relating to the establishment of the Texas Teacher Recruitment |
Scholarship Program and the Texas Teacher Retention Incentive |
Program. |
SECTION 1. Chapter 61, Education Code, is amended by adding |
Subchapter QQ to read as follows: |
The board shall establish and administer, in accordance with this |
subchapter and board rules, the Texas Teacher Recruitment |
Scholarship Program under which the board provides an annual |
conditional scholarship to a student who meets the eligibility |
criteria prescribed by Section 61.9972 and is nominated to receive |
a scholarship. |
(b) The amount of a scholarship under this subchapter is the |
lesser of: |
(1) $40,000 to be disbursed at a rate of $10,000 per |
academic year for four academic years; or |
(2) the amount equivalent to tuition and fees for an |
academic year for four academic years. |
(c) If a student nominated to receive a scholarship under |
this subchapter is awarded a baccalaureate degree prior to |
receiving the scholarship in its entirety, any remaining |
scholarship shall be used to repay any outstanding student loans. |
shall provide in accordance with this subchapter and board rules, |
assistance in the repayment of student loans for certified teachers |
who are entitled to assistance under Section 61.9970(c). |
To receive an initial scholarship under this subchapter, a student |
must: |
(1) be enrolled in a public or private institution of |
higher education in this state; |
(2) enroll in a university sponsored teacher |
preparation program; |
(3) be nominated to receive a scholarship by the |
university in which the student is enrolled; and |
(4) enter into an agreement with the board under |
Section 61.9973. |
(b) In each year, the number of new students awarded a |
scholarship shall not exceed 2 percent of the current teacher |
workforce as reported by the Texas Education Agency. |
(c) For a student to continue to receive a scholarship |
awarded under this subchapter, the student must maintain |
satisfactory academic progress as determined by the institution in |
which the student is enrolled. |
Sec. 61.9973. AGREEMENT REQUIREMENTS. (a) To receive a |
scholarship under this subchapter, a student must enter into an |
agreement with the board as provided by this section. The agreement |
must require the student to: |
(1) complete a university sponsored teacher |
preparation program; |
(2) satisfactorily complete the requirements |
necessary to obtain a teacher certification; |
(3) graduate not later than five years after the date |
the student first enrolls in a public or private institution of |
higher education in this state; |
(4) after graduation, enter into a contract with a |
school district or open-enrollment charter school to serve as a |
teacher for four years; and |
(5) agree to repay the scholarship if the student: |
(A) fails to maintain satisfactory academic |
progress; |
(B) withdraws from the scholarship program; or |
(C) fails to fulfill a commitment described by |
Subdivision (4). |
(b) The board shall adopt rules to exempt a student from the |
repayment of a scholarship under an agreement entered into under |
this section if the student is unable to meet the obligations of the |
agreement as a result of extraordinary circumstances. |
Sec. 61.9974. RULES. (a) The board shall adopt rules as |
necessary for the administration of this subchapter, including |
rules regarding the eligibility criteria and the selection of |
scholarship recipients. |
Sec. 61.9975. LIMITATION ON SCHOLARSHIP. A person may not |
receive a scholarship under this subchapter after earning a |
cumulative total of 150 credit hours or after being awarded a |
baccalaureate degree, whichever occurs first. |
Sec. 61.9976. FUNDING. The board shall administer this |
subchapter using available appropriations and gifts, grants, and |
donations made for the purposes of this subchapter. |
SECTION 2. Chapter 21, Education Code, is amended by adding |
Subchapter R to read as follows: |
Sec. 21.901. INITIAL ELIGIBILITY. A person is eligible for |
this program if they are currently: |
(1) a certified teacher employed by a school district |
or open-enrollment charter school; and |
(2) not eligible for designation under Section 48.112. |
Sec. 21.902. CONTINUING ELIGIBILITY. After initially |
qualifying for the incentive program under Section 21.901, a person |
may continue to receive the award in subsequent years if: |
(1) the individual is employed by the same school district |
or open-enrollment charter school in which they were nominated |
initially to receive the incentive; |
(2) the individual continues to hold a teacher |
certification in good standing with the Texas Education Agency; and |
(3) the individual is not eligible for designation under |
Section 48.112. |
Sec. 21.903. AWARD. An eligible person is entitled to |
receive an annual retention incentive of $10,000 for a period of |
four years. |
Sec. 21.904. NOMINATION. (a) A school district or |
open-enrollment charter school shall determine which individuals |
are eligible for nomination. |
(b) an individual may not be nominated if: |
(1) they have already been nominated at their current |
or prior school district or open-enrollment charter school and the |
current school district or open-enrollment charter school has |
eligible individuals, under Section 21.901, who have not been |
nominated; or |
(2) they have received a scholarship under Chapter 61, |
Subchapter QQ, and their current school district or open-enrollment |
charter school has eligible individuals, under Section 21.901, who |
have not been nominated. |
(c) A school district or open-enrollment charter school |
must nominate annually a number of teachers to receive the award |
equal to 8 percent of the teacher workforce as reported by the Texas |
Education Agency. |
Sec. 21.905. AGREEMENT REQUIREMENTS. (a) To receive an |
incentive under this subchapter, a teacher must enter into an |
agreement with the agency as provided by this section. The |
agreement must require the teacher to: |
(1) be continuously employed by the same school |
district or open-enrollment charter school for four years; |
(2) hold a teacher certification in good standing with |
the Texas Education Agency; and |
(3) not receive a designation under Section 48.112; |
(4) agree to repay the incentive if the teacher: |
(A) withdraws from the scholarship program; or |
(B) fails to fulfill a commitment described by |
Subdivisions (1) and (2). |
(b) The agency shall adopt rules to exempt a teacher from |
the repayment of an incentive under an agreement entered into under |
this section if the teacher is unable to meet the obligations of |
the agreement as a result of extraordinary circumstances. |
Sec. 21.906. FUNDING. The agency shall administer this |
subchapter using available appropriations and gifts, grants, and |
donations made for the purposes of this subchapter. |
SECTION 3. The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board |
shall award scholarships under Subchapter QQ, Chapter 61, Education |
Code, as added by this Act, beginning with the 2026-2027 academic |
year. The coordinating board shall adopt the rules required by |
that subchapter as soon as practicable after this Act takes effect. |
SECTION 4. The Texas Education Agency shall award |
incentives under Subchapter R, Chapter 21, Education Code, as added |
by this Act, beginning with the 2026-2027 academic year. The agency |
shall adopt the rules required by that subchapter as soon as |
practicable after this Act takes effect. |
SECTION 5. This Act does not make an appropriation. A |
provision in this Act that creates a new governmental program, |
creates a new entitlement, or imposes a new duty on a governmental |
entity is not mandatory during a fiscal period for which the |
legislature has not made a specific appropriation to implement the |
provision. |
SECTION 6. This Act takes effect immediately if it receives |
a vote of two-thirds of all the members elected to each house, as |
provided by Section 39, Article III, Texas Constitution. If this |
Act does not receive the vote necessary for immediate effect, this |
Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |