(2) Chapter 328, Business & Commerce Code, as added by |
Chapter 169 (S.B. 58), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Chapter 329, Business & Commerce |
Code, and Sections 328.001, 328.002, and 328.003, Business & |
Commerce Code, as added by that Act, are redesignated as Sections |
329.001, 329.002, and 329.003, Business & Commerce Code, |
respectively. |
(3) Chapter 509, Business & Commerce Code, as added by |
Chapter 963 (S.B. 2105), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Chapter 510, Business & Commerce |
Code, and Sections 509.001, 509.002, 509.003, 509.004, 509.005, |
509.006, 509.007, 509.008, 509.009, and 509.010, Business & |
Commerce Code, as added by that Act, are redesignated as Sections |
510.001, 510.002, 510.003, 510.004, 510.005, 510.006, 510.007, |
510.008, 510.009, and 510.010, Business & Commerce Code, |
respectively. |
(4) Section 25.0344, Education Code, as added by |
Chapter 583 (H.B. 2892), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 25.0345, Education Code. |
(5) Section 37.117, Education Code, as added by |
Chapter 1 (S.B. 838), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 37.118, Education Code. |
(6) Section 48.308, Education Code, as added by |
Chapter 378 (H.B. 8), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 48.309, Education Code. |
(7) Section 61.059(s), Education Code, as added by |
Chapter 754 (H.B. 4005), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 61.059(t), Education |
Code. |
(8) Section 41.0052(a-1), Election Code, as added by |
Chapter 1160 (S.B. 1131), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 41.0052(a-2), Election |
Code. |
(9) Section 261.307(c), Family Code, as added by |
Chapter 381 (H.B. 63), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 261.307(b-1), Family |
Code. |
(10) Section 72.039, Government Code, as added by |
Chapter 861 (H.B. 3474), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 72.0395, Government Code. |
(11) Subchapter T, Chapter 403, Government Code, as |
added by Chapter 379 (H.B. 9), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Subchapter U, Chapter 403, |
Government Code, and Sections 403.601, 403.602, 403.603, 403.604, |
and 403.605, Government Code, as added by that Act, are |
redesignated as Sections 403.651, 403.652, 403.653, 403.654, and |
403.655, Government Code, respectively. |
(12) Section 411.02093, Government Code, as added by |
Chapter 208 (S.B. 1484), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 411.02094, Government |
Code. |
(13) Section 434.029, Government Code, as added by |
Chapter 1067 (S.B. 493), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 434.0295, Government |
Code. |
(14) Section 552.108(d), Government Code, as added by |
Chapter 986 (H.B. 30), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 552.108(c-1), Government |
Code. |
(15) Section 662.081, Government Code, as added by |
Chapter 12 (S.B. 464), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 662.086, Government Code. |
(16) Section 662.085, Government Code, as added by |
Chapter 505 (H.B. 2499), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 662.087, Government Code. |
(17) Section 2252.909, Government Code, as added by |
Chapter 389 (H.B. 679), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 2252.910, Government |
Code. |
(18) Chapter 54, Health and Safety Code, as added by |
Chapter 88 (S.B. 1249), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Chapter 55, Health and Safety |
Code, and Sections 54.001 and 54.002, Health and Safety Code, as |
added by that Act, are redesignated as Sections 55.001 and 55.002, |
Health and Safety Code, respectively. |
(19) Chapter 81B, Health and Safety Code, as added by |
Chapter 336 (S.B. 29), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Chapter 81C, Health and Safety |
Code, and Sections 81B.001, 81B.002, 81B.003, and 81B.004, Health |
and Safety Code, as added by that Act, are redesignated as Sections |
81C.001, 81C.002, 81C.003, and 81C.004, Health and Safety Code, |
respectively. |
(20) Subchapter X, Chapter 161, Health and Safety |
Code, as added by Chapter 335 (S.B. 14), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is redesignated as Subchapter |
Y, Chapter 161, Health and Safety Code. |
(21) Section 437.027, Health and Safety Code, as added |
by Chapter 245 (S.B. 577), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 437.028, Health and |
Safety Code. |
(22) Chapter 444, Health and Safety Code, as added by |
Chapter 2 (S.B. 497), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Chapter 445, Health and Safety |
Code, and Sections 444.001, 444.002, 444.003, 444.004, 444.005, |
444.006, and 444.007, Health and Safety Code, as added by that Act, |
are redesignated as Sections 445.001, 445.002, 445.003, 445.004, |
445.005, 445.006, and 445.007, Health and Safety Code, |
respectively. |
(23) Chapter 769, Health and Safety Code, as added by |
Chapter 141 (S.B. 188), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Chapter 767, Health and Safety |
Code, and Sections 769.001, 769.002, and 769.003, Health and Safety |
Code, as added by that Act, are redesignated as Sections 767.001, |
767.002, and 767.003, Health and Safety Code, respectively. |
(24) Section 1001.084, Health and Safety Code, as |
redesignated by Chapter 1236 (S.B. 1296), Acts of the 84th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, is redesignated as Section |
1001.0845, Health and Safety Code. |
(25) Section 32.024(pp), Human Resources Code, as |
added by Chapter 335 (S.B. 14), Acts of the 88th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 32.024(rr), Human |
Resources Code. |
(26) Chapter 247, Local Government Code, as added by |
Chapter 19 (S.B. 1017), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Chapter 248, Local Government |
Code, and Sections 247.001, 247.002, and 247.003, Local Government |
Code, as added by that Act, are redesignated as Sections 248.001, |
248.002, and 248.003, Local Government Code, respectively. |
(27) Section 370.007, Local Government Code, as added |
by Chapter 425 (H.B. 1819), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 370.008, Local Government |
Code. |
(28) Section 370.007, Local Government Code, as added |
by Chapter 1049 (S.B. 252), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 370.009, Local Government |
Code. |
(29) Section 61.066(e), Natural Resources Code, as |
added by Chapter 466 (H.B. 630), Acts of the 88th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 61.066(d), |
Natural Resources Code. |
(30) Section 1701.253(q), Occupations Code, as added |
by Chapter 102 (S.B. 1852), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 1701.253(r), Occupations |
Code. |
(31) Section 1701.253(q), Occupations Code, as added |
by Chapters 729 (H.B. 2660) and 979 (S.B. 2429), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section |
1701.253(s), Occupations Code. |
(32) Section 1701.253(q), Occupations Code, as added |
by Chapter 1070 (S.B. 533), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 1701.253(t), Occupations |
Code. |
(33) Section 1958.001(1-a), Occupations Code, as |
added by Chapter 838 (S.B. 202), Acts of the 84th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2015, is redesignated as Section 1958.001(1-b), |
Occupations Code. |
(34) Chapter 2311, Occupations Code, as added by |
Chapter 211 (S.B. 1732), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Chapter 2311A, Occupations Code, |
and Section 2311.001, Occupations Code, as added by that Act, is |
redesignated as Section 2311A.001, Occupations Code. |
(35) Chapter 8153, Special District Local Laws Code, |
as added by Chapter 113 (S.B. 2147), Acts of the 87th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2021, is redesignated as Chapter 8153A, Special |
District Local Laws Code, and Sections 8153.0101, 8153.0102, |
8153.0103, 8153.0104, 8153.0105, 8153.0106, 8153.0201, 8153.0202, |
8153.0301, 8153.0302, 8153.0303, 8153.0304, 8153.0305, 8153.0306, |
8153.0401, 8153.0402, 8153.0403, 8153.0501, 8153.0502, and |
8153.0503, Special District Local Laws Code, as added by that Act, |
are redesignated as Sections 8153A.0101, 8153A.0102, 8153A.0103, |
8153A.0104, 8153A.0105, 8153A.0106, 8153A.0201, 8153A.0202, |
8153A.0301, 8153A.0302, 8153A.0303, 8153A.0304, 8153A.0305, |
8153A.0306, 8153A.0401, 8153A.0402, 8153A.0403, 8153A.0501, |
8153A.0502, and 8153A.0503, Special District Local Laws Code, |
respectively. |
(36) Section 11.36, Tax Code, as added by Chapter 281 |
(S.B. 1145), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, |
is redesignated as Section 11.37, Tax Code. |
(37) Section 351.161, Tax Code, as added by Chapter |
1030 (S.B. 627), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023, is redesignated as Section 351.1621, Tax Code. |
(38) Section 352.002(v), Tax Code, as added by Chapter |
780 (H.B. 5105), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023, is redesignated as Section 352.002(aa), Tax Code. |
(39) Section 352.002(ee), Tax Code, as added by |
Chapter 993 (H.B. 5178), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 352.002(ff), Tax Code. |
(40) Section 352.003(bb), Tax Code, as added by |
Chapter 641 (H.B. 1034), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 352.003(cc), Tax Code. |
(41) Section 352.003(bb), Tax Code, as added by |
Chapter 775 (H.B. 3453), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 352.003(dd), Tax Code. |
(42) Section 352.003(bb), Tax Code, as added by |
Chapter 780 (H.B. 5105), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 352.003(ee), Tax Code. |
(43) Section 352.115, Tax Code, as added by Chapter |
780 (H.B. 5105), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023, is redesignated as Section 352.116, Tax Code. |
(44) Section 225.216, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 507 (H.B. 2590), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.226, Transportation |
Code. |
(45) Section 225.216, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 687 (H.B. 1368), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.227, Transportation |
Code. |
(46) Section 225.216, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 72 (S.B. 508), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.228, Transportation |
Code. |
(47) Section 225.216, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 809 (H.B. 923), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.229, Transportation |
Code. |
(48) Section 225.216, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapters 1060 (S.B. 414) and 1116 (H.B. 1305), Acts of the 88th |
Legislature, Regular Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section |
225.230, Transportation Code. |
(49) Section 225.217, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 71 (S.B. 507), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.231, Transportation |
Code. |
(50) Section 225.217, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 431 (H.B. 1913), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.232, Transportation |
Code. |
(51) Section 225.217, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 444 (H.B. 2083), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.233, Transportation |
Code. |
(52) Section 225.217, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 487 (H.B. 975), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.234, Transportation |
Code. |
(53) Section 225.217, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 513 (H.B. 2835), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.235, Transportation |
Code. |
(54) Section 225.217, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 523 (H.B. 3099), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.236, Transportation |
Code. |
(55) Section 225.217, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 590 (H.B. 3045), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.237, Transportation |
Code. |
(56) Section 225.217, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 702 (H.B. 1968), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.238, Transportation |
Code. |
(57) Section 225.217, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 48 (H.B. 3108), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.239, Transportation |
Code. |
(58) Section 225.217, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 968 (S.B. 2150), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.240, Transportation |
Code. |
(59) Section 225.218, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 82 (S.B. 957), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 225.241, Transportation |
Code. |
(60) Section 504.331, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 1050 (S.B. 280), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 504.336, Transportation |
Code. |
(61) Section 504.331, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 506 (H.B. 2503), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 504.337, Transportation |
Code. |
(62) Section 504.332, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 506 (H.B. 2503), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 504.338, Transportation |
Code. |
(63) Section 504.517, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 516 (H.B. 2876), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 504.519, Transportation |
Code. |
(64) Section 504.679, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 714 (H.B. 2323), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 504.681, Transportation |
Code. |
(65) Section 504.680, Transportation Code, as added by |
Chapter 478 (H.B. 628), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 504.682, Transportation |
Code. |
(66) Section 521.1251, Transportation Code, as added |
by Chapter 524 (H.B. 3132), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 521.1252, Transportation |
Code. |
(67) Section 38.078, Utilities Code, as added by |
Chapter 836 (H.B. 2555), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 38.079, Utilities Code. |
(68) Section 39.151(g-7), Utilities Code, as added by |
Chapter 464 (S.B. 2013), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 39.151(g-8), Utilities |
Code. |
(69) Section 39.166, Utilities Code, as added by |
Chapter 410 (H.B. 1500), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 39.1675, Utilities Code. |
(70) Section 39.167, Utilities Code, as added by |
Chapter 410 (H.B. 1500), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 39.1678, Utilities Code. |
(71) Section 39.360, Utilities Code, as added by |
Chapter 463 (S.B. 1929), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular |
Session, 2023, is redesignated as Section 39.361, Utilities Code. |
(72) Section 13.152, Water Code, as added by Chapter |
163 (S.B. 1778), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023, is redesignated as Section 13.153, Water Code. |
(73) Section 16.026, Water Code, as added by Chapter |
187 (H.B. 2759), Acts of the 88th Legislature, Regular Session, |
2023, is redesignated as Section 16.028, Water Code. |
SECTION 22.002. The following changes are made to conform |
the provisions amended to the redesignating changes made by |
Section 22.001 of this Act and to correct cross-references: |
(1) Sections 510.006(a) and (b), Business & Commerce |
Code, as redesignated from Sections 509.006(a) and (b), Business & |
Commerce Code, by Section 22.001 of this Act, are amended to read as |
follows: |
(a) The secretary of state shall establish and maintain, on |
its Internet website, a searchable, central registry of data |
brokers registered under Section 510.005 [509.005]. |
(b) The registry must include: |
(1) a search feature that allows a person searching |
the registry to identify a specific data broker; and |
(2) for each data broker, the information filed under |
Section 510.005(b) [509.005(b)]. |
(2) Sections 510.008(a) and (b), Business & Commerce |
Code, as redesignated from Sections 509.008(a) and (b), Business & |
Commerce Code, by Section 22.001 of this Act, are amended to read as |
follows: |
(a) A data broker that violates Section 510.004 [509.004] or |
510.005 [509.005] is liable to this state for a civil penalty as |
prescribed by this section. |
(b) A civil penalty imposed against a data broker under this |
section: |
(1) subject to Subdivision (2), may not be in an amount |
less than the total of: |
(A) $100 for each day the entity is in violation |
of Section 510.004 [509.004] or 510.005 [509.005]; and |
(B) the amount of unpaid registration fees for |
each year the entity failed to register in violation of Section |
510.005 [509.005]; and |
(2) may not exceed $10,000 assessed against the same |
data broker in a 12-month period. |
(3) Section 510.009, Business & Commerce Code, as |
redesignated from Section 509.009, Business & Commerce Code, by |
Section 22.001 of this Act, is amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 510.009 [509.009]. DECEPTIVE TRADE PRACTICE. A |
violation of Section 510.007 [509.007] by a data broker constitutes |
a deceptive trade practice in addition to the practices described |
by Subchapter E, Chapter 17, and is actionable under that |
subchapter. |
(4) Section 28.0095(h), Education Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
(h) The coordinating board shall distribute money |
transferred to the coordinating board under Section 48.309 [48.308] |
to the participating institutions of higher education in proportion |
to the number of dual credit courses in which eligible students are |
enrolled at the institution. |
(5) Section 445.005(c), Health and Safety Code, as |
redesignated from Section 444.005(c), Health and Safety Code, by |
Section 22.001 of this Act, is amended to read as follows: |
(c) A kratom retailer is not liable for a civil penalty |
under this section for a violation of Section 445.002 [444.002] or |
445.003 [444.003] if the kratom retailer proves by a preponderance |
of the evidence that the violation was unintentional and due to the |
kratom retailer's good faith reliance on the representation of |
another kratom processor. |
(6) Section 1701.359, Occupations Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
commission may: |
(1) recognize, or with the consent of the Department |
of Public Safety administer or assist in administering, the border |
operations training program established under Section 411.02094 |
[411.02093], Government Code, as a continuing education program for |
officers; and |
(2) credit an officer who successfully completes the |
program described by Subdivision (1) with the appropriate number of |
continuing education hours. |
(7) Section 8153A.0104, Special District Local Laws |
Code, as redesignated from Section 8153.0104, Special District |
Local Laws Code, by Section 22.001 of this Act, is amended to read |
as follows: |
Sec. 8153A.0104 [8153.0104]. CONSENT OF MUNICIPALITY |
REQUIRED. The temporary directors may not hold an election under |
Section 8153A.0103 [8153.0103] until each municipality in whose |
corporate limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction the district is |
located has consented by ordinance or resolution to the creation of |
the district and to the inclusion of land in the district. |
(8) Section 8153A.0201(b), Special District Local |
Laws Code, as redesignated from Section 8153.0201(b), Special |
District Local Laws Code, by Section 22.001 of this Act, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(b) Except as provided by Section 8153A.0202 [8153.0202], |
directors serve staggered four-year terms. |
(9) Sections 8153A.0202(b) and (c), Special District |
Local Laws Code, as redesignated from Sections 8153.0202(b) and |
(c), Special District Local Laws Code, by Section 22.001 of this |
Act, are amended to read as follows: |
(b) Temporary directors serve until the earlier of: |
(1) the date permanent directors are elected under |
Section 8153A.0103 [8153.0103]; or |
(2) the fourth anniversary of the effective date of |
the Act enacting this chapter. |
(c) If permanent directors have not been elected under |
Section 8153A.0103 [8153.0103] and the terms of the temporary |
directors have expired, successor temporary directors shall be |
appointed or reappointed as provided by Subsection (d) to serve |
terms that expire on the earlier of: |
(1) the date permanent directors are elected under |
Section 8153A.0103 [8153.0103]; or |
(2) the fourth anniversary of the date of the |
appointment or reappointment. |
(10) Sections 8153A.0306(e), (h), and (k), Special |
District Local Laws Code, as redesignated from Sections |
8153.0306(e), (h), and (k), Special District Local Laws Code, by |
Section 22.001 of this Act, are amended to read as follows: |
(e) The board may adopt an order dividing the district |
before or after the date the board holds an election under Section |
8153A.0103 [8153.0103] to confirm the district's creation. |
(h) Any new district created by the division of the district |
shall hold a confirmation and directors' election as required by |
Section 8153A.0103 [8153.0103]. |
(k) Municipal consent to the creation of the district and to |
the inclusion of land in the district granted under Section |
8153A.0104 [8153.0104] acts as municipal consent to the creation of |
any new district created by the division of the district and to the |
inclusion of land in the new district. |
(11) Section 8153A.0401(a), Special District Local |
Laws Code, as redesignated from Section 8153.0401(a), Special |
District Local Laws Code, by Section 22.001 of this Act, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) The district may issue, without an election, bonds and |
other obligations secured by: |
(1) revenue other than ad valorem taxes; or |
(2) contract payments described by Section 8153A.0403 |
[8153.0403]. |
(12) Section 8153A.0402(a), Special District Local |
Laws Code, as redesignated from Section 8153.0402(a), Special |
District Local Laws Code, by Section 22.001 of this Act, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(a) If authorized at an election held under Section |
8153A.0401 [8153.0401], the district may impose an operation and |
maintenance tax on taxable property in the district in accordance |
with Section 49.107, Water Code. |
(13) Section 11.43(c), Tax Code, is amended to read as |
follows: |
(c) An exemption provided by Section 11.13, 11.131, 11.132, |
11.133, 11.134, 11.17, 11.18, 11.182, 11.1827, 11.183, 11.19, |
11.20, 11.21, 11.22, 11.23(a), (h), (j), (j-1), or (m), 11.231, |
11.254, 11.27, 11.271, 11.29, 11.30, 11.31, 11.315, 11.35, [or] |
11.36, or 11.37, once allowed, need not be claimed in subsequent |
years, and except as otherwise provided by Subsection (e), the |
exemption applies to the property until it changes ownership or the |
person's qualification for the exemption changes. However, except |
as provided by Subsection (r), the chief appraiser may require a |
person allowed one of the exemptions in a prior year to file a new |
application to confirm the person's current qualification for the |
exemption by delivering a written notice that a new application is |
required, accompanied by an appropriate application form, to the |
person previously allowed the exemption. If the person previously |
allowed the exemption is 65 years of age or older, the chief |
appraiser may not cancel the exemption due to the person's failure |
to file the new application unless the chief appraiser complies |
with the requirements of Subsection (q), if applicable. |
(14) Section 352.003(ee), Tax Code, as redesignated |
from Section 352.003(bb), Tax Code, by Section 22.001 of this Act, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(ee) [(bb)] The tax rate in a county authorized to impose |
the tax under Section 352.002(aa) [352.002(v)] may not exceed two |
percent of the price paid for a room in a hotel. |
(15) Section 352.116, Tax Code, as redesignated from |
Section 352.115, Tax Code, by Section 22.001 of this Act, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Sec. 352.116 [352.115]. USE OF REVENUE: CERTAIN COUNTIES |
ADJACENT TO POPULOUS COUNTIES. In addition to the purposes |
authorized by this chapter, the revenue from a tax imposed under |
this chapter by a county authorized to impose the tax under Section |
352.002(aa) [352.002(v)] may be used for the purposes described by |
Section 352.112. |
(16) Section 504.202(e-1), Transportation Code, as |
amended by Chapters 385 (H.B. 282), 506 (H.B. 2503), 768 |
(H.B. 4595), and 1050 (S.B. 280), Acts of the 88th Legislature, |
Regular Session, 2023, is reenacted and amended to read as follows: |
(e-1) Other than license plates issued under Subsection |
(h), license plates issued under this section may include, on |
request: |
(1) the emblem of the veteran's branch of service; or |
(2) one emblem from another license plate to which the |
person is entitled under Section 504.307, 504.308, 504.309, |
504.310(b), 504.311, 504.312, 504.313, 504.3135, 504.314, 504.315, |
504.316, 504.3161, 504.318, 504.319, 504.320, 504.323, 504.325, |
504.327, 504.328, 504.330, 504.331, 504.332, 504.333, 504.334, |
[or] 504.335, 504.336, 504.337, or 504.338. |
(17) Sections 521.060(a) and (c), Transportation |
Code, are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The department shall maintain in its files a record of |
the name, address, and telephone number of each individual |
identified by the holder of a driver's license or personal |
identification certificate as an individual the holder authorizes |
to be contacted in the event that the holder is injured or dies in or |
as a result of a vehicular collision or another emergency |
situation. In addition, the department shall maintain in its files |
a record of any medical information described by Section 521.125(a) |
that is provided to the department under Subsection (c) or any |
health condition information that is voluntarily provided to the |
department under Sections 521.1251, 521.1252, and 521.142(h). |
(c) An application for an original, renewal, or duplicate |
driver's license or personal identification certificate must: |
(1) be designed to allow, but not require, the |
applicant to provide: |
(A) the name, address, and telephone number of |
not more than two individuals to be contacted if the applicant is |
injured or dies in a circumstance described by Subsection (a); and |
(B) in addition to health condition information |
voluntarily provided under Sections 521.1251, 521.1252, and |
521.142(h), medical information described by Section 521.125(a); |
and |
(2) include a statement that: |
(A) describes the confidential nature of the |
information; and |
(B) states that by providing the department with |
the information, the applicant consents to the limited disclosure |
and use of the information. |
SECTION 23.001. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |