relating to the procedures for the expunction of arrest records and |
files; authorizing a fee. |
SECTION 1. Article 55A.203, Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended by adding Subsection (d) to read as follows: |
(d) A person entitled to expunction under Article |
55A.053(a)(2)(A) or (B) shall provide the court with the |
information required in a petition for expunction under Article |
55A.253. |
SECTION 2. Article 55A.253, Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended to read as follows: |
Art. 55A.253. CONTENTS OF PETITION. (a) An ex parte |
petition filed under Article 55A.251, 55A.252, or 55A.257 must be |
verified and must include, with respect to the person who is the |
subject of the petition, the following or an explanation for why one |
or more of the following is not included: |
(1) the person's: |
(A) full name; |
(B) sex; |
(C) race; |
(D) date of birth; |
(E) driver's license number; |
(F) social security number; and |
(G) address at the time of the arrest; |
(2) the offense charged; |
(3) the date the offense charged was alleged to have |
been committed; |
(4) the date of arrest; |
(5) the name of the county of arrest and if the arrest |
occurred in a municipality, the name of the municipality; |
(6) the name of the arresting agency; |
(7) the case number and court of offense; and |
(8) together with the applicable physical and [or] |
e-mail addresses, a list of all: |
(A) law enforcement agencies, jails or other |
detention facilities, magistrates, courts, attorneys representing |
the state, correctional facilities, central state depositories of |
criminal records, and other officials or agencies or other entities |
of this state or of any political subdivision of this state; |
(B) central federal depositories of criminal |
records that the person who is the subject of the petition has |
reason to believe have records or files that are subject to |
expunction; and |
(C) private entities that compile and |
disseminate for compensation criminal history record information |
that the person who is the subject of the petition has reason to |
believe have information related to records or files that are |
subject to expunction. |
(b) A petition under this article may not: |
(1) list any state or local agency more than once; or |
(2) include multiple contacts or addresses for |
different divisions with respect to the same state or local agency. |
SECTION 3. Article 55A.254, Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended by amending Subsection (a) and adding Subsections (a-1), |
(d), (e), (f), and (g) to read as follows: |
(a) The court shall set a hearing on an ex parte petition for |
expunction not earlier than the 30th day following the date [30 days |
from the filing of] the petition is filed and shall give a copy of |
the petition and notice of hearing to each official, [or] agency, or |
other [governmental] entity listed [named] in the petition, other |
than central federal depositories of criminal records, [reasonable |
notice of the hearing] by: |
(1) certified mail, return receipt requested; or |
(2) secure electronic mail, electronic transmission, |
or facsimile transmission. |
(a-1) The clerk of the court is not required to transmit a |
copy of either the petition or notice of hearing to the Office of |
Court Administration of the Texas Judicial System. |
(d) A state or local agency with an e-mail address that is |
identified under Article 55A.253(a) must accept a copy of the |
petition or notice of hearing that is provided in an electronic |
format by the clerk of the court. |
(e) The clerk of the court may not charge a fee to |
electronically transmit a copy of the petition or notice of hearing |
to an official, agency, or other entity for which an e-mail address |
or other means of electronic transmission is provided in the |
petition. |
(f) The clerk of the court shall charge a fee of $25 for each |
official, agency, or other entity that is listed in the petition and |
that is unable to receive an electronic transmission under |
Subsection (e). |
(g) On receipt of a copy of a petition or notice of hearing |
under this article, the Department of Public Safety shall notify |
the appropriate central federal depositories of criminal records |
listed in the petition. |
SECTION 4. Article 55A.256, Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended by amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (c-1) to |
read as follows: |
(c) After verifying the allegations in the application, the |
attorney representing the state shall: |
(1) include on the application information regarding |
the arrest that was requested of the applicant but was unknown by |
the applicant; |
(2) forward a copy of the application to the district |
court for the county; |
(3) together with the applicable physical and [or] |
e-mail addresses, attach to the copy a list of all: |
(A) law enforcement agencies, jails or other |
detention facilities, magistrates, courts, attorneys representing |
the state, correctional facilities, central state depositories of |
criminal records, and other officials or agencies or other entities |
of this state or of any political subdivision of this state; |
(B) central federal depositories of criminal |
records that are reasonably likely to have records or files |
containing information that is subject to expunction; and |
(C) private entities that compile and |
disseminate for compensation criminal history record information |
that are reasonably likely to have records or files containing |
information that is subject to expunction; and |
(4) request the court to enter an order directing |
expunction based on an entitlement to expunction under Article |
55A.006. |
(c-1) An application under this article may not: |
(1) list any state or local agency more than once; or |
(2) include multiple contacts or addresses for |
different divisions with respect to the same state or local agency. |
SECTION 5. Article 55A.351, Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended by amending Subsections (a), (b), and (c) and adding |
Subsections (b-1), (b-2), and (b-3) to read as follows: |
(a) When an expunction order issued under Subchapter E or F |
is final, the clerk of the court shall send a [certified] copy of |
the order to the Crime Records Service of the Department of Public |
Safety, the Office of Court Administration of the Texas Judicial |
System, and to each official or agency or other governmental entity |
of this state or of any political subdivision of this state listed |
[named] in the order. |
(b) The [certified] copy of the order must be sent by secure |
electronic mail, electronic transmission, or facsimile |
transmission or otherwise by certified mail, return receipt |
requested. |
(b-1) A state or local agency with an e-mail address that is |
identified under Article 55A.253 or 55A.256 must accept a copy of an |
expunction order that is provided in an electronic format by the |
clerk of the court. |
(b-2) The clerk of the court may not charge a fee to |
electronically transmit a copy of the expunction order to an |
official or agency or other governmental entity for which an e-mail |
address or other means of electronic transmission is provided in |
the applicable petition or application. |
(b-3) The clerk of the court shall charge a fee of $25 for |
each official, agency, or other governmental entity that is listed |
in the applicable petition or application and that is unable to |
receive an electronic transmission under Subsection (b-2). |
(c) In sending the order under Subsection (a) to a |
governmental entity listed [named] in the order, the clerk may |
elect to substitute hand delivery for certified mail, but the clerk |
must receive a receipt for that hand-delivered order. |
SECTION 6. Article 55A.352(c), Code of Criminal Procedure, |
is amended to read as follows: |
(c) The department shall provide, by secure electronic |
mail, electronic transmission, or facsimile transmission, notice |
of the order to any private entity that is listed [named] in the |
order or that purchases criminal history record information from |
the department. |
SECTION 7. Article 55A.353, Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended to read as follows: |
provided by Articles 55A.354 and 55A.357, on receipt of an |
expunction order issued under Subchapter E or F, each official or |
agency or other governmental entity listed [named] in the order |
shall: |
(1) as appropriate: |
(A) return all records and files that are subject |
to the expunction order to the court; or |
(B) in cases other than those described by |
Articles 55A.202 and 55A.203, if removal is impracticable, |
obliterate all portions of the record or file that identify the |
person who is the subject of the order and notify the court of the |
action; and |
(2) delete from the listed [named] entity's public |
records all index references to the records and files that are |
subject to the expunction order. |
SECTION 8. Article 55A.354, Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended to read as follows: |
MISTAKEN IDENTITY. On receipt of an order granting expunction to a |
person entitled to expunction under Article 55A.006, each official, |
agency, or other governmental entity listed [named] in the order: |
(1) shall: |
(A) obliterate all portions of the record or file |
that identify the person who is the subject of the order; and |
(B) if applicable, substitute for all |
obliterated portions of the record or file any available |
information that identifies the person arrested; and |
(2) may not return the record or file or delete index |
references to the record or file. |
SECTION 9. Article 55A.356, Code of Criminal Procedure, is |
amended by amending Subsection (c) and adding Subsection (c-1) to |
read as follows: |
(c) Except in the case of a person who is the subject of an |
expunction order on the basis of an acquittal or an expunction order |
based on an entitlement under Article 55A.006 and except as |
provided by Article 55A.357, the clerk of the court shall destroy |
all the files or other records maintained under Subsection (b), |
other than the expunction order itself, on [not earlier than the |
60th day after the date the order is issued or later than] the first |
anniversary of the [that] date the order is issued, unless the |
records or files were released under Article 55A.355. |
(c-1) The clerk of the court shall maintain the expunction |
order in a confidential manner and provide a copy only to the person |
subject to the order after proper presentation of identification, |
subject to any further order from the court regarding access to the |
order. |
SECTION 10. The following provisions of the Code of |
Criminal Procedure are repealed: |
(1) Articles 55A.356(d) and (e); and |
(2) Article 102.006. |
SECTION 11. Articles 55A.203, 55A.253, 55A.254, and |
55A.256, Code of Criminal Procedure, as amended by this Act, apply |
only to a petition or application filed on or after the effective |
date of this Act. A petition or application filed before the |
effective date of this Act is governed by the law in effect on the |
date the petition or application was filed, and the former law is |
continued in effect for that purpose. |
SECTION 12. Article 55A.351, Code of Criminal Procedure, as |
amended by this Act, applies only to an expunction order that |
becomes final on or after the effective date of this Act. |
SECTION 13. Article 55A.356(c), Code of Criminal Procedure, |
as amended by this Act, Article 55A.356(c-1), Code of Criminal |
Procedure, as added by this Act, and Articles 55A.356(d) and (e), |
Code of Criminal Procedure, as repealed by this Act, apply to any |
records and files in the possession of the clerk of the court on or |
after the effective date of this Act. |
SECTION 14. The repeal of Article 102.006, Code of Criminal |
Procedure, by this Act applies to an expunction order entered on or |
after the effective date of this Act, regardless of whether the |
underlying arrest occurred before, on, or after the effective date |
of this Act. |
SECTION 15. To the extent of any conflict, this Act prevails |
over another Act of the 89th Legislature, Regular Session, 2025, |
relating to nonsubstantive additions to and corrections in enacted |
codes. |
SECTION 16. This Act takes effect September 1, 2025. |