relating to the payment of employment compensation to state |
employees. |
SECTION 1. Section 659.081, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
as provided by [this subchapter or] the General Appropriations Act, |
annual salaries for state officers [and employees] shall be paid |
once a month. |
SECTION 2. Section 659.082, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Except as provided by the General Appropriations Act, annual |
salaries for state employees shall [(a) An employee is entitled to] |
be paid [employment compensation] twice a month [if: |
[(1) the employee is employed by: |
[(A) the Texas Department of Mental Health and |
Mental Retardation; |
[(B) the Texas Department of Transportation; |
[(C) the Texas Department of Human Services; |
[(D) the Texas Workforce Commission; |
[(E) the Department of Public Safety; or |
[(F) any other state agency designated by the |
comptroller; |
[(2) the employee holds a classified position under the |
state's position classification plan; |
[(3) the employee's position is classified below salary |
group A12 under classification salary Schedule A in the General |
Appropriations Act; |
[(4) the employing state agency satisfies the |
comptroller's requirements relating to the payment of compensation |
twice a month; and |
[(5) at least 30 percent of the eligible employees of |
the agency choose to be paid twice a month]. |
[(b) Employees of an institution of higher education as |
defined by Section 61.003, Education Code, may be paid twice a month |
at the election of the employing institution of higher education.] |
SECTION 3. Sections 659.083(a) and (b), Government Code, |
are amended to read as follows: |
(a) The [Except as provided by Subsection (b), the] |
comptroller may not pay the salary of a state officer [or employee] |
before the first working day of the month following the payroll |
period. |
(b) The comptroller may not pay the salary of a state |
employee before [shall pay an employee who is paid twice a month |
under Section 659.082 on]: |
(1) the first working day of the month following the |
payroll period that covers the last half of the preceding month; and |
(2) the 15th day of the month or the first working day |
after the 15th for the payroll period that covers the first half of |
the month. |
SECTION 4. Section 659.084, Government Code, is amended to |
read as follows: |
Sec. 659.084. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER. Salaries for |
state officers and employees [paid once a month] shall be paid |
through electronic funds transfer under Section 403.016 unless paid |
on warrant as permitted under that section. |
SECTION 5. Section 659.085(d), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(d) An agency that may contract with its employees for |
employment for less than a 12-month period may make equal [monthly] |
salary payments under the contract during the contract period or |
during the fiscal year in accordance with the General |
Appropriations Act and equitable rules adopted by the comptroller, |
provided that the salary payments are made twice a month to the |
employees. |
SECTION 6. Section 825.405(c), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(c) Monthly, employers shall: |
(1) report to the retirement system in a form |
prescribed by the system a certification of the total amount of |
salary paid above the statutory minimum salary and the total amount |
of employer contributions due under this section for the [payroll] |
period covered by the report; and |
(2) retain information, as determined by the |
retirement system, sufficient to allow administration of this |
section, including information for each employee showing the |
applicable minimum salary as well as aggregate annual compensation. |
SECTION 7. Section 825.407(c), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(c) The designated disbursing officer of each general |
academic teaching institution and the designated disbursing |
officer of each medical and dental unit shall: |
(1) submit to the retirement system, at a time and in |
the manner prescribed by the retirement system, a monthly report |
containing a certification of the total amount of salary paid from |
noneducational and general funds and the total amount of employer |
contributions due under this section for the [payroll] period |
covered by the report; and |
(2) maintain and retain the following information: |
(A) the name of each member employed by the |
institution or unit who, for the [most recent payroll] period |
covered by the report, was paid wholly or partly from |
noneducational and general funds; |
(B) the amount of the employee's salary for the |
[most recent payroll] period covered by the report that was paid |
from noneducational and general funds; and |
(C) any other information the retirement system |
determines is necessary to administer this section. |
SECTION 8. Section 825.4071(c), Government Code, is amended |
to read as follows: |
(c) The designated disbursing officer of each public junior |
college and each public junior college district shall: |
(1) submit to the retirement system, at a time and in |
the manner prescribed by the retirement system, a monthly report |
containing a certification that includes: |
(A) the total amount of compensation paid; |
(B) the total amount of employer contributions |
due under this section for the [payroll] period covered by the |
report; and |
(C) any other information the retirement system |
determines is necessary to administer this section; and |
(2) maintain and retain the following information: |
(A) the name of each member employed by the |
public junior college or public junior college district; |
(B) the amount of the member's salary for the |
[most recent payroll] period covered by the report; |
(C) whether the member is a qualifying employee |
under Section 825.404(a-1)(1); and |
(D) any other information the retirement system |
determines is necessary to administer this section. |
SECTION 9. A state agency may adopt rules to implement this |
Act. |
SECTION 10. The changes in law made by this Act apply only |
to the payment of compensation to a state employee for services |
provided by the employee on or after September 1, 2025. The payment |
of compensation to a state employee for services provided by the |
employee before September 1, 2025, is governed by the law in effect |
on the date the employee provided the services, and the former law |
is continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 11. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |