relating to the establishment of the housing Texas fund to be |
administered by the Texas Department of Housing and Community |
Affairs. |
SECTION 1. Subchapter I, Chapter 2306, Government Code, is |
amended by adding Section 2306.208 to read as follows: |
Sec. 2306.208. HOUSING TEXAS FUND. (a) In this section, |
"fund" means the housing Texas fund. |
(b) The housing Texas fund is created as a special fund in |
the state treasury. The Texas Department of Housing and Community |
Affairs shall administer the fund. |
(c) The fund consists of: |
(1) money appropriated to the board for a purpose of |
the fund; |
(2) money the board transfers to the fund from any |
available source; |
(3) depository interest allocable to the fund and |
other investment returns on money in the fund; |
(4) money from gifts, grants, or donations to the |
fund; and |
(5) any other fees or sources of revenue that the |
legislature may dedicate for deposit to the fund. |
(d) Money in the fund may be used only as provided by this |
section. The department shall allocate annual expenditures from |
the fund as follows: |
(1) 90 percent shall be used to provide grants to |
nonprofit developers of multifamily affordable housing to develop, |
maintain, and manage rental housing for individuals and families of |
low income; |
(2) nine percent shall be used to provide grants to |
nonprofit entities that have demonstrated proficiency, as |
established by department rule, in obtaining and maintaining stable |
housing placements for individuals and families who have recently |
experienced homelessness; and |
(3) one percent shall be used to provide grants to |
nonprofit entities to be used as one-time expenditures to: |
(A) prevent an individual or family from becoming |
homeless; or |
(B) facilitate the ability of an individual or |
family experiencing homelessness to transition quickly into a |
stable housing placement. |
(e) The department shall allocate grants under Subsection |
(d)(2) in a manner that prioritizes in descending order nonprofit |
entities that primarily provide services to: |
(1) families with: |
(A) a child under the age of 18; or |
(B) a dependent with a disability; |
(2) individuals recently released from prison or jail |
after serving a sentence of confinement; and |
(3) adults who are experiencing homelessness and who |
do not have children. |
(f) The department by rule shall provide for the manner in |
which the assets of the fund may be used, subject to the limitations |
provided by this section. |
SECTION 2. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |